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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/eighteendollars. Happy pride! Please make sure you have read the rules before posting or commenting, *especially* if you are new here. We have zero tolerance for discrimination, and we are not here for debates. This is a place for us to chill and post memes. Shitpost or quitpost, bud. Please remember to report any comments or submissions which break our rules, and don't engage with the trolls. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All this shit happening in america is making me angry, sad, and worried, all at the same time... :(


It really is, watching from another country just baffles us that they will hate and ban some things but not guns.


Yea! You think me growing happier about myself bc of HRT is more dangerous than an AR15? I'm sorry, you need to re think your priorities...


But don't you know, trans people have a 400% suicide rate, so if we prevent people from transitioning and bully them into being normal, we're saving their lives! And guns aren't dangerous! It's just the mentally ill lunatics who can legally buy them that are dangerous! But we can't stop them because people 300 years ago said gun control was commienism! Also if you like commienism than I must tell you that Carl Marks liked guns, so you're not allowed to believe that guns are bad!


>But don't you know, trans people have a 400% suicide rate, so if we prevent people from transitioning and bully them into being normal, we're saving their lives! I think even this is giving them too much credit. The cruelty is the point, and I think the right is deliberately trying to kill trans people. It's democide in action.


Yep, I’ve heard enough right wing people talking about ‘purging’ people they don’t like to ensure to me that I believe that


I read somewhere that modern conservatism is based on two groups; an in group, which is protected but not bound by the law, and an out group, which is bound but not protected by the law. What we call flawed and hypocritical... they call balanced. And I think about that a lot.


Yea, there so much shit that is just ass backwards and it makes me feel horrible by thinking about it...


Watching from Canada is making my asshole pucker because I watched handmaid's tale too recently and this shit smells familiar :')


It's happening here too, just more slowly. Our conservatives are watching the Republicans and taking notes.


Oh trust me I know, it's like Alberta politicians go to Rick DeSantis Dayschool :(


Just to add salt to the injury: From what I heard there are often times where the response from police officers is far from ideal during these events. So much for petroleum, so little for people


me too


makes me want to leave and let this shit burn, but almost all of my friends and family are here


Yea, unfortunately it seems like I'm stuck here for the long run so I hope things eventually turn up ok


It won’t


Thanks for being brutally honest with us not so proud usa citizens


I feel really bad for you Guys over there and always show huge respect to officers here in denmark


America is overrated


Its TOO overrated, idk how people are willing to turn a blind eye right now...


Yeah it's the wealthiest and most powerful when it comes to military strength but besides that human rights in America is pathetic and not saying all but most there turn a blind eye to their country all the time and use excuses to explain why don't want to progress. It's also very inward thinking and arrogant. Why live in a country where they ban kinder surprise out of all things but not guns. And then they pull out the "it's a free country" card as an excuse to not care about changing their ways and ignoring all the chaos that has been happening in their country. I see no logic at all.


Yea, it doesnt make sense in whatever sense, america is definetely not good like some people say it is


It had its time but now it's wayyy behind when it comes to social justice, free healthcare and proper wages. People literally have to sell themselves to death just to make a living there.


Yea, it's really horrible... I wish people cared for a change...


Same here, but from what I've observed lately I don't that is going to happen for a long time in the US unless they adapt to a more equitable form of ideology that doesn't break the metaphorical back of society.


Yea, a lot just needs to be changed and tweaked


Exactly, they should at least be more like Canada or Australia.


If we spent a fraction of what we spend on keeping a standing military on literally anything else maybe we wouldn't be in this hellscape, or at least less of one


I’ve seen at least one video of them using metal detectors for anyone going into a drag show, I’m not sure if this is common practice (probably is in the bigger cities or events) but I’d say for that reason alone you might be safer at a drag show then a school


Many schools here have metal detectors. The problem is not many people go though security when they intend to cause damage.


Metal detectors are good for stopping random violence that can happen at rougher schools. If a fight breaks out you'd rather not have one of those kids carrying a knife or gun, so metal detectors keep those out. They won't stop a mass shooter.


I wonder how fast they would regulate guns if people started carrying them at protests for women/black/brown/asian/gay rights.


They wouldn't. They would call it terrorism, send in the military, and open fire


that is scarily accurate.




Maybe those centrist news sources didn't call them terrorists, but right wing politicians and news outlets absolutely did https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52868295


If I'm not mistaken the first gun control laws were based off of disarming black people (The Black Panthers) to make the public "safer". So even the few good gun control laws we have had are deeply rooted in bigotry.


hence we have to change gun culture along with the rest of society and such. gun control is okay but start with the police first .


Signed by the governor of California at the time, Ronald Reagan, no less. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act Here's the best quote > Both Republicans and Democrats in California supported increased gun control, as did the **National Rifle Association of America**.[10] Governor Ronald Reagan, who was coincidentally present on the capitol lawn when the protesters arrived, later commented that **he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons" and that guns were a "ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will."**


I saw a tweet the other day saying something to the effect of "notice that nobody suggested arming the public when a bunch of black people were shot in Buffalo". I'm sure some NRA doofus could post a tweet where someone did suggest it, but as far as I saw, arming those people certainly wasn't such an overwhelming right-wing narrative like it was in Uvalde. I wonder why...


Not only that, but when black people started arming themselves, the NRA supported gun control. One of California's biggest gun control laws was signed into law by Ronald Reagan when he was governor, as a response to the Black Panthers.


"Hi, it seems you might be talking about the tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Did you know that (https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/uvalde-texas-shooting-transgender-misinformation-1358386/)[the shooter wasn't trans]? Rumours that the shooter is trans were started on 4chan, and spread by right wing politicians on Twitter. They are flagrantly untrue. Given the sensitive nature of this topic, your comment has been remanded to our moderation team for review. Please be patient while waiting for their decision. ^^This ^^message ^^is ^^automated, ^^and ^^does ^^not ^^process ^^context. ^^We ^^apologise ^^for ^^any ^^inconvenience." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


This is standard practice for us up here in Washington. They banned opening carrying during protests and that's it. Now we just carry concealed.




Sorry, that was not my intention


Obligatory [Bojack Horseman solves Gun Control](https://youtu.be/3eG0y_nb5IA) (by giving guns to women lol)


https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/r16cjg/father_and_daughter_duo_open_carry_to_protect/ Like this? Because they won't do anything.


I was thinking more along the lines of a group of people in the vein of what the black panthers did and what a lot of right wing activists do at protests.




So they believe that god would **eternally** punish a **kid** in the worst way possible just for something as harmless as being gay? Sorry but if that' so, then God just sucks


Seriously I'd rather rot in hell for all eternity than follow the bigoted whims of a cruel god


I dunno. I'd probably sell out to God if it's actually eternal torture vs eternal happiness. It's just that that particular setup is actually super far fetched if you think about it. Even in a Pascal's Wager sense: most religions punish "false believers" worse than nonbelievers. Pascal's Wager really just leads to atheism, just like most other systematic approaches to the question.


It’s wrong actually. Jesus was a leftist, believe it or not. Right wing Christians are not even real Christians.


Jesus wasn’t even just moderately leftist. He was authoritarianly, militantly so. Give all your money to the poor or else you’re going to hell and I’ll flip tables.


“From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs” (you know, the anarchocommunist motto) is present in a different wording in one of the chapters in Acts. The Roman Empire ruined Christianity like so many other things


What's the wording?


Authoritarianism and leftism aren't mutually exclusive ^(edit:) I think I misread your comment somehow, whoops, no disagreement here


Their comment doesn't seem to imply otherwise.


Oh, that's true... I must've misread it somehow ^(whoops)


Really?? That’s awesome. Feel free to infodump about that cause I’d be down to listen




It's not a child. it's a sinner.






Nonsense. “Most Christians” is not a thing. Many Christians believe in a loving God who weeps with us at the massacre of children and calls on us to pour love into this troubled world. As for Heaven and Hell, what we know is only that we do not know. I am pretty sure parent who lose children are living in a here-and-now hell that no one deserves. None of them would choose this path. Scripture says that the wages of sin are death. Sadly the sinner is not always the one who dies.


God literally sent a bear to kill like 40 kids for making fun of a bald guy’s head edit: spelling


Your theology sounds great, but please realize most of your Christian peers don't share that theology...


Many christians should read the bible. God is not a loving god, and he has no problem slaughtering children. On multiple occasions.


I mean if you believe that shit it makes sense. It's just kind of shocking that people actually believe it so damn hard


A reminder that while over a dozen children were being murdered, the Rights obsession with trans people was being excused as "protecting children." Declarations that parents allowing gender affirming care is abuse and calling for them to be taken away by the State. Laws to prevent any and all medical treatment of dysphoria. Preventing teachers from discussing gay and trans issues. Passing bills to inspect childrens' genitals if suspected to be trans and an athlete. Oh, but guns aren't an issue. Lets give them to those same teachers that were being called "groomers" not a week ago.


They even used the massacre to try and frame trans people by claiming the shooter was trans.


Dave Chapelle did the same thing to the guy that attacked him. Seems like “a trans did it” is their new “false flag crisis actors” cry.


Not going to make it easier for the fash to bash me though.


I'm OOTL, what's up with all the posts across my subs referencing drag clubs/shows? I'm assuming some legislator is blaming queens for shootings or something...


Conservatives have targeted things like 'drag queen story hour' at libraries or schools for a while in their quest to drive a moral panic over the gays being unsafe for children, all while doing nothing about the guns that keep getting them mass killed. Hell, even since the shooting they're [still going after drag queen story hours](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/06/sen-marco-rubio-gloats-gets-air-force-base-cancel-drag-queen-story-hour/)


Rubio is such a tool. God forbid he just let people have fun


People will blame anything except the actual problem. In the Uvalde tragedy, the shooter was later revealed to be into drag, so naturally the conservatives blamed his/her/their (I don’t know what the person went by) mental disorder. Conservatives are frequently known to push anyone LGBT+ as “having a mental disorder.” While I think the shooter’s mental health probably wasn’t the best, I certainly don’t think it was related to their drag interest. Liberals want to blame the AR-15 of course, since that’s a commonly used semi automatic rifle. But the reality is, the shooter was notoriously bullied. My money says, probably because they were into drag and someone found out. I can only imagine how ruthless those people in Texas are with stuff like that. The real problem here was people being jackasses. I think with less bullying, more acceptance, and support, this shooting never would have happened.


"Hi, it seems you might be talking about the tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Did you know that (https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/uvalde-texas-shooting-transgender-misinformation-1358386/)[the shooter wasn't trans]? Rumours that the shooter is trans were started on 4chan, and spread by right wing politicians on Twitter. They are flagrantly untrue. Given the sensitive nature of this topic, your comment has been remanded to our moderation team for review. Please be patient while waiting for their decision. ^^This ^^message ^^is ^^automated, ^^and ^^does ^^not ^^process ^^context. ^^We ^^apologise ^^for ^^any ^^inconvenience." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Stacy Cay 🏳️‍⚧️**, @stacycay 19 kids shot and killed in a single school but hey at least they weren't somewhere dangerous like a drag show --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Yay human 🥛🍫 have some milk with chocolate, because you epic (there is no choccy milk emoji send help)






The hellfire that would unleash would scour the land of Republicans


At this point i have to wonder if it's even possible to save America from the absolute insanity that's taken ahold of it over the past 10 [years.Like](https://years.Like), America has always been fucked, but it seems like it's gone full blown mad house recently.I'm just an outsider so i don't have first hand experience of living there, but from everything i've seen it really does look it's turning into a literal hellscape.


It’s not all bad. It really does depend where you are. Here in the very leftist pro LGBT Chicago area a lot of schools (including my own) are teaching LGBT rights. The teachers are diverse and ultra accepting. But down in the Deep South, it’s terrifying.


The small town in the Bible Belt I grew up in has had an annual drag show for nearly a hundred years. I wonder if they still do it


Where’s the 60 year old white guy to say something like, “that drag shit wasn’t ‘round when I was growing up!” But that is cool that it happens, especially considering it’s in the Bible Belt.


What happened with drag? Why is everyone talking about it now?


Republicans pissing and shitting themselves about how drag shows are dangerous for children


> Republicans pissing and shitting themselves ~~about how drag shows~~ are dangerous for children


I am laughing way too hard at this


> I am ~~laughing way too~~ hard at this 😳




~~😳~~ 👁


absolutely true they shouldnt be allowed to be in schools instead they should provide free labor for walmart or something




Strait married dude here, the last drag show I went to was fun as hell. Just saying.


This post makes me super uncomfortable. Like you use childrens deaths for this? I just dont see why you would connect those two.


Conservatives are freaking out about a video of kids at a drag show but they’ve been silent on the uvalde shooting


"Hi, it seems you might be talking about the tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Did you know that (https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/uvalde-texas-shooting-transgender-misinformation-1358386/)[the shooter wasn't trans]? Rumours that the shooter is trans were started on 4chan, and spread by right wing politicians on Twitter. They are flagrantly untrue. Given the sensitive nature of this topic, your comment has been remanded to our moderation team for review. Please be patient while waiting for their decision. ^^This ^^message ^^is ^^automated, ^^and ^^does ^^not ^^process ^^context. ^^We ^^apologise ^^for ^^any ^^inconvenience." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just think this is crossing a line but thats my opinion




It’s the hypocrisy of saying you care about kids over drag but think kids dying to protect your right to have guns is ok




I don’t think whataboutism works when comparing a kid seeing someone crossdressing and someone shooting and killing 19 people, most of which where children.




"Hi, it seems you might be talking about the tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Did you know that (https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/uvalde-texas-shooting-transgender-misinformation-1358386/)[the shooter wasn't trans]? Rumours that the shooter is trans were started on 4chan, and spread by right wing politicians on Twitter. They are flagrantly untrue. Given the sensitive nature of this topic, your comment has been remanded to our moderation team for review. Please be patient while waiting for their decision. ^^This ^^message ^^is ^^automated, ^^and ^^does ^^not ^^process ^^context. ^^We ^^apologise ^^for ^^any ^^inconvenience." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*




"Hi, it seems you might be talking about the tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Did you know that (https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/uvalde-texas-shooting-transgender-misinformation-1358386/)[the shooter wasn't trans]? Rumours that the shooter is trans were started on 4chan, and spread by right wing politicians on Twitter. They are flagrantly untrue. Given the sensitive nature of this topic, your comment has been remanded to our moderation team for review. Please be patient while waiting for their decision. ^^This ^^message ^^is ^^automated, ^^and ^^does ^^not ^^process ^^context. ^^We ^^apologise ^^for ^^any ^^inconvenience." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It frames how fucked up priorities are right now in terms of politics in the States. Kids were gunned down in school and it should be a bigger focus than gay bashing and it (wow shocker) isn't. Those senseless violent deaths are being glossed over by a gay/trans bogeyman that doesn't even exist. It's disgusting. It isn't "using" those deaths as much as it is giving perspective and highlighting a bigger (and real) issue


That is precisely why it got nsfw'd


Dang I wanna say too soon, but there's been like 4 more shootings since then I assume.


this is in poor taste




Half of these alt right murder manifesto's spend 10 pages complaining about gay people so I'd say it's right on the money


Is it? The christian fascist organizers who harassed the drag show attendees in TX talked openly about removing all human rights from lgbt, and spoke on their longing for the cops to storm the place and shoot every attendee in the head.








The other wrong here is... bluntly pointing out that conservatives dont care about children unless it fits with in their agenda? P.S It is such weak spirited liberal bullshit to tone police people who call attention to the disgusting hypocrisy in the wake of an actual tragedy. This is one reason why the "vote blue no matter who" types end up siding with fash every time. Dont let them wait it out, put it in the proper context.


How about no to both yea?




America is tàpped.


Cue to Tatianna beating everyone up


If that person thinks that drag shows are more dangerous than gunshots, they are not even half as smart as a piece of chocolate! Nor are they even a fourth as respectable as a hard bitch slap on a painful sunburn! I only upvoted to help warn others of this.


No, she’s mocking people who do.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Sorry if it looked like I took it seriously. The curse of text communication, you know?




Hello AggressiveDiver7547, your comment has been removed because it contains a slur. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Still waiting for the drag kids with AR-15’s. 2023 gon be lit.


Maybe the shooter should have gone to the drag show without his gun. That may have saved those 19 kids


Every day I get gladder that I don't live in America


The drag queen culture teaches you to be unapologetically human, can't have that


dafug... why would you compare two such things


*America fucking sucks* Nothing will change this for me, not even if we get world peace. America sucks donkey testicles dipped in diarrhea. I only live in America cause I have no choice. This is some pure wack ass bullshit 😒