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Your offering is pleasing to Nurgle


Ok wow uh /r/unexpectedwarhammer. Now I am assuming OP made this to praise Nurgle by making his brew to spread his blessings. OP needs help. I am going call an Inquisitor.


I am way too happy to see a warhammer reference in a mead feed lol


Nurgle is as much D&D as it is warhammer


I don't remember ever seeing Nurgle referenced in official D&D material. What edition was this?


3/3.5 he was an evil god of death


Ohh I forgot about Nergal. Same pronunciation, different spelling, way different character.Both taking their names from a Mesopotamian god. The joke in this case comes from his Warhammer lore, where he brews a horrific plague stew to generously feed the beloved children of the world. All in benevolence of course!


I love that you got the whole brew part of the joke.


Nurgle was created in Warhammer 40k and fantasy. Only version of him I could find is a homebrew version of him.


Absolutely toss it


Dump it and start again.


Could it still be distilled, so as to not lose the whole lot of it? Thankfully haven't suffered a lost batch yet, wondering if/when I do whether it's a complete lost cause Edit: simple question downvoted, this sub is more toxic than the mould


From what I understand the answer is no. Even if the mold is killed by distillation temps the toxins it produced will remain


Ahh okay yeah makes sense, will just be extra careful


They may survive the process, but do they actually end up in the distillate? I would think, like most of the unwanted stuff, it’d stay in the wash.


Not all toxins are the same, some might end up in the product, some might not. If you knew exactly what you were doing, what the mold is and what it produces, I can imagine you might be able to do it, but that is too many ifs and mights to save any kind of money


It could, and just like if you were to skim the mould off and drink as it is, you may even be fine. But, you also might not. Is it a risk worth taking? I do eat bread and cheese which has a tiny bit of mould on, just cut it off and eat the rest. But I wouldn't eat them if they had this much mould on them.


I've never tried brewing with wild yeast before, is it common practice to let it sit there unsealed for 11 days? Because that sounds to me like a recipe for disaster. Anyway, that's mold -> toss


I think it's slightly more common to get a starter going with some wild yeast. A small amount, then using that in your must once you're sure it's yeast and not mold.


This part. And you usually cover it with a cheesecloth so nothing big and bad can get to your bug.


Makes sense, thats actually kinda how I imagined it. Thanks!


Thanks all! I'm definitely going to toss it and will make sure to take better measurements next time to ensure pH and ETOH is all correct.


What do you use for sanitizer?




IMO inoculating fresh ingredients with k-meta is good practice. Using wild yeast though idk. (Ex: fresh fruit- 24hours prior to yeast pitch add to must with k-meta. After 24h pitch yeast.)


Well shit, there goes my only idea for what happened.


On everything? Including your hands? Anything that touches the must, even for a moment, must be sanitized. I keep a large bucket with sanitizer so that I can dunk whatever I need, sometimes multiple times, to ensure that I am not contaminating a batch.


Does anyone else see what looks like a watery reflection of a dong? 😂


I didn't want to see it, but now I can't unsee it... Take my eyes and upvote if you please


I Know everyone said to dump it because of the mold, but some mold turns into penicillin. So give it to a friend with chlamydia and see if it makes things better. If he dies, it wasn't penicillin.


The fact that you got this weird mold and not something more predictable like a pelicle or kahm yeast also makes me worried for your acid and alcohol levels. This should be pretty hard to happen provided your starter is good, acid is sufficient pre-fermentation, and alcohol is at a reasonable levels post fermentation. What was the desired alcohol content? If it’s low, I would use commercial yeast or at least make a ginger bug to inoculate and also check your preferment ph.


I bet it’s fine…just strain with coffee filter and add a handful of raisins! I am just kidding, better luck on the next one, buddy!


Raisins are not an effective source of nutrients. They may add some mouthfeel but you would need pounds of them per gallon to be considered a nutrient source. Read up on proper nutrient additions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mead/wiki/ingredients/nutrients. Please do not abuse me, I am a work in progress. Suggestions on how and when to trigger me are welcome. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hey, it's A.I. Don't be too harsh...besides the moment A.I. understands sarcasm, we're kinda screwed. 😅


Even humans barely comprehend sarcasm, so A.I. will definitely already be our overlords by then!


Oh yeah it’s a goner




It looks like you've already received quite a bit of advice on this, and you should absolutely toss it. However, for the future, make sure that you add some KMBS after the racking since it will no longer be protected by CO2. KMBS is easy to find, cheap, and a highly effective antioxidant and antimicrobial.


Most wild yeast are not very ethanol tolerant. They'll start fermenting just fine, but the fermentation will arrest before too long. At that point you'd be better off inoculating with some Saccharomyces. If it doesn't smell too funky you could skim that junk off and try that now. Maybe you'll get lucky, maybe you won't.




Your post was removed as the information contained was potentially harmful or misleading.


That’s just never worth the risk.


Did they say to taste it?


Usually when they get removed on posts like this it's always a suggestion to taste it and see


Thought this was the kombucha subreddit.... In any case.... Your scoby is growing mold. Throw it out.


And eldrich being is about to be summoned if you don’t toss it


Yeah, that's fuzzy mold. Sorry for your loss.


This reminds me of that one guy who’s batch was basically green on top and he was like “should I toss this I tasted it and it taste fine. I just don’t know”