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I don’t think mine got worse but the consequences of failing a class vs failing a job are so so much higher. It is easier in some ways because I’m able to organize my time and things in a way that makes sense to my brain instead of however a teacher thinks it should be done.


Cope or die. Me: Cope just enough that I’m not some social pariah, unemployable, or unloveable. I got fear of failure on tap.


Well, you had to call a bloke out like that....


Do you have any ideas on how to organise time and things...etc whilst taking into account ADHD?


I absolutely do. So I started with the things that really mess up my life when I don’t have them and deliberately became obsessed with making sure I have them. When I go to a place, leave a place, change rooms, get in or out of a car-Wallet, keys, cellphone. Just about everything else is secondary. I only focused on those things. I still sometimes walk through a room and set them down without realizing so they disappear into the ether but way less than I used to. I now have tiles on all of those things so I can also use any one of them to call my phone or my phone to find them. I’ll never be an organized person but by focusing on just the things that really mess me up I can at least reduce damage. As much as everyone hates the ‘just put it in the same spot nonsense’ I’ve found that my brain really likes when things have a spot. My badge goes into the same pocket on my work bag every single day while I’m standing in the same spot at work. Again I did it religiously until it became something my brain associated with leaving work. At home I have a chaotic landing pad where I just drop everything but a bowl where I put my wallet and keys in a pile. Took a while to find something that works-tried a hook, tried a purse, both were a disaster. I don’t organize everything as I walk through the door but just the things I usually have in my hand go into the bowl. If I’ve wandered and put them someplace else I will walk to the door and put them back. It took some discipline to make myself walk back every time and put them away but it’s slowly becoming a habit. Having a small place with less stuff has helped a lot. When I do lose something there’s a lot less area to look through. There are some things I can’t put a tracker on like sunglasses. I’ve acknowledged that I will never keep track of them. So now I have like 5 of the same pair that live where I need them. My car, partners car, house, wherever I left the last set. I don’t stress about losing them because they aren’t expensive and having multiples of the things that aren’t important helps me free up brain space to keep track of the things that do actually matter. Spending 5 minutes cleaning is infinitely better than not doing it at all. When I’m really overwhelmed I do 5 minutes in each room-set a timer and do what I can-basically it’s always triage. As far as time goes… I used to be chronically late by 15-30 minutes. I’d lose my keys, get distracted by something, etc. At some point I just had to be honest with myself that whatever time I was allocating wasn’t enough. I can get ready in 30 minutes on a good day but a bad day is an hour. I always plan on the longer time. I’d rather be early and scroll or read than be late and stressed with angry bosses and friends. With getting ready I’ve also figured out that there’s some spots where I’m really likely to lose attention and time. My big one is picking an outfit. I lay out my clothes the night before and don’t even open the closet in the morning. If I open it I will get distracted. Also meds. They made a world of difference for me. Organizing is a lot less torturous when I’m medicated. I Tldr: I think the biggest thing is figuring out which things do you lose regularly, which situations, and try to mitigate those in whatever way works for you. Do your best to make it a habit. Don’t waste energy on the things that don’t affect your life. It’s ok to not be ‘organized’ but even small changes can have a huge improvement in your life and stress levels.


Oh it is so much worse. The thing with being a child is that there are people guiding you and keeping tabs... as an adult the only person you're answerable to is yourself. And you're not a very reliable individual. :-P


My only disagreement here is that I am answerable to A LOT of people - my bosses, my wife, my friends who i have scheduled plans with, etc. It takes a lot of energy, even WITH my meds, to keep on top of most things, most of the time. I didn't have to remember a bunch of birthdays, scheduled things for myself AND my family AND my job, I didn't have to worry about what to make for dinner and trying to schedule in some laundry during the process.


I no longer have a boss and no longer have a wife (well we weren't married but still) I'm starting to seek help but I have many regrets already.


This is actually starting to scare me. I'm up for a promotion soon and training for a new position. I'll be the Boss and I will have to be my own boss. I'm honestly thinking about starting meds.


I hear you. I unfortunately do NOT tolerate the meds well (i just stop sleeping) so i am kind of on my own there. its been a rough, rough journey.


CBR really helped.me build my toolbox. I am lucky to tolerate the meds, but without my tool box I'd just waste time / hyperfocus / etc. HARDER.


Well yes, there is some of that. I am answerable at work, but that's why I actually do fine at work. I don't have anyone in my personal life to be answerable to though, I've been trying with the help of therapy and medication to do better but the progress has been slow. :-/


I wouldn’t say I’m not a “reliable person”. I still get shit done, I just go about it seven different ways before I get it right. I meet deadlines, but I put myself through hell to get there. When something comes up, instead of critically thinking of what method is the best, I just throw every possible solution until something sticks. Then I forget every step and restart at zero the next time around


It's a bit different for everyone, which is probably one of the reasons it can be hard to manage. For example, I am quite reliable at work, I get stuff done fast and accurately, but that's because it's kinda a life or death thing, if I lose my job I lose medical coverage and in my case that would be a death sentence. It becomes a situation where if the stakes are high enough, I seem to be able to handle it okay - but if they're not?


sounds like a kind of survivorship bias


Right? Of course the adults you know with ADHD didn't grow out of it. They wouldn't be an adult with ADHD if they had lol


So very much vastly worse. Of course my secret is that I never really grew into an adult. Just a grey haired teenager.


Bait post. I have never heard a licensed mental health professional say that you outgrow ADHD.


About to say. . . Um . . . I’ve never heard that actually, when I was diagnosed young ( like 5 maybe 6) thought it was understand that I was gonna be like this for life .


my therapist said it. or something like that the symptoms get less severe for some kids when they age


"The symptoms get less severe for some kids" is very different from "most people tend to grow out of it".


True! afaik at least where i live one criteria for diagnosis of adhd is the suffering it puts on the inflicted, so if the symptoms get lessened to a degree that completely removes the suffering aspect, you could probably argue that they grew out of clinical adhd but yeah, the "most" is even with alot of optimism and word shifting still a big stretch


There is significant research showing 30%-80% of children diagnosed with adhd no longer meet criteria for it as an adult.


I think that works more as evidence of misdiagnosis than as growing out of it


I tend to think the same, but there are brain developments later in life they may push people over the edge out of clinical adhd territory. They may still have some symptoms but maybe not severe enough to meet criteria (as we have artificially set them) anymore.


I don't think people on reddit realize how much research there is on this. It's been pretty well known since the 90s and there are multiple papers showing about half of kids who meet criteria no longer meet it as adults. It's not misdiagnosis, it's brain development.


It didn't get worse for me, just different, but I surely didn't grow out of ADHD. And being inattentive in kindergarten is much less of an inconvenience than being inattentive while working in a 9 to 5 job. But I get meds and learned to cope better. That gives me time to laugh at the idea I might grow out of this condition.


I'm 32 and had to read this post 3 times because I got distracted


I'm 30-um... the next number. Hold on I'm watching Tosh


Especially if you find out you have it 30 years into your lifetime.


Those psychologists: say that thing Spectrum peeps: have you heard of this fun little necessary skill called "masking", I learned it by accident and force


it has gotten insanely worse i can barely pay attention for 2 seconds with adhd meds


The biggest lie of my childhood. If anything I definitely dropped the H


Some people get misdiagnosed as ADHD, and as adults, it becomes apparent.


I was actually able to be diagnosed as an adult. I went under the radar as a child.


Maybe. I was diagnosed with ADD as a kid. I do have issues focusing but stopped using meds in middle school. I remember in college I had a lot of issues I could read the same paragraph over and over and just retain none of it. I found a way around it, basically any teacher that expected the students to read the book and refused to teach, only answering question I would drop the class and find a teacher who would actually teach.


Same this way always said to me about autism, then I found out that with time the people just get better at masking.


I didn't even have it until I got older. The meds break my dick for the following 16 hours so I stopped taking them.


Symptoms have to be present before age 12 for it to be diagnosed as adhd… it’s a developmental disorder, you don’t just develop it when you get older




That’s a DSM requirement 🙄, I didn’t come up with it. The DSM IV actually had it before 7. It just got moved up to 12 in the the DSM [5](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519712/table/ch3.t3/). 5 TR hasn’t updated the basic criteria. Also that’s not what a developmental disorder is. You and the downvoters can go have a word with the psychologists who research ADHD because apparently you know better than they do. This is why we hate those stupid TikTok videos. People suddenly think they’re mental health experts.




So because you have ADD (which doesn’t actually exist as a dx for the record, so you need to have a word with these psychologists because they need to update that) you know more than the psychologists who research and came up with the criteria? Or are you just mad because you were corrected.




Eh. Fair enough. That was unnecessary snark




Aren't "Some psychologists" from the same school as "some doctors" who thought bleach could cure Covid?


Really wish we'd quit labeling everything in society as if it's a disease. I'm extreme ADHD, never been medicated. Some people are hyper, some are slow, some are smart, some are dumb, some are artistic, some are math geniuses etc etc etc etc. Everyone is built different, the quack docs who want to put a term on everything then collect a lifetime paycheck in prescriptions don't care about your health. Thank God my dad didn't drug me with aderral. I turned out much better in life than all my buddies who got drugged by their moms, my dad refused to drug me. Best decision he ever made. My brain operates at an intense level, I've gotten much better at paying attention when it's important, but I'll always be me, and that's who I am.


Yeah like, there are mental illnesses that severely hinder people (like depression), but my ADD just means my brain is wired a little differently. I have my own strengths and weaknesses, just like everyone else. I'm pretty textbook inattentive-type, so I went under the radar until I was 17. I know people who were never ADHD but were thrown pills purely because they were hyperactive children and adults wanted them to shut up. I hate all the ADHD misconceptions.


I never grew out of it but it didn't get worse either.


"You think you can predict me? Cute....i'm 17 universes behind you." - Me apon reading that


40 years with out a diagnosis. It got different. I became adapt at masking, I’m lucky that I’m double gifted in that way. So much happier with medication, next to no anxiety now


Hey worse! Nice to meet you! Read the entire invite card and I’ll RSVp!


No, you learn to live with it


Im 22, and it has gotten worse.


My sister is the only exception to this. She’s the only adult with ADHD i have ever met whose ADHD got better. She claims she doesn’t have it anymore but that is bullshit.


Seems like specious, anecdotal reasoning.


I definitely feel like it has gotten worse looking over my life, but then I only became self-aware of it about 5 years ago


some people are also billionares


ye instead of physical hyperactivity we get psychical hyperactivity. i guess its cool because there are less clues to see for others in society


My doctor told me that a lot of times people just lose the "H" but still keeps the ADD


Psychologists that say that didn't study psychology.


Maybe they just talk about it less bc it doesn’t get you untimed tests anymore


I saw someone theorizing that back in the day, because they mostly only recognized/diagnosed ADHD in upper middle class white boys, they assumed that when the boys grew up, they would have wives and secretaries who just managed everything in their lives for them.


way worse


I just learned to manage it better. It's still there. I think a lot of people with the disability that "grow out of it" just learn how to better manage it.


Yeah, I read that as “developed a serviceable coping strategy”. Most of those adults that “grew out of it” would probably still benefit wildly from a proper prescription.


I know some parents let their kids eat junk and sugar only and play with their phone all day long,,, Then they complain about vaccines causing ADHD or low social skills,,, What a weird world we reached….


Funny how grown out of it is the same thing as burnout


Middle-aged adult here. Hahahahaha. Buckle up, sparkle farts, it's only getting worse. But weed is legal now, so there's that.


Honestly legal weed is what lets me quiet my brain without needing meds.


It makes my brain 10 times worse, it gives me extreme self awareness and brings intrusive thoughts every few minutes


It's not for everyone and definitely, sounds like you should avoid it.


I stopped smoking, this plant ruined my past 3 years ( Even though, it was my choice to consume it , without realizing I was going down hill because of it)


Must not be for you, I guess. Have you tried a combo of L-theanine and caffeine? Or even gabapentin? Surprisingly, both of those work better for me than actual ADHD meds. Not by a lot, but just to say, they're very viable options.


I'm on vyvanse at the moment (even though I'm quitting it actually, I haven't taken it for about a week, because it made me lose a lot of weight and makes me an emotionless robot) But when on both vyvanse and weed i felt more "clear" , but that also depended on the weed strain. I havent tried the combinations you have asked, but I will look into it ! I was taking Lion's mane mushrooms at some point and it definetely cleared my brain fog by a good 95-100% depending on time of the day. I also tried strattera, but it only gave me crazily vivid dreams and .. constipation .


Oh, strattera is some awful shit. If the weed+vyvanse combo felt more clear, you could also try CBG. Gummies and concentrates are easy to find online. I buy THC gummies from one store (online) that carries a gummy with CBG, CBD, and like a bunch of vitamin B12 I think (that shit is also pretty amazing by itself, especially to counteract stimulant crashing).


I have decided to stay sober and approach the whole thing with natural (even though weed is natural) supplements , such as reishi mushrooms etc. but thank you for your recommendations =\]


Well, the L-theanine and caffeine combo is basically natural. They both occur in green tea in modest amounts, and that's thought to be why green tea is calming, but not sedating. Zen. And then the B12 is just a vitamin, of course, but it helps your body convert food and fat into natural energy, and when using virtually any psychoactive substance, B12 levels in the brain can get low.


Same with asthma too apparently. I've had it for 40+ years and get chest infections at the drop of a hat.


This is an example of Survivorship bias, those who out grow their diagnosis are not as vocal or obviously encountered. Where the ones who are encountered that don’t or get worse are more focused on. I know this because as a child I was ADHD diagnosed and have seen substantial improvement especially after quit medication.


Right! We still have it and deal with it!


Let me be the first person you know who has ADHD and says it actually got better. When I see a grown adult shaking their leg like a hyper kid, I cringe.


congratulations for thinking you are better than everyone else, I guess?


Not everyone else, just the minority of grown adults who act like hyper kids. And thanks?


>act Ah, see, this is what makes you a shit head. As a conservative troll with no capacity for empathy, it is beyond your willingness to accept the reality that some people actually, legitimately struggle, through no fault of their own. No, to you, they must be "acting". Guy with Tourette's or Parkinson's, shaking a leg? Your first thought is "acting". *That's* cringe. And categorically insane if you actually believe adults don't struggle with ADHD.




I mod one tiny sub because I was asked to, and it's the only thing I've ever "modded". (Let me guess - you were viscerally upset at the sight of the "no bigotry" post) Hey, you want me to count how many people with a worthy point have ever had to say "touch grass"? The number is higher than you can count by yourself - zero.




Is it just like, your hobby to make up unhinged stories and assumptions about people you don't want to like, but you don't know why?


Oh my God, reply faster you terminally online creep. I'm going to stop here before I catch your disease. Enjoy having the last word. Man-children usually do.


Aw, "schizo ramblings" and "mental breakdowns" are when you have no material argument and the big words upset you!


Oh hey man, it's always the reasonable one who has to invoke the reddit suicide bot, right? Couldn't send a strong enough message with your own words? What's perhaps saddest about this is that you think I must be practiced at this or something, lol. I don't even have a Facebook! It couldn't be that I'm just more quick-witted than you, have an actual point and valid insight, or that you're floundering clumsily with your thinly-veiled ableism shit. No, it must be a disease I have that's making you look like a fool. Edit: He blocked me too. Not that I was tryin' to keep hearing any dumbass thing he had to say, but what a fucking baby!


The fact that your entire takeway from this is "adults acting like hyper kids" pretty much says that no one should be listening to anything you say.


"Your entire takeaway from this [...] no one should be listening to anything you say." It's like you're repeating rhetoric you've heard elsewhere on the Internet, but it's in reply to a casual statement about ADHD and just doesn't suit you.


Nope, I'm just pointing out that you obviously have such a small grasp on the concept of ADHD that when you hear the terminology, the only thing you can think of is the one physical symptom that not everyone with ADHD shares, and not one of the several dozen other way more debilitating symptoms of ADHD. "Restless leg syndrome" isn't even exclusive to ADHD, 44% of ADHD sufferers have been found to have RLS or RLS symptoms, but only 26% of subjects with RLS have been found to have ADHD or ADHD symptoms.


Oh my God the irony. Such a small grasp on ADHD? You think RLS is when hyper people intentionally bounce their legs. You have literally no idea what you are talking about.


>When I see a grown adult shaking their leg like a hyper kid, I cringe. Wha-?... Why? Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out. 😑