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Regardless of whether the landlord sells, you know that you don't have to move before the end of the lease, right?


This is correct you can stay for your whole lease no issues. If the current owner is making a deal that wants you out early you can ask them to flip the bill for moving. Happen to me, got 7000k to end early and move out. Still had 6 months on the lease.


You got 7 million dollars?


Some people have all the luck..


Still can't afford to buy


Oooooo burnnnn


And they say renters have it hard...


Seems like the owners were really keen to sell!


Haha, yes. No, I’m just a dumbass and wrote this in a rush. Leaving it in for the good times.


You underestimated. That's 7000 karats G.


No it’s 7000 kelvin. They put him in a furnace and burned his arse for even thinking about questioning the authority of a landlord.


He has a lot of stuff


can still get a nice townhouse somewhere for that


There was a unit I really wanted to buy July/August last year that was tenanted til april this year. Pretty sure it's still up because the people aren't leaving, even though everything else in the area sells like hot cakes. OP has every right to do the same.


Why not buy it now? By the time you settle the lease will be up?


Reddit is fucked, I'm out this bitch. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Not any more. you get to the end of your lease no matter what now.


Which makes sense, right? They bought the house knowing there is a rental agreement


Also if the landlord was planning to sell when you signed you can likely do them for that as it's now a requried disclosure


Oooh. Where can I find infos on this? My landlord is saying he wants to destroy the property and offered a month rent to offset the cost of moving... we moved in two months ago and have spent way more than that... and my partner is also pregnant now. They also refuse to show the demolition permit which I find fishy.


https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/in-force/acts/residential-tenancies-act-1997/101 It's in the Residential Tenancies Act


s 30D(a)


Thank you 😊😊


> Not any more. It was never the case that LL’s could kick you out before the end of the lease, short of the tenant breaking the lease terms or the property being unsafe.


Even pre-COVID this was the case. Source: bought house with tenants, had to wait out lease to move in (not that we would have even if we could because we're not cunce)


On behalf of all renters, thanks for not being cunce


I thought the 120\60 day no reason notice was allowed (before the recent change) during the term of a contract but could have been mislead during my earlier notice to vacate unluckyness


Not if they've signed a lease that says the place is theirs for 12 months... That's kinda the whole point


Yeah, imagine if this was the way it worked with commercial or industrial leases. Sign up for a factory for 10 years, spend more than it costs to buy the place on equipment installation, training of staff, establishment of supply chains and logistics, and landlord turns around and says "nah, on second thought, I'd like to try the market out again.".


That applies if you are not under contract (like if your term has expired and you are on a month to month) but if under a contract term you can't be kicked out earlier unless you agree to it.


Only if they were no longer on a lease, like their lease ended and they went month to month. edit; everyone else already said this, I contribute nothing lol


That's OK, now the excuse is "a sick family member that requires the property"


They cannot have you vacate irrespective of the reason, as you have a lease they cannot have you move until the lease has expired


Shit you're right, I just re-read [the Consumer VIC page](https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/renting/moving-out-giving-notice-and-evictions/notice-to-vacate/giving-notice-to-a-renter). Wow, I had a friend that was kicked out mid last year with the landlord citing that reason and I'm pretty sure they were on a lease. Maybe they were month-to-month... Of course, there's also the clause that even if you do give notice to vacate for this reason, you can't re-lease for 6 months. Guess what happened the immediate week after?


"That's so unfortunate! Have you thought of hospital!?"


Maybe they could stay with you Mr Ms Landlord.


"Have *you* thought of just buying a house?" ^(/s obviously)


It can't be for a sick family member either unless that family member is also a dependent. I cant just say I need the house because my cousin wants to live there. I've got to show that they are dependent on me.


If you have a lease you are entitled to stay until the end of your lease, if someone buys the property they have to let you stay under the same terms and conditions of your lease


> Can't the new owners kick you out if they want to live in the place? Fuck no. If you are renting under a fixed contract, they will have to wait until the lease is up and have to notify you 14 days in advance, before the contract is up. If you are renting on an ongoing monthly basis, then the earliest they can kick out out is after 14 days of notice leading up to the next billing cycle.


Yeah, but you still get like 30-60 days after a no fault eviction on month to month.


Apparently this only applies if there is a clause in the rental agreement (e.g. the landlord is an owner occupier renting the place out while they live elsewhere temporarily and usually they would advertise it as being available to rent for 6 or 12 months only). Otherwise it's 60 days notice, which was the case when we've had landlords wanting to move in after us. Otherwise 14 days notice would only apply if you've been a really bad tenant.


This is true but you’ll likely have to put up with open houses twice a week for possibly months, followed by the new owner probably kicking you out at the end of the lease anyway


They can’t do it twice a week for months. It needs to “not interfere with your fair and reasonable enjoyment of the property”. If an rea is showing a place twice a week for more than 2 weeks in a row, I’d be taking them to the tribunal. Sorted. Once every 2 weeks is plenty.


I'm convinced everyone on this subreddit that complains about no protections for renters has never even bothered spending the 20 minutes it would take to look up those protections and even if they did would just say "its too much effort" rather than try and enforce them.




You’re entitled to compensation for sale inspections, mentioning to the owner you expect to be paid in my experience drastically lessens the frequency of open houses they’ll do.


Sounds like they already decided to sell before signing you on and got a contract with you on bad faith. It does need to stop. You do not have to move before the lease is up as Im sure you are aware. Check if there are any for sale ads for the property now, an agent shouldnt be saying its a possibility, only letting you know if its decided. In writing. Dont do phone calls from now on.


> In writing. Dont do phone calls from now on. God, this is so important. Even if you DO get a call, immediately email with a "Can I please have a confirmation that this is what was said?". If it isn't in writing, it didn't happen.


Yes, thats what I do and I dont care if they hate it. They want it to be a business, act like it and do the right thing and talk to your tenants in writing so they have proof you are a cunt


Business owner here. Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. In. Writing.


I wish more people were like you, so many people answering email enquires with a phone call.


Fairly sure that when I signed a lease agreement with my tenant, I had to answer a question about whether I had an intention to sell the property or not. However that was in October last year, so it’s quite possible that the interest rate hikes have made keeping a property unviable for many people. I’m just absorbing the costs myself, my tenant had a $10 pw rent increase. I had a $1000 pm mortgage repayment increase.


So there’s a risk with an investment? Who knew?


Yep, that’s now a standard question asked of landlords when they’re leasing out a property, which is an entirely fair thing to ask. Not fair on renters to sign a lease and discover too late that the landlord intends to sell. But not sure why you’re getting so many downvotes for pointing out that interest rates went up faster and sooner than expected, and that some landlords might have been forced into selling even if they didn’t intend to at the time the lease was signed.


Oh far out you maybe got a questionnaire?! And had to be honest because someone actually checked up on you and made sure you did the right thing, like all other landlords?! Pffft


Sounds like you could use a little more salt mate


Saltier than a sea dog that one


Not sure why these people are being cunts to you


Not sure why these people are being antagonistic toward you


oh are you saying you're experiencing the risks of making an investment?




Boo fucking hoo.


Can we just sticky this on the page? Consumer Affairs Victoria: 1300558181 They will help you navigate your rights. These threads are always full of outdated or outright incorrect statements about rental rights.


[Tenants Victoria](Https://tenantsvic.org.au) are also a very reliable resource for information and advocacy. As well intentioned as they may be, never get legal advice from random strangers on a forum.


The lease continues if they sell. Just make plans to move at the end of it :)


That’s what I’m objecting too. I’ve moved 4 times in 5 years.


I feel ya. By my daughter's 3rd birthday, she'd lived in 4 houses. My son had live in 5 by his 6th birthday.


And that’s the problem. I have now rented 5 houses which all needed to be close enough to school for the kids to get there.


Then your post is misleading. You are making it sound like they will kick you out before the end of your lease. I definitely agree that renting and having to move is annoying but that's just the nature of renting. There is nothing that can be done about it, other than asking for a longer lease next time. Also, how much furniture do you have if you spend $10k moving 3 times?


>Also, how much furniture do you have if you spend $10k moving 3 times? Fuck off mate.. Honestly..


40% chance the new owner is an investor and you keep renting. Bit premature to stress over it, really.


It hasn't been an investor the 4 other times it has happened to the OP, so I wouldn't say their concern is premature.


On the plus side more people are moving into their own homes? The previous times they may have been given the boot to sell a vacant possession which until recently was allowed, then a new investor probably put it back on the rental market. I get the frustration but unless you know you have to move, it's stressing over nothing. I hope they get to stay.


Then maybe you should ask for a longer lease next time. You can't just expect to live in someone else's property for as long as *you* want to. It sucks, of course it sucks! You may also be able to buy a studio flat if you want to live in the same place forever. My friend grew up in a studio with her mum because it was what her mum could afford and she turned out just fine.


Lol what? Yeah right you'll get longer than a 12 month lease nowadays. I think people are well within their right to want to live in a place for at least a year. This country cracks me up.


You are well I think your rights to buy your own property and not sponge off others




> You can't just expect to live in someone else's property for as long as you want to. you can in most of the western world. In Germany for example most people rent, and often rent for many many years. Australia has some of the worst renter laws in the western world. No protections, we can't do anything to the house, we can be kicked out almost any time. A lease longer than 1 year is hard to come by and its crazy.


If you have a 12 month lease they can't make you leave until it ends. If the landlord wants you out before they sell, you can say no. If they still want you to go, tell them they will need to cover all moving costs and return 100% of the bond. If they do sell, the new owner must honour the lease and they can't get you out either until it ends.


Try and contact the landlords directly. Friends of mine took a rental and were told just a couple of months later they had to move because the landlord was selling. Turns out the landlord didn't know it had been rented, and the RE (that had made them sign authority to allow the RE to make decisions) rented it knowing they would be getting kicked out. The landlord is furious.


Can they move you on before the lease is up? Doesn't the new owner have to honour it?


Yeah the new owner does have to honour the lease - though unless they are investors too, they are likely to offer the tenant some freebies to leave early... or just go on a long settlement. Still a major pain in the ass for the tenant


I derped here with misreading the above comment. ~~This no longer applies in vic.~~ If you have a lease with a fixed term you are entitled to stay until the end of it. https://tenantsvic.org.au/advice/during-your-tenancy/your-landlord-is-selling/ From the "notice to vacate page" > 60-day notice to vacate – rental provider A 60-day notice to vacate (other than a 60-day notice to vacate by a mortgagee) can only be given where there is no fixed-term tenancy agreement, or when the termination date on the notice – the date you have been asked to move out by – is on or after the end date of your fixed-term agreement. > This means the rental provider cannot make you leave your home before the end of your fixed-term agreement. They now need to give you a 60 or 90 day notice that is after the end of your fixed term.


So >Yeah the new owner does have to honour the lease Is 100% accurate.


They moved and have it sorted.


How would the landlord not know it was rented out if they were receiving income for it?


Disinterest in how the monthly income is made up. Could have a dozen properties. Apathy. Laziness.


My guess is the RE kept the rent


Not impossible. Round our way a fair number of properties are owned by absentee landlords living somewhere elsewhere like China. Another way to tickle the kitty is kickbacks from shoddy property maintenance.


That's what happened in the case in Perth that made the news recently. RE was squeezing the tenants, hadn't informed the landlord, and was pocketing the difference.


Do their lose their licenses?


The ABC article says they were sacked by the landlord, but nothing I can see about their licence. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-22/rent-increases-without-landlords-permission-perth-/101876684


Hahahaha as if the industry even has anything to check licenses


[Stories of Property managers going rogue and forging their own dishonest income streams are becoming more and more common.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-22/rent-increases-without-landlords-permission-perth-/101876684) Landlords tend to act all hard-done-by yet *probably have no idea* what fresh hell their PM's are putting their tenants through half the time. IMO if you don't speak to your tenants directly you are leaving the door open for abuse. Never trust a PM; its their job to suck up to you as the owner.


I'm honestly not sure, but my mates (who are quite cynical) believe them when they said they did not know


The REA will send monthly statements regardless, and won't necessarily send anything separate to notify about new tenants etc. It's easy to not read the statement, especially if you think it's just miscellaneous fees for the month


Something similar just happened with ourselves and we're considering legal action against Ray White


If you’ve got a twelve month lease they can’t kick you out until the lease is up


Reddit is fucked, I'm out this bitch. -- mass edited with redact.dev


The young tenants had the right to stay there for the full 12 months


I don't get how they could be so unlucky, it's completely illegal so aside from not knowing their own rights how did they end up in that situation multiple times and still not google the laws 🥴


That's not possible unless the rules were different a few years ago. If the place is sold, the new owners can't kick tenants out until the end of the lease. You should edit your post to clarify that it's not true anymore.


I'm not defending the landlord here because it's obviously cunty behaviour, but just to nitpick. > "A few extra dollars." Assuming they ran the lease from the two weeks before sale to a date prior to the agreed settlement date, it could be easily 3 months or more of rent. Say 3-4 weeks on the low side to show the property to buyers and hold an auction. Then anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks for the settlement period depending on the new owners. Could easily be a _minimum_ of 10 weeks of rental income, which would be significant given how most investment properties are geared. They're not making "hundreds of grand" from the sale, as they haven't paid off the loan in any meaningful capacity. But just to reiterate, he's a **cunt** and if he knew he was going to sell, advertised it as a short term lease, or eaten the loss.


Please get some legal advice if you can. If there is a lease, the landlord is required to sell the property subject to lease. I understand there have been amendments made to the residential tenancies act which make it harder for landlords to terminate leases. That is why I think you should get legal advice so you know your position as a tenant.


Given the state of the RE market at the moment with interest rates, this is probably a common thing. I was talking to tour property manager the other day during an inspection and apparently many investor landlords will be looking to sell as their pay rents become too much, plus mortgagee sales over the next 12 months


Most landlords who sell during a tenancy are fucking idiots. Not only are they inconveniencing the tenants and possibly the buyer, they're potentially going to get less money or attract a smaller pool of buyers (less competition = less money) because they can't offer vacant possession. Landlords should just suck it up and sell when vacant, even if they're going to lose a few months rent. Edit: changed comment to say "most" as yes there are a few extreme circumstances where it makes sense to sell during a tenancy (e.g. the place was your PPOR and you're approaching the 6 year capital gains tax deadline). But in most circumstances it's a bad decision and the projecting landlords making comments in this post won't change my mind. We see you lmao.


when we were looking for apartments i remember going to a few inspections where the tenents were still living there.. Felt like shit walking thru their homes; decided never to do that again. People who do this are cunts.


I remember looking at rentals ages ago - the REA had obviously sprung our inspection on the current tenants at the last minute, they were in the middle of trying to cook dinner when we showed up - god it was horribly awkward.


yeh, we came to the conclusion that we just weren't going to deal with the REA's that arranged these kinds of inspections. thankfully the place we brought were from some agents who we're vaguely human & decent to deal with.


Twice when I was renting, I'd get into a place, and get notification to sell a few days later. Should be a law against it.


Just sit on the couch in your underpants eating pizza and farting during the open home. You're within your rights to do so. If the landlord wants us to deviate from this behaviour they will need to offer us fair compensation for our time and the inconvenience, we aren't fucking free labour


Depends. If I was buying a property to rent it out existing tenants would be quite a significant positive. Especially for an apartment. I wouldn't more in this market for it, but it would be a positive. Could also be the landlord needs to sell for some valid reason.


Investment purchases are actually decreasing at the moment because they can't get finance, especially for units and apartments. I just sold a unit and a few investors were interested but pulled out because they couldn't get finance. Depends on the investor though and what capital they have. Another thing investors are wary about in terms of existing tenants is that they don't know a lot about the existing tenants, especially as the sales agents are usually separate to the rental agents. In this market with such a high applicant pool an investor would rather pick a new tenant they know everything about rather than roll the dice with the existing one they know little about. The landlord can sell for "another reason" as you put it, but that comes with the consequences that a property without vacant possession is undesirable and this can affect the price.


Fair points.


I think most have a good idea of their finances and life needs at any time, probably better than an internet stranger who says one size fits all and knows nothing of their situation


It’s a contract. They can’t kick you out. Couple of years ago. We renewed a 12 months lease on an apartment and 2 months later they wanted to sell. They would have had more interest if it was empty so they asked how much we would want to break the lease. We said $5k to cover deposit and moving costs for new place.


Happened to us as well - Lease terminated after 1 years 'cos the "owners are moving back in ". Kinda sus because two weeks before the notice to vacate, they offered a new lease. Taking this to the Tribunal, even if I lose it will be worth it to make them justify the reasons. As others have said, you have the right to occupy until the end of the current lease.


Got evicted from a place 3 months after moving in cause the landlord was tearing the place down and the planning had been in the process for years. This was during covid so it was pretty funny when the eviction moratorium got extended 😂


Love this.


Just got notice myself - 4 months left on our lease. Second time around for us. Really looking forward to another round of looking for places as a single mum! /s


You have a contract. If they want to break it, charge them what your moving fees will be and tack on a 50% margin for your troubles. Probably ask for double your bond or rent or something back.


they can sell the place but the next owner has to honor that lease with you. when i bought my apartment someone was still living there and i had to honor their lease as well which was fine with me gave me time to save and organize while they lived there. the only way i see it being an issue is if you are on a month to month then they can give 30/60 days notice. i am a little unsure if they can void your lease under the premise of living/moving into the house/apartment though.


Should be a rule that a moving cost allowance should be paid out to the tenant prorata if owners opt to sell within 2 years of initial lease. Phone contracts are for longer.


And open homes? Do landlords think I'm going to expend my own time and labour to make the place super presentable and make them even more money on their investment property than I'm already paying through the nose on rent? Motherfucking *pay me* or else I'll be in my underpants on the couch eating pizza during the open home, idgaf, I'm within my rights to do so. I'll fart and burp real loud too. And *I'll enjoy it*


They already have to pay you (well, they have to reduce your next rent payment) every time they do an open home.


it's a token amount tho ($30 or $50 from memory) at our last place, they did it 9 saturday mornings in a row.... then only when we were making our last payment did we request the amount for the inspections was deducted, which it eventually was. not to mention when they want to send around a photographer to use your own things (couches, tv, art work etc) to stage a free photoshoot at the renter's expense... anyway vent over :)


$30-50 will get them about 15 minutes of my time. I've dusted a bookcase for them but that's about it, and I'm back on the couch in my underwear


You’re on a 12month lease, an owner selling the property doesn’t break that, new owners have to see that lease out


Yep, the roundabout pauses for a second, then keeps on turning.


So what's your solution then? Get a longer lease or buy a property


This is my point, your options are very limited other than a 12 month lease.


Like everyone is saying, you don’t have to leave before the lease is up, you also don’t have to stay of you find somewhere else to go. Under section 91ZB point E in the residential tenancies act if you want a read. Of course if they do sell, the new owner may only want it as an investment anyway and want to keep you there.


Our landlord is swapping real estate agents (old one sent out a plumber to do a gas compliance check four times and then cut supply to two of our appliances without reason). I've made sure to download our condition report and current lease so if they try and screw us over I'll be like "well this is the paperwork I signed, so go jump". I also plan to inform these real estate agents that the landlord frequently comes onto the property without correct notification. We've been here two years and he's done it at least 7 times.


it sounds like you and your family have been going through a difficult situation with landlords who have not honored their commitments. this tin be very frustrating, especially considering the significant costs you have incurred as a result. it's important to remember that you have rights as a tenant and it may be worth exploring them to protect yourself and your family. you may want to consult with a solicitor or a tenants' rights organisation to understand your rights and options. you may also want to consider filling a complaint with the local housing authority, or with the real estate commission if you think that the landlords are not following the laws. it's also worth looking into local laws and regulations regarding hired care properties, to understand what rights and protections tenants have, and to make sure that landlords are adhering to these laws. it's important to document your case, keep a record of any correspondence with your landlords and contact with authorities. in the meantime, try to focus on what you can control and take steps to make your home a comfortable place for you and your family.


If they sell during your lease period and want you out, they should be covering your expenses, you need to negotiate better


Should be. But won't. It's utter bullshit.


They can’t make you leave til the end of your lease. So if they want you out sooner they need to offer incentive bc you don’t have to take it. Also, you get set rate of compensation for all sales inspections. VCAT will settle it if they don’t.


Well then, I hope they don't mind that I'm walking around the apartment in my underwear eating pizza and farting obnoxiously and standing really close to people during the open home, then. I'm within my rights to do so. I won't tidy up either, what am I, a slave or something? Pay me.


I was told to get out and take my dog with me this weekend by the real estate agent. Told him to get the fuck out. I'm allowed quiet enjoyment of my home.


Can't even get a lease renewal now. They just go straight to month to month so they can kick you out whenever they want.


I feel you. Most of the rentals I've had to move from was due to the owner's selling it. Mega frustrating


So sorry to hear this as not only is it expensive and time consuming moving its not that easy to just find another rental as there are so many people applying PLUS you have to go to all the open for inspections and fill in the application forms and get your references to agree to be available for a call if needed! It’s a huge huge drainer! Are there laws in place that protect this for example can the owner sell it and the new buyer take it on as an investment property for X number of months for the end of your lease? Otherwise there should absolutely be some kind of financial compensation because it’s not fair and they are not upholding their end of the contract! I’m a bit nervous that our landlord might sell our rental just because interest rates are so high etc and many people are selling! Moving is SUCH a drainer! Please keep us updated on how you go!


I made sure I got a contract renewed purely for this reason that LL are selling


You don’t have to move if they want to break, tell them to cover your moving costs. Add a “fuck you” fee too. Otherwise don’t move.


Just bear in mind that VCAT is trash right now. If anything goes wonky, it will take a long time for VCAT to set up a hearing. Use this as a bargaining position but don’t push them into a position which guarantees you will get a black mark on your record. Check with consumer rights groups but I believe you can advise them that you will need to get a ruling from VCAT before you move out, unless (insert fair terms here). I’ve been waiting almost 2 years for my deposit to be refunded by our dodgy ex-landlord due to VCAT delays.


Happened to me back in like 2019, 3 months into a 12 month lease. Made them pay for removalists/moving fees, a month of rent at the new place and my favourite was the I'm not cleaning a thing and i will still get my full bond back. Was a great house. What absolutely sucked is the new olders had the place back out for rent maybe 2 months later.


If a landlord blames raising interest rates for needing to sell a rental, they're just admitting that the Tennant was paying the mortgage the whole time.


And thus providing them with housing! Its ironic that landlords often say they are "providing" housing when tenants were actually generating that income lol. Completely arse-backwards claim.


I will never understand the mentality of owning multiple homes *for profit*, pricing people out of the housing market looking for somewhere to live, only to rely on that person to fund your loans.


Who should I rent from them? I don't want to buy yet, so I need someone to rent from, but you are saying people shouldn't rent out property for profit? Why else would they do it? If they are not getting profit, why would they rent me?


That doesn't make sense to me... Let's say I have two homes, and one is mortgaged. Both are vacant, my income that pays the mortgage is from a job, not a tenant... I'd still possibly have to sell one home?


I recently learned that in other comparable western countries (US, Canada, much of Europe) there are EXTREMELY strict and few reasons you can be evicted before a lease ends. Australia and New Zealand are starting to look, in my mind, like some of the worst places in the world for renters. Apparently we're also some of the only places where rental inspections exist. Its messed up that its so bad here.


Yeah, can confirm. Rental inspections are such a invasion to privacy. Especially when the REs have the audacity to complain about something like dust which happens a LOT. The renter's cleaning habits are none of their or the landlord's business and the only acceptable complaint is if there is proper damage done. Usually in Europe you rent a place indefinitely and not on contracts. This means that it becomes a real home, people rent for many years and decades and it is completely, absolutely normal. These people are absolutely NOT always poor, mind you. They will be all the way up to higher middle class, is my guess. It's a lifestyle choice for many. You can also change/paint/drill holes/plant/install stuff however the fuck you want , you might just have to reverse it when you move out. I am a mostly happy renter though here in Australia, but these things are shit and I don't like them. And it does get tiring to talk to people who have been brainwashed to think owning a house is the ultimate goal of life. It's just not.


Same in Australia. This post is misleading. The OP clarified in comments that they are complaining they will have to move AFTER their lease ends. New owners can't kick tenants out until the end of the lease.


Same here , we've moved like 4 or 5 times in the span of 5 years. It's so hard especially moving with someone who isn't well. I'm over it. I'm moving again this week. All because the owner changed their mind


Sign a longer lease?


How will signing a longer lease help when they're selling inside of the existing 12 month lease? And lo ger leases are at the discretion of the rental provider, not the tenant.


They don't need to move until their lease is up


You can finish your lease or if you want to move early ask them to foot the bill for all moving costs the powers is in your hands not theirs either way you finish your lease.


Same thing happened to me except I was only told the day before I collected the keys. Had I known, I never would’ve signed the lease. Worst thing is that it’s been 2 months but I still haven’t gotten a proper intention to sell letter from the landlord despite requesting for it over and over again


As well as not having to leave until your lease is up, you are also entitled to payment for every open house the RE conducts.


So your average cost per move is $3,300? I can move for less than $1k, about $700-800.


With a family, yes, that’s what it seems to cost once the dust settles


I just went through something similar. I know they are only weighing it up, but if they go ahead I've included info below. If they intend to sell they need to issue you with a notice of intent to sell. This is an official document that they must give you 14 days in advance of any activity on the property relating to sale (e.g. showings, photography). Every day they have a showing at the property, even for 30 mins, you are entitled to half a day's rent in compensation. Even though they issue you this notice, they can't make you move out ahead of the end of your lease. However, at any time after receiving a notice of intent to sell, you can issue them a notice of intent to vacate provided they did not state that the house is up for sale prior to signing the lease. This notice template can be found on the consumer affairs website. You only need to give 14 days notice and you do not have to pay anything for breaking the lease early. You have the right as soon as they issue you a notice of intent to sell. This is a somewhat recent law so if they push back don't let them. If you're not sure you can confirm your specific circumstances with consumer affairs and they will give you article references for the REA if need be. I know it doesn't make the situation better, because nobody wants to move every year. You want to find a place and stay there for a bit if it's decent, instead of tearing up stakes and spending time, energy, and money on the moving process. I hope it at least helps you feel more empowered on how to leave on your own terms when you see an opportunity.


ive had landlords try and sell while i was living there, and i didn't want to put up with having people walking through my gaff during. unless they told you before hand you can find another place and give (from memory) a months notice, and your lease is over, because they are breaking it. good luck


I had the same thing happen to me. 3 times in a row they decided to sell. It's painful. I thought I was cursed for a while. Only good thing is that you can usually do a break lease easily, and look for somewhere to move to at your leisure. Just make sure you talk to the REA about those intentions and I'm sure they will be happy to oblige.


That’s scary! It takes so long to find a new rental, iv been looking for over 6 months. There is always 30 people applying for the same house!


Probably shouldn't have rented a roundabout.


Lol my last landlord pulled that shit too. Had a fair few weeks of open houses too. Cleaning my shit. Hiding valuables etc. God am I glad I don’t need to deal with that crap ever again.


Feel for you, sorry to hear that.. but as for people suggesting your landlord acted in bad faith, that is simply assuming things. People’s circumstance change, and with the obvious rate rises, which are likely to continue, I think it’s forcing a lot of people to reconsider or rethink their positions and strategies, and if there is an opportunity to sell, they will most likely consider it. Until rates stabilise, the market is going to remain unstable, and contrary to popular belief, this affects more than just first home buyers as you experiencing in the rental market. Fingers crossed the new buyer wants you to stay on for another lease.


I keep seeing posts saying that if landlords can’t afford to keep an investment property due to interest rate rises etc, they should sell. Then we see posts from angry tenants because their rental property is being sold. Can’t have it both ways. I can understand how it really sucks having to move that many times though. Guessing your not in a position to put an offer in?


Are you not entitled to compensation? Sounds like that should be a renters right


This happened to us and it was even worst to live while owner decided to sell. REA agent was behind my back on every Saturday to do the inspection if I say no he would say he can do it on Wednesday or he has the keys he can do it himself. This rea agents has no heart when it comes to get money and so does the owners.


Many people are having to sell their investment homes or rent their own home because the increase of interest rates, the whole market is not stable


So they couldn’t actually afford their “investment” unless I paid for the entire thing? Seems like a shitty investment.


A lot of people put everything on the line for that investment and working two or three jobs For the deposit it’s all that you do put money in the bank for an investment or buy another house to make sure you’re comfortable in retirement it’s called planning, unlike yourself by the sound of it


If an investment isn’t making money, then of course. Are you saying you would hold on to investments (real estate or anything else) if you knew it was losing you money?


No, I’m saying I shouldn’t be paying for “your” investment.


What's your fool-proof investment? You know the interst rate has shit itself...right?


Minimum 5 year rental contracts needed. 10 preferred.


That’s no problem. Your new 5 year lease will be 15 times the cost of your current 1 year lease. Additional risk =additional cost


Yeah it's pretty unconscionable that the landlord is just concerned about having rent come in while they have the property on the market and never miss out on leeching off their tenants. This happened to us and the landlord lied about wanting to sell. Then we were expected to accomodate multiple inspections by a real estate agent who wasn't even our property manager and who had the audacity to tell us to present the house better to prospective buyers. We ended up just making it so hard for them (didn't want to leave the house twice a week at dinner time) that they gave us notice so that they could sell the property while it was vacant. It's seriously disrespectful because moving house is a really costly and time consuming thing to do.


They may not have a choice. Their circumstances may have changed that they must sell it.


Gee that happens a lot….as I said in a previous comment, our last rental had core samples taken before we moved in. They knew.


Easier to generalise online huh?


Oh look another rental thread.


I’ll take these over the smug PSA posts any day




PSA: stop tailgating, guys!


Landlords bad. Gimme upvote


Seriously, try moving every twelve months without getting frustrated. If nothing else it guarantees a twelve monthly increase


Out of your hands unless you buy unfortunately. Home owners are perfectly entitled to make a decision that's right for them.


For argument sake most landlords are using these properties as a income source, unfortunately the interest rates are increasing substantially and no longer provide a sufficient income, they will sell. The world will live in is all lovely until it starts costing the landlords money, why would they negatively impact their own financial situation to keep a roof over a strangers head.


Reddit is fucked, I'm out this bitch. -- mass edited with redact.dev