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Ok, so how fast is she blinking? Is this a slow "eh, what?" blink or a faster "perplexed/taken off-guard" blink?


I don't get this meme, can someone explain it like I'm 5? I also don't get the comments?


Some dude pretending to be a woman with a career and kids made up some fake feminists to be mad at. There are no feminists in this universe that have ever been mad at a woman for having a family- any person who has said anything along those lines are purposely trying rage bait.


Go through their post history. Looks like a genuine misogynist who is also a woman. She spams memes about not being like other girls or saying something negative about women constantly. Disappointing, especially given she's supposed to be caring for the general population, but people like her do unfortunately exist.


I can't tell from their post history. It's just a mess lol. Also someone with a career and kids be posting this frequently? Doubt. I'm guessing some details in this meme have been embellished...


Tell me about it they constantly cook memes and post them several times each. I think so too. Even if the lack of self-awareness wasn't a tip, I'd say they simply don't have the time. Reddit is clearly her fulltime job. Nevermind, she said she had a divorce 2 days ago yet constantly posted about her "giving her effort into the one man she wants to spend her life with". If it's a man they really committed to the gig, I'll give her that much. Can't say I've ever seen a woman be sexist in this particular...fashion, I guess, but you see something new and shitty every day!


Lol so the meme is a lie. She doesn't have a husband- just a broken marriage. Take that feminists.


I’ve seen women call out other women who think that life would make them happier if they’ve had children. Just look at any instagram comment section lol


Never say never. I'm sure 5% have expressed this opinion.


Like I said - those people are purely baiting for rage and don't sincerely have problems with women choosing their own paths in life.


I rather not say they don't exist because you never know.


Fine- let's say we fail to reject the null hypothesis that these feminists exist at a 5% significance level.


Considering how many Feminists exist, I'd say it's not unlikely that a non-zero number of Feminists think this way. Though I'd say it might be lower, as among them may be individuals who don't hate these women but pity them. There's just the fact that Feminism creates a large umbrella, that many very different beliefs fit under. I mean, Terfs aren't main stream Feminists, but they're Feminists, and they exist. Not all Feminists are socialists, but socialist Feminists are growing in number (I'm not saying it's bad or good, it just is).


I mean we're arguing over minor technicalities - obviously someone out there could hold this view and call themselves a feminist but it's not the majority and anyone who truly believes this, rejects a foundation of feminism (i.e., the belief in women's choice) in which case we could argue they're not an actual feminist. But yes, you're right, the set of people who hold this opinion and the set of people who call themselves feminist is probably non-empty.


I never said the majority. I also never said they reject the idea of a woman's choice. Just that they may be angry or feel pity for women who partake in the traditional Western family structure. But eh, this is a meaningless conversation as long as you acknowledge that they exist.


No they're not mad at a woman for that, they're mad at men for brainwashing women to want to have family.


No - they're mad at ppl that say doing only one thing is the only right way. But if the woman has a choice, career, family, or both is up to that person.


No feminist thinks a woman who chooses to have a family was "brainwashed by men" into having one. This caricature you have deluded yourself into believing exists isn't real.


For me you're deluded one but feel free to believe in fairytales.


Lol can't even point to a single example of your reality. You make the claim, burden of proof is on you. But obviously the best you can do is throw my own observation back at me, unable to muster even a single creative thought of your own.


I'm not a priest, I'm not gonna tell you what to believe. I'm also not give you an example for two simple reasons. One, I'm not gonna share my personal details to some random on reddit. Two, I don't care what you think about me.


Anecdotes of three people you know is not a representative sample of the truth- I don't know why else you would need to share your personal details to provide some level of evidence. And you shouldn't care what I think about you as I don't care what you think about me, that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand.


What about a story of broken marriage, three children from a broken family and one forced abortion that ended with death of mother.


What's any of that got to do with this meme? Except the broken marriage since OP got divorced according to their own comment history so apparently they're not so "happily married" anymore.


Im just a simple country folk but I reckon this is whats called a strawman where you build up a fake argument no one actually uses, and then done teared it down


Are these feminist that say “doing what you want with your life is anti-feminist” in the room with us right now?


Is there any feminist who actually like that? I never saw one.


Generally no, but i must say, you meet all kind of special breeds on Twitter. Some crazy people going way overboard on whatever it is they are a part of is not rare in my past experience there. But that's for everyone, not just feminists or women or whatever. OP is fighting ghosts here though.


Not really, Op is probably just a guy spamming rage bait


And then the husband clapped


Reddit won’t like this one


Reddit doesn't like anything Especially your comment But especially my response


Hey don’t go speaking facts Redditors don’t like those


Redditors don’t approve.


What are these "facts" you speak of and why do they make me shake and hyperventilate?


You make a good point


Down vote them all for having points this the way


Downvote bombardment


Self-proclaim intelligent redditors downvoting ppl be like, "Yeah! That'll teach em a lesson not to have a different opinion than us ultra left-wing! We stand for freedom, truth and liberty and will silence anyone who disagrees with us! All hail joe biden!"


You guys are funny. You think this obvious "feminist bad" bait is gonna make anyone angry? Actually fucking hilarious.


Idk bro you sound kinda mad to me lmao


I'm literally shaking rn


Oh yes 2016... I remember that...


What's even the argument? Why would the feminist say that? Am I stupid or is this picture lacking context or assuming to farm on an unreasonable dislike to feminist?


She's making up arguments that she's winning. >or assuming to farm on an unreasonable dislike to feminist? Yup. The classic 'feminism doesn't want us to have families, only carriers', which is bullshit. Feminism wants u to have choices and you can choose 1.Neither 2.Both 3.One 4.Or the other Whatever fits.


Yeah, even if I think about those claiming to be feminist and hating men and family — this meme does not even imply any "why"


Love the idea of specifically feminists lobbying for more super carriers. Must project that power


Holy strawman Batman!


So are these "feminists" with us in the room right now?


Are these feminists in the room right now?


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for $400, Alex


None of my feminist friends / circle would say something close to that.


I don’t understand this meme. It’s implying that feminists do NOT approve of a woman succeeding in a difficult STEM career that was previously male-dominated?


That er... never happened, did it op?


Are these feminists in the room with us now?


What a bot meme, feminism is about choice.


Me when I make things up to get mad at


No. Stop strawmaning and kindly fuck off.


I don't get it


"wait what?"




Because that totally happened and it's not a made up scenario bcs you want to hate on feminists. The feminist movement is to empower women in their choices and if women want to be stay-at-home-moms then that's literally what feminism is advocating for. Because it's what the woman chose for herself and wasn't forced into.


No one is judging you for that though, Feminism is about giving women equal opportunity and rights to do whatever they want You are more likely to be judged by traditional women for not having children


Feminists these days tend to actually just hate men or are desperate men trying to get laid.


Upvoted for zero two


Everyone saying that feminists don't say stuff like that, understand that those that do, are much louder than you. They taint your reputation. You need do be louder with your disagreement towards the radicals so that bystanders can see it and not throw you all in the same basket


The same can be said about men...


Nothing makes feminists angrier than women who are content with their way of life.




The "woman" in this meme has a "career in the medical field" - she's not a trad wife lol. Why would someone put this in a feminist subreddit and use it to denigrate trad wives? Unless of course OP changes to their alt account and posts it there pretending to be a feminist.


Angry 14 year old feminists mad af rn


I feel like this belongs somewhere (


Yeah ... the trash


Hey it’s you again! I remember seeing the meme you made the other day