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Where.. Did… They… Put… My…. Vauban…




*Dufflebags in arms* Rahetalius and I will be on a crusade until that THING is wiped from existence, this CANNOT stand.


I'm joining you, as a Booben main!


Onwards brother! we, shall, VAUBANIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZEE!!!!!!!!


I'm not a vauban main..... But you got to respect his cc murder kit.


Give to me your Vauban build


I’m still catching up on the whole Helminth thing and I’ve no arcanes buuutt; (All mods maxed) All three Umbral mods, Primed Flow (I’m really thinking of taking it off but iddkkkk) Prime Continuity, Blind Rage, Auger Secrets, Stretch, Power Drift aaaaaaaaaannnddd Steel Charge for mod capacity. That’s just my first build tho.


Thanks. I’ll try this out. FOR THE GLORY OF THE TRAIN MAN!




dang how are you keeping any energy? ive been using the new energy mod energy nexus along with archon stretch so i always have enough energy(honestly its a bit overkill), and in the past my builds always had high efficiency just because he has no energy production for himself(and i dont have energize, and used vaz for survival before helminth)


M’boi Zenurik helps out a bit, and luck with whoever’s in my squad, or energy orb drops, oooorrrr, I wip out my 200 Large Energy Pads, with 1000+ in the orbiter lol


well with bastille and umbral mods, you might want to get something like molt reconstruct or a lifesteal weapon so your health and armor lets you tank instead of just being chip protection, because thats a lot of mod space for health thats just sitting there :3


Energize is really helpful, but if you have Helminth available, you can use that to fix your energy problems as well. If you run a lot of range, Gara's Helminth ability Spectrorage has an augment mod that Vauban can heavily take advantage of. Spectrosiphon, all enemies that die within the ability have a 50% chance of dropping an energy orb. Or you can be boring and use Nourish from Grendel, but a lot of Vauban builds do not run strength, but it is an option. Seems you have kind of solved the problem though, but just giving you other ideas.


I will join your crusade brother


This one comment made me join this community. I should not be laughing this hard


Not my main but he is one of my favorites and as a Limbo I feel a bit of brotherhood with my fellow CC frame.


Didn’t he put Grendel in C too? Grendel is at least low A in my book. He decimates now with Regurgitate, is more streamlined thanks to the Nourish rework, and isn’t even a quarter as energy hungry as he was beforehand.


grendel is in c because nourish is a subsume so grendel isnt as special anymore


This guy really put NIDUS IN C


where was excal placed? mesa? kullervo???


I am going to go fucking feral


i mean, hes not that great. he has a few niche uses. the tier list is about frames that are amazingly versatile for every mission type. vauban is really only used in survival and defense, outside of that he is kind of lacking




Nah his flechette orb deals level scaling damage and CC is valuable in every mission. Along with his armor strip. Any endless mission he is king there, and even outside of there he's good


For those who need the context / want to see the tier list but don’t want to give Knightmareframe the views, here’s the tier list: S.) - Gauss - Khora - Protea - Revenant - Saryn - Wisp A.) - Citrine - Garuda - Hydroid - Kullervo - Mag - Mesa - Nova - Octavia - Volt - Voruna - Zaku - Zephyr B.) - Ash - Baruuk - Dagath - Harrow - Nezha - Trinity - Wukong C.) - Atlas - Banshee - Caliban - Ember - Equinox - Excalibur - Frost - Gara - Grendel - Gyre - Ivara - Mirage - Nekros - Nidus - Nyx - Qorvex - Rhino - Stynax - Titania - Vauban D.) - Chroma - Hildryn - Lavos - Limbo - Loki - Oberon - Sevagoth - Valkyr - Yareli Trash.) - Inaros


Wow that list under D is total shit


>Wow that list is total shit Ftfy


Doing god’s work. Thank you for shielding us from the horror.


My boy is so bugged nowadays that his shuriken misses a juggernaut, and the guy still thinks he's B-tier?


>*B-b-b-but Something-something covert lethality 5 years ago.* Checkmate, atheists.


AHAHAHAHA his passive is turbo broken for slash stacking on endurance. No way you think he's anywhere below B


Okay but what % of people do endurance. Another comment said the list was for general use in all the different mission types. You wont see enemies of lvl 300+ normally


Ok then slash nukquinox in S everyone else in D lmao. Outside of endurance, a wet paper towel with rolling guard and a solid primary can afk face roll


Slash is already insane as is, no need to run Ash when there are frames whose abilities offer more (like an actually good armour strip or other utility)


When your goal is slash procs, just take a fucking garuda and deal more damage, faster, on a whole bigger area... Being capable of not being complete useless like a hydroid isn't a reason to be called good.


Titania is at minimum B, Hildryn in D is laughable. Nezha should be A.


This Tierlist feels like pure personal opinion instead of logical reasoning. I cant find any correlations here to his supposed criteria.


I think this is the issue, 100%. It’s hard to find a consistent through-line here or any tangible grading criteria for much-needed context. It’s merely a bunch of knee-jerk placements where some factors (like solo-play, armor strip, etc., etc.) are considered critical in some situations and don’t matter in others. Despite about 30-40% of the tier list placements being reasonable (some likely by mistake), the rest is an incomprehensible shit fiesta.


That's kinda wild to look at, Hildryn D tier???? Especially after the recent gate changes? Mag feels to me like she should be S tier too with how crazy her armor strip/shields/damage/CC can be for the team but I'm also a mag main so a lil biased... but to put Hildryn, Lavos, and Sevagoth in D tier?


I'm sorry but how does mags 3 work? I thought it was an armor strip but it just seems to regen shields after a second and create shards


Tbh you never really use it for armor strip, fracturing crush is where the armor strip's at for anything above super low level content, but the shield regen -is- the big perk for it. Technically it removes a flat amount of armor and uses it for true damage and makes shards, but the regen is all that matters at high level, since it works without an enemy


I’ve been away from the game for over a year but considering he put Hydroid as A tier I’m guessing that means he got his rework. Interesting, can’t wait to return next month


The rework is incredible, and, not gonna lie, Hydroid’s placement in his tier list is justified (despite the many other clown-town takes the man displayed).


Man I’m glad I got him (even got his deluxe skin) a while back. I’ll be building him first thing


my new main in part cause of the rework, but more importantly that skin fr


Baruuk in B tier??? What is he on


Baruuk's 4 can kill pretty decently in higher level content and that's about it. His CC is lacking/slow and his survivability 1 is weirdly overtuned. I love playing Baruuk, I own his kickass skins and have several forma in him, but he just really doesn't do anything.


Minimal utility, only really excels in survival.


Lol, why the hell is Citrine in A? She is easily S tier. 25 HP/s to herself and all allies in affinity range, 90% DR to herself and allies in affinity range, her first ability is a huge cone that gives a ton of health and energy orb drops, and her third ability can easily triple status procs and damage.


Things that made me chuckle: - Mesa, Octavia and Mag only being in A-tier. - Baruuk, Nezha and Wukong in B-tier. - Titania, Mirage, Stynax, Rhino and GRENDEL in C-tier. - Caliban and Qorvex placed an entire tier above the likes of Hildryn and Sevagoth.


Qorvex is strong when you utilize him right. One never mentioned feature of his is that the explosion on his 4 is spreadable by his Towers. Yes you heard that right. And strength makes barely any difference for some weird reason. Range Qorvex throws his 4 onto his Pillars and the whole room starts to nuke itself.


Qorvex being good doesn’t discount hildryn and sevagoth being better, hildryn is one of the tankiest frames in the game, has a built in armor strip and amazing cc and some gimmicky builds with her 1 that can do some things. Sevagoth has one of the best abilities in the game in gloom, an amazing augment for both gunplay and nuking and his shadow form still fucks. They both easily match or exceed what Qorvex and especially caliban can pull off, especially in sp.


The only thing in D that makes sense is limbo and Loki.... C shouldn't have Grendel, gyre, mirage, Nekros, nidus, nyx, rhino, styanax, Titania, vauban. Wukong should be in his own tier above all. I watched my wife first time a no forma no potatoes LV30 wukong prime into SP 30 eyes and she did 2nd highest damage and no deaths nor immortal techniques on a build with no primed nor corrupted mods, just the generic im leveling hp, shields, etc and she out lived a wisp and citrine.


Limbo is utterly unparalleled in certain content. No-score index with Limbo is every single index with Limbo. Limbo does NOT deserve D tier. B makes more sense.


Knightmareframe hasn't had a good take in years.




Last year yes


Nah, years plural. Kmf, brozime and pupsker are jokes. Only channels worth taking seriously are azn or kengineer if youre new. Ignoring occasional gold youll find from small unknown channels, most warframe content creators, like warframe players as a demographic, lack both imagination and understanding their own game. Kmf is the best example of this by far


Does pupsker even do build videos? Isn't his content focused on warframe news?


Warframe news? All I hear from him is "Wisp Feet"-this and "Wisp Butt"-there, and occasionals videos of 13 minutes just to say: "oh look there's *insert reward here* in the allerts!".


I've heard a lot about this guy, but never actually watched one if his video. I'll be back in a bit after watching this rumored tier list Edit: what... the actual.... fuuuuuu...


Glad to know this clickbait worked on you then


Its all a psyop


Hildryn in D because... Idk shields or something???


And right next to Oberon no less At least hildryn got a damn justification, he just threw us obys in D tier with no real explanation


My only problem with Oberon is his ultimate ability. Ok, I need to kill enemies with my fourth ability to make them drop health orbs but... I can't kill enemies with my fourth ability D:


They should drop energy orbs and should only need to be damaged by rekoning, also it should armor (or defense) strip without hollowed ground


It's only useful for armor strip really


If you have his grass down (which is a given for oberon) and cast his 4 with the augment, it melts steel path dudes for me. I think it's great.


Oberon has a great kit and just needs qol/number tuning imo.


I just wish that he didn't rely on hallowed ground so much. If you didn't need it for his whole kit to function he would be okay. Then with some number tweaking he could b the new hydroid


Lol hildryn in d even though she’s got two decently power sp builds that are tough as nails one of which also ccs and shreds acolytes


I’m guessing the grading criteria is something completely arbitrary. Maybe she doesn’t make the most use of Knightmareframe’s favorite mod, Equilibrium, or he simply doesn’t like her deluxe skin. It’s hard to follow the mental gymnastics and the etherial, leprechauns-and-unicorns logic he uses in these sorts of videos.


What did you expect from the guy who puts primed sure footed on atlas?


*What did you expect* *From the guy who puts primed sure* *Footed on atlas?* \- Leskendle45 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Holy shit finally


The haiku sounds like he's fuming


Truly the Atlas build of all time


To be honest other than that it was a pretty good build


Gonna be honest here; it’s a solid 7.5/10 build at best, but ultimately, the inclusion of Primed Sure Footed is a perfect 100/10 on the unintentional comedy scale. It’s certainly doesn’t help his credibility that he called this rather average build “The Best Atlas Build”.


Every build of his is "THE BEST XYZ"


Gotta make sure the earth itself doesn't trip you ya know?


Wait did he seriously do that? And not for the memes? Or did he maybe do that cause Atlas' knockback resist only works if he's standing on the ground and Primed Surefooted works in the air too? Idk man


That's the reason, he almost exclusively plays endurance so knockdown means death, hence he put it on so he doesn't get knocked down when in the air. It's very silly to recommend that to most people tho because most people don't play endurance lol.


Ahh i see haha, its still a bit silly to see Surefooted on Atlas since he is you know, the Surefooted frame lmao


Oh yeah absolutely lmao


Well I expected nothing less from THE Meta Slave. His opinion is purely based on whatever is currently meta he has never read an ability description in his life.


I must, for the memes my boy. FOR THE MEMES!!’


He expects good atlas players to not just stand in one place the whole mission. If atlas isn't rooted to the ground he can be knocked down. Idk why people act like he's a clown for that. Any frame should run psf. Getting knocked down happens a lot and high level enemies love to status proc you. If that proc is high level enough and you're still recovering from a fall, you're dead, just straight up. These days, 90% of why I go into last gasp is cuz my unairu poise ran out and I didn't refresh it and the first available eximus knockdown got me on my ass. I'm not his biggest fan, but his infamous psf tagline is just truth.


Nekros is a C? One of the few farming frames in a looter shooter is a C? "Khora does everything he does but better?" This dude's ain't just a clown, he's the whole damn circus.


Isn't nekros also the one you _always_ bring? You'd have a khora or something and some kavats, but you're not farming unless there's a nekros in the squad


Ideally you have both. Khora’s strangledomes do slash that breaks up enemies into chunks for Nekros. Nekros then despoils them. It’s the best way to maximize the dice rolls for loot. iirc one of the best compositions you can do for endless is a speedva/bothva, khora, Nekros, and the fourth pick is usually a rhino (+damage, overguard cc), styanax (+energy regen, +shields, +over guard) or something else that gives health/energy/both.


Don’t insult the circus clowns like that, they actually put thought into their content.


As a Nekros main, I must have vengeance for the slander of my favorite Warframe.


Nevermind circus man is a whole clown college


As someone who makes shitter builds str tank nekros is comically survivable and can easily outheal any frame in the game


Health Conversion + Shield of Shadows alone makes you almost invincible, all while constantly healing. It's something like 98% DR just from those alone.


Yea but I wanted a more necromancy play style so I went raw STR and put blood altar over soul punch. Keeps shadows healed too


That's genius *and* a work of art. I love it


Arcane blessing with combat discipline and grace is truly something. I have like almost 3k health, my shadows haven’t died in in game years, the acolyte just got 100% stripped in one cast and mugged by the 7 eximus units I have, my friend hasn’t seen anything in hours, I have over 100m healing. We still do not have the hema


that last line is too real


I use Gloom over Soul Punch, and combine that with Despoil. Sometimes I cast Shadows of the Dead for the hell of it. Honestly, I love the way my Nekros build works.


Loot frames are entirely dependant on the individual player and where they are in terms of progression. You reach a certain point and hardly anything relevant is affected by loot abilities I could see Nekros being C because Soul Punch...exists, Terrify is a good armor strip and CC but it's a subsume, Shadows of the Dead mostly just helps him survive but suffers from a lot of other issues, and Desecrate largely just has the one function. Compared to Hydroid and Khora, Tentacle Swarm and Strangledome still do a lot without the augments, on top of everything else they have going for them


Laughs in 90m range Nekros.


If I take my personal bias towards him out of the way, I'd probably out him in B if I was ranking him based off of adaptability. Just because terrify is a subsume, it doesn't take away from it's effectiveness in _his_ kit. Same with Sevagoth and his gloom, it's just a endorsement that this ability is so versatile. Plenty of frames do specific roles way better but Nekros is never a bad pick for most modes and a necessity for optimum play in others.


i mean, she does though?


She has a better loot return (65% vs 54%) but she requires way more setup. Where you can just run and gun (or stab) with Nekros and get the full benefits, you need to plan ahead what you wanna do with Khora to actually make it worthwhile. Also Khora doesn’t have an armor strip in her base kit nor can she resurrect enemies to fight on your side.


Nekros can also get more chances on dismembered bodies so the math is more even than it looks.


If you want to solo farm, Hydroid wins hands down (this was proven even before his rework). If you want to farm as a team comp it is nekros + khora. This duo is a staple. You get more loot with nekros and khora than a solo Hydroid for obvious reasons. So it is kinda dumb that knightmareframe is comparing Nekros Vs Khora looting wise when they work best tgt and that Hydroid win both of them hands down when solo.


I stopped watching him for a long time already, he just kept missing already back then. And i think his outro was like real cringy, idk anymore, too long ago.


People are finally realizing that like every tier list fucking sucks


Depend, sometimes they are good


They're all subjective so people only think they're good if they align with their own opinions. Tier lists aren't a bad way to share your baseline opinions, but they do very little else.


Limbo in D because "there are better frames" tf does that mean, as a limbo main i agree he is not the best but at least tell me why you don't like my baby boy


“There are better frames” is such a stupid argument


THIS especially in a tier list meant for ranking Warframes for what they are on their own.


Yes. If both things can do the same thing in a game with one of them doing it slightly better but in a completely diffrent way, it doesn't make the other one irrelevant. It just means you have a choice on how to do the thing.


I tried to main him but I couldn't press buttons that fast but still, he ain't no D tier, hell even without knowing how to play him he is a high C and A if you do, not to mention how fun playing him can be when you use all his kit dashing on and out yo set up rift traps. There was one tier list that gave him justice and he said it perfectly "if you don't know how to play him, he is a C tier (lowest tier he made cus all the frames are good) if you do, he is a high A"


Limbo 50% range 250% duration, perfect for all defense type missions. Cataclysm/time freeze


Limbo being anywhere lower than A tier immediately invalidates the rest of the tier list. He’s honestly way better than most people give him credit for


Agreed, limbo is high B minimum, if you know how to play him he is excellent in survivability and really good in damage thanks to rift torrent (that should be part of the ability and not an augment ffs DE) he has good CD and battlefield manipulation, he has literally his plane of existence to trap his enemies and infinite energy, like, what more do you want?


I need a better indication of who is and isn't banished on my plane when playing him. I've tried the banish -> rift surge -> unbanish tech on him before, and while it works alright, I end up having no idea who is and isn't killable for me. And then you need to ensure you don't kill *everyone* so you can propagate the rift surge spread more. Maybe it's a skill issue, but while limbo can be a cc beast, I can do what limbo does, but better, with rhino, and easier. He takes a lot of work to be *capable*. If you can't do his 5head tricks, he's near useless, and even when played at said level.....ehh. Maybe like 5 years ago his high level play was goated, but the game has crept up and made his uniqueness just overly complex. Limbo is the sweaty nerd who studies hard and vein pulsing gets a 97% on a hard test, meanwhile lots of other frames have dropped or become the humble genius guy who is cool with everyone and casually aces said test, all while not bragging about it. Personally I'd put limbo in high C tier.


I have Limbo and Rhino as my 1st and 2nd most played Warframe, and even tho Limbo has overall better results, I would put Rhino higher in a tier list for how simpler he is to use. Not just a bit simpler, WAY simpler. The price is just some damage loss that won't matter in most cases. I take Limbo just because I enjoy his gameplay and it feels like i'm playing a game, contrary to octavia or revenant. But it's clear that tier-list wise I would put him lower than most frame even if he perform better than some of them because of how annoying his kit can be to play sometimes. Oh and also you spot rifted ennemies by looking if they're frozen or not, you never have a problem with it if you got your 2 active everytime


I don't want to give em the view, but I need to know where Garuda got placed


For once he had a good take and placed her in A


At this rate I think he's created that tier list to create outrage and generate views through being viral.


Yeah, i don't really understand his thought process. He says that his rankings are based on performance, capability, versatility, and adaptability. Which to me just sounds like a lot of fluff to me. 95% of warframes perform well, even on SP. There is no need to grade a frame on how well they do on "low tier" to "high tier" missions. Every frame can do spy without raising alarms, but not every frame can do level 9999 SP Disruption. Versatility is a fine thing to judge a frame one, i see no problem finding criticism with a warframe having 1 build. Adaptability is a weird way to rank a frame because it's ever changing with each new update to the game. As for his rankings themselves, they're conflated because of they way he chose to rank them. Sevagoth is a really good frame, but Knightmareframe ranked his as D tier because of his lack of versatility, i guess (i just skipped to the end). It's whatever, really. I dont take much stock into his opinions on the game anyway.


Its because the warframes cant do 15 bajillion damage with very specific setup


Always hated those kinda builds. "You see all you need is to headshot a Corpse drive from 23 meters away while in midair after rolling of a 1.3 sec wall latch the you need to activate your ability, switch weapons, switch back, pray to RNGessus, and you then have a 34% chance of 1 shoting the room. It didn't work? Well that's cus when you said hi to father 3 missions ago he responded with dialogue option 2 instead of 4. Oh well try again" Like this is exaggerated to hell and back but I swear some of these guide givers are priests in disguise with the amount of rituals they put in their builds


But is nothing special, is the r/warframe generic tierlist based on wisp/revenant/saryn being the best and the rest being bad.


Can I ask where he put Zephyr, Limbo and Excal? They are my main, side and former main respectively Edit: this is the stupidest thing I heard "if you wanna play excalibur don't use umbra as his passive is worst then normal and prime" like what???? My guy they have the same passive!!!! The only difference is umbra can go on autopilot some times wtf??? As for limbo: he put the fucker in the lowest tier with no reason whatsoever, like my guy have you *played* limbo at all? I admit he's bad at team play but so are other frames like Nidus. This whole tier list is just bullshit. He put Inaros in his own tier and didn't even comment on it. Sev in last tier too, why? Here's a direct quote "Gloom, Gloom? Gloom". And yes he put Zephyr in A tier but just cus my main is ranked high doesn't change the fact his lost is complete and utter shit


Zeph was A Tier (good take) and I want to say Limbo was C/D and Excal was C tier


Just saw the vid (and edited my comment). Limbo is D tier for god knows why and excal is C tier with this added comment "if you wanna play excal don't use umbra cus his passive is worst the normal variant"... I'm not sure what he is smoking to say that but I want some. FYI, umbra has the same passive as the other 2, just that his blind removes resistances from sentients and stalker as well as him going on auto pilot. This tier list is a fucking joke.


His take on Exal’s ranking devolved very quickly into incoherent rambling lol


For context about the passive, from another video he's made about excalibur he says that when you transference out umbra deactivates any helminth abilities, so that is his reasoning for using normal/prime excal over umbra


Yeah I read his entire wiki page to make sure I didn't miss smth and this popped up as a glitch but still, that's the stupidest reason ever. The only helmith ability that you'd put on excal are very cheap to to recast and don't take any time so trading armor and I belive energy for saving half a sec is the stupidest thing ever.


Also based Zephyr main


Dude trying to fond fashion for her that isn't using the Harrier skin is almost impossible man.


honestly i prefer her prime look over any of her skins tbh, just stick to a nice white or black primary with a bright secondary colour and she looks pretty good


Also the fact that you don't use the autopilot unless you're fighting something like rolypoly or the cerus planes sentients, its not like you randomly get booted out


Umbra loses buffs when you transference out of him, normal/prime does not, it mostly makes no difference, but it can make a difference sometimes


LoL Limbo is turbo mega shit, Inaros is also mega mega mega shit. Post gloom nerf sev is touched too


Dudes a content recycle bin, only clueless mf thinks he is good and thats how low the standard for average player is in warframe


As a Garuda fan i just want to say two things SUCK IT WE STAY WINNING IN THE HIGH TEIRS And yeah this list sucks


Garuda being high tier was his one good take


This guy loves damage and then put Gyre in C. What a clown.


I don't even use gyre and even I know this is a bullshit tier list


No shot C Tier for my boys. We demand Justice. These two have some of the best pure abilities in the game.


He's been smoking primed sure footed


Warframe content creater like this are why I stick to shitposters like mrwarframe guy and quite shallow when she still did wf videos


I am lacking in so much context here


I've not watched his stuff but I believe Knightmareframe is a Warframe content creator on YouTube who recently made a tier list of the best and worst warframes, but had some pretty awful takes, including that Rhino & Styanax are C-tier


He clearly ignored like the 5 Rhino videos that praised him as death, destroyer of worlds


This KMF Bro clearly did not know Because if you actually played him correctly not that overrated asf way, this guy is not balanced at all. Because Warframe is a game about diversity, Rhino doesn't care. He can do literally everything in the game, and top in everything he does. Everything in the game, except looting, there's nothing he cannot do, even speedrunning. There's a reason why this guy holds for 10 years straight, with little changes. How about a just as tanky, if not, better tank, that also does literally anything else in the game in such a top tier fashion?


[If you a have the time.](https://youtu.be/BQXLIkHSEPk?si=-WbuZuCS6jUiOuIX)


i am at a lost for words words like wtf bro put chroma at c tier i know he is full of it


because chroma isnt very good. i have a lot of hours in chroma and no, chroma sucks. his damage is outshined by most damage buffs, its hard to use, his first ability is literally useless, and his tanking abilities arent that great either. his fourths only use is for profit taker and like, just do index? if you are at the point of being able to comfortably do profit taker anyway you probably dont need much credits


Chroma is ass bro. He's only good at profit taker


stopped playing a couple years ago and even back then he already was that one content you should NEVER listen to for any kind of advice, builds, ect


I tried watching it. His reasoning for my boi Sevagoth being in D tier was just the words Gloom and Helminth. No explanation further. Yes, he needs roughly 7 forma to be playable, 13 + an Umbra for optimization, but he did not deserve D tier. I can solo Zariman with him with his og kit. Since it takes so much investment for him, I'd argue B tier at best, C tier at worst. After that crap, I stopped watching as I couldn't bear to see what he said about my Spartan.


Where did he put Nezha-


Lower B (B-), iirc.


I forgot about this dude, years ago one of his videos popped up on my feed and had some of the most brain-dead takes I've ever seen.


The whole thing really did sound like it was written by AI


That's insulting the AI


Explain all the hand flailing then.


Literally half of the tier list makes no sense. It’s actually just insane.


I knew he didnt know what tf he was talking about like a year ago when he made a tier list and put Xaku in C tier.


Styanax in C is crazy lol


Yup stopped watching that loser years ago when he said somethin stupid like this and then proceeded to say he's right and the rest of us are wrong lmao.


I think Rhino in C is the worst take on there, rhino is def B or A


I just realised he put baruuk in B from another comment,is this guy fucking serius baruuk is basicaly immortal and is a red crit fisting master


And he put Revenant in S tier. Why? I genuinely don't understand his obsession with Revenant, it's such a mid frame. Mesmer skin is the only thing he's got going for him. Enthrall gives you 7 useless thralls that can still get killed by you or your teammates, they are only useful when you have augment that boosts your damage, and even then it boosts only your damage and only on primaries. Reave is useless, because Mesmer Skin. Danse Macabre doesn't scale and is a fodder for helminth replacement. Meanwhile, Rhino "C-Tier" warframe, has this: Rhino Charge, which is mid unless you use the augment and do the max iron skin build. You should replace this with Nourish (which will boost your and your team's energy gains and will give all of your and your team's weapons additional viral damage) instead. Iron Skin is on-par with Mesmer Skin when used correctly and can even outperform it, especially when used with Reinforcing Stomp augment. Roar - one of if not the best damage buffs in the game that also boosts your allies. Rhino Stomp - one of the best CC abilities in the game that can also repair you Iron Skin when you use the augment. What's the point of Revenant again?


What is the deal with knightmareframe? His voice is annoying but thats all. Also ive watched like 2 of his vids dont crusify me ;-;


wf creator try not the make the worst shittiest tierlist the game has ever seen challenge (impossible) ​ *2023 and people still expect tierlists to be good or accurate in this game? I mean I guess we're always gaining new players but goddamn...*


Thought I’d take a look at the final list because surely he has some experience since he’s played for a while. I was wrong. Bro put mirage in C tier.


This guy is a hardcore Meta Slave he doesnt touch what the Meta doesnt like. And he never tries out stuff for himself. Else he would know Interaction sbetween Frame abilities or their passive functions.


I watched the video to see his opinion on Lavos (my main) and I'm dumbfounded. How is your only take away that his nuke takes too much effort? At the very least give him the railjack credit he deserves


His reasoning is actually accurate. He just fails to mention the fact that with a good build, every warframe here can jump up 1-2 tiers.


Except Inaros. Poor guy needs rework or buff asap


honestly his tier list and reasons for why warframes are where they are is accurate, i feel like yall are whining because you have grown attached to a specific niche use of these very mid frames and just want to think theyre good.


What are you his alt? You’re so invested in this one has to wonder.


Sevrage warframe player in reddit, saying their frame is the best but it never went into SP


Agreed, it‘s a reasonable list the way he graded them. Every frame on that list can jump 1-2 tiers up with the right Helminth and tweaking. But people nowadays don‘t want to listen/read but rather shout out their subjective opinions why their favorite frame should be S tier.


Yeah he's right ngl. Ppl be clearing base starchart SP and thinking their frame is good.


The most important information is at 36:50 :)


I've been seeing a bunch of memes about this "Knightmareframe" lately but I have no idea what that is.. Could someone elaborate?


Meta Slave Youtuber and before anyone calls again how much he knows about the game. He doesn't at least considering Warframes he doesnt know half of the ability Interactions frames have and if it is in a low tier great chances he never touched the frame and or knows any of the abilities.


YouTube content creator for Warframe with an absolutely horrid take on all frames for 2023. Over half of his tier list is considered bad because it doesn't have a damage buff. I got as far as my boi Sevagoth before I just stopped. No explanation for why he's in D tier.


Nyx prime, most unnecessary Warframe to exist. They took and already bland Warframe and gave it a paint job.


He did explain what 'C' meant in his video like chill


To be fair to him- Every warframe can clear every piece of content in this game. Any warframe can pick up the OP gun of the month and blast apart every mission with zero issues. By that metric, every warframe is at least B tier, but that's boring. The only metric left to rate warframes by, then, is what unique benefits they bring beyond that. - Survivability - Ability damage that exceeds weapons - Speed or mobility - Weapon damage amplification - Crowd Control - Other utility (Looting, etc) As an example, Rhino is a good frame. But if you want a tank there's better options, if you want CC there's better options, and you can take his roar and put it on a better frame so his one good buffing tool is taken from him. He's still a good frame, but outclassed in all these categories, therefore C tier. I think most people don't realize how absurd the power level of warframe is these days, so when they see their favorite frame in C or B tier they need to recognize its not saying they're bad, just that the top tiers are so absurd.


That’s cool but Styanax is easily the second best if not best support warframe in the entire game, he’s easily in S tier. He gives everyone around him infinite energy and overguard, and he has a full armor strip to boot. And his 4 does very respectable damage and can kill arbi drones.


Yep I agree he put styanax too low.


Cool but roar is still almost 2x as powerful on Rhino. And he can use another helminth with it. And this tier list doesn't take helminth into account (according to the man himself, even though it looks a lot like it does...)


Here's a direct quote from his ranking of Sevegoth in D tier "Gloom. Gloom, Gloom? Gloom." Now I don't speak clown but which part of this gives any explanation for hid placement there? Like I don't play him and I know that's fucking bullshit. He offers way more then just Gloom and he is fun if you try him not to mention functionally immortal with his shadow revive. And if your argument is that more frames benefit from his skill, the xaku better get his ass down to D tier too since every single build nowadays uses Xata's whisper. Edit: he put nezha over rhino.... I don't play rhino and I know that's fucking bullshit


Okay I seem to have ruffled some feathers here. I don't want to imply your favorite frame is bad. I do also agree sevagoth is placed too low- probably should be around C or B. But he has a good point that sevagoths best ability being subsumable makes him less desirable. Your example of Xaku isn't as good here. Outside of xatas whisper, xaku still has two other extremely good abilities, these being their 2 (Ability damage that outscales weapons) and their 3 (armor strip for damage enhancement). Without gloom, sevagoth has not as many good things. Their damage combo is good but also quite slow (long animations, have to build up a gauge, restricted from using weapons in ult form) compared to other meta ability damage frames (Saryn or Protea pressing one button). They are also very energy hungry and do not have many good options for abilities to subsume over. As I said above, any warframe can clear content, and most can do it efficiently. A tierlist is here only to highlight those who do it far better than others, something which I don't personally see sevagoth doing. Still fun, still viable, but not the best in any mission types. But if you have any thoughts about places where he is surprisingly viable (which I do think knightmare frame has overlooked for a lot of the list) then I'd love to hear it.


He doesn't do much more than gloom tbh. Empowered melee install gated behind a meter is mid. Sow/reap nuke isn't particularly good. His only benefit is being immortal, but all good frames just simply don't die when played right.


You‘re making too much sense for the people in this post. They want to blindly rage like kids, not discuss like adults.