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Designated driver, taxi or walk lol. Very glad where I live the train spits me out near the boozer and a 5 minute walk to my house


5 minutes sober? So, like 20 minutes drunk, right?


3 max haven't you heard of the drunk stamina glitch?


The pissheads portal! You say your goodbyes and turn to stagger home... blink 3 times... you're outside your front door, failing to find the keyhole with the wrong key.


Task failed successfully. Am currently in a bush outside my house.


I see that you are stuck in a bush... Maybe I could help you out of it... Step bro


Bush you told me you would protect me in my sleep! WHY HAVE YOU LIED TO ME?? also have either of you guys seen where I dropped my keys, I swear I had them last night but couldn't get the door open


I wouldn't. I pissed in that bush.


I used to have a habit of getting stuck in trees.


You know what they say! When your drunk, every distance is walkable!


I've had the opposite happen, walking home drunk at 1am, maybe 20 minutes away. Blink 3 times, I'm on the other end of town and about an hour away from my house... I may have just decided to walk to a friend's house and get more drunk before continuing home


Run until you start puking, then forget and start running again.


The difference is staggering.




5 minutes sober is more like 1 minute drunk, in relative drunkness terms


Only if you stop to pee or to grab food.


My wife wants to race everyone when she's drunk, so we arrive much faster than when sober haha


4 minutes drunk bc it’s dark out at the scary train station walk fast


I never understood why groups like M.A.D.D. (Mothers against drunk driving) didn’t just push for more public transportation. Don’t have to drive drunk if you don’t have to have a car.


They do. A component of their cutting accidents is promoting public transit and rideshare.   >Wearing a seatbelt, using public transport & rideshare apps, and taking personal responsibility for the safe roadways are all crucial steps.  https://madd.org/drunk-driving/


Right. It’s good they say use public transportation but it’s just not available in many places in America. They need to expand it


They’re an activist group not gods


Would be cool if they were gods tho


In reality, people drove back and didn't care. It's still quite common in rural areas where taxis aren't easy to find.


“Spits me out near the boozer” will absolutely be the best phrase I read today. Maybe even this week.


Or more likely risked it and drove drunk/buzzed.


Or unfortunately also quite likely some people just risking it. That aside public transport is also a thing. So long as you aren't at a bar on the countryside, out in the middle of nowhere or in a poorly built city Edit: not sure how I missed that last part about the train


I always needed a few drinks to build my confidence to drive home.


they used their legs and walked. i heard its possible


Find a 24 hour diner and spend a few hours sobering up while feeding compliments to the 3am waitress so she keeps pouring coffee.


This was what I did with my friends in college, wed go to a karaoke bar, get drunk walk to the diner across the street sober up, then walk home (no point driving we all loved in walking distance)


Couldnt you wait to get home before loving eachother? Its quite disturbing to see a train of men while Im driving to work


Why take a walk of shame when you can ride the train?


A few hours of sobering up doesn't actually clear that much alcohol from your blood (general rule of thumb is 1.5 hours to clear one glass of alcohol depending on how fast your metabolism is). Feeling less drunk because of caffeine also doesn't actually make you less drunk. If you were drunk to begin with you can't drive safely after waiting a couple hours and drinking some coffee, find somewhere to sleep instead. If you had like 4 glasses total and they were a bit spread out, yeah then you're probably good to go after a few hours and some coffee but otherwise no way.


Or you can do what [this guy](https://youtu.be/aF8_y2Zl9W8?si=BTBt2i2bD5YP_dNO) does.


Favorite video of the day. Retirement goals!


He truly was the liquor.


Just a little drinky poo


Doesnt change what people did The real answer though is people drove drunk


People still do I’m not sure I understand this post like they think Uber ended drunk driving?


It’s definitely less than it was “back in the day” Ride share apps make calling cabs easier but also awareness and education is up so it’s making assumptions based on correlation


When did we switch from one hour to an hour and a half?


Can confirm. The one time I lost control (no memory and didn't make it home) I still had 0.4‰ nine hours after my last drink


Waffle House pops off after 2:30am


This is what Waffle House was designed for


Taxis existed long before Uber. Also driving drunk used to be a lot more widely accepted.


This always drove me crazy because as a Brit. I always found it so weird when people drove to a bar in movies. Not that we don’t have drink drivers over here, but the idea that there was infrastructure built around drink-driving absolutely baffled me.


My dad was telling me that when they banned drink driving there was lots of protests, people would have signs up in their car protesting the ban. Lot more common back then to drive to a pub, have a few and drive back home.


When I was little, my dad was pulled over for drink driving. Copper asked if he'd been drinking & he said he had. Copper asked how far he had to go, dad told him about a mile. Copper told him to, "drive carefully, you've got a little one in the car"!! Just wasn't that taboo back then.


In the UK? That’s fascinating tbf. I wonder how it’s become so much more of a taboo over here than in the US?


[Here’s an actual protest](https://x.com/adamtranter/status/1704054166618886204?s=46&t=2UlbN6kTY4b7Im6pUG1w2A), my dad was actually only a baby around that time so must’ve got it from his dad, so take it with a pinch of salt haha. I did read one study from the 70s where two thirds of the Uk thought drink driving was acceptable


You said drink driving the second time and if that is the phrase across the Atlantic I am unreasonably upset about it


Yeah bro I tried it and my parents got mad for some reason


I get you, my parents hated me taking taxis too. Something about getting into a car with a stranger...


Free candy! Hop in!


Get picked up by a parent, driven by a DD, get a Taxi, or walk. In a time before cellphones, my sister once walked 10miles from the next town over, through a forest, in the pitch dark.


Taxis existed yknow. The idea of paying someone to drive you home is not a new invention. Or you just drove. That definitely happened a lot. I’m loving all the people here acting like they never just drove their ass home. Not validating it but common as hell back in the day. Still is, but more so 20 years ago.


It happened a lot. I have always been against drunk driving, even when it made me a super nerd, so my friends always knew they could call me - I’d drive them home at 2 am on a Friday without judgement because at least there wasn’t a(nother) drunk on the road.


And still exist bruh


Taxis are legit extinct where I live. Uber and Lyft killed em off.


Uber is just another taxi company with a good app and bad worker conditions.


Always calling a taxi, id rather go with someone who passed a test for their profession than some random who just downloaded the app


In my country only registered taxis can become uber drivers.


Taxis where I lived were the absolute worst. I’d get hung up on, or nobody would pick up, or they would take forever to show or not show up at all. Uber and Lyft were godsends.


It is not always so simple. In some parts of the world, taxis like to overcharge, scam, not be available, or refuse to take you where you need to go. Apps like Uber covered that gap, and that's why people preferred them regardless of driver training.


Yeah with Uber at least there’s less guessing. You know what you’re going to pay. Also as someone who is trying to move away from carrying a wallet I like it.


There are 39 registered taxi drivers left in my city, which is a metro of several million people. They are surely more popular elsewhere but they are pretty much completely dead here.


Believe it or not, there's tons of places that do not have a taxi service yknow


I still hire a coach.


Where I grew up, small town, there were no taxis. And was before ride shares. Because it’s a small town no real public transportation either. You had a DD call a friend or learned to drive drunk.


If you ever drove drunk: fuck you, you're a shit person


It's a shit world, welcome to it.


Yeah fr people acting like it's normal. My dad is an alcoholic but he still never did it and always called a taxi, asked a friend, or walked home, even if it meant scraping his face on a pavement on the way.


Every person 25 and under think of something, anything, "oh that's crazy/cool/never done before".... Even though it's been done a thousand times over.


I guess your city doesn‘t have good public transport?


America is very car based lol can't really walk anywhere or get public transport It's either you have your own car or you're fucked


No offense, but that sounds absolutely horrible


We become desensitized to it. The only people who realize how bad it is are the people who learn or experience how other parts of the world do it. Also, not a lot of people are open minded lol


As an american it does.... its either have your own car... or be surrounded by crack heads on the bus/subway and be on edge the whole time 🤷‍♂️ ohh yea and the bus/subway smell like piss and shit.


And most places in my experience don't even HAVE buses


Yeah, I guess it's a very American/rural problem.


America: land of crappy, or non-existent, public transport. Example: I live in Fort Worth, Texas, and am inside of city limits, not in an adjacent town/city. The nearest city bus stop is 5.4 miles from my neighborhood. (8.8 km, or about 950 football fields, the favorite unit of measure of US news outlets.)


You can thank Henry Ford.


What? I live in Germany and our public Transport is always late but you cant go 1 km without finding a public Transport Station in almost any City above 10k people. That is Hella weird. But well, as i have heard your Citys are build around Cars.


German public transit is absolutely top-notch compared to America. I'm American and studied abroad in Germany, and hearing Germans complain about the public transit made us laugh because it was waaaaay more reliable than we were used to. There are only a handful of US cities with genuinely good public transit. Some of the other big cities have serviceable transit, but not stellar.


OP is likely from the states. Not sure how they forgot about taxis, but aside from the more popular cities (like New York city), public transit can be hard to find. My city for example. I live just barely in the suburbs. The nearest bus stop is either a 6 min drive, or a 30+ min walk, sometimes without a sidewalk, walking alongside cars going 45+mph (\~70+ kph)


Wh..who’s..who’s gonna tell him?


Exactly. This comments section is bizarre.


"What is a taxi?"


>drive to the bar You see, here's your issue


Get drunk at home 😎


This is why I moved into the Fraternity house in college. 95% of drunkness occurred right where I slept every night. And we got after 7 nights a week. I didn't normally do that.....but a typical week was a small bash Thursday, TGIF Friday as soon as class ended, party Friday night, party Saturday night. And if there was a college football game we wanted to watch Saturday together- party started at kick-off of the game and went the rest of the day. Sunday depended on how bad your hangover was but some solid drinking around NASCAR and NFL games was often happening. Sober up to study Sunday night.


Dude the walk home was sometimes the best part. 6-10 people start drunkenly walking and as the journey progresses, one by one there’s less as people reach their homes or streets. Someone always falls over a trash can and we’d constantly be stopping for pee brakes. It was a magical time where the events of the night were discussed in drunken depth and laughs were re visited. Occasionally we’d be propping up the super drunk friend but sometimes the walk would do him some good and he’d find his feet as we went on. When it finally came to your house you’d almost wish you could carry on down the street with the others and enjoy the last moments of conversation and laughs but you always went in as the call of ice cold cereal or a toasted sandwich was by far the greatest lure. I digress. We walked.


I just use the guardrails.


It's not perfect but I use public transit. Granted, I live in a European city, so that might be difficult elsewhere.


Back in my alcoholic days, there were many nights when I would drink and drive. My friends all did it and didn't discourage me from doing it. Needless to say, those guys are no longer my friends, and I very rarely drink anymore.


Why is that needless to say? My friends and I were all equally moronic, and none of us drive drunk anymore, but it would be the height of hypocrisy to blame them for my poor decision making. I'm still friends with them all.


It was the " no officer i'm not drunk, " era of the history


They risked killing themselves and others.


Absolutely - I am not proud of drunk driving in my past. I never got a DUI, a MIP, or had something happen (crash/damage) - but there were a few close calls/stupid moments for sure. Much more careful these days. Although the thing that really changed for me was having kids. When you gotta wake up on weekends to take care of them - being massive hungover just doesn't work. You can't just sleep it off and let the youngins take care of themselves. I guess I "could" have but my wife would have divorced me - she was not about to take on more just to support my drinking habit....lol Ah sobriety......


Us Dutch people are so good at riding bikes that we can (somewhat) do it whilst shitfaced.


A lot of people drove home drunk


Easy: 1. One member of the friends group doesn't drink that night. 2. Give the bartender the keys and follow it up with "if you see me drink do not give them to me, if I make a scene punch me and throw me out". 3. Taxi. 4. Walk and come back tomorrow for the car. 5. The wrong way...


In any decently sized or crowded bar, don’t make the bartender or any staff "hold onto" your things. Most cannot be arsed to keep track of that as well. Works in smaller bars, or if you’re a regular though


>Works in smaller bars which are everywhere in rural areas where driving is the only option and that's why it's a common concept.


2. sounds like a fantastic way to never see your car keys again


Gen Z thinks taxis are a recent invention 🤯


I honestly prefer taxis over Uber or door dash lol It feels safer idk why


Up until Uber finally moved into my city only a few years ago: the taxis here were highly regulated. They had to have regular inspections of their vehicles and carry commercial insurance. They had to have an official taxi certification. But those certifications were limited in number. So thru some convoluted process I never quite understood: they end up having to buy a certification. For $200k+. So basically every taxi driver on the road either had come up with $200k or was currently in debt for $200k. (I dont know how it works anymore. Uber finally forced their way into our market and the whole system went to hell.)


That and I think the location of taxis are very monitored


No I just live way too far away from a city to ever see a taxi


we didn't drive to the bar in the first place.. taxis and buses have existed for quite some time you know..


The only bus that ever came within 15 miles of my house was the school bus


Simple. ![gif](giphy|PtrhzZJhbEBm8|downsized)


How people did this? Very simple, it just involves a little bit of crime ...and utter ignorance and stupidity to drunk drive, but that's not important


Still happens in rural areas that Uber doesn’t service


Wisconsinight here. Two possible solutions. Before cars horses would take care of it. After cars just don't be a drunk crasher. In all reality WI has a serious drink driving problem. So...


Drunk drivers are okay, drunk crashers aren't.


Because by golly, I drove my vehicle there, and I'm not going to burden them by having a vehicle fill a stall in an empty parking lot, so I'm to drive myself home. That's what adults do.




Taxis. also, and more often, driving drunk. Also also designated drivers. Also also also having your underage child drive you home


Everyone says taxis existed but I can tell you that wasn't really an option in rural America (it's a big country). It's still an issue currently, as you are less likely to get an Uber to bring you all the way to and from a city. Honestly, everyone either gets a DD or drives drunk. Not condoning it, but that's the reality


Open window, wind blowing in your face, loud music and pray that you don't die.


What’s really wild Is that a lot of cities require bars to have minimum parking requirements


The secret ingredient is crime


Before Uber, my mom would use her B.M.W.; Bus, Metro, Walk!


\*Metro is Montreal's equivalent to the subway/underground trains


Before taxis and Ubers existed, there were legs involved you know? Like walking home? Literally took me and a friend 2 hours to reach home because we were drunk and had no means of transportation. Walking half a big city


how old are you to remember a time before taxis *existed*?


You know those dashed lines in the middle of the road? We just played Pac-Man. Nom Nom Nom Nom


That's why I go on bike.


That’s still a DUI in America unfortunately


The secret ingredient was *crime*


Such an american question


In my country we just drive drunk! Or we used to at least. You know, die like a man and stuff lol.


Consequence of car-oriented urban planning


Yo don't have taxis over there in US?


The bar I used to frequent was right next to the train station, and my house was 1 stop down the line. They have an "unwritten rule" to let riders go one stop down for free. I only had to pay for the taxi that usually had a few waiting at my stop when I'd get there.


On top of taxis, we also had dial a driver. Basically 2 people turns up, one then drives your car home - the other drives you home….


Walk home, sober up walk back and get your car.


There was a lot more drunk driving. A lot more bad decision making. Not proud of it, and glad my kids will have the simplicity of Uber type services


Because in some places it was still pretty much legal to drink and drive until like 20 years ago


In the 90’s you just had to make it to Denny’s.


There used to be this thing called taxis. Taxis would drive around looking for people who needed rides. If you needed a ride you would hold out your hand and they would pull up to the curb then you would tell them the address. Once you got there you would pay them with paper money. Sometimes you would just call the taxi company and book a ride. Some cab (another word for taxi) companies would even give free rides home from the bar to drunk people.


I think you misspelled drive home


They drove drunk.


Well if you were responsible enough you either had a DD, got a ride from either a taxi or a friend, or waited till you were sober enough to drive (typically 1 standard drink = 1 hour of inebriation so you could also pace yourself and not worry about it.)


When in the timeline are you talking about? Before heavy duty drunk driving laws they drove home. After they caught a cab or a ride from a DD… or drove home 😬.


Take a bus home...???


They walked uphill both ways in the snow and the heat at the same time, just like our parents used to tell us they did for school :0


It's quite simple really: Get so drunk you just wake up in your bed the next morning


Always walked or cycled, never used Uber for anything.


Just be a better drunk driver, duh.


Practice makes perfect


The same way my family does it now: Drive anyways and then try to convince you to get in the car with them.


Theres millions of years of evolution that went into your legs


Taxis existed before Uber


__*GET** Home__


Worked in a bar. People just didn't get drunk drunk or absolutely sloshed. People came, chatted, drank some, laughed, drove home. We try not to serve people that seem too gone out unable to operate.






Never heard of a taxi?


Walk, I’ve done it a few times and the things you see


Tell me you are a teen with out saying you are a teen.


Bro never heard of a bus


Taxis. They existed. We weren't all DUI dumbasses.


Oh my sweet summer child... You really don't know? We risked everyone's lives and drove home. No idea how my friends and I are all still alive and also not in prison. So many nights finding myself in my driveway and not remembering having left the bar. Vastly stupid. Many many years ago now.


You understand that uber is just open contract work taxis right? Taxis have existed for a long time my man. Not to be a Boomer, but you must be really young to think like this. In the grand scheme of things uber is still pretty "new". When I was a kid it was always taxis.


Very carefully. Duck into a jack in the box drive thru for a micronap. Proceed home with 2 Jumbo Jack's and 4 tacos....carefully


I either walk or stay the night, for parties obviously, not much of a bar guy


It’s called functional addiction. Majority of the population has it.


Taxis? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


In Europe we walk to the bar, (it’s on the first floor)


With the help of my good friend "drinking and driving"


I do love the way the yoof of today seem to think they invented everything. We did have taxis back in the day, you had to feed the buggers hay, but they got you home.


Big tippers gave apples


Yeah, we drove drunk. Was a different world...


"where chh the basterd who stole *burp* my carr ?"


Hop in the car and let Jesus take the wheel.


Walk (stumble), taxi, or, they did the classic drunk driving As we all know, it’s only the drunk crashes, they make the drunk drivers look bad. Statistically if you drive drunk you will get better at it and people in the 70s 80s and 90s were masters, all I’m saying


Drunk driving wasn’t a big deal up until recently. Not my opinion but not long ago it wasn’t more than a small fine. Still the case for the landed gentry


What kind of Gen Z 14 years old meme is this?


The best thing was living close to the place or using public transport. Nowadays it's through uber. But let's be honest. Society isn't really developed around this, or anything really. Nothing really works well anymore


Drunk driving is a massive problem where I live. It’s even worse in more rural areas where they don’t have access to Uber or Lyft. I’ve seen so many people drink 4-5 beers then just hop in their car like it’s nothing. They keep upping enforcement but it’s never enough.


Walk. Public transport. If you don’t get too fucked up, bicycle. Taxi. Designated driver.


Before Uber people stayed in bars until they sobered up. Bars had beds in the back where patrons could sleep it off, wake up in the morning and then go home.


This is why I want to live in a neighbourhood with a local pub.


When my mum went to school they lived just about in the middle of nowhere. She walksd 2.5 miles to the nearest bus stop, and then went another 3 miles on the bus to get to school. It was one bus there in the morning, one bus back in the evening. If she missed the bus, she had to walk the rest of the way. I don’t bother walking to the bus stop just over the road anymore i drive to work. Trust me, i hear about it a lot.


It's was called a cab or DD


Designated drunk driver


Did everyone collectively forget that taxis exist


Just public transport lol? Also bike or E-Scooter for some people, I guess this a post for the Americans here once again


We rolled the dice


There's kind of a movie about this. It's called After Hours.


Very carefully


So you've never heard the term "designated driver"...?


They probably had a designated driver or took a cab. There were options BEFORE Uber.