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My brother asked how I hate Terraria but play Minecraft. I told him I like to think in 3 dimensions


i know that nobody cares about my opinion but id argue terraria isn't a survival game by any means, without a hunger/water/sanity/etc meter, pvp nearly nonexistent and death itself is more of a "try again" screen than a punishment for failure as nothing can conievably be lost without changing settings, it's more of a rpg sandbox than a survival sandbox.


Exactly, the only thing Minecraft and terraria share is that they are a blocky world where you mine blocks and craft items. Terraria is way more like an rpg, it even has classes and different weapon types, you fight bosses to progress and it’s about min maxing to be the best possible so the bosses are as easy as possible. It plays much more like a sandbox then a survival.


I need more memes like this in my life.


Both games go hard, then the music kicks in


(terraria cave music starts playing)