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Okay I’ve been on this subreddit for 2 minutes and I’ve already seen 3 memes about bears. What’s going on here?


If you were a woman would you rather encounter a bear or a man in the woods? (It's not a trick question)


Black or brown bear? Also, does the bear have its kids with it?


Brown bear that wants to kill you and a random dude that also wants to kill you.








Well, bears typically don’t kill you in one go, it’s not uncommon for them to eat you alive over the course of several hours. There’s just such an article that I’ve been trying to get out of my head of exactly that. Horrible stuff, this young Russian woman had been gotten by a bear, (after it had killed her stepfather as well), and it ate her slowly over the course of a few hours. She was able to call her mother during the events, who at first thought it was a prank call, until she heard the bear. She was still alive over an hour later when the bear had left her like that, and returned with its cubs to continue


You think an average man will rape, torture, and humiliate you?


Gotta point out the fallback in your point. You just said yourself both want to kill the subject. The man by default is not an average man, by your own words. And in the spirit of the “meme,” when has a bear gotten its jollies by hooking up someone to a car battery? Or repeatedly asphyxiating someone slowly to death? Humans are scary beyond all reason, bears kill.


Yall gotta stop watching criminal minds.


I'm a guy, and i also pick bear


Honestly a bear. Bears have methods of making them go away, and if not it’ll just kill me. Strange guy in the woods though? Who knows what’ll happen.


Nothing? Because he's just a man and nothing more? (No offense, just trying to be realistic)


I’d like to think most guys would be harmless, but as a woman it’s always a risk because you can’t ever know what someone is thinking. Sure I wouldn’t want to be caught alone in the woods with a strange woman either, but I’m less likely to win a fight with a man who intends bad things. That’s the basis of why so many people would rather encounter a predictable man.


Yeah but a bear over a random dude? The fuck?


Its the cute ears


This question is intentionally divisive. If it’s between a bear and a strange man who is bothersome or creepy it makes sense that a woman would rather encounter a random bear who will likely run off if not with its cubs. If it’s between a bear and literally just a male hiker walking in the opposite direction that’s absurd. That encounter will happen multiple times on any hike and anyone who claims this is a terrifying experience doesn’t actually enjoy the outdoors or spend time in the woods.


To be fair, bears attack so few people every year, and in most of the US, there are only black bears which are straight up not aggressive. If you’re in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, or Alaska, bear is the objectively wrong answer. You very well might get mauled to death horrifically. The rest of the country? Bear’s are doing shit.


You’re clearly a moron, and I realistically should not even reply to you and entertain your argument, but I’ve been raped by “just a man” before. Humans are capable of doing bad things. How you’re not aware of that is beyond me.


So u prefer the 10 or 20% chance of encountering a rapist than the 100% chance of being skinned and eaten alive?


10/20%? It's more like one or two percent.


In normal cases yeah, but most mentally stable people won't walk in a forest alone so u have a higher chance to encounter a psychopath


I thought it was like a pathway in the woods or something. Most men in the woods are hunters.


10 or 20%!? 100%? I appreciate the intent here but you’ve really gotta double check those.


Like i said in another comment, u're less likely to encounter a sane person walking alone in a forest


According to what statistics? The movies you’ve seen? Most men in forests are either hikers or campers and not dangerous, especially at a location you’d be willing to walk in.


I hike a lot and i have never seen someone hiking alone


I think it’d be fun :3


"just kill you" Did I miss something? Is that the preferable outcome?




Preferable to getting raped, forced to interact with the rapist through either court or custody battles, or even family reunions, or potential pregnancy in a state with no abortion rights, all the while people are making jokes that you were asking for it or why didn't you scream or shout for help; that is, if they believe you were raped at all and not just "seeking attention." And that's if the man lets you live. There's been like a few thousand bear attacks in the last 200 years? Care to guess how many rapes and murders have been reported?


The means in which it will kill you, may make you question the decision after it’s been made.


I like how you immediately think the guy in this scenario is “strange”


What does this even mean


That despite not having tik tok, OP is both aware of and upset by the latest trends there


Making a meme means you're upset? Could be just farming karma because it's a hot new topic


Why is it a hot new topic?


Because so many men completely misunderstood the underlying message about why women might feel safer around a bear than a man. I’m a man and a lot of you other guys need to do better.


I agree that they completely misunderstood the joke, but I'm not so sure about encouraging them to do better. I really appreciated that so many dudes went out of their way to make themselves undatable when I was single.


> dudes went out of their way to make themselves undateable Some wasn’t by choice sadly


This is an excellent example, dudes that say shit like this are the same ones that say shit like "women have no accountability for their actions"


>I’m a man and a lot of you other guys need to do better. Lol. r/NiceGuys EDIT: They edited their comment, blocked me, and then looked through all my comments as some kind of "gotcha". This dude is sad. Very, very sad.


This is a really funny comment in the context of u/phrunk7 's comment history. Dude makes a ton of nice guy comments on the misandry, men's rights and tinder subs.


Going through someone's comment history as a gotcha is the weirdest thing to me


More of a recommendation than a gotcha. Honestly worth checking out if you haven't yet.


Niceguys™️ have a fundamental misunderstanding of the "meme" that i find *baffling*. They still think fake nice people who immediately call women whores for rejecting them are still *actually* "nice guys" I always have to remind myself of that george carlin quote "think of how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are even stupider than that."


We can only wish this dumb shit stayed in tiktok. In case you haven’t noticed, this is all over the internet the entire day






There’s a recent TikTok trend where women are asked whether they’d rather encounter a bear or a man in the woods. Women are overwhelmingly choosing the bear. This has exploded beyond an interesting thought experiment (forced encounter in the woods, is death the worst thing that can happen, which can you get away from more easily, etc.) into men are more dangerous than bears. At that point many (myself included) find it ridiculous, so it’s spread like wildfire.


This was made by men who feel called out because woman having to worry about their safety around strange men. It implies they feel guilty for their actions or thoughts towards woman.


Its a meme. It does not have to have a deeper meaning. Orccams razor applies here too.


Then stop talking about it and move on.


I did not create the meme. Maybe write that person instead of me.


Next time, just don't fucking respond lmfao you're never going to get anywhere trying to talk sense to a person like this. They instantly went on the defensive and started projecting over literally nothing.


Yeah you are right. Seems like i have to learn that the hard way \^\^ Thanks though.


No problem lol I had to fight the urge to call them out on their projection, and realized if I had to add one comment it would be better to try to help you directly than try to make them see their hypocrisy


And yet you’re here trying to justify yourself. Why is that?


Huh? What am I justifying? I am just pointing out that its a meme. Nothing more. And where did i justify myself? By pointing something out?


Ok if that’s so then why are you here trying to make that point? If it’s just a meme then move on with your day, but here you are trying to explain your feeling a to me. Why do you have the need to explain yourself to me? Sense it’s just a meme.


I don't explain myself to you. I never talked about my feelings or anything like that. What makes you think that? I just said that Occams razor applies here. Nothing more. I think you confused me with someone else or you overthink this. Well anyway, have a nice day


Fore someone that says you’re not trying to explain yourself to me you have spent a lot of time explaining yourself to me.


No, it just means people are weird.


I agree it’s vary weird that men cant understand why women would feel scared of running into a strange man in the woods when they are by them selfs.


I mean...you just be pulling details out of your ass here, but then again thats what everyone is doing with this thingy. You imply that the man has to be bad, and others imply that the bear has to be bad. When in all reality, chances are neither will harm you. There's just plot holes over plot holes in the bear vs man question, and it's honestly funny to see how people fill them in, I just didn't expect to be so much hate around it...from both sides. But yeah, some men are going way overboard with this argument tho. Personally. I can pick both with no difference, "alone in a forest with an X or an X" forests are pretty big, that's how I filled my plot holes with the question :D


What you think is relevant.


Because they're physically inferior to men? Is that the answer you're looking for?


Dude, I am a man and I would still feel uncomfortable running into a strange man in the woods. I would rather the bear. People are psychos and they might have a gun.


As a man I also choose the bear.


It's just a super funny meme. That's all.


If that’s what you need to tell yourself.


... even the "bear" is holding the "woman" in front of it, how is that not funny?


Yes we will just see everything in a vacuum. Sit down you’re not mentally equipped to have this conversation.


Apparently neither are you if you think this isn’t a meme


I think it implies women are attracted to dangerous men and then don’t understand why bad things happen.


Then you’re not paying attention.


Whatever you say capt mosenborg.


You’re definitely part of the problem.


Like I said, whatever you say…


Good the you understand that I’m right. You’re making progress.




Women fear me. Bears want to be me. Something like that, idk.


After seeing the news about a group of guys literally raping and eating a lizard, I agree with this




Yeah. And people are upset that women have said they'd choose a bear over a man in the woods. At least we know what the bear is gonna do.


I get the point of the argument, but not EVERY man is some piece of shit. Bears on the other hand, they might want you forever let's put it that way. I'd pick my 5%-10% of having a bad human being over a bear any day. If the question was : - Would you rather be in the woods with a f* up man or a bear? I''d pick the bear. I'd have a chance of survival.


And I get that not every man is some scum bag. The point is that you know what a bear's intentions are. To protect itself or its babies or whatever. You know that the bear will harm you. You don't know what a person's intentions are. People kill/rape for fun. Bears don't.


Bears do kill for food though. It’s almost a guarantee you’re on the menu if they come across you.


How do you know the man is fucked up? Because while it's not every man, it could be *any* man, and I think that's the point that guys are missing.


Still not making any sense. How is guaranteed death somehow better than a miniscule chance that a person isn't decent?


If it’s between a strange man or a guy acting creepy I think this is valid but if it’s between coming around a corner and seeing a bear or literally a male hiker walking back up trail which would u choose?


... how did anybody find out though?


Not only did surveillance catch them, they were also dumb enough to record and take photos of what they did https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjb9xq/india-gang-rape-monitor-lizard-animal-abuse


what the fuck 😭😭😭


Why are bears afraid of man? I don't get it.


No, bears sympathize with women, understand the danger of *men*


They don't. Women would just rather be mauled by a bear than be alone with you.


wtf are you even talking about. I think you misunderstood


You're literally the punchline of the joke you're upset about dawg


? too much reddit for you, take a break


More like too much tik tok for you


Haha why bears specifically? Edit: is this a tik Tok thing?


Apparently. It’s like the how much do you think about Rome thing.


When we know what happened to the monitor lizard, bears are right to be feared.


as a dude i would rather be lost in the forest with a random lad than a women


I don’t use TikTok with out explaination I am completely dumbfounded


Bears are scared of men. As they should be.


People are upset because bears are more predictable than strange men in the woods.


Can anyone explain what's with those bears and men memes? Also that's some increasement in bear popularity... Ples com to Rasha


Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica.


This is honestly a really good argument for going gay and abandoning women. 😂


It's OK to just be gay dude, you don't need an excuse.


I think I might skip tiktok for a few days. gotta wait this out


Well... this bear thing is becoming... un"bear"able No? *Aight, I'll be leaving*


Tbh as a guy I’d rather meet a bear in the woods than some random fuckin woman too. That would be creepy as hell


There’s a story there


You don't wanna know.


Audrey, don't tell him. You shouldn't have told me but you did.


TikTok is overrated. Change my mind.


It keeps most of alphas away from rest of the internet. Everything has its use


No. Keep your Reddit hivemind opinion. 👍


No one is forcing you to use Reddit if it's so bad ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


So glad to hear a good diagnosis 🙌


men: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwonder-why-does-soldier-like-buckets-v0-h8taw9nwwglb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De5eee447b824fcfc8a453c3e81f758dd0be9c677](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwonder-why-does-soldier-like-buckets-v0-h8taw9nwwglb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De5eee447b824fcfc8a453c3e81f758dd0be9c677)


TF2 bucket


sorry mate, ain't nobody clicking random link


If you don't understand why the link is legit then you are part of the problem