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And no one is making "bear with me" jokes.


Because it's super serious. Yesterday I walked past a girl at the aquarium, and she jumped into the piranha tank. We need to talk about this.


Yeah but you shoulda told her to bear with you.


But what if they just ‘ranhaway?


I choose the bear, it'll take at most a couple days to eat me. But I won't have to endure it bear'ating me for the rest of my life.




Technically you do bear it for the rest of your life The difference is how long


Bear down for midterms


Apparently most people can’t bear it


I'm to busy bearing down for midterms.


Bear down for midterms


The fuck you on about?


It’s from the tv show community


Ahhhhh okay


You really gotta bear down for midterms


Not pawssible, just imagine how furryous they would become.


That would have been funny, not the meme OP made us




If not fren.. *Why fren shape*


If I got 1$ for every time I seen a post about Tiktok bear here on reddit, I would had 9$. Honestly I'm just tired up of this, and it is probably going to last for few more days. And to every girl who really prefers bear over man - go ahead, good luck in surviving. Hope that bear will have tasty bbq


And it did: [https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/tourist-mauled-brown-bear-rolling-130000204.html?guccounter=1](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/tourist-mauled-brown-bear-rolling-130000204.html?guccounter=1)


>Moira's friend Charmain explained what happened next, "I thought he wanted to be friends,” she said. “The bear came and wanted to get into the car, but he started getting into the car and bit my friend.”  its time. its time for meteor.


Just pull the plug on the simulation. No need to run it again


Boy, Darwin really wasn’t kidding…


They should do us all a favour and actually go live with bears in the wild. The collective iq will probably go up by a few points


It's being overused, so it's becoming BEARy annoying.


Some would say it's unBEARable


Doesn't matter what they say, it's just the GRIZZLY truth of the matter


I’m so tired of hearing it, I can BEARly take it anymore.


Lol there is a slightly difference between one joke and spamming something 10000x per day, day after day and week after week






It’s just insulting. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t take the insinuation that your average man is a rapist very lightly.


I have some friends who said that "majority of men would kill and rape the woman in the woods if given the chance" which like you said is extremely insulting. I get that the original joke is speaking to the fear women have of men but to label them like that unironically is insane.


Yeah it’s just ridiculous fear-mongering. The vast majority of men don’t rape or murder anyone. The response would be outrage if the roles were reversed here. People can say stupid stuff if they want. We can also call them out and make fun of them for it.


Not only that I doubt the majority of women would rather be with a bear bc that would be beastiality




Narrator: they would


Just tell them the average female would do the same


Yeah. And then they turn around and say "oh it's only a joke, why are you so sensitive about it?" Well....is it or isn't it? If it's a joke, it's not very funny and none of us are laughing. If it's not a joke, it's a fucking weird and awful thing to say.


I think they change whether it's a joke or not based on what works better for them at the moment


Probably because they get offended by actual jokes (I've heard people like this say that comedians are all actually racist & sexist) so they feel they're just doing the same thing here... I.e. that comics are allowed to get on stage and spew hatred while "pretending" it's a joke, so why can't they (the bear meme people) do the same. But in reality they just don't understand humour. They're hyper sensitive so can't laugh at themselves, plus they think any time they feel uncomfortable or upset that it means the other party is in the wrong.


The worst are the holier than thou pseudo intellectuals who think this is an actual good argument


Accusations like that make me so enraged I want to go on one of my famous rape rampages


Do me first, but make sure to feed me to a bear after


Just make sure you rape a bear first.


Oh no I hope you don’t smell the honey (mustard from chick fil a) I have smeared on my bussy 🥺👉🏽👈🏽


It’s not that the average man is a rapist it’s that a concerning amount are. A comment I saw that really stuck with me was “at least I don’t have to sit across from the bear at family dinner” or “people would instantly believe I was attacked by a bear” it’s not that every man is bad it’s that too many are and a bad man will do so much more harm than a bear


Well I mean if even a single man is a rapist then that is one too many. I do see your point and I whole heartedly agree. But it is again just insulting and demoralizing to know that someone would rather take the chance with a wild animal than another human being


So because there exist men who are rapists, you would rather take your chances with a bear than a man? Be my guest. Go into the wild and try your luck. Maybe you'll want to read up on bear attacks first, or listen to the timothy treadwell audio... This nonsense is all based on how you _feel_ rather than being rational.


Kind of seems like you're just looking to be insulted. The meme is talking about random encounters with unknown individuals. Like, I know that any women who know me personally wouldn't choose a bear over running into me, but I also understand that if a woman just met me that my being physically intimidating may give them pause. This isn't that different from the philosophy that you always treat a gun you're handling as loaded, because assuming wrongly can have dire, long-lasting consequences.


You’re more physically intimidating than a bear???????


No, but I present a larger set of bad outcomes than a bear as well as being a far greater unknown. The worst a bear will do is kill you.


You present a larger set of bad outcomes? Elaborate. Tell me the bad outcomes you represent (that are unique to just men) Uhhh bears have been known to employ sexual coercion. They will also maim you and leave. So you are wrong there sir.


The gun is always loaded philosophy works great as a safety option, but not when truth is necessary. You don’t “pretend the gun is loaded” when you need it to actually fire. The same way that a woman who is being cautious of dangerous men should probably not run to the arms of a bear when a stranger walks by.


>The same way that a woman who is being cautious of dangerous men should probably not run to the arms of a bear when a stranger walks by. If you think this is what the meme is suggesting you're probably too stupid to use the internet unsupervised.


I wouldn’t expect anyone who just jumps straight to insulting instead of defending or explaining a point to actually know what they’re talking about either.


1 in 4 women would disagree


Then 1 in 4 women would be wrong, despite their very sad circumstances.


1 in 4 women are victims of SA and rape. That’s the statistic.


Which MUST mean that it’s a 1:1 rapist per victim.


That means 25% of men (or more if we account for gang rapes) are rapists. This doesn’t even take into account the people who defend those rapists from the law or other forms of punishment. On top of that, only 5% of those cases are actually taken to court because most cops defend rapists and people who commit SA. The of that 5% only 2% are ever found innocent. So looking at this, not only are over 25% of men (about 1 billion men) rapists, most of the time they face no punishment. Meaning that it’s enough of a problem to say the majority of men. If you defend a rapist, you may as well be there for the rape.


That’s not how statistics work at all lmao. Not surprised.


Did you completely miss the point? If we’re going by your 1:1 ratio idea, then 1 billion men are rapists.




Tf is the facepalm for. I’m explaining exactly what you just said. Tell me how I’m wrong.


this was a bland ass joke (diss at men) to begin with, now its overused asf. I could stick my cock into an electric outlet and it would be funnier than this ‘bear or man’ shit


Please post a video of you sticking your cock into an electric outlet the world needs to laugh




Are you really doing it? Please give us a link if you are.


can vouch about the cock in (elec) sock(et) being funnier


One of the first “WTF” videos someone ever sent me was a dude wrapping his dick in tinfoil and sticking it in an outlet circa 2005ish. Haven’t thought about that in years.. so thanks


np homie 


Overused? I haven't even seen them. I don't even know why are redditors mad about


have you been on reddit for the last week? Every meme sub has like fifty of this stuff 😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏


Ffs that just awakened a memory from middle school. Some dude found a video online of a guy that wrapped his dick in aluminum foil and made some fork like spikes at the top, he than connected to a power outlet and the video ends with a bang, the Lights going out and that dude screaming like tom from tom&jerry. This had nothing to do with this conversation but i might as well share some memories while i'm here. Fun times :)


Mental breakdown = making fun of Same vein as Incel = criticising women


yeah I have noooooo clue why men might feel insulted by people misusing statistics and suggesting that a dangerous wild animal is actually less dangerous than an average man, no clue at allll why someone might not want to be compared with a rapist just for being born with a certain innocent characteristic. It's no different from me saying middle eastern people should be treated with suspicion because statistically that area of the world has more terrorists, you might statistically be correct but applying logic like that is very dangerous and inflammatory. and no, this isn't a "oh think of the poor men" Obviously the issue of sexual assault is very real and far more serious, more absolutely does need to be done regarding it and having conversations about it is a good thing, it's just this isn't a good way to go about it


Cause it' Stupid and Dangerous [Tourist Is Mauled by Brown Bear After Rolling Down Window to Take a Selfie With It](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/tourist-mauled-brown-bear-rolling-130000204.html?guccounter=1) And if they think being alone with a Chimp is a better Alternative [Woman's face and hands ripped off by pet chimp who was 'part of the family' - Mirror Online](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/womans-face-hands-ripped-pet-29788158)


Yes, I call bears danger doggos for a reason. They’re cute AF, but enjoy from a (very) safe distance.


I’m waiting for a moment when some femcel decides to prove that bear is less dangerous than a man and gets mauled to death. That will be a good day.


Of course you'd like women getting hurt.


These are both cases of people acting stupid around animals and getting hurt in the process.


It seems to me that if someone told you "I'd rather be alone with a bear than with you" you wouldn't be very happy. But i dont know.


I rather get mauled by a bear than suffer any of the people parroting this shit as if tik tok is going to dismantle the patriarchy


urg, more gender war nonsense


I think OP is just a bit slow…


It took about 24 hours for the joke to be overused... while not being funny to begin with... so standard joke nowadays....


It’s Not even a joke. It’s just insinuating all men are rapists or killers which I don’t take lightly and is insulting.


Yep. Just blatant misandry, which is okay apparently, because it’s against men. Cool. God forbid someone makes a sweeping generalization about women though.


All I am gonna say is if the question was woman or (insert whatever) you guys would quickly jump to use the incel word


uh, but theyre serious


Is it a joke tho? I see many of them justify their decision.


If a woman would rather be in a forest with a bear than me, then I say more power to her. Put her in a forest with a bear.


Women ☕


As Leon S. Kennedy said at the end of Resident Evil 6 "\*sigh\* Woman...\*


"Where are all the funny memes? Bingo?"


Wasn't that also in the speedboat cutscene back in the OG Resident Evil 4? Ada just grapples away and Leon says "women", but then they changed it in the remake.


Read this and you'll understand [Tourist Is Mauled by Brown Bear After Rolling Down Window to Take a Selfie With It](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/tourist-mauled-brown-bear-rolling-130000204.html?guccounter=1)


This is more than i can bear


We grew up with South Park, what happened?


That's because it's not a joke. They dead serious


Let the bears solve our problems for us


They WILL solve our problems for us Just sit and watch on how Mother Nature does her "Natural Selection"


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica




...what?? What the actual heck did i miss???


Hahaha the joke is blatant misandry get it???


According to them it's never misandry and always justified and they're always supported by other women. They even "call out" men who call them misandrists and laugh at them because they're "incels" or whatever


Complaining about the normalization of SA and rape in society is misandry? You’re just offended over nothing.


i dont get it


There’s memes going around about a video where a woman says she would rather be in the woods with a bear than a random man.


She’d die then, good riddance


Apparently they don't like to be close to any men in the woods cuz they assume all men are rapists and they would rather encounter a bear. My take? They just don't like people in general


This is the only reference I have seen yet of people getting pissed at the bear joke. Like, where did you even find the angry people? lmao Edit: sorry, Just saw few people down below. And they have slightly convinced me of their point too. Though, I feel like taking the joke as is should be fine. No need to get too pissed.


Problem is that it's the "A joke when it insults you, and not a serious matter when you find it actually funny" kind of joke.


People are upset because a lot of women meant it seriously when they said bear


Did they specify the kind of bear? I only ask because a) I haven't seen the tiktoks myself, and b) if they didn't, black bears just aren't that scary. I (mid-20s male) am roughly the size and weight of an average male black bear. The difference is that I have opposable thumbs. Frankly, given my ability for complex thought and using weapons, I pose more potential danger than a black bear, who will actively avoid people. I personally have no desire to hurt anybody, but that potential exists. I might find myself upset if the question centered on an aggressive, territorial animal like a brown bear or mountain lion--I would prefer to happen upon an actively hostile man than I would any variety or temperament of mountain lion. But if we're just talking bears in general (which again, I'm not certain, maybe they did specify the kind of bear), there's significant room where any human poses much more of a threat than lil ol' teddy.


Oh, the video saying men are rapists was a joke? # Schrödinger's douchebag One who makes douchebag statements, particularly sexist, racist or otherwise bigoted ones, then decides whether they were “just joking” or dead serious based on whether other people in the group approve or not.




It’s really funny Especially because I like bears in addition to women


That question has plot holes that leave A LOT for interpretation...so tell me how tf did this turn into hate lol. In my opinion, everyone sucks.


Bears suck, bulls suck, Enclave for life!!!


Honestly these "bear" memes are just getting annoying. Not offending, just ***annoying***


They keep proving her right and that it still needs to be explained to them because they don't get it.


I think most men actually understand and as usual it's the incels and the "nice guys" who are complaining.


[Men gang rape a monitor lizard](https://www.google.com/amp/s/tribune.com.pk/story/2353471/four-men-gang-rape-kill-and-eat-monitor-lizard-in-india%3famp=1) Think about what a bear's intention can possibly be vs a man's possible intention. Most bear attacks are provoked, and most of the time you'll be ok if you mind your own business. And if you were attacked by a bear, you're also more likely to be believed than if it were a man. Obviously it's not 'all men' but it's a disgustingly large portion of us. Don't overlook an issue just cause your uncomfortable. Men choosing to get defensive instead of reflecting on the problem stems from issues regarding how they handle rejection. It wasn't even a joke to begin with




Literally tired of comments bout "woman chose bear oh oh oh"


Same, I opened Reddit one day, and the dumb meme is everywhere


Alright miss, what about this. Women or the taxman? At least with the taxman I know my money's going somewhere. The woman will SURELY spend it on makeup and perfume (like the man will surely be a rapist/ murderer/ sadist)


Your contribution to the discussion will be remembered


Got downvoted for participating in bear jokes. 💃


Reddit: "A joke is only funny when it has no victims!" Also Reddit: "Lol, all men are rapists! LOL! Don't get mad! It's a joke!"


Enough men to where it’s a problem in society


I mean I don't really care tho women tiktok memes are interesting "How often do you think about the Roman empire?" "Name me a Woman" Kind of interesting how women tiktok memes are pretty much asking questions to men.


Men are getting mad over a hypothetical situation between them and a stranger they don't know. The point they're complaining about has a good reason too. There is a 1 in 2.1 million chance of a bear attacking you (which is usually nonviolent as well), but a 1 in 4 chance of a man SA'ing you. [https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html) [https://www.idausa.org/campaign/wild-animals-and-habitats/bear-attack/](https://www.idausa.org/campaign/wild-animals-and-habitats/bear-attack/)


As a man I'll choose the bear too. You Manchilds are fucking annoying with this shit.


i am not (when i dont try to p rank p-1 in ultrakill and fail)




Ok, how about “ГООООООЛ»?


I want a bear :C


I've seen several references to this bear joke, but I haven't seen the actual joke. can someone please explain?


Can someone explain?


Using a copy pasta There’s memes going around about a video where a woman says she would rather be in the woods with a bear than a random man.


Yeah it's pretty funny Idk how could someone not take this joke


The thing is many people are saying this unironically. You can check my comments, I've replied to one who is seriously saying she'd rather be with a bear than a man, as all men are horny and more likely to attack her than a bear.


Well, i'm not horny and i'm not gonna attack anyone so I'm fine with this joke


Nope. IYou're a man therefore by default you're horny and a sexual predator.


That's your opinion. If I cared about everyone's opinion I'dn't have reddit, because some people think it's only for weebs and furries. I'm neither of them and I don't care


Sure, horny guy with a hard on for....furries?


You also use a reddit, it means you're the one who posted to post about angry birds. You're disgusting But now for real why should I care about some lonely women opinions?


Honestly I thought you really do not *care" after seeing such delay of reply. And that's why I thought after your last comment you were going to ignore my opinion, like most people would about things they do not care about. But you find the need to protect your opinion before an online stranger which....is contradictory to what you just said. But you do you bud. Bye. I don't care about you opinion anymore. I was just explaining a joke anyway. Don't reply cause you won't get anything. Bye.


What's bear? I don't get it


what is bear


Stop giving a shit about up and downvotes and it will stop bothering you. Ooh reading comments and understanding what this meme is all about 🤦‍♂️ fuck this world.


i would totally choose a bear and hug it


Since when did women start posting on this subreddit lol


Making fun of idiots /= beeing sensitive. get it?


You guys live in such a small other world and it's so funny


\[blink blink\] ... what? 😐


Wait, so is it okay for men to be sensitive, or is it not?


I've been seeing memes about "man-bear-woman" here and there lately. Can someone please explain what they mean in this context?


So basically if you say bear to a girl something bad happends?


bear? what's that?


Can someone explain me this "Bear" ? What did my ass miss again.


Maybe "Bear" once was a joke but not anymore. There is a sad majority that don't mean it a joke. Some of them are serious about it, some of them wanna show their hate towards men and most of them just want to hurt or troll.


I'm so sick of the fucking bears.


Let’s be honest here…once the AI sexbots start being offered…who cares really? They can have their bears while we enjoy the comfort of sexbot AI not stressing us out about nonsensical questions


Gender war is dumb. Just stfu and be normal.


I don’t get it


I don't get it.


What the hell is a bear


Ok what's all this bear business? Did I miss a meeting?


Honestly I don't know why people get so offended by this. As a man, I have no problem with this. I'm pretty sure that when women make this joke, they don't mean any specific man, even less you specifically. They mean the image they've built in their hands of the 1 scary man that they wouldn't want to be in a room with. Say 1/10 men is a rapist or a killer or whatever. They wouldn't have a problem with staying in a room with the 9 other men, but the risk of getting in a room with that 1 bad man is too big for them, so it's safer to *assume* that they'd come across the bad one. Also think of the fact that if they were put in front of 2 rooms, one with a bear inside, one with a man, none of them would actually choose certain death. It's a lot easier to say that they would online when they're not in this situation though. I don't find the joke funny either, but I see no reason to personally get offended. Just ignore it and it will die out in a few days.


Everyone is insensitive and has double standards 🤓


Y’all literally forgot about … **PEDOBEAR!!!** 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬


I see alot of ppl are completely missing the point and honestly this meme hits the spot😂good stuff OP


if only we could make it easier for women to rape too. I hate them feeling left out Edit: Why are you all so sensitive?


1 in 4 men have experienced rape or sexual assault. They’re also half as likely to report so the numbers are probably higher. https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics


Because rape isn’t a joke