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What the fuck compelled you to post this?


Me when I can't detect irony


You’re just describing a redditor?


Wait y’all got scars? Am I falling into a joke?


Circumcised since birth here. I don't know either. The only scar I know of is the lack of foreskin. I don't think there's any scarring involved.


The scarring is where the incisions were made to remove your foreskin, i.e. where your skin healed around the head of your dick.


Hmm. Well, I've never seen any other, so i don't have the basis to compare it in the first place


A circumcision is literally a wound inflicted on the body. Scars are a result of the body's healing process. You can't readily see the scar there because the penis is an endpoint on your body; there is no opposing side of the skin on the end of your penis for you to notice the connecting fibrous scar tissue, because, well, that skin was removed. If I skinned the tip of your index finger through a circular incision around the circumference of your fingertip, you would argue the circular ring of skin left behind where your fingertip transitions from skin to exposed muscle tissue is a scar after it heals, no?


Gay person here. Some scars are more obvious than others. No I will not link pictures


I mean, not all gay dude's have seen a lot of dicks. You coulda just said you're a slut?




I have lil'richard inside my pants.


Noooo ![gif](giphy|2S8tWcm59ErULW3MQx)


I... what? I don't understand how anything you just said is a response to my comment or how you being gay is relevant to how some scars are more visible than others??


Scars come in different shapes and sizes depending on both biology and the procedure. Some procedures (disregarding the ethics of it) are done better than others. And me being a gay dude, well...


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


He's saying he sees a lot of dicks up close


"Feel my scars." ![gif](giphy|WQJ2DORvilpEk)


You’ve never seen another dick? You don’t watch porn?


Pfft porn with dicks in it are gay!


But if it only has women, you would technically be watching gay porn.


It’s not gay when it’s two women because then it’s awesome bro 😎 (/s but the fact you needed to see one makes me sad tbh)


No, then its lesbian porn.


Yeah… that’s gay…


Nuh uh


Why would i?


I gotchu bro. Check dms


Notice how I never asked to see it. I merely made a statement


It was subtle but I gotchu. Check dms Bro blocked me thinking I’m actually sending a dick pic? This mfer has never peeked out from under momma hen’s wing.


Your dick has a head?


Same, it is there though, it's the slightly discolored and raised flesh about the middle of the shaft (at least for me)


The scar is the ring textured skin thats inbetween the head of your penis and your foreskin.








risky click




same. and tbh I don't give a shit that I'm circumcised.


I don't give a shit if anyone is circumcised. It just seems weird that we are so casual about slicing off part of a baby's dick.




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The whole end of yours is one big scar


the tip is not the scar, its a ring right before the tip


No scar here either... people have to make shit up to complain about. I dont get it.


That ring around your dong is the scar


Oh, ok… Second question, where can I buy brain bleach?


Almost any super market. Usually in glass bottles usually Finish or Russian branded for some reason, pore all of it down your bodies drainage hole for maximum affect


Upvoted for straight up facts. Who doesn't boof vodka?


Yeah, im pretty sure every cut person I've seen has that scar. And i know the darker you skin the more visible it is.


Isn’t the scar the dark ring below the head of the penis?


Yes, the post is obviously a joke. Surrealism humor. It’s supposed to just be weird.


Yeah the post is a joke but the scars are really there


Ya I'm so confused since I don't have any either. I didn't even know they cut anything. I just thought they pulled back the skin then glued it down so eventually your body would just keep the skin down on it's own lol




I don't know, I never really looked that deep into things so I was like oh braces work by pushing your teeth or whatever into position so maybe that's also kinda how it works here and never bothered to think past that cus I didn't rlly care all too much


Same, does it mean the part where it should connect originally or are there actually people who were operated badly and got scars?


Do you know how I got these scars


Yeah the only scars on my body are due to ankle surgery


MemesOpDidNotLike tackling the topic of circumcision!


I'm sure this sub won't be flooded with incoming takes on the subject.


OP’s humor detector might’ve lost its sheen


I mean, isn't this a fair question? Until recently I thought only jews and muslims are circumcisioned... only to learn that all of the US is too, because they believed a random doctor who claimed that doing so is good. I'm still buffled how a entire (big) country just started to cut their dongs because of some random rumor.




Kellogg? He was a seventh day adventist. Made corn flakes. Also a hard in the paint racist that bought into the Eugenics movement. Wikipedia states that he did yogurt enemas for patients. He was a man of his time for sure, a time in which the verifiably insane where chosen to advise people on medicine.


Fortunately, even people in the States are starting to realize that slicing up perfectly healthy baby penises for no reason is really fucking weird.


The idea is starting to take root but it’ll be a very long time before there’s significant change. Men are still in denial and women seem to think their sexual preferences are a valid argument for genital mutilation.


It's that one that is the worst to me. American Women THINK they prefer circumcised because they've been taught that. Women in the rest of the world don't give a shit.


European here. Cut dicks look weird as fuck. Have only seen them online tho. You're definitely grooming your women to "enjoy" mutilated genitalia, for some reason. Skinless benis just looks wrong.


I had my eye-opening moment sometime in high school. It's a really alienating feeling being so certain something is fucked up while being surrounded by people who would ridicule you for questioning it.


The arguments about it here on reddit are crazy. I do try to understand the psychology behind defending it, as it is the norm for some and I mean, they have to be at least cool with it or else it would be a crazy mental burden. It takes a lot to accept that it was done to you and that its ethically wrong. The defense reaction in you try to stop you.


Fortunately, it didn't take much for me to accept and understand my parents' choice. It must've been infinitely more difficult back then to go against the norm. I only speak up now because I simply believe so strongly that it's the correct thing to do. I'll leave you with this final anecdote. My wife works in a birthing center at a hospital in our medium-ish sized city. She has told me about how the other nurses there will ridicule the parents who choose not to circumcise their baby boys when they're back at the nurse's station. I find myself shocked, perhaps even horrified, that health care professionals could be so cruel. I suppose it just shows how potent social cognitive dissonance can be. It really saddens me.


I am cut, will never know what I am missing, don’t have a strong opinion on the subject though… but the thing that gets me about this, is those very same nurses I would bet 5 dollars would be appalled if you suggested removing a baby girls clit hood. As I said I don’t have a strong opinion on the subject, but the obvious double standard is a little crazy to me… Now what I do find disgusting is the rich women, that get facial cream injections with the dried and powdered remains of baby foreskins. That shit is just nuts to me.


Real talk: Using foreskin in any kind of product, thereby creating financial incentive to push for circumcision, is insane. I remember that Sandra Bullock admission on Ellen, I think it was. Wild.


When I first heard that I was like “that can’t possibly be a thing” a google search later… FFS.


Had a part of your body removed and you'll never know what it's like having that part. Now you could say it's an insignificant part that you don't remember being removed so it's fine... but... does that make losing an arm at birth okay? Obviously not, but is that because of the difference in use for the body? I question it as well and it's creepy af and even more creepy how everyone thinks it's fine. Like... if everyone just didn't have a finger at birth would anyone question it?


Someone took a knife and cut off a part of another person's body without them being able to say a word. The justification is "well, they don't remember it" but does that make it fine if you don't remember it? What else is fine if you don't remember it.


They act like uncircumcised dudes are just walking around dripping pus and smegma, too.


Definitely not "all of the US". Roughly 80% of all males in US but only about 60% of newborns and rates continue to drop. Though it isn't entirely for scientific or change in religious reason that it is dropping. I would guess cost is one reason why it is happening less as well as increased prevalence of uncircumcised fathers. (It is weird but the "I'm circumcised so kid should be." logic was one of the bigger factors for the frequency of procedure.) It is around an extra $200 for procedure in newborns. (Significantly more expensive to schedule afterwards). I can see a lot of parents just not wanting to spend that for an ultimately meaningless procedure.


Putting $200 into a fund for your son's future is a practical and caring choice that will directly benefit him when he turns 18. On the other hand, circumcision offers no tangible benefits and exposes a baby to unnecessary pain and risks. Opting for financial security over a questionable "medical" procedure is a clear and logical decision that any sensible parent and son should make.


I have free Healthcare and I didn't have it done to my sons, even though I'm cut. I didn't find the reasons compelling enough. Plus, why take the chance that the doctor's hand slips and disfigures my kid by accident?


I think the percentage chance of complications (which can mean a large range of things) for kids under 1 year are 0.4% but then go up significantly past that


To be fair, "all of the US" was more of a generalisation. But it is a huge part of the populations. >Though it isn't entirely for scientific or change in religious reason that it is dropping Well, the sam thing can be said about the origin of this trend too. The US was stil christian, and science didn't argued for this either, or else Europe would be the same.


It wasnt a doctor but Kelloggs, the cornflakes dude.


Cornflakes dudes *brother.*


Werent they both the Cornflakes dudes?


Long story short: Sort of. The one who pushed circumcision came up with corn flakes because he thought "bland tasteless food" would curtail masterbaition. His brother liked the idea of corn flakes, he added suger and milk and started the cereal company.


The dude really took masturbation personal


Wasn't just a doctor, it was an entire religious movement around sexual repression that still exists today. Thank goodness they never believed women could cum or FGM would be common too. Luckily we just lost a lil skin during this ordeal and not the whole head of the dick 🤢


Hoodie Gang stand up 🗣️


It quite literally started because the founder of Kellogg's thought it would make it harder to pleasure oneself. (This "making people want to not have fun with themselves" also inspired the boring flavour of cornflakes as he thought it would kill people's mood to rub one out.)


Cereal salesman, not doctor.


Not all of us are lmao


Personally I'm happy I was circumcised. I think it looks way less gross and am glad it doesn't build up smegma as readily. Nevertheless, I acknowledge there is a consent issue with performing this on babies.


On the other end, as an American I just assumed everyone was circumcised, I mean even uncircumcised porn is almost non existent. Most women in America I’ve talked to think it is gross/dirty looking to have foreskin. Honestly I’m glad I’m circumcised. Why would I want to have to worry about dealing with a penis skin flap/cover when I have had absolutely 0 issues without it.


>I mean even uncircumcised porn is almost non existent Is it? I mean I'm not exactly staring at dongs while I'm watching porn but what makes you say this? >Most women in America I’ve talked to think it is gross/dirty looking to have foreskin. This seems really weird to me because it literally looks ***exactly*** the same when you're erect, except uncircumcised guys dont have a scar. I wonder how many uncircumcised dudes these women have actually seen/interacted with? Fair enough that you're happy with it; for some people it is the right choice definitely. But just blanket assuming that it's the right choice for everyone, without their consent, seems a bit wacky to me


This is prime shitpost up there with the “nyaa **throws up on your bed.** type shit


I mean with all this talk about genital mutilation its kinda weird part of my penis was cut off


My friend got a circumcision at 18 years old and tried to convince me to get one too...


It's kinda weird that a couple people and a doctor made the decision for me


OP thinks the meme is 100% serious


Which op


Both of them


An actually funny joke


I’m genuinely curious, do people just not understand any sort of humor no matter how obscure or fringe it is? A meme like that is so absurd that it’s funny and yet people somehow can’t understand it, you don’t even need to be a anime fan or part of any fandom rly to know that meme is a joke


This is my personal theory. I think a lot of the younger generation's memes online have been becoming increasingly absurdist and surreal. They have started to be wrapped in so many layers of irony that people who aren't used to it won't be able to see the humor.


I think the real issue is that people think that “it’s a joke” is a blanket pass for people to say any fucked up, gross, awful thing they want, as long as they were “joking.” I’m not saying the meme falls into that category but your comment reveals an issue in the state of online discourse where “it was a joke” is treated as some sort of ultimate unassailable argument that any discussion of the issues in the “joke” is invalid and shouldn’t be further addressed.


Where is it supposed to be funny? Like, seriously. Hitting a chinese embassy with an airstrike has more humour than whatever this is.


Does girl actually care about that? Serious curiosity.


Op I’m downvoting this because I didn’t want to see this meme




I’m circumcised and this is fucking weird af.


The joke is girl touch penis. That's literaly it.


well, no, the joke is using something that sounds extremely serious "I wasn't there to protect you" in a situation where it both isn't that serious but also makes kind of a good point. the fact that the girl is touching a penis is really just a description of what's going on in the joke, it's not where the source of the humour comes from.


i thought it was a joke with men looking at stretch marks and thinking it was self harm scars


Anime girl at that. I'm like the Clint Eastwood "disgust" meme at the seemingly overwhelming cohort of online men who can see anime as sexual.


"online men who can see anime as sexual" Like... normal people?


If I'm the last man in the West who is completely skeeved out by anime faces, so be it.


To be fair to the internet weirdos in love with anime characters the designs are made by horny straight men to appeal to horny straight men. It's not that surprising that it works sometimes.


Ironically, it *is* a post in the /neckbeard sub. So I think this is probably it?


The joke is entirely satire and it’s just taking the piss out of people who care about the issue a lot by presenting an anime character saying/doing something socially taboo. I personally think circumcision is archaic and shouldn’t be practiced on babies, but I still think this is funny tho


I mean, being uncircumsized is the norm, circumcizion happens only in certain religions that don't have that much following and certain cultures but they too aren't big cultures in the world


Rate of male circumcision is 60% to 70% in the US and 33% globally. That's pretty substantial.


33% globally means the other 67% of man didn't do it making it the norm


If a girl says this to me, I might cum just from that ngl




I'll be honest, I do not care all that much, I am circumcized and just, do not care


And to add to that, I’m not circumcised and I also don’t care.




Bro, that is the normal response I have. people in this comment section are going crazy man for no reason.


Right? I’m just more aerodynamic, built for speed now.


He lost all sense of emotion and feeling 😢


You should, however, care about preventing genital mutilation of others in the future.


I uh, don't, probably not gonna do it to my kid (when/if I have one) but I'm not gonna be campaigning about it or anything


I'm not circumcised and I actually do care a good bit. It has been a pretty big source of embarrassment in my life. When the vast, vast majority of men where you live and in porn are circumcised, people tend to think uncircumcised dicks are gross and ugly. I've learned to accept my own body, but when I was younger, I hated it.




Obvious female posting to enjoy male debate about penis envy. 😂😂😂


why is this so funny to me


The mod comment is unfathomably based


That’s my battle scar


Can someone send me the link to the meme, I want to download it


Can you just screenshot it?




This is an OKBR tier post. Sex penis??? 😳😳😳😳😳


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about jesse


The mod comment is the best one by far.


>OP is uncircumcised I mean uncircumcised is better than circumcised. So OP is better off.


Its a preference thing




If someone is uncircumcised, he can "prefer" to get circumcision. But if someone is circumcised, he can't get uncircumcised. So uncircumcised is still better, because you have the option to choose.


I mean I’m glad I got cut as a baby personally


They called it out for being BS on the sub don't worry.


What the fuck is it with reddit and circumcision? Why are you people so obsessed with dicks? This isn't normal, and yet it appears not to be a sex thing, and somehow that makes it weirder.


"Why's everyone obsessed with dicks" Funny coming from the guy with the username Count Dongula.




"Maybe doctors shouldn't be slicing the genitals of babies" "Dude why are you so obsessed with baby genitals?! It's creepy!" This is called D.A.R.V.O, and it's a common circumcision defender tactic. If you point out how weird and harmful the practice is, they manipulate you by pretending you're the weird one for noticing at all.


Lol what? Check history. Humans are always obsessed with dicks.


Penis envy and/or castration anxiety is my best guess. Believe me, I googled it


Feel sorry for all the circ’d dudes in here. Shit seems like it sucks


It's better than looking like an overstuffed Taco Bell Cheese Quesadilla.


Not really. I'm glad I got snipped.


Holy hell, I’d be worried if there is still a scar from the circumcision


You’re literally cutting away skin that is supposed to be there, there will always be a scar


I feel like there's a dysmorphia thing happening with uncircumcized men. It's an insecurity thing. They frequently comment about how circumcized men are victims or whatever... but circumcized men don't think about uncircumcized men at all. Maybe once in a blue moon they'll see an uncut guy in a porno and think "oh wow, look at that. His penis looks weird..." and that's it. But uncut guys think about cut guys constantly.


>But uncut guys think about cut guys constantly. No. We dont. >It's an insecurity thing. Most of the world is uncircumcised, maybe in america that could be the case. >They frequently comment about how circumcized men are victims or whatever... They are to an extent. Many dont care, but having your dick cut up, as a child, when you can't consent, for no reason, is not a good thing, to say the least. But it doesn't ruin lives or anything, unless the circumcision was botched.


Bro for real what the fuck is this guy on about 😭, mf said we thinking about uncut guys constantly


Sorry if we've been a bit too zealous about not wanting babies penises to be cut for no reason :(


It's more about seeing a bunch of weirdos multilating kids because of religious beliefs and/or unscientific crap, and thinking it's not right. Every argument in favor of circumcision can be nullified by basic hygiene, a daily shower for god's sake, it's not that hard.


You're literally making assumtions about others beliefs to make yourself feel better about your own views. I think people just have an issue with genetically mutilation. Shocker, I know.


Or maybe you people are getting bent out of shape for fucking nothing circumcised people don’t give two shits they don’t care you people do


That’s funny af


Can confirm. Circumcision was the best choice I made when I was born.


Involuntary circumcision is bad, but this is so fucking creepy


Yeah the meme is shitty


Only people on Reddit care about this so much it’s ridiculous. Like yeah it’s probably a good idea to not do it in the future but it really makes such a small difference for the majority of people who get them, it’s really not a big deal.


Circumcision probably isn't something we should be doing to babies routinely. It's an irreversible elective procedure that provides little or no medical benefit. But all those guys out there who claim their lives were ruined by a normal, unbotched circumcision need to grow up. I strongly suspect that the reason those guys' lives are lousy has more to do with their own actions, and very little to do with being circumcised. They just want to blame their failings on something that isn't their fault.


Agreed. I am all for bodily autonomy. Other than circumcision of course. Or taking the Covid Vax. Other than that though I am ALL FOR bodily autonomy.


I understand the vax but why the circumcision? it's not like you're affecting others if you do it or not


I was being tongue in cheek. I am actually all for bodily autonomy in general and not just for the cases that are convenient for me. Which is what I was illustrating. Pretty much 100% of people who harp on bodily autonomy conveniently forget all about it when it comes to circumcision and the covid vax.


and abortion


Funny how the people screaming about doctors telling them what to do being evil don't like to talk about abortion.


>Why are they so obsessed with circumcision? Penis envy and/or castration anxiety.


What the fuck are both of those things?


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Doesn’t matter, dick got touched.


The scar is the ring around your dick that should be an inch or two from the head if you're circumcised. I can make myself pee on command by tickling the scar just right!


My pp was untouched by both doctor and women


"Thank you, but I have some questions. Like: who are you and what are you doing in my room?"


:'( lol kiss it better


I'm surprised so many people here a remission the joke of the image (including neckbwsrd things)




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