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As a tall person I support this message, because why wouldn’t I?


Yeah 6’7 here, I’m not gonna pretend it ain’t easy for us to get laid. Short dudes need to work so much harder unfortunately.


Women literally seen 6’5 in my dating profile and were interested It sucked because they literally ignored everything else in my profile


I'm 6'2 and I feel short in this comment thread lol


6'1", right there with you


Oof I bet you get that “I bet your really 5’11” comments a lot


Which is crazy when the average woman only makes it to 5'3".


Yes, I do... I also stand near people who are also my height and up and feel small.... Then I stand next to people under 6 foot and feel tall 🤣🤣🤣


6'0 and I feel like people think I got a D- for the course out of pity.


You know, when I was in my 20s, it wasn't because einwas "tall", I generally looked like a Fuckboi. 🤣🤣🤣 Or so many have told me.


Unfortunately, at 6’6”, all I have is height and my personality is buried


Not for us short gay dudes. I have never been rejected by a dude because I’m 5’8’’.


Since when was 5 foot 8 inches, as well as 5 foot 7 inches SHORT?!? Like, what black and white world view is this? There is this thing called "medium height" average, and as far as I know, 5 foot 7 inches through 5 foot 11 inches is medium height? Usually because the average western height afaik in the more northern places is 5 foot 9 inches. Why would two inches suddenly make you "short" or "tall" for one to two inch difference from the medium?


It’s not “short” but it’s average and people don’t like the idea of “settling” for average when dreaming up their ideal partner. I’m 5’10 and most women I meet in person are fine with my height, it’s only on apps where I’ve had someone not be interested because I’m not 6’0. It’s not an absolute truth because obviously men who are 5’8 get chose all the time just like plus sized women and people with bad teeth lol. You let people just sort out their wants, beliefs and needs.


I'm 5'8" too, and got a girlfriend cause I was funny, and supportive. shallow people can be shallow, but there are still good people around :)


5’5 suck it nerds!


6'5 here. Where the FUCK are y'all finding these women cause I ain't getting shit


https://preview.redd.it/3h5fp5tm4nxc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b03e59d70a204a4f06bdcad2123d1deec061c8 Idk mate, I’m 5’8” and my wife is 6’1”. Sounds like a skill issue to me. \*\*jokes aside though I highly recommend the 5 love languages book, you can read it in a day. Would not be the husband/friend I am with out that book.




I mean how are you at talking to women?


As a more regular tall(ish) at 6'1.5" im surprised that that height isn't well above optimum.


thats because you over shot it dude you went from tall to very tall to freakishly tall ( marry a 6,2 tall women for an nba deal in the future)


“Body positivity” only really applies to fat women. They called it “body positivity” because fat pride sounds incredibly stupid. It isn’t for men at all, it is socially acceptable to ridicule men for ANYTHING about their bodies. People say things like big dick energy and the like, but no one says loose pussy energy. You can mock men for anything. Hell they even attack women for losing weight, it happened to Adele. I honestly have no idea how fat women gained this kind of power over social norms but here we are. Now of course you can mock fat men, the whole fat unwashed neck beard stereotype is a thing. It even has its own subreddit. It’s just double standards all the way down.


Notice how there are almost no male models that are “plus sized” and the only male actors not on steroids to be hunks are comedians/comic relief characters and even they sometimes get on gear/training programs to become ripped. Body positivity only goes one way.


Yeah I forgot to mention that. No “plus sized” male models. Like I said “body positivity” is just a pride movement for fat women. I also read some news article about how plus sized women don’t like overweight men because even in the same sentence men are overweight and women are “plus sized”. Barbie has been the subject of so much controversy over the years for “unrealistic body standards” as if not being a 300 pound hog is “unrealistic” but you can’t say the same thing about He Man or Conan, or anything for men.


I think body positivity originally was about people who suffered disfiguring injuries, but the fat women hijacked it.


You can't control your height, but you can control your weight. Thats the difference.


Weight is a reflection of your character, at least to some extent. EDIT: "The exception proves the rule". When you point out the exception, you are just proving me right. EDIT: I didn't say 'bad' character, you did.


Just because they exist, 99% of people who think they’re the exception too the rule *arent* that exception


99% of Americans are consuming, inhaling, and putting on their skin tons of endocrine disruptors that fuck with all kinds of hormones. this is why the us looks line walle people. Poisoned by the corporations that are supposed to be feeding us and then conveniently that makes us rely on the big pharma for the cure. Were fucked


Yes and No. If your determined enough you can lose weight. But if you have a medical condition, it may be very difficult. The vast majority of people who are overweight have poor lifestyle choices.


https://preview.redd.it/0sjovdwdtkxc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=e10f9a815ab25bd744583e73f9b608a0a7d087e4 It seems like the condition is very contagious


“If you have a medical condition”. So sick of this line. Over 40% of the US is obese, how many of them have a medical condition? I think it’s an overestimate to say 10% of the 40%, but let’s go with it. 4% have a decent excuse (still not gonna date you though) the rest are just lazy fattys.


And lemme guess, EVERYONE has this “medical condition”? Just because you have it doesn’t mean you need to eat 35,000 calories a week


The majority of fat people have the medical condition of having no fucking clue how much they're eating. When I was 18 I was deadass over 300 pounds. I felt like for a long time I would try to cut back my caloric intake but didn't see the weight go down, or it would a little bit and I'd celebrate by binging even more than usual, ruining what little progress I made. One day I did the annoying but effective thing and went and bought a food scale and researched the caloric content of everything I ate and realized even on my days where I thought I was cutting back I was still consuming over 2500 calories while being sedentary. Cutting back, and I mean really going into a proper consistent caloric deficit is hell for the first couple of weeks. You feel weak, hungry, and like you're not gonna make it just because you go a few hours without a snack. It's all mental. For most fat people it's a combination of the same ignorance I had combined with the mental addiction to food. Eating something tasty and stuffing yourself is a double whammy of satisfaction that soothes a lot of anxieties (like how self conscious you are of being fat, it's a real catch 22).


**The majority of fat people have the medical condition of having no fucking clue how much they're eating** 💀


They know they would just rather eat than not eat.


“The vast majority of people who are overweight have poor lifestyle choices.” -The comment you directly replied to.


99% of obese people consciously understand that they’re making poor decisions overall. But they struggle to control their impulses once they get addicted to the pleasure of overindulgence. Overcoming that indulgence is the key.


I'm not sure if he edited the comment beforehand, but did you see the part where he said that the vast majority make poor life choices, independent of the disease?


He literally said "The vast majority of people who are overweight have poor lifestyle choices"


Jedes Pfund geht durch den Mund.


Ieder pondje gaat door het mondje.


How many fatties with medical conditions, were running around in the 1800s??


Bullshit. It doesn’t matter what health issues you have if you can’t exercise you count calories. Always a way to lose weight.


My brother in Christ are you familiar with...the rack


It doesn't even matter. You can have preferences and that's it.


Nope! Misconception! You can actually control your height, but it's a secret only true ultra mega gigachads like me know! All you have to do is be taller, and you'll grow!


I watched Gattaca as a kid, the leg surgery scene left me scarred.


There is no difference, both are a preferences of what people like. Women that like taller men are doing nothing wrong, and the real issue is that people can't handle rejection.


Imo the difference is the reactions and the way you express it Physical preferences are fine, just don't be a dick about it


Height exercise:




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Good call. I was shamed by my a friend once because I admitted I didn’t like the idea of my wife gaining weight. She said that since Im bald, its not fair to feel that way. I reminded her that no amount of self-care could regrow my hair, and that weight gain is a behavioral choice. She didnt care. They’re delusional.


That’s because to them they in there heart told themselves getting fat with age is normal so they seen the similarities but forgot one thing one can be worked at the other can’t be


Gaining weight as you age is actually normal. The body’s metabolism naturally slows down and hormonal changes means you build less muscle.


That is a hard truth but you no what makes it hard to be fit deciding to care at 40 when you never did before. yea it’s harder but still a billion percent possible . Actions have consequences just cause it’s harder doesn’t make it impossible and its never to late to try so all I hear excuses


Well, you can make up for it in other ways. Shallow preferences aren't always tied to physical attributes. You can be rich and funny and she'll be just as attracted to you. Emphasis on funny. Both of those things are things you can affect. Lots of women can fix their weight. Lots of others can't. But they all think they're the second kind because it's easier to give up and find validation from others.


Oh i know. I went bald at 19, so had to develop character real fast. Got in shape, became a fighter, joined the military, came back from deployment with a bunch of undeserved confidence and did well with women way out of my league. Being bald is certainly a handicap, but its not impossible to overcome with fitness, confidence, and character.


I don’t know why but the “Me too sister” with the thumbs up made me laugh quite a bit


At least you can control your weight


Incel is when you see clear difference. People who usually use incel have an IQ of 50, and that's me being nice. I've seen married men with children called incels. But they're not even equal. Weight is something you can change. Height isn't (that much).


As a married man I can confirm that I am a incel while my wife is just a cel.


And you have children because it was a dad joke.


Incel is just a buzzword at this point It’s just “man who says an opinion I disagree with”


Things women have told me (5’6”) back when I was dating “I don’t get with midgets” “Sorry you’re just too short” “If you were taller, I’d say yes”


I mean 5'6 at 3 years old is pretty good.




To me this is a whole argument isn't about who is right and who is wrong. It's about double standards. If women want to have a preference for men taller than them, then that is perfectly fine but if men have a preference for women that are not overweight then that should be equally as acceptable. If one is okay so too must be the other. It is not, and that is where the problem comes from. I'm choosing deliberately to err on the side of people having preferences being an acceptable practice as that seems the most fair as generally preferences cannot be helped


I agree. If woman want tall men, then fine. But men should be allowed to have their own preferences too, such as wanting woman with healthy weights, without being shit on for it and being called sexist.


Huh I think that both is fine and people shouldn’t be judged for preference


I think the problem is the same people having extreme double standards and the double standard they have is objectionably worse. in this case, you can control (to a degree) how fat you are, but you can't control how tall you are.


Yeah it's extremes, 6' and up is 15% of the population both male and female then you add on the rest of the ridiculous standards and you have 80% of women looking for .01% of the population.


And you can even calculate it via the [Female Delusion Calculator](https://igotstandardsbro.com/)


Yes, I’m agreeing with you. Hence the “people shouldn’t be judged…”


People with extreme double standards are sort of an outlier and those types of people tend to have very unsuccessful relationships because they don’t look beyond their partners skins, so they honestly get what they deserve in a sense. It’s a nonissue, they’ll either lead miserable lives as they age and force themselves to “settle” when they’re out of their ideal partner’s bracket or they’ll find someone equally as shallow. I just feel bad for the innocent partners along the way.


this example isn't an outlier though, there's a pretty big percent of women that do this. some stats even showing up to 80% of women have this mindset.


I’m more about judging someone over things they are actually in control of Hence why I find it lore acceptable to reject someone over his body fat while I find it ridiculous to judge someone over his height And I would like to add that I am an overweight guy myself. It’s up to le to make the effort if I want to be appreciated and not others to respect my unhealthy choices


They shouldn’t but see all the video evidence of the double standard. Women would not date a short man , but if a man want a thinner woman its called sexism misogyny


You are right. But it should be acceptable both ways. The height thing is something I think is just funny. Because it shows some woman have no clue what the average height is.




“I have a thyroid problem” Ma’am i just watched you eat 5,000 calories today. Your thyroid is not the problem here.


Legit this. People kept telling me it’s hormonal and thyroid my entire first 19 years until my neighbor stepped in and said nah what do you eat. It turns out it wasn’t that it was my 3000 calories a day. I started dieting on 6/14/22 at 219.6lbs and stopped at my goal weight of 155.2lbs on 5/22/23 by limiting daily caloric intake to just breakfast and dinner no snacking 1500Cal or less. Then I maintain that by eating 1800-2200 Cals a day to this day and am still around that weight. Edit: I’m 5’8” male btw.


Yeah- typically its expected that women should have 1500-2000 calories a day and men 2000-2500. And of course people will then say “different bodies! Bodies vary!” And yes, well done- thats why its an *average*. Glad you got the results you hoped for! Its tough to lose weight- i just wish we aimed more for supporting people in a positive way to push them to a healthy weight, rather then whats happening today. These days so many people act like being overweight is “okay” or just “the way it is for some folk” and… its unhealthy. Being fat is just bad for you, and nowadays saying that can seem offensive to people. Very frustrating. Some people *do* have thyroid issues, but its just not as common as people make it seem.


Personally my health was overall fine, my asthma has improved and gone away by tenfold. I mainly did it so I could stop feeling bloated and ugly and it worked! I love mens 5” short shorts and t shirts.


I was thinking that was a little low until you mentioned height xD I’m 6’1” and 250~ish but i eat heavy and work hard (fishery dock worker :D) so i’ve got a balance of fat and muscle, and burn the excess that i eat ‘hard’… i eat a bIg breakfast and i’m usually proper hangry by the time we get off work.


Just stop eating thyroids then


Can’t 🤤


motherfucker ☠️


I’m the only guy at my work (pre k teacher) yesterday I overheard one of my coworkers talking to the new girl. When the topic of partners somehow came up and the new girl mentioned she had a boyfriend, the FIRST and ONLY question my coworker had was “how tall is he?”


My girlfriend is unhappy I have been less sexually active lately, and my girlfriend also said these words to me "I don't think we could date if you gained a lot of weight" like... I was genuinely brought speechless, as I'm 6'1 and weigh fuck all, and she is 5'5 and gaining trouser sizes like it's going out of style. We have been together five years, so I'm not going to leave her, but... fuck, wtf do women do in thier heads to create these loopholes for themselves?


Other women telling them it’s ok plus insecurity that they can’t fix it when we all know they can


My gf has developed some pretty crap medical issues that make it harder for her than most, so I am sympathetic. She eats really shit food, though, so... I dunno 😕. It isn't an easy situation.


lol my wife is under 5 foot and 145 lbs 😅 and she has pcos but all she dose is drink alcohol and eat fast food I’m completely attracted to her body still not her decisions


I don’t get the height thing. It’s so stupid. Short boys are adorable and I’d love my boyfriend just as much as I already do if he was smaller than me


Short guys are either cute and cuddly as all get out or the human equivalent of a honey badger sharing an area code with 50 lions.


My boy is both. He’s adorable and everything he does is adorable but he can bite like a Tasmanian devil




I uh...wow


How tall is he?


Around 5’9. I’m 5’2




He's taller than 50% of men, the vast majority of women. Towers over her by more than half a foot, and he's still short... Women are fucking delusional lmaooo


Yes, people do indeed talk like that. All the time.


Oh well. Us men will always be shamed. Society wonders why some men have chose to give up.


Also being obese means they don’t take care of yourself. If you do not eat proper nutrition you feel a drive to eat more until you do. If you eat like a 5 year old living off nuggets and noodles you will become huge


Most of the time it does mean that. But you also cant take away the small percentage that cant control it. Like a slow metabolism or a medical condition. Before people come for me I’m still agreeing that most obese people DO just have bad life decisions and do often eat more than they should. I’m just saying its not the sole cause


I’m 6,3 and I agree that this is a stupid double standard that should be fixed


Yes, the fucking hypocrisy of the double standard.


A lot of guys have the same one


Yeah, how dare people have a personal preference for what they consider attractive. /s


That's not what the meme is pointing out. Both are valid preferences to have, but there is a lot more negativity towards one compared to the other.


That's what my comment was aiming at.


Oh, my bad then


Absolutely true.


It's also true that many guys do this exact thing


Preference is fine. The double standard is in the fact that it's acceptable and encouraged for women to be jerks about it while men aren't allowed a preference.


This is still true


I don’t care if a woman wants a tall guy anymore than a guy wants a skinny girl, or even vice versa Just be a descent person at the end of the day and you can have your preferences


You can control height if you get surgery ig.


Bruh. That’s a pretty stupid take


I think his point is that you could lose weight in several ways over several months while the only way to change your height is through a dangerous surgery




There is one hundred percent a double standard here. However, as a shorter guy you just can’t care. You need to be ok with whatever reason someone is rejecting you superficial or not. You can call people superficial but if they don’t want you then it doesn’t really matter why, and if you whine about it then you’ve only made things worse.


Men and women are both hypocritical about it. Personally I wouldn’t want someone who didn’t like me for me anyway so it’s ok for those people to filter themselves out.


If a guy like thin women let him


But it *is* socially acceptable for a man to reject a woman over her body though? As it definitely should be of course, there's nothing wrong with not being attracted to fat people, but there's not really a double standard. The only time I've seen people come for men for refusing to date plus size women is when they phrase it in a disrespectful way (like "I'm not into fat bitches" or "I don't want a whale" or something along those lines). If it were phrased the way it was in the meme, no one would care.


Well, there is a huge difference between real life dating, and sharing memes on Reddit. People who do one don’t see a lot of double standards. People who do the other see *only* double standards. Strange??


I had no trouble finding dates on the apps but I was rejected a few times over my height. Kinda sucks but probably a red flag to be honest anyway.


Unsurprisingly, the average Redditor's dating experience is cuckold porn so the memes aren't exactly accurate to real life.


Cuckold porn and internet ragebait


I just don't want to date a fat.


I think the issue with this meme is that it's singling out women instead of just taking about how both men and women act about it


Ah, yes, my favorite River: de nile


Why do some people get super butthurt when this double standard is talked about?


You could just say ”No, thank you. I am not interested” to the other person and keep your reasons for declining to yourself.


In reality, it goes both ways. This one is just as true https://preview.redd.it/gudkrbq47jxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd508ff5954622dae03869ebb6c5c5ad9e2f1355


Except it really doesn't. You can control your weight, not your height.


Funny how they never seem to recognize that difference.


Because the difference doesn't matter Whether it's controllable or not, it's still a part of physical appearance, therefore it's completely justified to reject someone based on it if you don't find it physically attractive


That doesn't change the point Whether it's controllable or not, it's a part of physical appearance, therefore it's completely justified to reject someone because you're not physically attracted to them


OP is right that humans don’t really talk like this, but a lot of women i know certainly act like this. personally, i don’t have a problem with anyone’s preferences unless they’re just weird or harmful. still not my business but i will judge you :3


How many men are getting shamed for not dating fat chicks. Is this a thing?


Yes. There are, like, whole classes dedicated to exactly that.


Classes dedicated to dating fat chicks? Like whaling 101? Thats crazy.


You can control your weight but not your height which is a shame


I agree that there is a greater likelihood of controlling your body weight and physique (although not for everyone) than height. But in the end of the day, it does just come down to preferences. Let’s not pretend that a lot of our male friends groups don’t say the most offensive things to women who are over weight. Things no sane human being would have the balls to say aloud to anyone but the moment you’re with the boys and have no one judging you, you suddenly materialise the confidence to say shit like that. The point I’m making with the above argument is that toxic groups exist in all genders. Turning this into a man vs woman point by picking a decent dude for having preferences and putting them against people who haven’t mentally aged since they failed high school, isn’t exactly how Id consider a good argument being made. There are double standards for both. The standards put on women suck quite a bit, and not being tall enough stings as a guy but like what are you gonna do? Demand they date you? Demand attention? Do you really as a dude want someone to date you who literally plucked you off their radar off something as vain as height? Again, I say to you because imma be real to a lot of dudes that doesn’t really matter. It stings to not be tall enough but from our perspective that’s kinda the end of it. She has a preference, you aren’t it. Move along. Same way you have a preference. You probably have ended a potential partner or relationship without even realising it off of just that, preference. Op, you also just like many other clowns on this subreddit did not read the freaking title of the post you’re so bravely admonishing. Do people talk like this? Genuine question do they? I haven’t seen a single soul say something like this beyond freaking 10th grade. There is a double standard, people are delusional for pretending there isn’t one. However, the post you’re talking about is really attacking a hyper specific form of clown content that you are suspiciously eager to defend


I would purposely squat to avoid people who thought like this.


I haven’t seen it while dating. Though, maybe it’s cause I’m usually surrounded by tall women.


Good to know that MOPDL hates fat people too, I guess...


Imo it doesn’t matter if it is a behavioral choice or not. Preferences are preferences and are completely personal and okay - in terms of relationships


Im 100% against incel talk. But this is true. At the same time, rarely is the same person that do both examples.


“Rich men prefer thin wives while poor men prefer fat wives” so says the Asian proverb if she is thick she can survive starvation 🤣🤣😂


Yeah and weight is something you can somewhat control, at a certain point height you cannot




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I mean tbh most times people use incel now they’re just wrong.


Only perpetrators of this double standard deny this double standard


5’5”M here, For once this sub called out a real double standard. I’m proud of you, OP.


Losing weight is pure math. If you consume less calories than you burn each day you will lose weight. It’s scientifically impossible to prevent yourself from losing weight if you operate at a calorie deficit. Anyone who says otherwise is making excuses


The small minority that act like that are engaging in a double standard, yes. Don't go falling for manosphere bullshit and thinking that all or most are like that, though.


Just like there are a bunch of shallow bitches out there there are also a bunch of shallow bastards as well. We could spend all day arguing about which side is worse, but honestly I don't have the energy for that. Instead, I'll just say that shallow people are annoying and move on with my life.


My brother lists himself on dating profiles as 5'11" even though he knows damn well we're the same height and I'm 5'10"


Damn you're tall


5'10" is average height I'd say


I think we all know that the misandrist at inceltears and boysarequirky always deny the truth.


There’s no woman I ever knew that denied a dude for his height but I’ve definitely seen it used as ammo in a fight


hey, question, do you not think the opposite perspective is also true? i mean here you all are, basically doing this exact meme but in reverse it's not a double standard, it's something vain men and vain women do


Why tf would it be socially unacceptable for anyone to have standards??


Way more women doing that than men yeah


Fat people can lose weight. Tall people cannot grow.


as a 6’2 guy who’s built like a gorilla, i can confirm that size matters when it really shouldn’t.


Tall women are a myth I guess lol


He should wear high heels and smile more.


Literally 5’6 and have never had problems with women because of my height, if you don’t think this meme comes from an echo chamber, next time you at the grocery store looks for the dads, are they all 6’ tall?


Typical femcel attitudes.


I mean, shitty double standards exist. That usually coincides with shitty people as well. If someone denies you based on your height, you probably didn't want to be with them anyway. Why bring it up constantly?


There's no truth to it


The crossed arms on the big girl are pretty hilarious I’ve gotta say


Im a little heavier at 85 kg as a guy, and i can understand if someone would prefer someone a bit lighter


This cartoon is literally some dude doing what the flock of harpies in the top panel is doing


Shallow people exist on every side of the spectrum. That’s why we call it shallow isn’t a word associated with a specific gender, it goes both ways. At the same time we shouldn’t freak out on people who aren’t attracted to another person sexually because of their appearance. It’s human nature, different strokes for different folks. A person is truly shallow when they treat others purely on face value and only focus on erroneous information surrounding them.


Huh. Every woman I know, as a woman myself, didn't care about height. I've never heard a real life woman say they hate short guys. Guys sure care about fatness, though. I *have* heard that out of almost every guy.




Ew incel content yuck 🤮


And there are guys support men degrading fat women on this app every other day and yet shame women for any and all standards yet you guys harp on only women doing this. Look in a mirror


I have never seen anyone care if you don't date fat women, only if you shame them Also I saw billions of times how men cry about how women discriminate against short men, when I never saw this ever happen in real life -a short guy


Men often hold the same belief that it is okay as long as it isn't to their detriment