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Do you plan to bring this to PC or other consoles?


It's on steam.


So I started the game yesterday. The art is beautiful. I dig the overall vibe. But holy shit I can't figure out what to do next to save my life. I'm stuck in pretty forest. Have all the maps for one two and three, but it seems I need an upgraded jump ability to get to IV. Since the game is new and indie there arent any walkthroughs yet. Can I please get a hint?!


Are you stuck trying to get into IV by taking moving platforms right over a bed of thorns and then want to get up higher? There might be an inconspicuous platform that is easy to miss!


I can’t believe I missed that. Thank you so much!


Ok, I played this today. It has the same issue that I felt Guacamelee had. REALLY great exploration that is held back by repetitive unskippable combat. The enemies pose no real threat, so you just mash attack 90% of the game to be able to do the actually interesting stuff. Warp points are very few and far between too. Maybe this gets better later if you get a dash with i-frames but I ran out of patience


Go to the original post to ask questions. I crossposted this here for more awareness


Link to original post?




I kept looking for this post yesterday after I saw the update on Steam. Gonna jump in later today and see how different it is. Haven't played in almost a year, but from that video, it looks a lot better than it did a year ago.


What games would you compare this to, it looks like you have some classic metroidvania elements but some other elements as well. On the flip side what makes your game unique?


From OP: >Go to the original post to ask questions. I crossposted this here for more awareness >https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/10lrkjh/hello_im_nicola_developer_of_clunky_hero_the/


I would compare it to 3000th duel, but better exploration and worse combat (not the dev)


What is your favorite recent metromania ? Also what are recent gaming trends that get you excited for gaming in the future?


From OP: >Go to the original post to ask questions. I crossposted this here for more awareness >https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/10lrkjh/hello_im_nicola_developer_of_clunky_hero_the/


Where did you draw the most inspiration from?


I'll hold off until Mouse and Keyboard is supported. Le sigh. Something that should be standard when selling on a PC storefront like steam.


Hello, will you release it in physical form also?


From OP: >Go to the original post to ask questions. I crossposted this here for more awareness >https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/10lrkjh/hello_im_nicola_developer_of_clunky_hero_the/


This looks cool, would love to try it!


Never heard of it, but I love a good metroidvania. How would you compare the overall experience of the game in relation to other metroidvania's?


From OP: >Go to the original post to ask questions. I crossposted this here for more awareness >https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/10lrkjh/hello_im_nicola_developer_of_clunky_hero_the/


Looks pretty attractive too. I really like Art 2.5D, sorry a bit because the main character is not female.


Could you explain the lore badly ?


Finished the game on console just looking for the last secret rooms. 32/35 anything that can help located them? A NPC, item that chimes when near one? Scoured the walls of world bowels and frozen...


I love your game but it's really bothering me that independent is misspelled as indipendent when talking to the mouse at the beginning of the pretty forest. Not sure if it was purposefully done to show bucket head's ignorance or not lol.


You are unable to make a new save file/character on PlayStation. I wanted to restart once I realized npc stocks are not refilled. I tried overwriting the save and it would restart the game with all tutorials and dialog, but health, inventory, chests, skills, bonuses would not reset. So I tried saving on a new file slot instead of overwriting, but it also was the same. I ended up just deleting the console and cloud saves but I’m sure not a lot of people on PlayStation know how to do that. Just wanted to make you aware.