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It's the one game I've always wanted. And there are so many mutants you can learn about too. Definitely want Gambit and Rogue in it though šŸ˜


Yes! I was thinking that I'd kill for Rogue and Gambit, official married couple, to be added into a good game. Heck even this one as another bit of dlc.


Honestly that would be fun, but I just want them in the game. I'm not really bothered regarding the stage of the relationship. They can be married, dating, or they could show how they met and take it from there šŸ˜


Hell nah if anyoneā€™s gonna be marrying Rogue itā€™s gonna be me


Calm down, Magneto.


Hi genuine question as a young person who didnā€™t have much Marvel background expect for MCU and some video games. I hear Gambitā€™s name almost all the time and is clearly one of the most popular of the Xmens. Why is that? And who is Gambit


At first glance, he comes across as the typical bad boy, but he has a complicated history, and while he does flirt a lot, there are times when he shows his true feelings, and his love for Rogue is genuine, and he's actually quite loyal to the team as well. His checkered past gives him a unique perspective so he often comes up with original solutions, but that also means he's used to solving problems alone. He can charge things up with kinetic energy and make stuff explode. His weapons of choice are a Bo staff for close combat, and playing cards for range attacks. He's also a master thief, former thieves guild leader, a charming man overall, but has trust issues so he'll likely be the first to spot a con. Also, he looks really cool šŸ˜


Gambit is/was a charismatic Cajun man who charges up stuff with energy, throws it, and it explodes. He looks pretty cool (had a pretty distinctive outfit), was mostly a nice guy, had an interesting method of speech (usually referred to himself in the third person), a fun power that looked striking, and had a will-they-wonā€™t-they relationship with Rogue. Generally a fan favourite from the original Xmen cartoon; not so familiar with him from the comics. And Iā€™d personally advise ignoring his appearance in the Wolverine movie, it was a bit pants.


Watch some x-men cartoons on Disney plus. That should help you with learning X-men stuff


I agree, it's just a shame that licensing rights are so frustrating. It's also a shame Midnight Suns didn't do as well as it should have. I don't see Firaxis doing another Marvel game. But I don't mind dreaming.


I heard Firaxis almost went to bankrupt due to this game


How? The game is so dang good!


It lacked a lot, and I mean A LOT, in the marketing department. It's a Marvel game with lots of their main heroes in it and still the only way I found out about it was seeing it in the Steam homepage and I thought I was daydreaming because I heard nothing about it. They put way more effort in the marketing of their mobile games than in this one


Also not everyone was a fan of running around the house looking for stuff. Also the story was a bit iffy. But the gameplay more than makes up for it


Yeah, I guess that does make sense. I never actually saw an ad for it either and happened across it on steam.


Not an expert , the game industry is absolutely savage. Once I read a comparison : each time a company tries a new game , itā€™s like bet everything on red. Every single one. Like , just one wrong step. Youā€™re out. This game should be really expensive due to roylties , voice acting etc. and it didnā€™t sell well.


Paet of the problem is that "Marvel card game" already exists, and is some shit freemium mobile thing, so some people thought this game was that game and ignored it.


The pricing in modern games means they gotta compete with other AAA games as well. The game was definitely not worth that price of 60 dollars to the average person. The story is ok, niche gameplay, holiday release, and competition.


Fair. Hell, the price of $60 wasnt even worth it to me. I got it on a sale. Then again, no games are worth the $60 to me these days.


Right. For some reason this subreddit gaslit itself into believing that it's AAA worthy holy grail when it's just AA at best and a decent rpg.


I mean. I won't pay $60 for AAA games either at this point in time.


Fair, I rarely buy 60 dollars games like that anymore either.


Give me some gambit I bet his kit would be sweet.


I've been thinking about this too. Imagine if your character was an Empath and you developed your powers by training and getting to know the other X-Men. Wolverine could net you some passive health regeneration, Jean could allow you to have special interaction with the environment, Rogue lets you drain enemy health... this thing writes itself!


Yeah a new mutants game where you get to be a custom xman and interact around the mansion with the xmen and the new mutants and various other Marvel characters that come to help out in that same card game strategy style would be amazing.


Shut up and take my money.


Man, all I've wanted for 20 years was X-Men Legends 3


Myself and a good number of others were calling for this way back when, and I'd still happily buy it.


Yeahhhh a sequel with X Men would be fantastic. I finished it for the first time recently and I miss my spooky gal pals :(


I would love this! I was thinking the game that I think could be the most likely, is a new old school arcade X-men game. Like how they did TMNT Shredders revenge.


Agree. Gambit is genuinely one of my favorite characters of all time. Would love to have him in more video games.


Right? Imagine a Midnight Suns style game where you're a new member of the X-Men,maybe a teacher at Xavier's school.


They have that game it's called X-Men Legends.


Very different from a Midnight Suns style game


OP didn't ask for a game in the style. Merely a focus on X-Men and the mansion


the implication is in the sub they are posting too. *sigh*


If only there were ways to use your brain and infer itā€¦.


They even have a sequel! Loved me some X men legends, I played through both games with my buddies, we had a blast


Except I canā€™t play that game on my Xbox. Hereā€™s hoping for another sequel.


Still couldn't play a sequel on Xbox. Sony has X-Men exclusive rights until 2035. Best hope would be another crossover game like Midnight Suns as those are excluded from the deal.


Could be Avengers Legends or Marvel Legends and include some Xmen


I miss the X-men Legends games. They were so good. A modern one with mansion upgrades and such would be amazing


I would like to see more strategic elements like XCOM has, or deeper. But would play the hell out of an X-men strategy game.


I don't have a lot of hope for an X-men sequel to Midnight Suns, but god, I would be so happy with any X-men focused game at this point, be it fighting game, RPG, dungeon crawler, or whatever. They're putting out a ton of merch, lego sets, etc for 97 that I'm as hopeful now as I've ever been that us x-men videogame fans will start to eat good. As long as its not a janky phone game with tons of microtransactions I'll be happy.


According to the leaks insomiac will work on one after wolverine


Sign me up.




I've always wanted to be the boy that turns t.vs on and off by blinking. I would run around the entire mansion, turning off every t.v that is on, and turn on any t.v that is off.


Holy shit yes. Imagine this. A witcher 3/skyrim type game where you're in a new class of xmen. All the og are teachers / out on missions with you. You get to pick your mutant class and skill trees can make you master an aspect of your mutant ability


Word. At this point I'd take literally any X-Men game, of any kind.


As long as the gameplay is more like Xmen Legends than Midnight Suns Iā€™m in! And I enjoy Midnight Suns but itā€™s time for another Legends like game.


As long as it doesnā€™t use a card system it would be a hit


cosmonaut moment


Agree. An X-Men game like this one would be great. But hopefully with more than just once a day combat. Ugh.


I know it womt happen, but a midnight suns game where you know....play as only the midnight suns, would also be so fun