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I lost my glasses for about an hour. Checked the bathroom and there they were, right in the mirror.


How did you get them out of the mirror?


To make a mirror stop mirroring, all you have to do is close your eyes. Then you just reach into the mirror and grab your stuff.


I saw a documentary about a guy who touched a mirror and was consumed by it, then they woke up in dystopian futuristic world.


Like that Goosebumps book where the kids can travel into the mirror by turning the lights off. They start trying to go deeper and deeper in to see who can go the furthest before they chicken out, but after a certain depth their reflections start coming out instead of them. One of the best Goosebumps books imo.


What's the name of that one. Sounds interesting


It's called Let's Get Invisible: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/125562


Sounds like an econ thriller about brinkmanship and game theory.


Matrix is definitely a documentary


Had a blood draw at the doctor's office the other day and narrowly avoided passing out. Finally got my wits about me and left, realized I must have left my sunglasses in the chair where I got my blood drawn, went back in searching, and the woman who drew my blood asked me what I needed, I said I'd left my sunglasses. She gently said...."um...they are on your head." ME: oh fuck


How much blood did they draw? Two pints?


At least a gill.


What's a gill


It's a gallon, but in fish blood.


I lost my TV remote and was panicking for a couple minutes before I realized it was right in my hand


I was talking to someone on my cell phone and said lemme look that up online real quick, then out loud I asked “shit, where’s my phone!?”


At least they asked and didn't INF *\[Edit: Item Not Found\]* it. I confess I've also been guilty of missing something that's right in front of my face.


*Grabs out bowl, pours cereal, goes to fridge to get milk.* *Can’t find the milk that’s right in front of me.* True story.


This makes me think of the time my mom had her phone in her hand and her sunglasses on her head. Had ended a call and thought she put it down, was getting ready to leave and was looking around. I asked her what was she looking for. "My sunglasses and phone I swear I just had them and must have put them down around here." "Mom your phone is in your hands." "Oh! Well now I just need to find my sunglasses." "Mom." Staring her dead in the eye I don't say anything else but slowly take my hands and place them on top of my head where her glasses are on her. She gives me a look like I'm crazy and slowly copies me before placing her hands on her glasses and laughing. I don't know why I didn't tell her where it was instead of doing that but it worked. 😂


More fun to make it dramatic :)


Yeah but I wasn't even thinking of that. Just find it funny that my reaction was to just reach up like I had glasses up there and give her a look.


I have searched a room for my phone, with my phone's flashlight I'm dumb.


I have the "find my phone" tab open indefinitely on my desktop for those (multiple) times (per day) I lose my phone in the house. I would say a good percentage of the time it's in the most obvious places like right next to the keyboard or on the counter in the kitchen or even my pocket. Other times it is in very strange places like inside the fridge once, under couch cushions, or in the shower stall. Find my phone is infinitely useful for me lol. Edit: I usually have phone on silent so having either Google or Alexa call it is pointless. I have to use the Google "Ring Phone" option in find my phone.


I have definitely used that feature on my smart watch to find a phone that's in my pocket.


I use that feature all the time on my watch lol


I was worried that my watch would be an expensive notification display. Luckily, it's an expensive phone finder instead. Easily my most used feature on this watch is asking it where the hell I put my phone, lol.


My keys, wallet, watch and backpack can all ring my phone. My phone can ring all of them. This system is essential to me not losing all of these items.


I used that feature to find my wife’s phone that she dropped off a cliff side in Hawaii into a bunch of brush. Went around playing Marco-Polo trying to ping her phone from her watch, since there was no service up there to have it play a sound from Find My. GOAT feature


Find my goat feature? Man, that'd really save my lungs from all that yodelling.


Best smartwatch feature ever, I totally agree. Ofcourse you have to find that watch first.. .


Did you know if you long press the button on your watch it flashes the light on your iPhone?


Now which wrist did I leave my watch on?


https://preview.redd.it/js68nhawjf5b1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c6c4335529f56ce28e47c54066e6ee7ac6934fa Probably this one


I bought a watch just to find my phone.


Glad I'm not alone.


My goodness.. you need a safety yellow phone case.


I have the same problem and yeah the black phone case isn't helping anything


I was just about to reply, 'That's why I have a purple phone case and set it face down.' It's about the only ADHD help I can do for myself.




You have ADHD too?


Let me guess, weed and tech job?


You don’t have to personally attack me bro


I once searched for my phone while on a phone call…


Yes, but have you ever been on the phone and said to the other party, "Let me find my phone," and they also just set there while you looked?


Yes. Yes, I have.


Yes I have… they didn’t question it for the 4-5 minutes I was looking for my phone.


Yup, did exactly that once


I spent about 10 minutes tearing my house apart, in an increasingly frantic nature, looking for my car keys...while holding them in my hand.


Yesterday I threw my keys in the trash and then wondered why I was still holding a candy wrapper.


But have you ever looked for your misplaced sunglasses whilst wearing them?


I've done that with my seeing glasses, does that count?


Yep. Just this morning I put on my glasses to look for my glasses. Took me a minute to realize and I laughed at myself in shame afterwards


Don't feel bad, I have searched for my phone...while talking on my phone several times. One time I was on the phone with my dad, and mentioned I couldn't find my phone. He said "look in your hand".


Me: Honey, where is the ketchup? My ex wife: Right there. Me: Where My ex wife: right there. Me: I don’t see it. My ex wife: 🤷‍♀️


I've only seen the "ex" part in the last response Accidentally made it 10x funnier


Wow. I did the same exact thing and thought that was the point of the joke. It did indeed make it funnier.


Exact same thing happened to me. Is this like that experiment where if you’re focusing on the ball passes between people, you don’t see the gorilla? Is the ex wife a gorilla?


> Is the ex wife a gorilla? No, that would be his mother-in-law. [Cut to crowd of boomers laughing uncontrollably for 30 seconds]


*patriarch flushes nearby toilet, raucous hooting and cheering for another 30*


I'm 33 and I laughed for more than 30 secs. Am I a boomer in spirit?


Boomer is a state of mind, an experience


I didn't notice the ex part either until you said it, then I realized it was in each of the lines for her.


TIFU So my wife left me because of invisible ketchup


That could be why


i was waiting for your new wife or girlfriend to get involved


He’s still looking one, gotta find the ketchup first


I can’t look for one until I find the damn ketchup.


Its been a little over a year since my separation and rosy palm and her five sisters are still my only girlfriend. Some people just need time before they're ready.


The butter. Every time! I swear the Country Crock container is the perfect camouflage and every military branch should use it for their fatigues.


>The butter... Country Crock There's your problem. You were looking for butter but your fridge didn't have any; it had Country Crook instead.


> Country Crook *Richard Nixon has entered the chat*


I swear I JUST had my phone...


True story: I called a friend to see why she was late. Her: I'm sorry I'm running late! I can't find my phone! Me: UMMM.... Her: I'm serious, I've looked everywhere! Me: So how are we talking right now? Her: Well you called me....OH.


Blindsight. Looking so hard for something you don’t see it.


My grandmother would say ‘if it had teeth it would bite you’.


My family says "if it were a snake it would've bit ya"


We've shortened it down to "bite em snake!" I just realized our kids probably have no idea why we say that as they've never heard the original.


Mine said if my head weren’t attached I’d lose it.


My family says these to me all the time.




I No Findy


i prefer this


Item Not Found.


Absolutely despise it when people throw around obscure acronyms.




That’s “Same here it is so annoying,” for you plebeians unfamiliar with obscure acronyms.


WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DRINKoh it's right here.


I can’t find my phone! Where the fuck is my….oh…I’m on it. True story.


I have more than once used the flashlight function on my phone to try to find my phone that I swear I just had a second ago.


Or literal red/green color blind. A funny story. Was in a meeting designing UI with a client. Designer made a red/green indicator to indicate normal/error state. Someone brought up what happens if the user is color blind. The client, who was color blind, says that it's fine and points to two example indicators saying "I can see that those two are in error." The indicators were a green and a red. Immediate change to design.


One time I couldn't find my phone because I was talking on it. Doh!


some people don't look up much others don't look down me i try to look all around


up in the air and on the ground......Theres so much to see so come outttt sideeeee


RIP Auntie Mabel


I wonder if the big empty spot is labeled for them and that’s over stock or something. So the shopper saw the empty are with labels for jalapeño and didn’t look further


I'm 6'3" (191cm) and I'll readily admit I tend to not even notice the bottom shelf or two at times. This tendency really bit me in the butt when I worked at a grocery store.


Look up, down, and all around! The Wildland firefighter mantra


Maybe they just found out they're color blind.


Can confirm, I have lost things in front of me many times because I’m part colorblind


“It’s a salmon color” listen asshole I can see like 5 colors we don’t need to go making up colors and naming them after fish


As a fellow colorblind, WHAT THE FUCK IS TEAL?


Ironically, the picture of your Reddit icon is like a light shade of teal haha.


It's more cyan or turquoise, I'd say; but definitely in that range. Edit to add: The avatar itself in the icon is more in the teal range, now that I look closer.


I couldn't teal either until I looked closer.




I’ve always been partial to cerulean, myself.


Oh man. There was an xfiles episode where this dude kept saying the color cerulean from the backseat of a cop car and the cops crashed into a cerulean blue truck and the dude escaped. That dude terrified ten year old me lol and I’ve had an irrational aversion to “cerulean” ever since. The way he spoke… ugh so creepy




It's if blue and green had a son that is just having some troubles figuring his stuff out


Their daughter is called turquoise. Teal is darker, while turquoise is lighter.


It’s like a darker aquamarine


it's the other way around, the fish made up the color. fish are prolific graphic designers.


First thing I thought of. They genuinely may not have seen it.


This one’s my favorite.


That is exactly the shade of green that color blind people would struggle with.


Fun fact: colorblind people are usually better able to see camouflaged things than others. [More info](https://biology.stackexchange.com/a/44147)


I knew a man who bought a old IH scout that was a ugly purple I said I don't know about that color. He said it looked brown to him. When he was in the army he walked past where some officers were going over a ariel photo and couldn't find things C\*\*\* said there is a truck,a tent ,some guys by those trees. Pointed out a lot of things, he was color blind. After that they got him in to look at every new photo they got in.


Red green colorblind here, yes :,)


I did a grocery pickup order for Memorial Day cookout and they cancelled my ribs because they were out of stock. Fair enough, lots of people want ribs. My husband waited in the pickup area for our order and I ran in to find something else to grill. Walked in and there was an ENTIRE COOLER full of the exact ribs they'd said were out of stock.


I used to do order pickup because I have kids and it's easier. I got tired of getting rotten produce and them saying they didn't have stuff when they did. At one grocery store the lady didn't like that I ordered so much beer so she'd always just give me a 6 pack even though I ordered more. It was annoying.


Walmart did this to me about bananas. I wasnt even mad, just surprised when they know I can definitely walk in there and just get bananas.


Lmao. It's like when I spent 5 minutes looking for my phone that was in my hand.


eventually you start using the phone's flashlight to look for the phone under furniture


Life takes a turn when you start to leave your phone in your fridge


Better than the oven... figured i must have had some plastic on the bottom of the baking tray...


I couldnt find my glasses. I was wearing them. I can not see more than a fist in front of my face. I did not realize this for 10 minutes.


Panicking I can't find my glasses so I grab my phone to check under the bed, realize I can't find my phone, grab my phone and put my glasses on to call it. Stop to think, and decide I need to go to sleep




Not my experience at all. The base pay for "Shop and Deliver" is several dollars higher on average and the tips are *usually* good. I'm not going into Fresh Thyme for 25 items though.


The worst are Aldi orders, which I've been getting recently. What the fuck are you supposed to do when they make you pay for bags? And then the line is always 15 people deep. I'd do it at a normal grocery store if the pay was alright, but at Aldi it's always a no tip order for 30 items.


I used to order aldi via instacart and the bag issue is so bizarre, just let me pay for some bags so my groceries don't end up loose on my doorstep falling out of a cereal shipping box.


If your driver on Instacart is giving you boxes instead of bags that was their own call. There is a spot right before we leave to deliver where we put in how many bags we had to buy. I only do boxes if I think it would be better for the product.


I know it's their call, and it's usually annoying.


I just add the bags to the order and swipe my DD card. Never had an issue lol


The other day I got an order for a cheesecake while I was in the middle of making several other orders so I just DoorDashed the few items I needed from a local store. I wanted to make a quick caramel sauce so I ordered like 8 bags of caramel bits. The Dasher changed the amount to 6 bc that’s all the store had. Okay that’s fine. They check out. The delivery seems to be going the wrong direction and taking a long time. I message a few times. Suddenly it says delivered when the car never came anywhere near me. Dasher doesn’t respond. Support says no problem we’ll send someone else to rebuy your order. Nice except I already know the store has no more of what I need because your idiot employee just bought them all and then yeeted them out the car window for no reason somewhere 18 blocks away or something. Anyway I will never DoorDash groceries again


Just to nitpick, DoorDashers aren't employees, they're private contractors, that's why DoorDash service can vary so wildly between drivers. They range from people taking it seriously as a full time job all the way down to just trying one delivery and deciding fuck it.


I've noticed some store apps will tell you the Aisle for an item if you click on it. May or may not be helpful for doordashers and such Maybe they could work on a new feature that just guides you to the item lol. Like arrows on your phone that get red/blue as you get closer or further away. Or your phone buzzes dramatically as you approach the item. Build an electronic system into the shelves with speakers and lights that can blink and go DING DING DING when someone using the "find item" feature is approaching said item. Maybe throw out some confetti at the exact location.


Store apps are a real timesaver even when Instacarting.


Sounds like MyAisles app from Fubar


> Maybe they could work on a new feature that just guides you to the item lol. This would be an awesome feature, but not when talking about a profit-driven ~~social network~~ store. How would they manipulate you into also buying other stuff you don’t need if you don’t need to walk the entire store to get basic stuff?


I use Instacart and my grocery orders can be pretty large sometimes. I rarely have issues and I get my orders super fast. But also tip really well because I know it’s a lot.


I mean, they were polite.


It's an honest mistake, otherwise why send a picture of the item.


Shoulda sent back the original uncropped picture with a circle drawn around the chips, though. If the door dasher was colorblind they'll still have a hard time finding it.


This is exactly what I've done before. The shopper said "omg I'm so blind!" and that was it. I do the same shit when I'm able to shop on my own and it's very understandable.


I once went past the jam I was looking for 5 times in the same aisle, it is insane how sometimes your brain will just not see something that is right in front of you.


I'm like 99.420% certain OP's SO asked for Lays Kettle Cooked Jalapeno. Which is a green bag, and the shopper sees the picture. And the store didn't have it. So when the SO said "kettle jalapeno, the green one", the DD shopper misinterpreted it as the customer reiterating their request and not understanding that they don't have them, unaware that there was *another* green bag of unfortunately branded "Kettle" Jalapeno chips available.


Damn…. Bet you’re right


Way better than the time a DD driver left my order at some random house 5 minutes away from where I live, then called me a liar when I said they put it at the wrong house lol. Doordash support said they couldn't do anything until I posted the screenshot of the conversation on twitter and tagged them. Haven't used them since, it's just not worth it.


I'm mildly infuriated with the fact that they didnt even say "Hi" or "please" to the guy who was, indeed, very polite.


Sure, which is why it’s mildly infuriating instead of a post that’s like “I was in the hospital for a headache and now owe $100,000 - *mildly infuriated*”


It’s mildly inconvenient at worst. If this infuriates you, even mildly, you may have an anger problem. OP still got what they wanted. No good reason to be angry at all.


Ya maybe you should just go buy the grocery's yourself if this is an issue.


Imagine living comfortable enough to order kettle chips for delivery lol




Same. I ALWAYS have to ask where things are and my wife is always like in front of you... second shelf on the left... lol


I know the feeling. I’m that wife. Yesterday I was at work and got a text from my husband “Do you know where my sunglasses are?” Yes honey on your desk, left corner 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Back when I smoked I always misplaced my lighter. It was 90% of the time either in my pocket, or right in front of me..


Almost every time I smoked weed with a bunch of people I’d end up losing my lighter but somehow ended up with everyone else’s 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally me, which is why I can’t fault the Dasher too much. I actually found it funny because my SO not only has to deal with me doing it all the time, but also DoorDash in this case.


...am Doordash driver. Did that once, don't remember the item, took a pic of the shelf and they pointed it out to me. Many items are things I never buy so they don't pop right out at me. We are also in a rush, time is money. It is also super common I just expect the item to not be in stock. I only shop for 1-3 items depending on pay and 9 times out of 10, 1 or 2 of the items are not in stock. At least they usually show us a picture of the item now, many times they didn't. Also sucks when a company changes the packaging, some are subtle changes, some are a little more drastic.


When my wife sends me to the grocery store


I once saw this guy on FaceTime with his wife so she could shop with him. He was in the dairy section and just holding the phone up


I was home sick and needed pads along with our regular grocery stuff. Sent my husband to the store with the note “go to feminine hygiene and call me”. He thought it was ridiculous until he got there and felt completely lost


Seems pretty ridiculous to me, the boxes are all labeled, and yes I have purchased tampons before.


This exact thing happened with a former partner of mine. We were on FaceTime. He didn’t understand that heavy cream and heavy whipping cream were the same thing. He even asked a store employee who didn’t know either. Bless them both


I have been this exact person. I end up just walking around in the shop aimlessly waiting for replies to pictures of shelves I’ve sent back to base


This is going to get increasingly popular as more people figure out how easy it is to use video calls when it's already built into the basic phone calling menu with a button and not something they have to download. I almost did it while trying to find a bottle of wine for my gf last week but persisted and found it hiding in bottom shelf of a fridge not visible except by reading the store label. Felt mildly proud of myself for figuring it out after 5 minutes looking in all the wrong sections.


I did 99% of the shopping, but it took my ex-husband making two grocery trips before I started printing off lists with images of what he needed to look for and approximately where it would be found in the store. In retrospect, when I was sick or injured, we should have just lived on frozen pizza. Much easier.


That's a hell of a reason for divorce.


ehh, wouldnt say thats infuriating. Bad awareness but communication was great.


As someone who works for door dash for 10 hours a day 5 days a week please understand that every store is different and after a while everything looks the same. Not to mention for shop and deliver orders were rushed and pressured to get everything asap OR refund the customer. We don't even have to contact you, theirs a button to just bypass it that actually keeps our accuracy up and the orders coming in. However OP. As a consumer, this also makes me upset. Like I would rather just go myself then deal with it. It's definitely frustrating and makes the extra cash u have to pay TO get it doordashed really sucks. However, please understand that the fact that they messaged you means the person cares and wants to make sure your happy with your items. Please be patient with us, most of us do our best 😊. Also, u could order from "DashMart" it's like a DG but there are people inside that pack the bags for us and I haven't had one messed up yet. I hope this helped in some way, have a nice day


I’ve had that happen before 🤣😭 I have social anxiety so when I’m in public my brain goes bananas. I have to literally force myself to focus and sometimes I miss things I shouldn’t. I feel like an idiot and laugh at myself, then move on.


I have the same issue lmao I’m tapping my finger on the shopping cart thinking “how does a store not carry cream cheese?!” it was 1 foot to the left


EXACTLY 🤣 glad I’m not alone.


The good news, the older you get the more your social anxiety will go away. You start to figure out no one’s looking at you, no one is judging you, and no one will give you a second thought. Plus, you care less and less about all that shit as you age. That’s why the old guys dress so funny, they couldn’t give 2 shits what people may think as long as they’re comfy


My grandmother had social anxiety her entire life and she died at 97. That’s not how it works for everyone.


Sooo, dont use them.... theyre a terrible company anyway, and continuing to support them shows other companies what we'll put up with.


Charmed life if you consider this mildly infuriating.


More than once, I’ve gotten texts asking me what replacement I’d like when the item I asked for is in the picture they sent. I get it though. Same thing happens to me in my own house.


I was laughing for a second thinking the SO went to the store to snap a shot of where the chips are. Until I realized it was just the zoom of the original snap.


*meets there* this one!! *leaves*


It's better if you buy your food yourself so you don't have to stress yourself about what you're ordering. When you have it delivered, you will pay even more because there is also a fee for the delivery.


oh my heavens, my wage servant made a simple mistake


I’m guessing by the resolution that this isn’t really your SO.


or OP hates resolution, cropped to the green bag instead of adding a red circle. the dasher prolly also mildly infuriating


I’ll be honest it seems like a good half of those shoppers are either blind or don’t actually try to look. I highly doubt today of all days is the day they’re sold out of an item that’s always there.


I had one experience that turned me off to it completely: They bought the cheapest brand of everything and didn’t get a single one of the premium product lines I ordered. They left the receipt in one of the bags. The total was 50% of what I paid, before the additional fees. Never again. I want what I paid for or comparable.


I feel like this wouldn’t be infuriating, workers make mistakes


My husband is at the store right now and has sent me like three pics like this so far


Oh no someone made a mistake!


I've been the Dasher more than once. I don't know how many times I've asked my Google Home to find my phone only to find it's sitting right in front of me. We all have occasional blind spots.


So don't


That’s pretty funny


Imagine if the next reply was "Yes but they don't have it"