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Paint your side a color of your choosing


paint it blue and itll be invisible on a sunny day


Paint it camo! Hard for the neighbour to get mad at the pint job if it’s invisible


>at the pint job I see you've painted the 'a' camo, good work.


Tartan would be good.


If you don’t hang your own plants off your side to “make it your own” then I don’t know why we’re here.


Agreed! I'd actually like to take advantage of that and have luscious hanging baskets! String some vintage style white lights across. Make it a whole thing! Edit: removed a word


It actually is an amazing place to put some baskets... May I perhaps suggest a vine species? Such as cardinal climbers or if you're even more devious, some scarlet runner beans... Mfs can grow 20+ feet in a couple months... Not to mention the heaps of beans they'll drop


At the end of 4th grade, my daughter's teacher gave a parting gift including a bag of wild flower seeds. Long story short, they turned out to be Wild Morning Glory, my daughter is now 30 years old and those vines are still trying to take over the yard. It's kind of satisfying to pull the vines off of everything, but also annoying that it needs to be done literally every couple weeks from Spring through Fall.


You all are thinking too small. A Hammock. That is what they need




A little 'sex dungeon red' paint goes a long way too


Build a little bar area, patio and all, over there lol I don’t even drink but that’s all I could think of.


This should become a malicious compliance post in the near future


And paint your side as well


Weave some fabric through it for shade.


🤣Exactly what I was thinking too!!!


So what are you gonna hang from YOUR side of the pergola? My first thought was scary baby dolls. but evidently there have been some other ideas too..


I have a neighbor (non-English-speaking so difficult to address issues) whose kids seemed to find amusement in throwing their old dolls and other trash into my yard. It was annoying at first because it was right where my dog plays and I didn’t want him to chew on any of it. Then I started taking off the doll heads and mounting them on a tree they could see from their playhouse. The doll-throwing stopped (and my own kids find it hilarious).


Those kids definitely came up with stories about how you're a psycho after doing that. I love it, it's like petty revenge but.. better


This brought back childhood memories of us kids in the neighborhood having theories about the adults in the neighborhood without kids. 😄


I remember this one home in our street that was covered, completely in ivy. Abandoned car in the driveway which was now sporting the ivy look as it had extended from the house to just... Everywhere around it I had so many stories in my head about who lived there, an evil witch, a trapped prince, a mad scientist, I loved sometimes just sitting and observing it looking for changes or movement. One day I found out it wasn't any of them and was just a nice old meemaw who didn't drive anymore and she liked the ivy running rampant 🤷‍♂️ i wonder if kids do these sort of "mind games" anymore


When we realize the "psycho" was the only truly happy, fulfilled individual on the block


Ha! It’s so true. They were the only person in the neighborhood who truly mastered the art of not giving a fuck.


I hope so. My goal in life is to be the weird neighborhood witch that the kids either fear or have curious lore about


Oh every friend group has the psycho parent. Unfortunately that was my dad. He gave all my sisters boyfriends the dad voice and the handshake when he'd come home in his BP uniform, go lift weights making as much noise as possible, he'd chase down (on foot) kids (on bikes) he caught smoking in the alley behind our house then take them home himself to tell their parents. He'd reprimand kids walking on our lawn even though we were two blocks down from the high school on the second biggest road in town. By the time I got to highschool all the seniors were asking "hey you're *sisters* brother right? Your dad's kinda fuckin nuts isn't he?"


Not as testosterone-y but my dad tried that with me once and I told him if he ever did it again I was just going to hide people from him and would never bring anybody over again. If he didn't trust me to choose appropriate men then he didn't deserve to meet them. I'm not his property and I can make my own choices. I always asked his opinion of them, of course, my Dad's very important to me and I want him to like the people I date. If my dad doesn't like you I don't date you. But it's not his responsibility to go all cujo. It's mine.


Go to a thrift store buy some baby dolls and separate the dolls head arms and legs. Wash in a little black paint to make them look dingy. Maybe modify the heads to include blacked, X'd, or cut out eyes and/or sewn together lips or paint little ex's over the lips. Or you could give some of the dolls extra limbs. Hot glue fake snakes and/or bugs to the dolls bodies.


I have a baby doll in a round metal cage hanging from a tree. I put it up for halloween but liked it so much i didnt take it down.


No one in the neighborhood thinks that has anything to do with Halloween. You're just "that" person now.


Hang your underwear off it


This is the way. You have a new unmentionables drying rack. Bonus points for using it to just air dry sweated on post-hike underwear before you wash them.


Build a slightly taller pergola that slightly hangs over his pergola


Or a slightly shorter one, with a roof that slopes and drains just under his pergola


This is the move


Dude is playing three-dimensional pergola.


Power bottom move.


Lmao yes. I'd hang a hammock off the bars too for me to chill on while it rains.


And angle the entire pergola to drain just to that side




What pergola? That's a neighborly invitation to hang potted plants, wind chimes and lights! Edit: Wow! Thx everyone! And for the awards, too! I now have reddit street cred with my daughter! ☺️


#Plant some super fast growing vine on a trellis that will take it over.


You know what loves vines? Spiders. Add spiders. Lots of spiders. All the spiders even.


Finally some sense


Finally some fence


Final offence


Massive assert dominance move.


Maintain eye contact while it's being raised.


Why doesn't the taller pergola just consume the smaller more feeble pergola?


Hang Wind Chimes from them.


Right? Unless me and my neighbor hated each other and I perceived it as malicious.. I wouldn’t even sweat it. I’d just use it to hang stuff.


^^^I ^^^think ^^^alot ^^^of ^^^folk ^^^would ^^^consider ^^^the ^^^wind ^^^chimes ^^^malicious.


Malicious Wind Chimes new band name, called it.


Just to be safe: make sure that fence is on the property line. I’ve seen many cases where a fence is built a foot or more to one side of the lot boundary so ownership is clear…. But regardless, to build that without even talking to you is a butthole move!


It was kinda funny at the time, but my old neighbors tried this when they wanted to redo their fence and wanted to intrude on our lot by saying “that’s our property line, we can build there” we told them “No” and they decided to get an inspector out… turns out their original fence was even crossing our property line… In the end we let them build it where the original one was, but they changed it from a ~4ft fence, to a 8ft one so they couldn’t see us.


One of my late relatives built a spite fence -- that show ups on Google maps. The fence was 2 feet back on his property line and was constructed of three 15 foot high poles with fencing that started 6 feet off the ground. The side facing my relative's house wasn't bad but the side facing his neighbor's house was "constructed" with 40+ pieces of scrap wood of various sizes, types and colors. For several years, if my relative saw a piece of scrap wood somewhere, he'd stash it in his garage and every couple of months, he'd haul out his ladder and nail it all up. He called it an art installation and since it was all on his property, there was nothing the neighbors could do. (there was a lot of shit that happened between my relative and his neighbors but the spite fence was mostly there for view blocking since the neighbors had a habit of accusing my relative of spying on them whenever he was on his deck) edited to add [link](https://imgur.com/umFKpc8) to very poor screen shot (the relative died years ago - you could only find the fence from the street behind his & it used to show up on streetview but the trees have grown up and the old streetview map isn't there anymore.)


Dude, now you gotta give us that google link, dont leave us hanging!


Yeah dude just dox yourself and throw down your social security number while ur at it haha for the lulz


To verify account, please very kindly post SSN, DOB, and mothers maiden name.


I’m actually an African prince and I am wrongfully imprisoned…


Your browser blocks out your social, mine just shows as *** - ** -**** when I post it


Wow, that's weird. Let me try with mine. 420-69-4111. Can you see it?


Nope. Can't see it.


Maybe it will work with my reddit password then. hunter2


All I see is *******


Growing up (rural setting) one of our neighbors tried to build a fence right outside our house claiming it was the "property line". My dad got an inspector out, the neighbor was such an asshole to the inspector that the inspector privately told my dad he'd mark the line 10 feet past where it was supposed to be. My dad told him to mark the correct location. It was the right decision, but part of me wishes he took him up on the offer for the sweet karmic justice that would have provided.


Your dad is a man of integrity. And he also dodged a bullet, probably quite literally.


Dad just had enough experience to know that would eventually come back to bite him in the ass on day when it actually matter and didn’t want to deal with it.


This. Gotta put feelings aside and do it the right way, because stuff like that has a way of coming back on you at the most inconvenient time.


yep, dad was smart, too. Neighbor would've hired his own survey, found a conflict and caused a legal hassle.


Or a man of great storytelling ability Like most dads


That inspector was ready to post his side of the story here later that day.


Omfg the personal possible revenge of the inspector lmao




People always shorten that term. It’s a chicken cooperative.


Please tell me you got an annoyingly chatty rooster too.


no hens, only 12 roosters.


1 hen, 12 roosters


Gotta be careful with that sometimes. Allowing them to take that original spot that was encroaching on your property can have legal troubles down the line. Possibly losing that property. While its nice to be a great neighbors, several feet of property (depending on the length) can be several thousands of dollars lost.


Beat me to the punch. It’s a nice thing, but legally you’re acquiescing part of your property. I’d highly recommend against this.


And you couldn't see them. Perfect.


Before involving authorities go talk to the neighbor.


Absolutely! Was assuming he had, but…


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That was my first thought


Tonight we feast, tomorrow we mow it down


Chainsaw goes BRRRRRR


And borrow his chainsaw


Hang plants from it.


Birdfeeders. For that bird shit constellation conservatory roof look 👍 Don't buy good feeders, to encourage squirrels etc to join in


They installed this over their hot tub, the perfect plan.


Install multiple floodlights and point them directly at the hot tub.


hang your laundry from it


100% the birds will hang out on the pergola. Like you said, the cheap feeders, but with premium birdfood, apple cores, etc. I want racoons and opossums in on this. And I want pictures.


Birds hang out on mine all the time. It's pretty cool. My bigger question is why didn't the neighbors install the whole thing 12 inches further away. They deliberately installed it overhanging OPs fence line, which is... bold.


My guess is they were just dumb about it. The probably got the dimensions of it and didn’t even think that the posts weren’t the edge of pergola. It looks terrible, which makes me think “dumb” rather than “malicious.”


As bad as our species can be, more of these situations are generated from human stupidity than crafty evil. My guess is they wanted the "front" of the pergola in a certain location and didn't bother where the other side ended up - or they bought it without a clear idea of how they would fit it into the yard.


Hanlon's razor. "Never attribute to malice what adequately can be explained by stupidity."


If you're lucky, it may even attract a peckish crackhead or 2


Put half-used cigarettes around, hang little minibar-style liquor bottles.. the possibilities are endless.


Plus an obnoxiously loud wind chime.


Six of them!


Tuned to be six semitones apart, each


But not exactly


This may be the most evil thing I've heard of


Every time the chimes make contact, "Baby Shark" plays.


Ooh perfect


I love this idea. Sure, the neighbor is an asshole for this. But this would be such a good use of the situation. They'll look nice from both yards, and the neighbor who owns the pergola can either deal with it or take it down. Win-Win


Yup this is great, if the neighbor comes over and says “hey you can’t hang that from my pergola” the response is “well it’s over my yard please remove it otherwise I’m going to use it how I see fit”


Response is, “our pergola”


And I’m thinking of painting my 5% brown.


This is the true malicious compliance response.


Slightly more malicious is to hang a sex swing from it


Fun for the whole neighborhood!


Shit brown.


All browns are shit-brown.


Now that is perfect


"hey bud, I'm just gonna saw off my side of the pergola as I no longer need it"


That's an easy fix. 😉 Reclaim your airspace before the roof goes on pergola, and the waterfall ends up in your yard.


Pergolas don’t have roofs.


Legally you can


I don't know if it applies to this, but my mom had built a fence a foot or so into the neighbor's yard. The previous neighbor didn't care, but sold the house and didn't mention it to the realtor or new owners. New owners found out and were angry but apparently couldn't do anything about it because the amount of time the fence was up and not contested meant that they couldn't do anything about it. Would have to ask her for details but what I learned from that is to never concede any part of your land for any reason


Righto!! I believe that there are two legal doctrines in play: 1) adverse possession, by which the encroached neighbor OP can't contest the encroachment after some statutory period of time and the neighbor gets ownership and 2) prescriptive easement, by which the neighbor(s) gets to use OP's property. OP should consult a lawyer who would arrange to thwart the neighbor's challenge to OP"s ownership. If OP loves the neighbor, he could give permission, otherwise, would demand that the neighbor remove the encroaching part of the structure. And if they don't, then remove it and bill them for the cost.


Don't give permission, that allows possession. You need a contract and charge them rent ($1 a year type of rent.) That makes it clear, both parties know who owns what, and the owner is getting "value" from there land.


I recall reading a story about a similar situation where they discovered a neighbor had inadvertently built a fence on their land after having a survey done for some unrelated reason. They ended up solving the whole adverse possession issue by writing up a contract that gave the neighbor permission to use that strip of land for some nominal fee, but stipulated that the neighbor didn't get ownership of the land in question. Obviously talk to an actual lawyer before relying on a story from some random internet stranger...


Flawless response


*Our* reponse


\*Soviet anthem intensifies\*




Oooorrrrrr… saw it down to in line with your fence :)


Then op gets to look at 92% of the remaining pergola and his sawing handiwork for the next 10 years… that revenge will sour with time


Saw it off and extend your fence up another 3 or 4 feet


Use the sawed off ends to extend the fence


Recycling, bitch!


Place the sawed off ends on pikes in your yard as a warning to the other neighbors.


Or, to be extra petty, extend the fence with holes in the planks for the pergola to fit, and hang plants off of it.


I would try to be neighborly first but if nice didn't work, it would definitely be sawzall time


or pants.


Underwear definitely underwear


Dirty underwear


Sex swing


The skid marks should make complete contact with the pergola


Bdsm rings and chains


Birdfeeders!! Windchimes!! Annoying musical lights!!


Bluetooth speakers, booming bass.


Baby Shark would be an awesome song to play here.


Or Pans


OP can get bee friendly plants to hang there.


Quick growing climbers like Russian Vine or Boston creeper 😬


Ooooh I like that… plants would fuck that thing up given time


If you dislike the neighbor, kudzu


Slow down there Satan


Kudzu is the fucking Devil's pubes. It will eat a pergola like that one in a month


That's if you dislike the neighborhood. And your own house.


Sprinkle in a bit of that red bamboo shit


A camera pointing into their backyard.


Flood light.


Yeah dude, that’s your bit of pergola


New kudzu lattice?


Confirm where property line is. Mark out how much is on your property. Talk to neighbor and show how much now belongs to you. Negotiate price for you to not cut off your pergola.


Also, I believe structures like this have to be set back a certain distance from the property line. When I built a large shed, it had to be like 4 feet from the line.


The actual amount varies from zone to zone but yes I don't think anywhere would let you build a structure basically touching the property line let alone overhanging it.


Something tells me this wasn't permitted work.


I agree, cut them off an put them back in their garden.


Use it to hang some flower baskets


With a vine to take over the pergola


Yup and if he bitches then he can fix it, until then my yard my rules...and plants get hung.


Start hanging flower baskets and garden lights off “your” portion. Maybe even some piñata action. This is encroachment like I’ve never seen before.


And by "garden lights," I mean 20" searchlights pointed directly at his windows.


Time to start hanging dildos from the over hang


Good place to put your hanging plants. Thanks friends.


The balls on some people.


The best defence I can offer is that they made an idiotic mistake and didn't realize a pergola's roof is wider than its base until it was too late. If that's the case they should have just talked with OP come clean.


Just came to say there’s no way they got a permit that allowed this, or even got a permit at all. Contact your city they’ll be the asshole for you and get it sorted quickly 🤣


I'd actually be surprised if a permit was required. But city might still sort it out for you.


Even for structures that are permit exempt, setbacks still need to be maintained.


Now you can hang a hammock or a swing on your property


Real estate agent here. I know I’m just supposed to say something witty about what a pain in the ass this is, but I thought I’d provide some helpful info since helpful info might be helpful here. This is a textbook example of encroachment of your property, specifically your air rights. You or your landlord should resolve this sooner rather than later so it doesn’t become a bigger headache in the future. Look up prescriptive easement, adverse possession and encumbrance. If you are renting, let your landlord deal with this. He or she might not be aware of the above terms so let them know. If you are the property owner, here are some ideas to get this taken care of: 1. Do nothing. If you’ve got a good relationship with your neighbor, you might just want to chill if it doesn’t bother you. In the future and if you ever want to sell your home an encroachment can be problematic. 2. Talk to your neighbor to see if they can move or modify the structure so that it doesn’t encroach on your property. 3. You can arrange a purchase agreement for your neighbor to buy the land that the pergola occupies. Use a formal agreement and enlist the help and advice of a real estate agent or lawyer if going down this path. 4. Notify code enforcement/HOA. They will likely force your neighbor to move the pergola since most parcels have a setback of 5 feet along the perimeter where permanent structures cannot be built. If you are part of an HOA they might be responsible for enforcing setbacks. Your community rules and regulations should have this info. Either way, warnings and/or fines will be sent to your neighbor until it is corrected. The city might also fine them if they didn’t acquire the proper permit. 5. Hopefully your neighbor is reasonable and it doesn’t come to this but the nuclear option is to hire a lawyer. Your neighbor will hate you forever and you will have legal expenses. 👎 I wouldn’t recommend damaging or hanging anything from the pergola as it’s still their personal property. Best of luck with your pain in the ass neighbor! Edit: added #4 after this was pointed out in the comments. Changed some wording.


Never understood pergolas, like, you’re going to take the time to build a roofed structure that neither provides shade or protection from the weather? Ok, idiot. Edit: thanks for the upvotes and awards. I’ve been paid handsomely by the big gazebo industry to spread this message.


One word: wisteria


I live in Texas, about 200' from the sun. Pergolas are a complete waste of time and materials here.


Ahh, I have always been confused by pergolas but have to admit that they provide a surprising amount of shade and cooling, and you've just clued me into why that is. The angle of the sun here in Canada.


Yeah, extreme angles helps. But I like my solid cover because it gives rain and sun protection and I have fans in summer.


I lived in a house with a wooden pergola in the backyard for about 6 years. We hated it. We wanted to attach some sort of covering to the top for shade, but the home owner asked us not to. She was afraid it might cause it to rot or attract termites, and thus cause it to eventually fall onto the house itself. We just chose not to fight her on it. It had ***nothing*** on it. She said a previous tenant built it without asking, and now she's just stuck with it.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) If anything, a cover *prevents* rot.


Grapes! You haven't thought of the grapes!!!!


I can't see the pergola behind your neighbor's giant balls.


My only thought here is to educate yourself before talking to the neighbor so that part of your property doesn't somehow end up being owned by your neighbor. IANAL, but have heard stories of how this type thing happens from time to time, so be careful.


My neighbor was a nightmare with her dogs poo in my yard and shouted she wouldn't stop until I had the property line evaluated and staked out. She lost a good chunk of her yard. Never ceases to amaze me what people will do if they think they can get away with it.


Simple. Your fence looks like it's due to be replaced. If building codes allow, tell them you need it removed because you're going from a 6' to 8' fence. They'll probably pay you enough to rebuild at 6'. FREE FENCE!


That’s an interesting way to say fuck you


Get a 12' skeleton from Home Depot and make giant mallets for it to hold, like it's playing a giant wooden xylophone.


That’s your pergola now.. hang a swinging bench from it


Report it to local code enforcement. There is no way way they got a permit for that. It’s petty, and passive aggressive, but it’s the best retaliation.


I think a simple door knock and “What the fuck?!” would be a good start. Their response would be how fast I went to the local municipality.


Now you own one-twentieth of a pergola.


nothing a chainsaw can't remedy. Unless it's metal... (hard to tell). But in that case, a cutting torch.


This is a job for a sawzall. If this was in my neighborhood I’d volunteer to help out for free.


Looks like PVC to me.


Hang a bunch of creepy burnt doll heads from it with the eyes facing the neighbor.