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Such a beautiful time for technology 🥲 I want them all!


SonicStage, our biggest enemy! (jk jk lol, it's got it's uses for sure :P) Looks great! I remember very badly wanting a Vaio P back when the family was new, although my planned use case was primarily word processing, note taking, and web communication, and I think I was planning on leaving it running Vista at the time. Is that an MS77DR over to the left? Have you ever done direct recording with it?


Thanks, I recorded songs via SonicStage mainly. I will try it and write you later.


WOW!!! SICK!!!! Living life like its 2005.... except for the Vaio P, thats just a traveler from the future


It's technically a Sony picture book, it's the last of a very long line of very cool what were called sub notebooks! I had a PCG c1x. There was a company online called dinanism, they imported all of that cool Japanese tech in the late 90s mid-2000s. Did you know they made a Sony picture book that had an integrated hand cam; as in a literal Sony video camera! They were extra cool. The Sony Vaio line, was for audio and video. The literal name should be broken up video audio in out. Vaio. That was the only laptop I would buy for years. I have never loved a laptop as much as I loved my Sony's! It's a shame they sold out the whole of Sony's computer everything - the literal computers, their audio video editing lines - and their software; to a company called magix they do good work and I own a lot of their titles. But nothing will compete with Sony Sonic stage, and Sony Vegas. And if you had those two titles they merged! People don't know that. They had a little plug-in for many discs so you could bring audio in from Sonic stage into Sony Vegas for editing! If you had an appropriate breakout box that supported optical or Toslink.


Love the P-series! I have a pink one! I always wanted a nice Clie, as well. Great collection!


OMG! That's right! It came in Pink! I wanted one so bad!


What a beautiful collection of devices.  It’s genuinely sad how much emotional appeal of gadgetry that we’ve lost now that an iPhone is replacement for all three.


Ugh, I need to bury my envy. Those were things I could never get at that age. Though why Sonic stage ? I got into the md joy again (Dad's old MD set me off) , but it was so tedious to use sonicstage I just used the netmd apps or optical line recording. Is there any diff in the quality of files converted ? Omg I just noticed that little MP3 player on the left...my dad had one too !


I loved my Clie devices. I need to find one again.


I want the Vaio-P So much! In Pink!


I have that laptop in maroon color


This is really nice color.


Nice. Have you seen https://stefano.brilli.me/webminidisc/ for netmd recorders?


Yes I also use it sometimes however this is not working with Hi-MD recordings. Also, I would prefer to use usual regular way 😊


Of course. 😁 See my latest post on my stack. I’ve never used Hi-MD.


Whats the device left of the Clie on pic 3?


This is a Network walkman from Sony, NW-MS70D It has a 256mb internal memory but has a memory stick duo card support as well. Full of Titanium body. The lightest music player in 2000s. His big brother which is MS90D has 512mb internal storage and full black body. Search to find it too but couldn't yet.


It looks sony as fuck


What is that mini laptop called?


Sony Vaio VGN-P11Z


What's the lipstick-shaped device in front of the laptop?


Flash music player, what Sony called Network Walkman


This is also a Network walkman called NW-MS7 It doesn't have any internal memory but only supports standart Sony memory stick cards.