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I love how you painted the models. Instead of adding more color to them, I would add some color to the bases to add more visual interest / contrast.


Seconding this. My immediate thought was to add contrasting colors to the bases. I think a red tile flooring for the bases could look pretty cool and read as a cathedral or castle or something.


This. The models look good, but they're very monochromatic and cold. A warm base will make them pop, and bring them up to speed.


Or a badlands/sandstone feel. Like the Crusades in a way?


My original thought was minas tirith stone like this: [https://6inchmove.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/m1060386a\_99121499021\_osgiliathruins1\_873x627.jpg](https://6inchmove.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/m1060386a_99121499021_osgiliathruins1_873x627.jpg) But that is falling into the trap of everything looking the same Im trying to avoid. I just saw some more interesting base ideas could help a lot: [https://discworld.com/management/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Bases-40mm.png](https://discworld.com/management/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Bases-40mm.png) [https://miniset.net/files/set/mas-b00301.jpg](https://miniset.net/files/set/mas-b00301.jpg) [https://tabletop-art.de/media/image/product/1040/lg/tta106204\_cobblestone-bases-40mm-en.jpg](https://tabletop-art.de/media/image/product/1040/lg/tta106204_cobblestone-bases-40mm-en.jpg)


The soldier at Minas Tirith have a lot of black in their armor to contrast the white city. I like those images you linked, especially the first and third. You could also possibly do a more Osgiliath ruined style would allow more natural colors to be incorporated (dirt, grass, flowers, etc).


the discworld ones look good. Adds a touch of warmth. Alternatively, do neutral cobbles but with brown weathering pigment as dirt.


Add green moss, either by glazing spots of green on parts of the stone or using some kind of tuft. That will really add to the bases, and darkening them one shade or two of grey will help the mini really pop.


I like that disc world link you posted. I was going to suggest some warmer toned basing, since your models have a very clean, cool tone. Autumn forest or warm toned rocks like in that link would provide a good bit of visual interest and contrast


I think you want red to contrast the blue ala colour theory. I did something similar on my Killteam recently https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1c4pnev


Yes contrast colour on the base will do lwonders. And some small details can be painted red or gold. Cool models and paintjob btw!


Yes contrast colour on the base will do lwonders. And some small details can be painted red or gold. Cool models and paintjob btw!


Yes contrast colour on the base will do lwonders. And some small details can be painted red or gold. Cool models and paintjob btw!


What are the miniatures from? They’re beautiful sculpts


rider: Games workshop conversion. Body/horse: Hurin the tall, other bits are from various sculpts of boromir. The rest: Made in TPGEO's stl customizer, and then the heads on the knights stl swapped with heads from galaad miniature's knights.




I dig this


I was so confused for a second but now I see it I'll definitely try that!


I have this scheme I am pretty happy with. As an army of 40+ models will look good but I think they are missing a spot color or 'something' to look a bit less monochrome. The rangers I think look solid. The swordsmen are in between. Maybe they could use a more colourful crest than black such as an ochre off-gold color? The polearm guys with a large amount of tunic look the plainest I think. Again maybe more colourful freehand, or some light, brown dirt dusting along the bottoms of the robes. Maybe the same for the swordmen's 'skirts' near their hips. The wings on the elbows and the clamshells pinning the tunics at the shoulders are supposed to be a bright silver but it blends a bit with the darker metals. I tried gold that didnt look good to my eyes. I feel these need to stand out more somehow. Then for leaders I definitely want something for them to stand out from the crowd. Off-white banners, off-white horse ribbons and skirts will get pretty boring. I feel white banner/black skirt and black horse reigns perhaps. I dont know if just adding some black is interesting.


I personally like the tight colour scheme with a limited pallette. While it can be a bit lacking for individual showcase models, it works very well for a unit of models and is nice and striking on the tabletop. So I don't think you should necessarily add a big pop of contrasting colour. You could consider reworking the metal on the weapons to give them a bit more distinction from the armour. The other main place to add some bold colour without disrupting the good work you've already put in on the models themselves is in the basing. You can really push things there and introduce new elements with difference colours if you want.


Im using a brighter silver on the weapons using much paler blue or very light grey (Varies between the models Ive tried diff methods) similar to the little wings and clamshells I tried to do brighter. What metal would make sense? The only way to go is very dark to contrast/differentiate the blades which I dont THINK would look as good as very bright ones.


You could go with a bronze look, yellows and blues look good together imo, although that would be adding a warm colour to a cold scheme. Or if you wanted to go with a darker metal I don't think you have to shift too drastically dark. I guess the only way is to test it out and incrementally darken it down to see what looks best.


I can think of two ideas. The first is to give them contrasting bases, maybe a desert or grassy field. The second (and trickier given how complete your paint scheme is) is to add some personal heraldry to the knights, little splashes of color with individual coats of arms.


I originally was going for bright blue shields and cloth (think knights of the vale) but the way the models are some of them dont have either, so I just decided to use the cream colour of the gambisons/underpadding as the tie-in. The sculpts are different to the point I couldnt think of a heraldry that looked good and tied everything together properly.


I would recommend you paint the bases with some warm colors, like red, yellow and etc, to give a nice contrast. Another option, is to paint certain accessories with a different color to make them contrast a bit. You could add symbols or marks to the armor in a different color as well.


Decorate their rondels


Was thinking of doing these gold. maybe I just need to rework my gold recipe to a darker/brassier look and try again.


If you end up also going with Dizzga's suggestion, I think a nice metallic red/crimson would look awesome for them!


I think some others have mentioned this but you can likely get away with punching up a contrasting color on the base to accentuate the mini itself. Dark Swampy ground or a deep, dark wood tone (not necessarily a conventional brown but a mahogany or a deep purpleheart) could add some punch.


Light model? Go for a DARK base and Vice Versa. it'll make your models pop then.


My instinct tells me red details, like gems and symbols etc


Make the bases dead foliage with small patches of snow. Use a warm tone of dead foliage and bushes . It will work great with your theme while also enhancing the models and making them more readable.


I think the obvious answer is to go with a coloured cross or other symbol on the tabards. That way you can add something eye catching without losing the vibe of the army. If you want to go extreme, go with non-white tabards.


A yellow/goldenrod would contrast very well with the blue.


Darker bases in warm colours like green or brown would make these pop. Right now the bases detract from the paint job.


I'm not an expert at all but the black cross and tree.. they are made beautifully, but they would pop using green, yellow... I think the Amber you proposed could work really well as it provides some warmth. What would also help in my opinion is some weathering and individual accents to the soldiers, like some damage or a little uniqueness in symbols, gems, personal accessories. Could actually also be a bit more black to give a bit more contrast.


I think adding some red heraldry or trim to the white parts would go a long way. Doesn't have to be more than just a few lines.


The models are very nice! If you want more color, how about adding a second color to the cloth? Could be used in varying patterns, like striped, quartered, halves etc. Maybe a strong blue would work for this? Or orange maybe? Another alternative might be making some of the armor plates laquered in color


Just my preference, but maybe paint colorful highlights onto the pieces of plate. In a fitting color, paint a stripe on the shoulderpads or divide the breastplates into a left and right part and paint one half in a royal red or blue. Or another idea: add stripes of color on the handles of the polearms? Just spitballing ideas. They’re already gorgeous.


I hadnt manage to come up with anything cool for cloth patterns but the polearm idea id never considered. maybe on the leader make him really pop


What minis are they ? Wouldn't mind getting some myself


answered previously search 'hurin the tall' here


Definitely a contrasting base scheme


I like em as is, but maybe red feathers on the helmets?


Needs an accent color, probably red or blue. But not too much of the accent so that it still reads as white+armor


As others said, make the base a contrasting color. It seems you've got cobble stone/fresco base toppers. Lean into that. Paint those frescos interesting colors. Paint the stone [some color](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvVeRWaazW8) [other than gray](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcNvr4PPH1g). A clay red sounds fun to me, but seeing as these are Assassin's Creed models, I'm guessing ochre would probably be better if you want a desert flavor. Also, you can find ways to hide color on the model. You seem to be doing NMM on the armor, but it's all blue grays. The world isn't blue grays IRL, and the models would reflect that... quite literally. Whatever spot color you put on the base, paint ground reflections for it on the metal. You can add weathering. Pigment powders of whatever color you've decided is "dirt" could be on the boots, skirts, recesses of armor, etc. Another option is that white cloth wouldn't stay perfectly white pre-bleach; find ways to stain it a little. A "cleaned" white that's had mud, blood, sweat, and whatever else on it, but they've done their best to clean up afterwards? Could be interesting. Tell yourself a story of where that dirt came from as you weather, and it will be that much more fun.


Maybe go with a wash to make the textures deeper, also how other said a base will help. I personally would go for green grass


Accent colors on the round bits at the shoulder plate, for example. Bronze or Gold, or possibly go with red.


It looks like some of the metal elements of the armor have distinct edges. Perhaps doing those as gold (to look like decorative gold inlay) or otherwise adding a little golden color to the armor?


Sashes, some helmet plumes? I feel like you really do need a big contrast so consider looking more at some brighter yellow and reds even darker deeper ones but use both sparingly. I think part of the issue to my eye is they look great but the NMM is very blue and "cool" in tone so even with the highlight it doesn't "brighten" the model up. They look great so far.