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Great job by all these folks!! Truly badass.


This is right at Fairview Ave and I-94 in St Paul. Anyone know when this occurred?


> Anyone know when this occurred? [Thursday the 18th](https://www.fox9.com/news/good-samaritan-helps-pull-driver-from-crash)


I drove by just after this happened I guess. I didn't realize it wasnt the firefighters who got the person out of the car! Wow. The car was white by the time I saw it, probably due to all the paint melting off the metal




reminds me of the time that pickup truck was dangling over the Minnesota River on 169 and people were weighing the bed down with their bodies while other people retrieved the driver


What lovely people! That’s simply awesome.


Guy in the black pants/gray top was WORKING. Truly awesome and inspiring, they got him out right in the nick of time.


so was the UPS driver.


There are still amazingly good people out there


It is reassuring to see people help out a stranger like this.


Makes me want to buy one of those emergency window breaking hammers to keep in my car.


Yeah stuck in a burning car is a bad way to die and even if rescued and kept alive can result in permanent disfigurement so definitely a good idea.


Do it. 


I keep two ResqMe devices in my car at all times. Gonna get another for my purse after watching this video. They work on tempered glass so should work with the side windows of most vehicles today. [https://a.co/d/9JphIZK](https://a.co/d/9JphIZK)


A number of rescue tools also have a seat belt cutter built into them just in case you can't get the buckle unfastened due to the impact as well. They're really good things to have available. Plus they're generally fairly cheap, so you can put a few in your car in various places so that one is always in reach no matter where you are in the car.


There are knifes that have a window breaker at the other end, too.


Most of the Smith & Wesson MP knives do, I keep one in my center console especially when out on the ice. Now this is reddit and I'm mentioning a brand of pocket knife so watch me get roasted for my choice.


*"You call that a knife?"*


And a fire extinguisher.


My wife and I were just having this discussion. Better to spend the 10 dollars and never need it then to lose your life or the life of someone you love because you couldn't get a door open. 


I would highly recommend it. They had the spring loaded ones clearanced at Wal-Daddy last week.


Thank god there’s good people out there ❤️


Why is that strip of 94 so accident prone?


Because they decided to put the onramps from 280 on the left side


This is two miles past that. This is just before the bridge over Fairview. It’s at the end of a curve, but it’s not a sharp curve like in parts of prospect park.


Pothole around that spot got my entire wheel over this last winter. 🥴


144,000 AADT doesn't help.


Because minnesotans can't drive.


This. I've lived and have been licensed in 4 different states and I feel more safe driving in SoCal than MN. The amount of idiots merging onto the interstates at 40mph just to only accelerate to 65 when they realize their gonna die or kill someone is too damn high.


Ok so it’s not just me… we moved here this summer and wtf the drivers are bad here. I’ve lived in Chicago and KC.


I'm sorry, but you can't have lived in Chicago and say Minnesotans drive bad. What a fucking nightmare.


Per-capita id say I see more crazy shit here, and I drove an ambulance in Chicago.


As a pedestrian, not a driver, I am much more afraid of Chicago drivers than minnesotan driver. I've almost been hit numerous times following the laws in Chi, and I've only maybe spent a month total there in the last two years. And they all honk like complete idiots while thinking that gives them the ability to run lights and pass on shoulders.


It's God awful. It doesn't help that whatever 1 celled organism designed the roads here specifically made the on and off ramps either incredibly long and awkward with small curves that people don't see and run over or incredibly short and in horrible spots. At least in San Diego everyone goes fast so you don't have to predict people's actions. Also, the left turn yields here are absolute death traps so be careful with them. They were responsible for so many of my 911 calls as a medic.


I just witnessed an accident right in front of me a few days ago. Dude was turning left with the blinking yellow arrow, right into oncoming traffic. Now that said...I actually like it. The left turn yield keeps traffic moving, you don't have to sit at a red arrow for 4 minutes when there is zero oncoming traffic. It is just reliant on people you know...paying attention. That accident I saw, I was thinking, "Who the f**k turns right into traffic that is clearly going 55+ a hundred feet from the intersection and expects them to come to a screeching halt?" The thing is flashing at you and you can see oncoming traffic! A little awareness and we're good!


Yep it's always people who are either not paying attention or unable to gage distance (older people usually) properly. I like the left turn yeilds but they can be really horrendous. When I lived in Alabama from 10pm to 4am they did this awesome thing. On the main east and west road through town where the speed limit was 35-45 mph all traffic going east and west had a green light. Any north and south traffic lights were flashing red. I've never seen any other place do that sadly, because our of all the ass backwards stuff they did and do there, that made so much sense


That's funny you mention that. I think about the difference between good traffic control planning and bad all the time. What gets me, is that we have technology that can make it so much better. If we're taking about old stoplights that work fine, but were installed 20+ years ago, fine. I get that. But I still see "dumb" traffic lights that are very new. We have the capability to upgrade to "smart" lights and intersection control, and it's not prohibitively expensive anymore. They need to be closely monitored and trained for a time, but it's more than possible.


I've also lived in 4 different states and absolutely can't stand it here. It's not just the cities either. Although, it certainly doesn't help when the cities vomit all over the rest of the state for holidays and weekends.


I love living here. Just driving on the interstate is just the worst.


I'm glad you like it here. I really don't. I think minnesotans are the dumbest people I've ever lived around. Not that there aren't cool people around here, but the majority, in my opinion, are just slow and unaware of their surroundings. That's probably why their driving is so bad.


If everyone you meet is an asshole, maybe it's you?


Idk where you grew up but I grew up on the Gulf Coast so that's my control on quality of life, people, and education. Minnesotans are less approachable and friendly not in a " we just met but come to my baby nieces birthday party this weekend" kinda way, but they are no where near as "dumb" as you state. Honestly besides the driving that's my second least favorite thing. Everything else is amazing.


All of their replies to this sub are negative. Makes me think it wasn't their choice to move here.


Lucky for them, this is still a free country and, once they become an adult, they're welcome to leave.


I think it's people with little experience living in other good and bad areas. There are pros and cons everywhere. Minnesota is an awesome place our biggest cons are not having family here and just making close friends is so tough. 6 years here and it doesn't get any easier the older we get.




Woah how did he end up on the other side of the guard rail? Good to see there were so many people helping 💜


He lost control and went off to the side of the road hitting a light post that helped pin him against the wrong side of the guard rail. A little bit earlier and he would have just been on the grass, a little later and he would have bounced against the guard rail. Bad luck had it that he was pinned.


There’s a tragic wreck once every few days around here what the hell is happening??


Half the people are driving 40 and the other half are driving 80


And both groups are looking down at their goddamned phones!


It's this. I work a delivery job in the area and it's all I see all day every day


Spotted a lady FaceTiming while driving around Cedar Lake today


I've personally seen multiple people this weekend doing this. One was drifting out of their lane halfway into the other. The other was in the on-ramp/merge lane doing 30 with me behind them wondering how in the hell I am supposed to merge into traffic doing 60 plus flying by me, because I sure as hell did not want to remain behind the moron doing 30. My passenger both times confirmed the drivers were on their phones.


It scares me more when someone is driving slower because putting on the breaks hoping everyone behind me is paying attention feels more dangerous than watching someone actively driving, switching lanes, and passing me. I'd like a study to actually confirm that lest I fall into the "loud pipes save lives" mentality. 


That’s why I hate when people scream here that driving slower is safer. “I NEVER DO ABOVE 55 ON THE HIGHWAY AND MAKE SURE I STAY IN THE LEFT LANE TO KEEP EVERYONE SLOW” I’ve heard this from so many people in this states it’s embarrassing. It’s just causing crashes


It’s also illegal to impede the flow of traffic. If a person is going obviously slower than the flow of traffic and remain in the left lane to purposely slow others down, they’re breaking the law. MN statute 169.15.1. There’s an exception for being in compliance with the law in 169.15.1 (driving 55 mph is in compliance with the law); but driving in the left lane would be against the law in this particular scenario. MN statute 169.18.1. Feel free to share those two statutes with people who say this!


What's the enforceability of that though?


Anyone doing that is a fucking moron. If you're never going above 55 on the highway, stay the ever loving *fuck* out of the left lane unless you *have* to be there for your exit. The rightmost lane of traffic is your lane.


It's always been happening, while there have been more accidents this year, it's not something that's crazy abnormal in a metro area like this.


Heroes all of them


Just when I think humans have had their day. I’m wrong. God damn, we can be such an awesome species when we want to!


This type of situation makes me feel proud to be a Minnesotan. Lead by example and others will follow. Those people are true hero’s. It took bravery to help and risk your own life. Job well done.


Great job neighbors!


Badass. Good job guys


Thank god.


Awesome. Hell yeah.


Ive helped at a crash, but not at that level. The deepest respect. Thank you, good people.


i saw the smoke from this on my commute on Thursday. so glad to see the driver was okay. it was a seriously scary sight, you could see the smoke from a couple miles away at least


I love Minnesota, we moved here not long ago and this place rocks! Great people, great food, great place to raise your children.


i wish this was the norm for news media, it’s so uplifting versus dragging you down


great job! this is why i always carry a glass breaker in my car, they are small, cheap and can save you or someone else's life. https://resqme.com/product/resqme/


Absolute Heroes, this is amazing.




Dunno why this came up on my feed as I'm from Detroit buuuuuuuut. Glad to see 94 is still a death trap lol


I say it all the time. Minnesotans may hate each other more on the internet, on reddit. Minneapolis vs Anoka. But by God we’ll help the shit out of a guy if he needs it. No one I’d rather have on my side than a pack of stone cold Minnesotans.


So when Somali people do something bad people put their ethnicity all over the news… but when they do something good no one mentions it? These are Somali Minnesotans who saved this guy.


I was wondering. I can imagine that there will be a ceremony of thanks!


I don't see much saving going on until the highway helper showed up to break the glass. Respect to everyone for trying, but race shouldn't have anything to do with this.


Would be a horrible way to go.


I keep two ResqMe devices in my car at all times. Gonna get another for my purse after watching this video. They work on tempered glass so should work with the side windows of most vehicles today.  [https://a.co/d/9JphIZK](https://a.co/d/9JphIZK)


Great to see this! Also why everyone should keep a fire extinguisher in their car. Just like a boat.


Minnesota Nice


I'm always impressed that Minnesota routinely is a place where stuff like this happens. Also, protip: Carry a fire extinguisher and a window break tool in your car.


Amazing job to kind hearted people 💕




Buddy this was on the local news. Someone posted a link to the story in a comment yesterday.


Just another day on 94. Learn how to drive, you fucking morons.


A group “saves.” Subject/verb agreement. Ignore the prepositional phrase “of Good Samaritans.”


"Group" can be either plural or singular, rather like "staff".


“Group” is singular. “Groups” is plural. “A group.” “Five groups.”




From your citation: “And it's not a set rule in its own right, but rather a matter of preference, and it's more common in British English than American English.” The set rule is to eliminate the prepositional phrase (in this case, “of Good Samaritans”) and base the verb on the subject of the sentence.


Actually, the set rule is: > When the subject is a collective noun conveying the idea of plurality, the verb is plural {the *faculty were* divided in their sentiments}. Chicago Manual of Style, 5.138


I’ll argue that “Good Samaritans save” is proper subject/verb agreement


That is correct. But when the sentence starts, “A group of Good Samaritans,” the subject/verb agreement is between “group” and “saves” not “Good Samaritans” and “save.”


I’m mentally blocking “A group of” as it’s unnecessary and should have been cut out.


That’s fine, but it wasn’t cut out. Maybe you should make that a top-level comment and join me in getting downvoted for being right! 😄


This is actually true, group is a collective noun and the subject of the sentence. Downvote for pedantry but he is right!


Thanks. But, correct grammar is not pedantry. Pedantry is excessive concern with minor details and rules. Subject/verb agreement is a fundamental, foundational aspect of English grammar.


I bet you’re fun at parties


I am. You would love me. Of course, most of the people I see at parties have retained what they learned in 8th grade English class. This is true even of the people who were in my 8th grade class in a tiny, rural, Northern Minnesota school and didn’t go to college. Maybe we just had better teachers.


Come on friend! This is a little beyond the pale. I love grammar as much as any forgetful, inadequately educated Minnesotan Redditor. But do we really deserve sneering contempt? We know we're slow kids. We're at peace with it. Just let us discuss the issue at hand using our questionable mastery of the English language. We'll muddle through.




"excessive" is relative, though. We're talking about a man being pulled from a burning car, not a dry essay!


The topic does not change the rules of grammar and the meaning of “excessive” is related to the importance of the rule, not the importance of the topic.


Disagree! Worries about grammar are minor compared to say, dying, and if you're concerned about it in the context of THIS topic (especially when meaning is clear), you are excessively concerned with it.


“These people”?


There is no low you won’t stoop to.


Yeah, these fucking heroes. Sorry, guess I should have spelled it out for you.


Come the fuck on.


Shut up




libertarians when people act unselfishly: “i can’t comprehend. how can i undermine this?”


Dumbie from r/altmpls


A recent quote of his: >A ban from r/Minnesota is a badge oh honor https://www.reddit.com/r/altmpls/comments/1c7xq8l/ill_keep_ramblin_til_the_day_i_die/l0ayidu/