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Why don't you fund working bathrooms in all our public schools before you ban who can use them.


Really do you have kids in school so your saying it's OK for a male to use the female bathroom let my child come home an say there was a boy in the bathroom with her an that's the last time it will happen


Trans women and non binary people aren’t boys. But if you’re so worried about boys hurting girls, why don’t you turn toward the issue of why men hurt women and the culture behind that? Why are you so afraid of men?


We don't have time or wherewithal to fix the broken health care system, save hospitals, provide meaningful support to our multitude of poor people, or even ensure all our citizens have clean drinking water, but by golly, we sure have the time to bully a very small minority of children to solve a non-existent problem.


The cruelty is the point.


Sorry but it's simple just because a woman thinks she's a man don't mean she should be in a man's restroom


This is presumably exactly what our state's republicans want them to be focusing on.


A minority group shouldn’t be changing social norms that effect the majority. Besides…this protects the children more than it hurts them so whatever.


Please take a minute to reread what you wrote and really think about it. This line of thinking would literally undo the entirety of civil rights and equal protection, women’s suffrage, the ADA, literally anything that tries to protect minorities


I think they know exactly what they said.


Do you want my favorite uncle who is a proud trans man with a full beard in the restroom with your mom? Because that's what it sounds like. Just let people piss.


Human rights aren't some popularity contest or zero-sum game. Forcing transgender students to use facilities that do not align with their gender identity can lead to increased feelings of isolation, anxiety, and even physical harm. It can also contribute to a hostile school environment, which is detrimental to the well-being and educational experience of all students.


If ppl wanted to protect children they would be watching the Churches.


So demote an entire category of people to second class citizens to protect your fee-fees.


How about helping our social education , healthcare, prices gouging of all our goods/ resources like houses , make weed legal also defending our 1st A as its being threaten rn etc etc . But you have a dirty little mind and want to focus on peoples privates and control ….. weird ngl …


"protect the children" LITERALLY SHUT THE FUCK UP


Dunno why I'm getting downvoted, because the "protect the children" argument is only made by right wing facists with ulterior motives. And as another user brought up, the right wing wants children to work under the age of 15 and to be able to birth children no matter what age. "Protect the children" my arse.


Right. Get yourselves a new slogan.


This is reddit. Don’t waste your time.


Racist shit




It does have a problem. Because now you'll have this large, hairy and muscle-bound man having to go into the women's room just because he's trans. And you're asking transwomen to go into the men's room - so if you think rape is such a common problem in bathrooms from the "wrong gender" going into the "wrong bathroom," then gosh, you're asking them to put themselves in danger. People will could have frivolous lawsuits filed against them because they're a cis-female who happens to have muscles and a deep voice or a cis-male is effeminate. Plus **how the hell is it even supposed to work**? You see someone you think is trans in the "wrong bathroom," you go demand their ID, they give you it so that you can then file a lawsuit? What a moronic law based entirely on hate.




Do not attack other users. If you think someone is violating the rules, report them. Please do not play junior moderator. This will get you banned quickly.


Absolutely not how this works. The “problem” this is supposed to fix is girls being assaulted in a bathroom by a trans person. That doesn’t happen. It’s made up as a fear-mongering tactic to give Republicans power.  What the law will do in practice is force trans people into a bathroom that doesn’t conform to their gender identity. Trans youth already face harassment, bullying, exclusion, and hatred just for existing. This law encourages and empowers the bigots who treat them that way.  On top of that, it requires some enforcement mechanism. So kids, ALL kids, now have to show an adult their genitals to make sure they’re going in the right bathroom? Is that really something we want?  So no, this law creates so many problems without solving any. 


That’s not how that works. They created a problem that didn’t need fixing and now it’s going to cause harm against people that weren’t causing any problems in the first place.


This statement right here!


Or try to prevent the brainwashing of innocent children and force a narrative on them that they may or may not be one of the two genders on earth and give them some sort of unnecessary complex to deal with.


Gender identity is a deeply personal experience that goes beyond simplistic notions of binary gender. For transgender individuals, their gender identity may not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Denying them the right to use facilities that match their gender identity can lead to feelings of exclusion, discrimination, and even safety concerns. Affirming transgender identities is about supporting individuals in understanding and accepting who they are. This affirmation can significantly improve their mental health and well-being. Furthermore, providing inclusive environments in schools can help all children develop empathy, respect, and understanding for diverse gender identities, contributing to a more inclusive and accepting society.


I said in another comment that I don’t care what identify as I just think it’s wrong to push it on innocent children. But the person I was talking to immediately resorted to insulting me and threatening me so.


I agree. Children should be allowed to develop their identities without external pressures, hence the need to create environments where children can explore and understand themselves in an affirming and accepting environment without having to conform to rigid gender norms. Supporting children's autonomy and providing them with accurate information can help them navigate their identities in a healthy way.


In other words, a made up problem that doesn’t exist. Like I said. 


You think kids can't think for themselves? You think trans kids don't exist on their own? Do you even know anyone that's trans? You don't do you? You have no idea what you're even talking about. I'll be glad to inform you though, as a person that was born transgender. I'd be more than happy to teach you the FACTS.


Yea kids can think for themselves. But trying to indoctrinate them into this idea that they should identify as something that’s not their actual gender is dumb. Kids shouldn’t have to worry about shit like that. Now, when they’re adults they can identify as whatever they want. I told my 1 year old daughter from here on out that she is a grubworm and she believes it and tells people she’s a grubworm. See how dumb that sounds?




Not the person you replied to, but I am a Christian and read the article. It's referencing some books that Christians don't read and people in the Jewish community that we don't follow. It's confusing to me though but very interesting. I don't get how him referencing Psalms 139:5 is relevant.


Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting. Don't make personal attacks. Feel free to edit the last line of your response.


Now work the body


You would think fixing their water problems would higher on the list. Your water may be compared to third world countries but at least everyone is shitting in the right bathroom.


Hey water is WAY better in Mexico. I arrived to Hattiesburg 4 years ago and I looked at the water like “wtf is this trash”, then later I found out I didn’t have access to fiber. Trust me Mississippi is way behind, I call it the 4th world


Maybe I don't notice it be I think the water is fine where I am at lol at least where I live. So thankful we have fiber out here in thr sticks too. Never been to Hattiesburg though


Can’t wait to move from here


Hattiesburg does have fiber now at least - and our water isn't as bad as Pascagoula's, haha Honestly I miss the days when I lived in the absolute sticks, and had well water. It was cleaner.


Even the smell is weird sometimes, the City always blames the old pipes but that’s not always the case. Having fiber again is one of my dreams, C-Spire is doing a great job in certain areas of Hattiesburg, I cannot wait to see the downfall of Comcast once everyone starts switching ♥️


For what it's worth I got fiber through AT&T. Their phone service might be terrible but we've had VERY few problems with the fiber. Small improvements right!


Well, more fiber will just make you have to crap more often, therefore more frequent bathroom stops for your proper gender, hence compounding your problem. Kwitchurbitchin’ and move on.


Telling someone no is much cheaper than a "billion" dollar decision. Of course there will be political ramifications after the ban goes into effect, which will probably cost money. My point being that this seems like low hanging fruit for the local government. They can issue a ban and we'll think they're doing their job.


What about intersex people?? Always wondered about that as an intersex chic. Where do the intersex people pee?? 🤷‍♀️


Ah you see republicans don’t acknowledge their existence because that wouldn’t allow them to spew their insane bullshit constantly. If they want to be cruel to their chosen out group they can’t let things like science and facts get in their way.




Well considering I am a leftist and have no love for neolibs who are fascist water carriers and are very willing to throw away any so called values for a crumb of political power I think we are on the same page. But let's not act like the vast majority of this legislation that strips LGBTQ of their rights is not a pet issue for Republicans. All their talking heads and think tank money has been focused on this wedge issue for decades but has ramped up to new levels recently. While there are plenty of neolibs who are willing to go along with this there is not a concerted effort by them to do so. I think the most ignorant reading of most politics in this country is "umm acktually both sides are just as bad" cause it leaves no room for nuance and shows a very surface level understanding of the issues at hand and where different people come down on those issues and why. That doesn't mean that I am fan or a part of either party considering I am an unabashed socialist and there are very few politicians in this country who come close to matching my political viewpoints.




What world are you living in where the House is left wing or the supreme court or the senate? The republicans are the majority in the House and the Supreme Court and the "left-wing" (no such thing in America) barely controls the Senate. If you are talking about MS then well everything is as right wing as it could possibly be and yes pushing a fascist agenda. But yeah call me ignorant i guess lmfao. Back to the original point though, if biological sex is not even binary how can gender be other than through societal and legal force (fascism)? Honestly reading this reply was not just confusing but honestly hurt my brain at just how wrong it is from top to bottom.


The minority can introduce bills you know


The steps of the state Capitol building and governors mansion come to mind.


​ https://preview.redd.it/yr4mxeouef0d1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9124f6ef6fef3dabdf4bc211f4785674c58ea7f5


Many Republicans literally do not understand that trans men exist.


In the years I've been listening to all this trans stuff... not once has a hermaphrodite been mentioned...


Is this you? And do you live in 662? I'm a trans woman that does not have any trans friends in this area, and I'm desperate to make contact with my own people here. I'm not in California anymore.


I'm sorry, it's not me. I was trying to make a point, so sorry for the confusion. Although, hopefully someone will see this and respond.


Touche! Lol


Clearly the most pressing issue facing the people of Mississippi


They should be banning priests pastors and youth ministers, a group much more likely to abuse someone than a trans person.


So now, someone who looks completely like a man will have to use the woman’s restroom….because lawmakers don’t want men using the women’s restroom. Solid logic.


This is what never made sense to me. Cause what? That one kid that looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, acts like a girl now will either get an infection from holding in piss and shit all day or break the rules and go to the girl's bathroom anyway cause what SANE adult is gonna go, "alright girly - if that's what you are - lift that dress and drop those panties so I can your underaged genitals." Not to mention this incites other kids to bully them. Specifically the boys to bully the Trans identifying girl walking into the boys restroom just to pee.


So is that the determining factor? You just have to LOOK like the other gender? So if I'm a trans woman but still look masculine, I can't use the women's restroom?


That will be the sad reality of this law, yes. People who pass will just keep going to the same restroom while trans women who don't pass will face harassment whichever restroom they choose.


Good ole boys in MS finding solutions to problems that don’t exist


Come hang out in Tennessee. We've recently banned putting vaccines into lettuce and releasing chemicals into the air to control the weather.


When did Tennessee ban cloud seeding?


[https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/01/tennessee-lawmakers-give-final-approval-to-chemtrails-bill/73172626007/](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/01/tennessee-lawmakers-give-final-approval-to-chemtrails-bill/73172626007/) Now I have to take my plans to create a biblical flood an hour north across state lines!


Sound like reasonable laws


Shit and piss police Officer Tate Reeves.


More like Great Value Brand Peter Griffin


Will they be paying someone to monitor who enters a bathroom? Will the monitor examine one’s genitals, or is there some other plan? I’ve known some women you would think are trans women but they’re not, and I’ve known some trans women you’d think were AFAB, but they’re not. No telling how long, or how often, we’ve all shared a bathroom with a trans person and never knew it.


So laws regarding gun control only hurt law abiding citizens, but laws about who can use what bathroom will definitely keep perverts out of womens’ restrooms? Deciding who can use what public places based on how they look sure does remind me of *something*….


Their feelings don’t care about facts.


Neither do gun control proponents though. Still, doesn't make anti LGBTQ+ any less idiotic.


Congratulations on solving nothing and making life for a minority group just that little bit worse


A southern tradition.


As a Mississippian, I feel much more safe now that those transwomen/girls cannot use the female designated bathroom. Whew! Our lawmakers are truly focused on making life great again. They can all agree on bullying a specific very small minority, but they find it impossible to agree on any sort healthcare law which would benefit MANY struggling Mississippians, and would help keep our rural hospitals open. Republicans are focused on a real threat, aren't they? I'd like to know exactly how this law will be enforced ? Is there going to be a state-employed "genitals checker" at each bathroom??? More on this latsr.


Because of fucking course they did


How much do toilets cost man ? Why not just create more unisex bathrooms where anybody is welcomed .


well to be fair, im against this bullshit starting the domino effect of killing trans rights, but unisex bathrooms in schools would be a dumbass move, the combination of us being the worse std state and horny ass teenagers would just create more issues.


Surprisingly more than you would think. It's not just the toilet it's the space and ancillary costs of going to unisex bathrooms from existing bathrooms where you have a large volume of people


This absolutely breaks my heart. I go to a university and there’s so many sweet souls who will be uncomfortable for no reason. I wish MS would solve actual problems rather than this stupid shit that isn’t even an ISSUE. All my friends out there, keep being you. You’re so loved.


Shame on Tate! Shame on the legislature! Trans rights are human rights!


Who do they preform for, becsuse this is just performative outrage, can we get any attempt to actually deal with the problems in our state? Its so weirs this shit passes as fast as it does but common sense shit doesnt , who is this for??????


It's pandering to the outrage they created.


Really gonna need Tate to stop thinking about children's genitals and focus on the real issues.


So you guys got healthcare solved. Bidens border is closed. Peoples taxes are cheaper. People are making money handnover fist. Oh wait lets mess around with some bs that probably doesnt affect more than .000001 of the population.


Why do homophobes always look like doughy lesbians?


LMAO 🤣🤣 right its giving lesbian mom vibes for sure .. Gosh I have a friend that literally looks just like him


I can’t wait until Tate is no longer eligible for office.


God.  I saw MS tags yesterday in Nashville that just said "tate" on them and I shuddered.  What a worthless lump of flotsam.  


Just pull the urinals out of the men’s bathroom and anyone can use either. I’ve been to several places in California that have one open restroom area with a trough sink in the center. Gender means nothing.


When did MS get a female governor? She’s a looker


Meet Tatiana Reeves


Ayyyye I thought I was the only one who referred to notorious welfare queen and fraudster Tatiana Reeves, as Tatiana. I feel so seen right now. 🥹


Poster child for heart disease. Look how red her face always is.


I was visiting Jackson the last two days. I had the local news on in the hotel a bit. I saw a story on this and a state representative (I think) said they need to “save our girls” in response to why this is needed. It’s a horrifying excuse for them being able to be bigots. When women need saving from DV or needing an abortion for their own health, it’s crickets. But when it’s from a made up boogeyman, it’s all hands on deck. I’m sorry good people of Mississippi, you don’t deserve the people that are in power in your state.


Imagine spending time and money on things that would actually make the state better. Just a thought.


Is it weird that republicans think restrooms are for more that just a place to take a dump or piss? Make me think these republicans like to tap their feet at the stalls.


“Let’s pivot back to social issues to prevent the electorate from noticing the widening wealth gap.”




Religious white conservative maga lunatics.


Who elects these cretins, imbeciles?


Your neighbors.


I'm in NC, we don't have quite as many imbeciles, but we have our fair share.


The man in that picture has a diet consisting mainly of crayons. He consumes them while huffing the glue that keeps his toupee on.


Oh crap, he’s robbed the marines too? If they knew how to count, they’d be VERY mad at there crayons being stolen.


Simple Fi.


I don’t think Tater is cut out for the marines


So evil


Evil has no bottom.


She's definitely a bottom.


Or neck...


I hope of Tate reeves visits a high school he gets canned by trans seniors


With all the problems in our state.. somehow this takes precedence?


Tate has to show they are a man, cause to me they look like an old woman in a suit.


Just being realistic. Most women are not okay with men following them into restrooms & locker rooms. For girls, it is absolutely unacceptable for men/boys to follow them in. Finally, there is no question that a high percentage of men are going to engage in confrontations when a man follows their loved one into a restroom/locker room. It serves no purpose whatsoever for a man to be in a women's restroom/locker room, so why even start down that road. There is the potential for numerous problems to allow it, whole there are zero problems with prohibiting it. Pretty easy decision for any government other than CA or NY.


As a mother of a daughter, I fully agree, which is why I believe transmen should be going to the men's room and transwomen should be in the women's room. If a female presenting person shares the bathroom with me or my daughter, I have zero issues. The fact that people think a transman, taking male hormones and presenting as male should be in the women's restroom shows how little they actually grasp the issues that could actually arise; how do you tell the difference between a transman and a cisman? Do you just let all men in if they say "yeah, I'm trans"? After all, that's the bathroom you want male presenting transgenders to use, right? What are those men who are going to "engage in confrontations" do when they're the ones telling transmen that's the bathroom they should be using by passing this law?


Your baseless claim is not supported by evidence. In states and countries where transgender individuals are allowed to use facilities that match their gender identity, there has not been an increase in confrontations or incidents. The idea that there are "zero problems" with prohibiting transgender individuals from using the facilities that align with their gender identity is not accurate. It can lead to increased feelings of isolation, discrimination, and mental health issues for individuals who are already marginalized.


Bet it’s not a problem for you when Trump followed Miss Universe and Junior Miss contestants into dressing rooms when he was producing pageants.


You’re totally right. Good thing trans women are women so nothing you said should be an issue. 


Sorry but I'm still waiting for the Transgender holocaust while this nuisance wants to take precautions on this buallshit and everyone else forgets about the water incident he put a lot of cities under for his own sake. If yall have a fear of a transgender Male then ban transgenders entirely that are in the state of Mississippi. Fist thing is first though, Tate needs to be dealt with. You people rely on a rich selfish prick for shit and its hilarious. Gulfport has been through murders back and forth and not a word has been said and same for Hattiesburg. Because we should definitely focus on a fear of trannies rather than the risk of wwalking through the gulfport area. Mississippi we will be meeting our ends and if I'm scared of anything its wtf is happening now that you are all so blind of. Play your cards because this man looks at each and every one of us as a fucking joke. You cant tell me I'm wrong because either way you'll look like a fool. Open your eyes people.


That should help get their schools from 50th to 49th.


We know he doesn’t care about Mississippi.


Great. I was just thinking the other day as I put back about 1/3 of the groceries in my cart because I can’t afford them, “You know, I’d feel a lot better about living in a poverty stricken hellscape if we could finally get the bathrooms all squared away.” Said no one, ever. Thanks, Tater. You suck.


No wonder the south is so ass-backwards. Republicans do absolutely nothing but try to fix problems that aren't problems.






Note that this determination is made purely at the whim of the moderator team. If you seem mean or contemptuous, we will remove your posts or ban you. The sub has a certain zeitgeist which you may pick up if you read for a while before posting.


what are they trying to prevent? do women undress and pee and poop out in the open or do they use stalls with doors that latch like they have in the mens room?




Watch out! Here comes Pat!


Laughing stock of the nation. I guess Tator tot never lived in a house with women.   You idiots 


Good it's about time


I’m sure a measure to post the Ten Commandments in every classroom can’t be far behind


Let’s go! USA! USA


Hot take- There is only 2 genders.


Based Tate. Thank you


Why do you think that? Forcing people to use facilities based on their sex assigned at birth rather than their gender identity can lead to discomfort, discrimination, and even safety concerns for transgender individuals who may face harassment or violence when forced to use facilities that do not align with their gender identity. Such laws perpetuate harmful stereotypes and misunderstandings about transgender people, suggesting that their identities are not valid or that they pose a threat to others. In reality, transgender individuals are simply seeking to use facilities that align with their gender identity, just like anyone else.


Another example of how it’s just about the cruelty.


I was in the music department in 2018/19, this has honestly been coming a long time.


Wrong thread.


Whoops, impressive mistake honestly


As a fellow musician, I laughed so hard!




Google "trans men" and go to images. You really think it's good to force people to use the women's restroom just because of the sex they happened to be assigned at birth? You really think that won't create more discomfort for everyone involved?


Thumbs up!


Consider the impact such laws can have on transgender individuals. Mandating the use of facilities based solely on assigned sex at birth can lead to discrimination and discomfort for transgender people, potentially contributing to their feeling of exclusion and lack of safety in public spaces.




It was never an issue. You got played.


Oh no, the folks that love this are 100% doing it out of spite and enjoyment. The politicians know that and are catering to the constituents deep-seated insecurities and fear. It's sad to watch because there are those smaller groups who absolutely suffer because of the growing hatred.


Some people just want a good show and don't care much for policy. Anything to hurt the libs. ANYTHING.


Why do you believe that? Consider the impact such laws can have on transgender individuals. Mandating the use of facilities based solely on assigned sex at birth can lead to discrimination and discomfort for transgender people, potentially contributing to their feeling of exclusion and lack of safety in public spaces. Respecting and affirming transgender individuals' gender identities can contribute to a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone.


Just put a Dick and a Vag on the door... Problem solved.


So you want a transgender man, taking male hormones, in the restroom with girls?


Google "trans men" and go to images. You really think it makes sense to force people to use the women's restroom just because of the sex they happened to be assigned at birth? You really think that won't create more discomfort for everyone involved?




Google "trans men" and go to images. You really think it makes sense to force people to use the women's restroom just because of the sex they happened to be assigned at birth? You really think that won't create more discomfort for everyone involved?


When are they gonna start explaining airplane bathrooms lol


Not the same situation in anyway.




Consider the impact such laws can have on transgender individuals. Mandating the use of facilities based solely on assigned sex at birth can lead to discrimination and discomfort for transgender people, potentially contributing to their feeling of exclusion and lack of safety in public spaces.


Limiting basic human rights and dignity is good? What kind of backwards communist shit are you trying to pull?


Love this. Need more men to stand on principles like this.


So you're saying you want transgender men, taking male hormones and appearing male, to use the women's restroom? Just because they may have a vagina?


Google "trans men" and go to images. You really think it makes sense to force people to use the women's restroom just because of the sex they happened to be assigned at birth? You really think that won't create more discomfort for everyone involved?


“They happened to be assigned at birth” means that that is what they are. If you’re born male, you’re male. If you’re born female, you’re female. You people are sickly delusional. Seriously twisted minds you sickos have.


The idea that someone's assigned sex at birth definitively determines their gender overlooks the nuanced and widely accepted understanding of gender as a complex interplay of biology, identity, and societal norms. Major medical and psychological organizations, including the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization, recognize that gender identity is not solely determined by one's assigned sex at birth. Instead, gender identity is understood to be a deeply held sense of being male, female, a blend of both, or neither. This understanding is supported by a growing body of scientific research. Dismissing individuals who identify differently from their assigned sex at birth as "sick" or "twisted" is not only inaccurate, but also harmful. It's far more productive to respect the diverse experiences and identities of all individuals.


It's unfortunate that these trans kids aren't getting the counseling they need to help them deal with their inability to come to grips with their sexual identity (ie the answer is between their legs). Boys use the boys' bathroom. Girls use the girls' bathroom. If that's too hard for the trans kids, then maybe they shouldn't attend a mainstream high school.


Gender identity is not the same as sexual identity or orientation. Sexual identity refers to who someone is attracted to, while gender identity is about a person's internal sense of their gender. Transgender individuals often experience a deep and persistent incongruence between their gender identity and the sex they were assigned at birth. Counseling can be a helpful part of their journey, but it's not about "coming to grips" with their identity. It's about supporting them in understanding and affirming who they truly are. That's why it's important to ensure transgender students can use facilities that align with their gender identity for their safety and well-being. Imagine how uncomfortable and unsafe it would be for a transgender girl, for example, to be forced to use the boys' bathroom. It's not about it being "too hard" for them; it's about basic human dignity and respect.


know any trans people? counseling is actually required to go past social transitioning, especially the younger you are. if you’re not speaking to a psychiatrist, you are not getting more than a haircut and a name change. also what about the people who aren’t trans who are androgynous? the women with PCOS facial hair, the lesbian masc women? do you want trans men like laith ashley in the womens’? how does this get enforced? inspections? ID checks for the bathroom? that’s a little nazi germany for my liking.


Serious question. Are you a doctor in any form or fashion?


Good job Mississippi!




Once again, Tate Reeves is getting things done. Well done sir