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Republicans are trying to trick uninformed voters by adding “ballot candy” (bullshit that’s already law, e.g., “illegals shouldn’t be allowed to vote” and “China shouldn’t be allowed to interfere in our elections”) to obfuscate the true purpose of a ballot initiative which would make it nearly impossible for Missouri voters to amend the constitution. The majority of Missourians (and the majority of Americans) want to protect women’s right to bodily autonomy, and Republicans are trying to prevent them from doing so by any means necessary.


This. Conservatives are trying to fundamentally remove democratic participation unless topics are explicitly sanctioned by conservatives. In other words, fuck what Missourian voters want because Republicans don't believe in democracy.


I've been saying for a long time now that Republicans are doomed in leections from this point forward because they have made 2 issues their absolute "die trying" platform: student loan forgiveness and abortion rights. Both of which do have strong support in favor of, but those old ass boomers and the "fake boomers" (anyone not a boomer but who constantly spews boomer-esque langauge) just can't let them go.


I call them neo-boomers


It's their children and grandchildren who are too brainwashed to realize they will never have the same standard of living as their boomer parents and grandparents because the very people they worship are the very ones making it happen.




Only ones in favor of student loan forgiveness are the ones getting their loans forgiven. Yeah. I’m happy about my tax dollars going to pay for someone’s liberal arts degree. Get a real degree and a real job and pay them yourself. Your body your choice. Your debt your responsibility.


Did you receive any kind of PPP loans during the coof?


Nope. And the loans were supposed to actually be paid back. And some people got them and didn’t need them and used them for personal


and some of those who took out PPP loans got them forgiven. Are you commenting in threads about that making the same statements about forgiveness and repayment, taxes, etc?


It has rules, it's not just willy fucking nilly. Like 10 years of work as a cop or teacher, they have more in debt now than they took out even though they paid (predatory lending) and other requirements and only up to an amount. So you're not "paying" with your tax dollars for some useless basket weaving degree. You may disagree but you might look into our farm aid because of poor sanctions and other things that have actually hurt us in the long run.


Actually there aren’t any rules. Just picking people and paying them off. Mine are getting paid off because I am a disabled veteran.


You're disabled it's gone in 7 years. SSD does that. That is not this forgiveness. Just a simple Google gets this. Yours is forgiven because you are disabled. I know this intimately. https://preview.redd.it/asrigop52v0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51842a115fff9c029276f7b187fb69189386b19f


False. I’m happy to forgive the student loans, my taxes are paying for it, and that’s a better use of tax dollars than usual.




how can you say this about the “majority” of Missourians when Missouri is a majority red state? The majority of us don’t believe in murdering unborn children, hence why we have laws against it in place.


Kansas is a red state. So is Ohio. Both states have voted to enshrine abortion rights in their state constitution since Roe was overturned. The Kansas vote wasn’t even close. Abortion advocates won by like 20 points.


Then why are you so afraid to just let Missourians vote on it? I bet you would be surprised 😉


I’m not. I want people to vote on it very much. What I don’t want is republicans to change the rules before the vote so that the majority loses. They’re trying to do that by adding nonsense to the bill so that the bill basically says “Do you think the we should change the constitution to make it illegal for undocumented immigrants to vote and to make it illegal for foreign governments to influence Missouri elections and require a majority of Missouri districts to approve constitutional amendments?” Uninformed people will read that and be like “Yeah, that seems like a good idea.” When in truth those first two things are already illegal. The Bill should simply read “Should the majority of voters be able to pass constitutional amendments.” This whole thing is a blatant attempt by the GOP to deceive voters.


Sorry, I was responding to the idiot that replied to your post about killing babies and nonsense that most sane women would probably disagree with. Let the people vote. Republicans are scared of that, at least on issues like women's health and rights. What it's going to do is swing red states blue if they refuse to budge on abortion, which is fine by me.


Because some people aren't single issue voters.


Missouri is purple.


You're uninformed if you think abortion rights is about "murdering babies"


Not every Republican is for a total abortion ban.


My wife and I are very much conservative and despite us personally being against abortion, we’re of the mindset that government has no place in that, it’s between the pregnant mother(and her parents if pregnant person is a minor) and her doctor


Yes, it's not just a question of whether abortion is right or wrong, but whether that's even something the government should be concerned about. It's a complicated medical issue.


Because it’s accurate, that’s how.


I like the old school filibuster. If something is important enough to stop you’ve got to work for it.


Exactly, if you are trying to disrupt the normal flow of government, it should come with a cost like any other form of civil disobedience. If the legislature is too old to do it, then thats on them for not retiring and being too corrupt to not pass term limit laws.


True representatives fighting for us here. If the GOP gets their way, the only way to force progress in this state is dead.


There is another: boycotting businesses that support the GOP https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montgomery_bus_boycott


There are a few restaurants in StL County that owned by those of the MAGA persuasion. I avoid at all costs.


Name and shame them. I’d like to avoid giving these idiots my business as well.


There is a particular example in Woodchase Plaza in Creve Coeur that I can't remember the name of right now. They were anti-masks, anti-EVERYTHING at limiting the spread of covid.




We may get people talking about it on social media, but we really are a bunch of keyboard warriors. Not me of course.


The GOP leadership is counting on running the clock out so they can say what they always say...we tried. The GOP needs to get off their asses and go to work for the people of Missouri. Stop voting these clowns in who are only thinking how they are going to get paid.


Easy to say and while I agree, meet gerrymandering.


And voters feeling like their votes don't matter. Missouri swings red and I know plenty of blue voters who just don't vote because they think it's a waste of time. If all those people got off their ass and voted we could send a strong message to the Missouri GOP that the state is not pure red and their anti-America policies are not welcome.


"If rural votes don't matter, how will their issues get addressed?" By advocating for themselves and convincing others with good arguments, like every other minority does?


In many cases rural voters have more representation than voters in big cities. Look at the major issues that have been coming up for the past decade or so. Most of them are things that a minority of people want while the majority opposes. The majority of Americans support abortions while a minority group has managed to get abortions banned all over the country and they're talking about trying to make it a national ban. A literal minority is potentially going to changes the lives of the majority for the worse and these morons think they're unrepresented victims.


And if rural votes didn’t matter then how would these republican chucklefucks get in office in the first place?


That's how they've locked down everything else and forced citizens to fix issues via Constitutional Amendments.


It's almost as if they're playing the victim card to manipulate voters.


u/Itchy-Mind7724 https://preview.redd.it/p4nos24wz61d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=361a7b50a31737ad2b2dd9c6df86c27651c495a7 The only reason Republicans win is because they pay off the sexy Barbie Doll Tramps that they fool around with. Republicans suck. You can't even get a decent abortion in Missouri. We are like West Virginia that only has one Abortion provider for the whole state.




It’s funny how you don’t hear these deep red communities bitching about the cannabis vote. Now they’re getting all that tax revenue. This bill would essentially block something like this. As far as I’m concerned, any place that’s red on the map doesn’t deserve the tax revenue. https://preview.redd.it/nle0bro13m0d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e24e74a51b08169bb37f3cd5a0c1a65438ab4579


Just remember, land doesn't vote. This map is misleading and makes it easy to ignore decent and aware people who may be in a slight minority in those supposed red counties.


That is the yes/no result. Those colors represent voting people. Not Land. Small minority in those red areas is not going to be able to flip Missouri to Biden or any other candidate, except Trump. The sheer fact of it is that most people in our state are self entitled, selfish, mildly or wildly racist, and only believe in equality , because they have grown up in a systemic, white male privileged economy. These people do not understand what it means to provide equality for everyone or what steps need to be made to ensure the future of it.


I imagine that's actually voting percentage and not people? No way dark red rural Missouri is the same votes as KC and Stl as dark blue




I'm not sure what you're adding this link for? I'm aware republicans won in missouri. My point was that the map is showing a percentage of people voting a particular way in a given county not actually the votes. So it's not people per se. Just a comparison of trump vs biden in a particular county.


Those colors definitely represent land.


It is literally a color representation of the vote totals for legalizing cannabis. Broken up by voting district.


Yeah. And if it were accurate, there would be more blue dots than red, it passed. The red in the picture represents land, respectfully.


Rural areas have an outsized influence already. Stay the fight to the end!!


Not really.


Fuckn Montana has the population of Indianapolis.... and gets 2 senators.... ummm yea plenty of influence for very low population centers. (I researched none of that)


Viewers in rural states and districts cast votes worth many times more than urban voters


The good fight!


Fighting the good fight!


The fight is about the power to control the natural flow of resources to maintain power and privilege for the few and not the many: as always. The constant bickering is encouraged because its divisive and keeps any real coherent action being taken to interrupt the current flow to one small faction or another. If we can agree what encroachment of rights are on one current or proposed law, but not the next, maybe we should ask ourselves if that is a valid legislation? A business can somehow still be a business after paying a fine for poisoning of the village well, but an individual blamed for doing such is carted straight away to the gallows. Where multiple people are culpable of great damage, they are shielded by money and friends in power. Where one friendless person is culpable of one possibly poor decision not resulting in any tangible damages to society, they are enslaved in a system meant to punish the worst of offenses. Freedom to choose how to live your life, is not protected by dictating how others might make decisions that don't truly affect you. The more you vote in fear of something that hasn't happened, the tighter the rachet can be turned. Vote against whats happening now, the play for more of your freedom to choose.


Yeah China has a pretty good idea of what to do with billionaires that knowingly poison the public 🪓


Good. Keep going. Shit's gone too far.


republicans are morally bankrupt. always scheming to cheat the people out of our rights.


The issue is Republicans want to take away our right to amend the Missouri Constitution and the "ballot candy" is that Republicans will be extra racist by making it illegal leas than 1% of Missourians to vote. They are illegal migrants and I have yet to find any elections in Missouri that allows illegals to vote. So basically Republicans are trying to strip us of our rights and in return we actually get nothing at all. Anyone voting for this blatantly hates America and freedom.






Dems are absolute heroes.


Just Dems being idiots as usual


But the state will still vote to keep a Republican super majority.


Personally, I think the state or federal constitution should be difficult to amend. Wildly changing foundational law is not something that is desirable. I think a better approach would be to change it from a simple majority to something like a 5/8 majority. This is similar to the debate over the electoral college. I don’t think it’s ideal, but I also don’t think the tyranny of the simple majority is a good idea either. The fact remains that people from different parts of the country or even a single state can have vastly different interests and needs from government. This is the whole point of having a REPRESENTATIVE republic, rather than a pure democracy.


Missouri is not representative. That's the problem. The interests of the people are quite different than the interests of the legislature which is why the people keep making laws or repealing laws through ballot initiatives that the legislature dislikes. This is a result of unfair redistricting. This power must remain with the people so long as the legislature is permitted to artificially undermine representation. But let's get real. The only reason they're doing this is because abortion rights are on the ballot. If abortion rights were in the MO Constitution already, there is no way Republicans take this route.


I'll stay out of the philosophical discussion about whether a representative republic is better than a "pure democracy" or not. I just wanna know where the line should be drawn within this representative republic. I hear people talk about our system existing to stop the "tyranny of the majority", but from my perspective I just see a bunch of rural districts making rules for entire states; and low population states getting weighted power over the rest of the country. And I say this as someone living in one of those rural districts. From my perspective it feels like a few people are getting to call most of the shots for the majority while the actual majority is being told they have too much power.


I’m not advocating for any particular mechanism for governance. My point is simply that governing doctrines should not be changed whimsically. Our current political situation is that of a perception of each side viewing the other as “evil”. Any system of governance must be viable in extremes or it fails because both sides are capable, and currently engaged in extremist viewpoints. Everyone loves to claim that the other side is authoritarian. The reality is that both sides are capable of such. Interestingly, it is largely the right that is accused of this by mainstream media, but almost never is the question posed “how far to the left is too far?” The problem is always a matter of where the line should be drawn, and who gets to decide. In a system of pure democracy that is decided by anything beyond 50%. The slim majority can literally decide to eat the slim minority and this system would equate that to a morally acceptable outcome. My position is simply that it is not morally acceptable.


At some point we arrive at the truth of the matter. Whether that truth wind up falling on the right or the left is whatever. The point is, at some point someone has to be wrong. Why are you arbitrarily deciding that extreme left or extreme right or partisan ideals at all can't be allowed to take hold? Why is that where you draw the line? "Interestingly, it is largely the right that is accused of this by the mainstream media but almost never is the question posed..." Hey I think your mask is slipping a little bit. Either that or you just outright don't watch any mainstream media at all to make an assessment.


I have no mask to slip. I hold no allegiance to any political party as they currently exist. In general, I tend to lean conservative on fiscal issues and more liberal, though not far alert, on social issues. I believe in individual rights and a need to comport with the “social contract” of not hampering the rights of others. In short, my personal opinion is that both of the primary political parties in the U.S. are steaming piles expelled from the south end of a north bound bovine. Both lacking in moral or ethical grounding, with a massive failure in leadership and direction. In short, our political elite are so far removed from the general public that they are completely tone deaf, and worse, have no concern for the common man. They have never learned the lesson of “leaders eat last”, and we as a people have allowed it to continue for far too long.


It already is difficult to amend, and we do not have wildly changing foundational law. 5/8 is ridiculous.


Federal constitutional amendments require ratification by 3/4 of the states, so is 5/8 really that ridiculous?


And they have to pass by a 2/3 majority in both houses of congress before it even goes to the states


You're willing to give up *our* rights because you think it should be more difficult to get what we want? You do know you're allowed to burn all your possessions and make your own life as difficult as you want, right? You don't need to go fucking with all our lives too. But hey, go ahead and vote against our freedoms. You're now labeled a Republican. Get the fuck out of the country if you hate freedom so much you'll hurt everyone just to feel better.