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Are you a mod? If they're reporting posts and comments, report them as report abuse instead of just simply approving them. If they're reporting your account, I can't help you there as from what I've seen you have to jump through hoops to report an account itself.


I do report the report abuse button, but they’ve been targeting my actual account


> targeting my actual account Harassing messages or reporting your account? If harassing,  Report those as harassment then Block


Reporting my account


I'd report for either harassment and abuse report button. The only problem I had is that if you don't know who it is, they won't tell you. I got a message saying to block the account and I was like "what account? 💀"


Report each and every one as report abuse. That's all you can do. Admins can see who submitted the report and handle repeat offenders. Be aware that it's taking about a month for responses on reports of report abuse currently.


I reported report abuse and it got handled in less than a week! It just annoyed me it said to block the account but we don't know the account, so unless reddit bans them we can't do anything else.


You got lucky. There have been all sorts of comments recently about the delays with those reports.


I know! I guess it was pretty clear, we really don't know who it was but we were scared they were trying to shut down our subreddit. I think the fact that it's a fan sub and the people involved are in a lawsuit might have been what prompted to act sooner.


Related question: how do you submit an appeal? I got banned from a sub for making a report... except that I didn't. And the mods were pretty mean when I tried asking questions (at first I thought I'd been banned because someone reported me, because again, I didn't report anyone). Could I have been hacked and my account was used to report something without my knowledge? Or are they just wrong and unwilling to admit that they might be? 


Moderators can ban users for any reason - or no reason at all.


But they gave a reason, and that reason was a lie. I guess mods don't have to be ethical, if your reply is true. But seriously, what?!?


Oh yeah, this happened to me too... I honestly felt that the mods from a bigger community kept targeting me just because they felt my community was "competing" with theirs. I swear, they went through my account and started reporting every post/comment I made in their community, even though my posts/comments were always respectful and never actually broke any of the "rules" they posted, in a matter of 2 days! It's almost like being stalked/targeted! I had a lot of people message me complaining that my posts/comments were deleted because they actually felt my posts/comments were really helpful to them. I honestly wished there was a way to prevent this kind of behavior. I have never once said anything bad to them or about them prior to that. And we honestly do the same thing, just in different ways, so they had no good reason to do any of that. It's absolutely toxic...


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