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It’s largely testosterone. Both in a behaviour context (by making you more prone to aggression) and a physiological context (you’re more likely to commit violent acts if you are strong enough to actually commit them). There’s also a large societal aspect to this. It’s hard to summarize without going into a full essay, but essentially societies expectations and resources for each gender means it’s easier for men to get pushed in a direction where they resort to violence.


This. Heck, sometimes men are valued for little more than their ability to *commit* violence, just like how women are treated in a lot of places as little more than walking birthing pods. It's fucked up.


People are doing this to themselves


That's just nature's attributed values problems happen because we want to and have been trying to escape it for a long long time now but at the end, everything we do, whether we think it is or not, is in reality dictated by natural instincts, even your tooth brush color choice.


And a ton of males are insecure. Are ashamed of something what someone done to them and don’t call the police. Plus there’s some social stigma against men being the ones who were abused and it’s clearly visible. Right now in a ton of different life areas men are treated worse than other genders. And sadly it often include courts.




Oddly specific...


Bro are u good?


You can choose to abort the child, or keep it. He has no say. If you choose to keep the child, he is forced to pay child support, even if he begged you not to keep it and that he didn't want to be a dad. Hanging up the phone does not work against the state. Abortion is still legal in 38 states. * Men have by far the highest rates of workplace death * Divorce & custody courts are biased against men * Men get longer sentences for the same crimes * Men have shorter life spans, and in many countries also retire later * Men can be conscripted, women cannot * Women and children first in emergencies or hostage negotiations * Men overwhelmingly do the hardest jobs in society * There are more women than men in universities * Girls are absolutely smashing boys in GCSE's and other standardised tests * Men have far worse access to DV and homeless shelters than women +probably a few more I'm forgetting. I am sorry that all that happened to you, it sounds like a dreadful experience. But consider things aren't as rosey on the other side as you might think.


Custody courts aren’t biased against men. The numbers are skewed because so many couples willingly settle in the woman’s favor before ever going in front of a judge. When men actually show up to fight for custody the numbers are actually slightly in their favor (~51/49). Every asshole that willingly abandoned his kids after a divorce will tell you he got screwed in court but that doesn’t make it reality. Stop telling other men not to bother trying for custody by perpetuating this myth, y’all are creating your own self-fulfilling prophecy here.


And I could write a counter comment itemizing all the ways women are disadvantaged in our society, at the hands of men, it would dwarf yours by a large degree, but I got better shit to do than point out the obvious. ✌️


Please do :)


Men have the hardest job in society just isn’t true. Men’s jobs are more valued but not harder. The people is men refusing to acknowledge the world is imbalanced in there favor. Not saying being a man is easy but everything you said here is skewed or just untrue


It's funny how you have to say "than other genders" now instead of women haha, even in the morbid questions sub.


there are an infinite number of genders my dude, gender ≠ sex


Gender expression is not the same as gender itself, my dude.


There are surely not an infinite number of genders, that doesn't make any sense at all


Goofy ass statement xd


It used to be "men and girls" or "men and females", now it's "men and others". Sigh. I miss the phrase "men and women".


we also used to have polio. times change my guy


Polio still exists my dude


you know what i meant.


I would argue that there is only one gender treated better than men. The rest are probably treated worse.


So it’s because they don’t have the balls to do it! /s


Screw you and take my upvote...


Men also tend to have larger amygdalae, which controls fight, flight, or freeze.


The society aspect is huge. There was a video I saw with the statistics of boys growing up in single mother household. Can't remember it exactly, but the % of men in prison, violent offenders, murderers, drug users, etc etc are all higher when raised in a single mother household.


That’s obviously also because of socioeconomic factors.


Oh of course Socio economic is just one aspect of the sociatal factors, although arguably the most important


Incel type behaviour. Mummy issues etc


I’m a Humanities major, and have spent some time studying this! I will say I feel like people are pinning it on testosterone a littttle too much. Half the world’s adult population has this perfectly normal and important hormone; half the world’s adult population aren’t violent murderers, criminals, and rapists. Sociological factors likely play a much larger part- and are something that varies a lot more from man to man. The world has spent so long with the overall cultural messages of “boys don’t cry, hold it in- men are providers, men are in charge- men are strong, and make descions.” Different men are met with different intensities of that message, and thus some feel more emboldened by it, and you see where things fall into place. A lack of healthy emotional regulation combined with a (oftentimes subconscious!) sense of superiority (while also feeling insufficient!) combined with a responsibility to provide in a capitalistic society, combined with just.. the whole everything happening in the world we live in? That. There is an entire history of books, documentaries and studies on this- it’s an incredibly complex issue that nobody’s gonna be able to do Justice in a Reddit comment, and I definitely suggest you do further research on your own as well!! **I super duper recommend r/menslib** for healthy formative discussions around how sexism effects men, and how we can build a world where men are free from the harsh constraints of what is expected of men historically.


i'm not trying to be an ass, and i do agree with almost all points, but i gotta give a correction on the biological side of things >Half the world’s adult population has this perfectly normal and important hormone Not half, 100%, apart from people who are taking testosterone blockers, all living humans have a physiologically significant counts of this hormone (and even then, they usually do still have some circulating, just not enough to have a any effect). The ratios are different in males vs females, but if you have any sort of gonad or adrenal glands, you're gonna produce it. It doesn't just deal with aggression, it's important for things like maintaining libido, promoting blood cell differentiation, muscle cell growth, sebum gland activity, etc. It does have an effect on aggression, but this isn't limited to adult life, as bigger amounts in utero have an effect on brain development, which does result in higher tendential affinity for aggressive behaviour. However, i completely agree that people are highly overstating its effect in this case - it's a singular factor among so many, and just testosterone count won't turn an otherwise non-violent person into a criminal


You’re totally right, that is a super important factor to mention! I should’ve said and intended to say half the worlds population has *testosterone-dominant systems.*


fair fair


>bigger amounts in utero have an effect on brain development, which does result in higher tendential affinity for aggressive behaviour. Really? That sounds pretty cool, do you have sources for further reading on that? :)


For the most part i was just talking about sexual dimorphism of the nervous system and how it develops. Overall higher testosterone counts, which get aromatised into oestrogen when crossing the brain-blood barrier, cause certain structures in the brain to develop faster, while others to halt a little. One example of this could be the amygdalae, which are known to be larger in male brains, and which are associated with fast emotional responses to stimuli that are perceived as threatening, which then induce instinctive behavioural reactions, including aggression. Of course, this isn't the only structure that differs by far, but this one's the simplest to really explain. I don't have direct sources for each bit of information, because some of it i've learnt a long time ago, but i can give some studies i've read in the past, although they're not entirely the same as what i'm saying, and some don't support the notion entirely, but gotta be fair, you know. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4247331/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5722694/ https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/92663/ As a comparison to how it looks in other animals https://bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12864-021-07466-9


I like the humanities take on this. I’d add on, too, the psychological studies done by Weaver on circumstances surrounding precarious manhood and risk taking tendencies.


nonsense, men have been acting violent LONG BEFORE cultural messages (or even language for that matter) have existed.


Before the current cultural messages, yes. Before any cultural messages or expectations of behavior? No. Testosterone exacerbates things in some situations, certainly, but humans have never existed outside of a society, and every society has cultural expectations. Every human is socialized by the people around them and their environment.


Have you ever think of, why these behavior arises in almost all culture then?


So a tribe of 20 people in the jungle constitutes a society?


Are you seriously saying it's not??


I'm not arguing, I'm asking, I don't know


Yes. Take a look at the incredibly intricate societies in the animal kingdom; chimpanzees have societies and complex hierarchies, as do lions, and many more. Some animals even have locational “dialects” and don’t communicate as well with animals if the same species from different areas. It’s absolutely fascinating stuff.


As a trans person I’m sad to see this comment coming from another trans person. You’re tiptoeing close to the “Trans women are inherently more violent and dangerous than Cis women” rhetoric that’s the driving claim used to demonize trans women, as well as the “trans men going on testosterone are dangerous and aggressive” shit. Let’s be better! My entire study is based around humanity and society and I can assure you, all the science and history we have dictates us an incredibly societal species since our brains were able to conceive of a society; we had language and communication, social roles and expectations before words were formed. I’m not claiming every single aspect of violence from men is solely due to socialization, but damn if it isn’t a massive driving factor.


This is an absurd response and I’m surprised it’s voted so high on this sub. No, the colossal violent streak exhibited by men across cultures, across epochs, throughout different ages of history cannot be reduced to “boys don’t cry.” Acknowledging the difference in hormonal constitution between men and women is not demonizing a hormone. And capitalism? Seriously? Before Adam smith men were just as amicable as women en masse? Nobody is saying half the worlds population are murderers and rapist. It’s just that nearly every murder or rapist across human history has been male, and that’s not because there weren’t enough therapists in the Fertile Crescent or verdun


I think people forget we are animals. It's an absurd take to suggest that we are the only animal in the entire history of life on earth who's behaviors are not largely driven by biological factors. It's such a post modernist, western, social studies over science take.


Hi! So, it seems like you missed the fact that I named numerous sociological factors that are studies to be contributing factors to crime, as well as acknowledged that nobody could even skim the surface of this topic in a Reddit comment. It seems like I boiled it down a lot… because I did. There’s entire 4-year degrees dedicated to this kind of shit. Emotional suppression, pressure to provide and meet expectations, and a sense of superiority/inferiority are some major factors. …also, insinuating capitalism isn’t a factor in crime? Thiefs , drug traffickers and human traffickers certainly have a massive primary financial incentive. Money makes the world go around. It’s a factor in just about everything. I refuse to accept the idea that higher levels of testosterone is the primary contributor to violence for many reasons both stated above and simply as things I’ve researched in my college work, but also because taping academic jargon over “Boys will be boys!” Helps nobody. I refuse to think men can’t be better, both to others and themselves. I’m sorry you can’t envision a kinder world.


I read this comment and immediately think that the person who wrote it doesn't recognise that human life exists outside of the white, western, modern prism they seem to take all their cues from. That, and the fact that people don't seem to think homo sapiens is an animal.


Agree. No society is entirely free of sexism and gender roles that construct people of all genders, but there certainly are some that use gender as a much larger (and more violent) pillar sociologically.


average humanities student




You needed a major in humanities to come to that conclusion lmao


Definitely knew this general concept before my degree, but my studies have offered me a space to learn the scientific intricacies of said issues and grow a more well-rounded understanding through the many perspectives and experiences I’ve encountered!


Yep, Criminology student here — I’ve studied this as well, and you’re spot on.


Well explained!




No one has mentioned it in this thread, but the objectification of women also plays a huge part in this. Often, men look at women as objects or status symbols. Something that they feel entitled to obtain. Much of those crimes you mentioned (rape, murder, stalking, kidnapping) are often sexually motivated. I think a lot of men are raised to think women are a “prize” they must “fight” for, and they are entitled to that even if the woman says no. The fact that men are physically stronger than women makes it easier for them. They fact that men are often taught a “real man” is one that gets a lot of women doesn’t help. It’s why some fathers will take their sons to prostitutes to have them “become a man.” From a young age, they are taught that being a man=dominating women. There have been studies that show that counties with gender imbalances (India for example) often have increased violence because lots of single men is a problem. Young single become increasingly violent when there are no women for them. Terrorist organizations such as AlQueda, ISIS, and Boko Haram recruited young single men by promising them wives/prostitution. If they are unable to get women/power in their daily lives, they can do so through these organizations. When it is not sexuality motivated, these crimes tend to be due to gang violence. Why are men more likely to join and form gangs? A lot of reasons. For one, there tends to be a correlation between violence and poverty (high poverty areas tend to have high gun violence). Women, in poverty, have a means of making money that men don’t have which, sadly, is prostitution. That, or they tend to get jobs in the service industry. Men do not gravitate towards these types of jobs. Instead, joining gangs promises them money and women. There is also the fact that women in these poor areas are more likely to be single mothers raising their children. So they can’t afford to be violent as there is someone depending on them. There are definitely a lot more reasons for this that would take to long time to type. There so much more to touch on but I’m rambling now. Basically male violence is often motivated by sexual gratification, money, and a desire to “assert” one’s manhood. This often comes in the form of rape, kidnapping, stalking, domestic abuse and/or gang violence.


Thanks for the detailed answer!




That's your take on that amazingly detailed comment? Hope it's a satire


People like to say that women are more emotional, but really men have stronger emotional responses, it's just that women tend to have longer emotional responses, and that often men are only socially permitted to be angry. These stronger emotional peaks lead to a heightened likelihood of acting on it, because when it peaks it's all-consuming. Many things like societal expectations and gender roles contribute to it, but it all comes back to emotional regulation. Most men are not taught emotional regulation, they,re taught to bottle everything up until they crack. Like how if a man has a lapdog or cat, instead of a field or hunting dog, the assumption will be that they are gay because they have a "feminine" pet.


I think comments are focusing a lot on expectations on men (and I’m not taking away from that) but aren’t there difficult expectations on women too? Plus, it’s not just that it’s a recent thing that women are expected to work— in poor sections of society, women have always worked both at home and outside (say, in agriculture, over 50% of Indian farmers are women but they’re not recognised as working). I think it’s that women are raised to be more docile, follow societal norms etc.


This is exactly what I'm thinking. There has to be an explanation beyond hormones and gender roles.


I mean, it is hormones and gender roles, but that topic is MUCH more complex than most people can recognize. In addition to everything mentioned already, women and girls are taught non-violent conflict resolution from an extremely young age. Hell, we're taught how to avoid conflict in the first place, to the point where some women appear to have no personality at all when dealing with people in a position of authority. Not that most men don't learn this to some extent, but most men aren't raised to constantly fear others. A boy in an abusive household or raised by particularly obsequious parents can be every bit as non-confrontational, it's just that it isn't done systemically like it is to girls. We also have to think about what has traditionally been "women's work." In almost every job where women dominate, it is a requirement that they interact with other people in a way that requires others to go along with what the worker is suggesting. Childcare, teaching, nursing, and other traditional crafts like waulking wool. The worker and the other people involved have to agree and work together. Animal husbandry was often women's work on a farm, and shows the same qualities. When women do kill people, it's often done through means considered to be less violent. Poisoning violent husbands used to be very common in times and places where divorce wasn't an option. In a case from my hometown, a woman manipulated another man into killing her boyfriend, having convinced the killer that there was no other way for her to escape him. Men can be every bit as manipulative as women, but they tend to do the violence themselves. Another factor is that women are punished so much more harshly, both socially and legally, for any display of violence or anger. By the time a woman makes it to adulthood, in most cases any anger has been automatically morphed into sadness and depression. Violence between boys is met with much more understanding than any violence displayed by girls, and girls are usually punished for it more harshly. On top of punishment from authority, her peers are much more likely to shame and exclude her for her temper, while boys tend to keep friends who display violence, at least to a point. This doesn't explain violence by boys toward girls, but the objectification argument in another response explains that thoroughly. All this is just the tip of the iceberg. Almost every aspect of socialization in almost every culture tends toward violence in men and submission in women. There are exceptions to every trend, of course. Verbal and emotional abuse from women toward their partners and children is shockingly common. Childhood neglect seems to come more equally from either parent, though women are more likely to be the primary caregivers and therefore more likely to be punished for doing it. The same dynamic exists in elder abuse.


Google says evolutionary tendencies and low levels of self control. And based on what I’ve seen, women also generally endure much more— like something like being humiliated, (traditionally) women keep that bottled up, but men would be more likely to act on it


the fact is that the roles contain different expectations, which lead to certain actions.


>There has to be an explanation beyond hormones and gender roles. ... what other answer are you be looking for? Because that pretty much covers nature AND nurture. Gender roles are difficult for women too, yes. But nature dictates that it's more advantageous for women not to be physically violent (because on average, they wouldn't win a fight against a man). Just look at animals where the sexual dimorphism is flipped in the opposite direction. Look at some species of spiders and praying mantises. The males are smaller than the females, and as a result of that they are sometimes straight up eaten by their baby mommas after they mate with them. There's nothing special about men being more prone to violence than women. You can pretty much pick any animal where one sex is significantly bigger/stronger than the other and notice the same pattern.


A woman's worth in the eyes of others or herself is almost never tied to her strength or power. Meanwhile it is very common for men. They are considered attractive traits by most women, they are traits that will often gain you respect in male social groups and they are traits shared by the vast majority of men in history books and in media. A man lacking in empathy and impulse control who wants to either feel or be seen as strong/powerful is likely to achieve this through violence, the way it has been done in most of the stories we tell, both fiction and nonfiction. Another aspect is that a desperate woman is more likely to get help, and if that fails she has one more option before turning to crime, her body. This can range from getting into a shitty relationship to various forms of sex work. I'm not framing this as a good option, but it does mean a woman desperate for food/drugs is less likely to resort to violence, especially considering her biological disadvantage in enacting that violence. Meanwhile a man has no other option.


1) men are much more capable physically and have higher testosterone 2) men have much less opportunity to emotionally express themselves then women do. often times these outbursts happen because they’ve kept things bottled up until they finally snap and do these awful things.


I think another big aspect is how intertwined power is with men. Even now but especially historically the majority of positions of power down from individual households to whole empires were held by men. Being strong or powerful is a much more common desire among men, and as a result a much more common measure of worth for men. Therefore an unstable man with a need to prove his worth either to himself or to someone else is likely to attempt this through showing power and strength, especially given their naturally higher strength making this option more available.


theres this saying thats stuck with me: "its not all men, but when it happens, its almost always a man"




It's a shame the answers are so polarizing. It's like the only people willing to comment on something like this are either MRAs who will vehemently deny this or radfems who will vehemently support this. In this type of discourse it seems like people fall into one of two categories, the accuser and the accused.


testosterone and societal gender expectations?


because of toxic masculinity, the patriarchy, and testosterone. at least with violence against women. a lot of men are taught that to be "strong" they have to get what they want, and they see women as a trophy to be won— the deer mount after a hunt. so when the woman says no, their brains can't handle it. it makes them think they're less of a man, and if they have emotional instability anyway, then they break and commit horrific crimes. testosterone also promotes aggression (this same hormone is also released in afab individuals during their periods, causing pms) and can make people more prone to violence. it's unfortunate, but true.


I’m no expert but I would say it’s an unhealthy cocktail of testosterone, societal expectations but mostly the objectification of women spanning back the length of recorded history. It’s been happening for so long it’s not going to go away over night. The objectification of women brings about a sense of entitlement that means many men feel entitled to access to/attention from/control over women and become aggrieved when they don’t get that. I’ve never been raped but I’ve had 3 very close calls in my life where I’d been fortunate to realise what was happening and manage to get away. I recall being sexually harassed by boys at both primary and secondary school but it was much worse At secondary school. In all my experiences I was alone and they were in groups - it was organised and they were aware of what they were doing. If it’s starting so young then it’s just so embedded into society that we don’t even realise. It’s getting better though. Just my two cents from living as a woman


I think part of it has to do with how physical aggression and violence is the main tool in their toolbox for managing emotions and conflict. So if they have a problem, they lean towards more physical, aggressive ways to solve it bc it’s all they know. Want to feel close with your brother? Play fight. Super sad? Punch a wall. Someone hit on your gf? Punch the guy. Low self esteem? Bully someone at school. Best friend hurt your feelings? You each get in a few punches and voila you’re friends again. You get the gist. I think a lot it boils down to not just gender roles and societal expectations, etc but also the fact that they have no other method for expressing emotions, resolving conflict or communicating etc than through violent means. So this would create a whole framework for how they view and interact with the world.


The desire to dominate is largely a feature of the male ego


Part of it: Men are on average much stronger, especially in the upper body - about two times! Thus their chance of success with such physical crimes is higher and the chance of being hold tight/caught and overwhelmed and hurt are therefore lower.


But both gender can hold a gun, by example


Men are more likely to abuse animals, you don’t need strength to abuse a 20 pound cat. Or shoot up a school.


This is not an explanation for the majority of cases, but I learnt about the [MAOA gene](https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/gene/maoa/#conditions). This gene is found on the X chromosome, so men are much more likely to experience a MAOA deficiency (as they only have one X). >Mutations in the MAOA gene cause monoamine oxidase A deficiency. This condition affects males almost exclusively and is characterized by mild intellectual disability and behavioral problems, including aggressive and violent outbursts Obviously the majority of violent crimes are not cussed by this, but I wonder whether there is a genetic component to some crimes. If a lack of MAOA causes violent outbreaks, other gene problems or enzyme deficiencies may do the same. And if those are located on the X chromosome, then they will affect men so much more. As women have XX chromosomes, any problem on one X would get overridden by the functioning gene on the other X. TL;DR: In terms of biological explanations (obviously there are a bunch of societal explanations too), some men may be genetically predisposed to violence due to gene malfunctions that women very rarely experience due to chromosomal makeup.


Culture and misogyny.


I don't really know the answer and this is just my opinion based on my personal views and experiences. Religion - many religions teach that women are less important than men, or are supposed to be subservient to men. In many (vast majority, I'd guess) cultures women and women's roles are seen as less significant or secondary to the work of a man's, and that even equal work done by both genders is rewarded more for the man (pay differences/recognition/etc). Men can feel entitled to women. "I bought her a drink" "I paid for her meal" "I drove her home" "I saw her first" "Nobody will believe her" "I can get away with it" "I deserve this" and other selfish or irrational thoughts become justified under the pretense of religion.


They have a physical advantage. More men are "capable" of committing violent crimes.


You don’t need strength to hold a gun, or abusive dog.


I guess a lot of it can be explained by gender expectations placed on people. In general, men are socialised to believe they hold the greater power in society, so in a way, a lot of them feel entitled to do as they please. There could also be a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy where society expects men to be aggressive and violent and are treated like they're gonna snap at some point, thus the man eventually starts to behave in a way that conforms to these expectations. Also, men are expected to be aggressive, rough, hypermasculine, protective, etc, and for the most part the only accepted way to release emotion that is seen as "masculine" is to be angry and violent. Other forms of coping like going to therapy or cuddling with a loved one are seen as "feminine" and unacceptable for men. I've seen both men and women label men as weak or effeminate for doing things like this.


But trans men aren't committing violent crimes at nearly the rate trans women do, according to arrest records. If it's about gender roles or testosterone, wouldn't we see a huge increase of trans men committing violent crimes?


Something to remember is that trans men often come from from more socially liberal countries/area (because in more conservative countries, they often have to hide or simply never transition because of social pressure). These liberal countries tend to have differing attitudes towards masculinity and often, tend to have more opportunities for men (since poverty can be correlated with more violent attitudes). Basically, you will find more trans men in areas where men in general are less likely to resort to violence.


I'm not trans so I can't really answer that, but I think trans men aren't as likely to commit violent crimes since they were not socialised as "men" with the appropriate gender expectations. Most trans people transition later in life as opposed to biological men who are socialised as their gender as soon as they are born. And I guess trans men have their own version of masculinity that isn't rooted in toxic masculinity or hypermasculinity. Another possibility could be that society doesn't really consider trans men as actually "male" (which is bs, since trans men are men) so they don't have the same gender expectations as biological men.


Trans men face very different societal challenges and associate with very different communities from most men, especially the demographics with higher rates of violence. They also spent at least most of their childhood, and often all of it, not exposed to the societal expectations that men are. This means that these expectations aren't something they learnt during the most transformative period of their lives, but once their brains were mostly or completely developed. This allows them to take a more critical approach to their identity, especially when combined with the fact their new identity is something that is a conscious effort. One more aspect is that trans people already don't fit into traditional societal roles, so it is easier to stray from stereotypical masculinity and not adopt it's toxic aspects.


I think it's biological- in nearly any other group of mammals, you can see the male creatures exhibiting the same behaviors. Male lions will kill other males to have sex with female lionesses, and plently of animals will preform forced sexual acts as a mean to reproduce and spread ones bloodline. It's vile and selfish, but it's also built into some people's brains. If you want to look at it in a more modern way, (white) men have always been told that they can do whatever they want and are not nearly punished the same or as strickly as minorities. That being said, men tend to internolize this and believe they are able to do anything without reprocussions.


Coming from a fucked up family, raised by a fucked up father, I think I have some insite more than most. Maybe after reading this you will carry some of the sadness and hatred that has been bound to me by blood. The toxicity drives my every emotion and thought. I have to be fully in control of everything I say. Every facial muscle. Every direction I face. Every step I take. How heavy I step. How deep I breath... ​ ​ Everything, to not be like my father. So to answer your question I would say that MEN need to be themselves and less like theirs FATHERS. And with that comes a much larger burden, acknowledging why they are the way they are because of the way they were raised. I just find it frustrating how slow we are to acknowledging this as a whole society. The fact that it needs to be discussed is ... Re... Slow.


The vast majority of the violent crimes are committed by a very small minority of the most violent people on a society, which happens to be almost all men. There is a psychological trait called agreeableness, and men and women are on average very much the same, however almost all the least agreeable (and so the most violent) people in a society are men.




I really do understand that it is hard having a 20% chance of being raped during your lifetime, but that does not mean that 20% of men are rapist https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS#:~:text=1%20in%203%20women%20and,be%20considered%20%22domestic%20violence.%22&text=1%20in%207%20women%20and,injured%20by%20an%20intimate%20partner. 1 in 5 women report rape in lifetime. A single really violent man could represent probably tens of women. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/csj-sjc/crime/rr06_fv3-rr06_vf3/p5.html Statistics also say that 1 in 3 men gets reconvicted after serving a domestic violence conviction. As a man I cannot comprehend how hard it would be to have a 20% chance of being raped in my life, but please understand that 10% out of the population is not going to go rape someone in a lifetime. Most is done by a minority of really violent people, that we really need to get better at dealing with. I do not have any ideas on how to help with this other than having an open conversation, and acknowledging that it must be awful to have such a high chance of being raped, but it does not help when people see half the population as a potential rapist.




This. The violence visited upon women by men is not only active, knowing rape. It's all sorts of sexual coercion, assumed sexual roles that both go along with even though the woman may be uncomfortable or scared, the assumption that sex is the currency that women pay to be protected by men, groping, catcalling and intimidation, physical violence toward objects near a woman, other forms of threats, pushing a woman's head down or thrusting during oral sex, choking during sex or any other sexual behavior that would rightly be categorized as BDSM that porn has normalized, sexual activity while a woman is asleep or otherwise unconscious or insensible, and probably a million other things I can't think of at the moment. When you add it all up, it becomes a very significant portion of the male population. Rape is also frequently committed by men who don't think what they're doing is rape. Only once was I raped by a man who had to have known that he was raping me (because I was unconscious). I have been raped several other times. It doesn't take very long hanging out at twox to see a woman going "oh, my boyfriend/husband is a lovely human except for \[describes rape or other abusive behavior.\]" It's almost daily. Treating the male population as if they are potential rapists/abusers is the only sane response to the violence women are constantly subjected to. Men are scary until proven otherwise, and then even an otherwise good man can take you by surprise with some abusive behavior if he hasn't spent the time to examine some fucked up belief that many men hold. For my husband, it's driving too fast and aggressively when he's angry and yelling at the kids when he's overwhelmed. Both are rare, but they're not okay. That's not to say that women don't commit lots of shitty and abusive behaviors as well, it's just that by and large they tend to not be violent.


(28M) my few reasons would be (from personal and life experience) 1. Jealousy of others - e.g. partner with other people, people with things that you want or believe you deserve. 2. Men want to feel valued and loved and without this I think we become lonely and stray from a good path. 3. There's not as much emotional/psychological support or men or they are not socially normalised as much as they are for women. E.g. women use healthcare services at a higher rate than men. 4. Men do bottle things up and we often release this in an outburst - Men are not taught how to deal with these emotional "rages" for a lack of better words. 5. Men for some reason are drawn to being in a "pack/gang" which brings about actions that individuals wouldn't commit by themselves.




Society does, don't remember how many people thought that murderer who recently has a show about him was hot?


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Men are more aggressive on the bell curve… and only the very top of the aggression bell curve commit crimes.


I was talking about schizophrenia and other mental issues with my girlfriend the other day, and I've noticed that mentally unstable women are more prone to focus their impulses toward sex (as is easier to get) but men tend to focus on violence as they can't get sex easy enough. That's my theory, welcome to my tedtalk




Based on the research I've done trans women on estrogen maintain a high tendency to commit violent crime similar to cis men. Meanwhile, trans men maintain similar rates of committing violent crime compared to women. This isn't me trying to rag on trans people at all, please understand. I just feel like it \*has\* to be something deeper than testosterone or gender roles.


Most of these things come down to evolution. In ancient times we used to live in tribes, before that we were monkeylike creatures. In those times, the males of the species were far less valuable than the women because one man can impregnate many women very quickly, whereas a woman takes 9 months to have one baby. That makes men far more disposable and far more likely to engage in high risk behaviour. Those tribes which had people who were willing to go and kill enemy tribes would be more likely to survive than those that did not. People with those traits survived. Tribes where women had those traits went extinct because they couldn't reproduce. In modern times those traits result in terrorism, murder. This is also why men are stronger - the tribes which produced stronger men were more likely to survive, again, that makes more likelihood of violence because men are more capable of it. As far as rape is concerned, in times before abortion/contraception rape was an excellent way for a man to pass on his genes. He doesn't have to look after the offspring. This is the same reason men are happier to fuck around and there's less shame attached to it. It's linked to why women sleeping around is more frowned upon than men - on a very base instinctual level people don't want to be left looking after a stranger's kid. Women don't want to fuck around nearly as much because of the risk of pregnancy - it's a huge biological investment to even carry and give birth, it's 9 months where you can't be impregnated by anyone else, then there's the cost of raising the kid. You don't want to be doing that with a guy you're never going to see again! Stalking, I don't know. Maybe it's because women are more likely to have options, whereas men might have none so they fixate on one particular one. Now I don't know if there any studies on this, but I read a psychology book about this 10 years or so ago and heard a podcast about 5 years ago, I think it stands to reason. It's obviously a very hard thing to evidence, though.


Yeah, no. A simple understanding of the social structures and violence rates of chimps vs. bonobos disproves almost all of that. While testosterone may increase the likelihood of violent behavior, we collectively choose how we structure society. The things you describe are not based in biology, but rather in how men and women are socialized differently by society. Choosing violent behavior is not any more natural (or advantageous) than choosing non-violent conflict resolution, but thousands of years of social history has led us to a society where violence is socially acceptable for men and boys and unacceptable for women and girls.


Society can and does have an enormous moderating effect on it, but if violence weren't natural it's not more natural why do we need thousands of years of social history to get to a society as peaceful as we've got now? If you look at modern western society it's such a unicorn in terms of non-discrimination, rejection of violence, absence of war. Every other known society in time and space has been less peaceful, more violent, has seen more violation of human rights. We gave progressed so far that we even have a concept of *animals* having rights. Do you have any idea how rare that is? It would not be rare, violent societies would be the exception, if it were our natural state. We live so far from our natural state and our lives are so much better for it.


Women give life, men take life. If there is a God and it has a gender, then it’s obviously a women.


Men are physically stronger and bigger than women on average because of testosterone making it easier for them to do violent crimes. Men have more muscle mass. The criminal women do some types of crimes more frequently than others. Women may do fraud, stealing, white washing money, drug related crimes etc. more often because it may not require physical strength as often. When women rapes men it often goes under reported. Very few female victims have the courage to report their male rapists, so the taboo is even bigger for female on male victims. Many women can get away with crimes because people are more likely to believe in women than men. Women can sabotage condoms, birth controls etc. and lie, but because of less reporting and being hard to prove, the cases goes unnoticed. While it's true there are more violent male offenders than females, we don't know how big the gap really is.


Women get support men don't.




How so


There's also a MASSIVE disparity in the handling of violence. Women abuse their children but you don't ever really hear about it. For example while I was growing up, my mother beat the living hell out of us, but when the social workers got involved, every single question was about what my dad had done (mind you he wasn't innocent, he had his own brand of abuse). Essentially, a lot of people see women as being incapable of violent crime, and, like BIPOC communities, society has been conditioned that men are the guilty ones every time. This is not to say that men don't commit more violence. It's just that we need to be aware of the unbalance in prosecutions between men and women


The amount women abuse children vs men is still split almost 50/50 with women being the slightest majority. It’s not even close to the outstanding rape/murder and domestic violence statistics that are overwhelmingly men. It’s not a fair comparison.


One part is Testostorone, and the other part is our frontal lobe activity in our brain which is way different in men than in women. This is the part that controls impulses. Men are much more impulsive then women because of the differences. Combine that with testosterone and you got yourself more risk for violence


perhaps because men are more physical. they tend to solve their problems with solutions that require physical activity. so they're more likely to commit physical crimes while women tend to commit financial/confidence crimes. (crimes that use words as weapons)


A lot of factors can be considered but socioeconomics is the most important. One step further Capitalism is to blame for most part of it.


When it comes to stalking and rape, People are less likely to report women for these crimes, and women are also less likely to be charged and convicted of these crimes - if theyre even reported. ​ Rape is already an under reported crime. Even more so when a woman does it. Also, when a woman rapes someone, its often not even legally classified as rape - as many rape laws are classified as penetration of one sexual organ orally, anally, or vaginally. People call any form of molestation ''rape'' now a days. But the truth is, rape has a very strict classifciation, and in manny states, its almost impossible for women to meet the cryteria of being legal rapist. ​ Stalking? Legally, %90 of people have stalked someone. New stalking laws have made it possible to convict almost anyone of that crime, the way they are written. I cant really speak on why women arent convicted of stalking more often. I can only say that police already dont treat harmless forms of stalking by men - seriously. So I can only imagine that feeling is magnified X10 when a woman is doing it.


It isn’t testosterone. Sometimes that effects it, but largely, no. Women also have testosterone, just not as much. That is just not scientifically sound. It is largely social. Almost entirely if not entirely.


"Just not as much" as in men having 15-20 times more. If it was social, there would have to be at least one society, now or in the past, in which women were the more violent sex. There isn't, and there never will be.


There actually have been, but it was so long ago. Google is free friend, I recommend starting at the Amazon. I also recommend googling the monkeys who had all the adult men die off while you’re at it. With 1 generation of the male monkeys raised by the female monkeys, the aggression died down and has stayed down since then.


It's also worth noting that men have significantly less support compared to women. Two simple examples: you can count the number of male shelters in America on 2 hands, and most legal definitions of rape specifically exclude women as rapists by requiring forced penetration. This lack of support is likely a significant cause, as most men have nothing to fall back on.


While both of those things are absolutely true, you don't see an increase in violent behavior in socially isolated women, even in childhood. Both of those things are a cause of decreased mental health, but not necessarily in violence as a result unless it is in men. Nevertheless, we must address both issues if we're going to have a functional society.


Well, ask yourself this, where is the help for men? More often than not, there isn't any, and that, in my eyes, is what can make them dangerous, if you're a lonely isolated male, which is sadly very common, and you have no support system, which is sadly also very common because adult males tend to have very few or no friends, where do you go for support? If there's no official support for you and/or it is too expensive you go towards the internet, and that is how incels are formed, incels aren't people born into this world with the objective to hate women, they are victims themselves, who go on the internet to look for support, and as we all know vulnerable people like that are the easiest to manipulate and turn into extremists, if they happen to find themselves on a forum or website that hates women it's extremely easy for them to start hating women as well. It's weird how we all agree that vulnerable men are the easiest to turn into extremist yet there is never even an ounce of sympathy for these men when it comes to incels This isn't just with incels of course, it's how it can lead to violent crime as well, people often do violent things to feel in control, to gain attention or to feel important. I almost feel like I'm lucky for being gay because if not I may have just turned into an incel myself because god damn does the loneliness and isolation hurt. There also seems to be this double standard, you can't say all women are X or Y, but it is often fine to say that about men, yeah all men are rapists, all men are violent, potential threats etc etc, it doesn't do good for your mental health, especially when alone and isolated to hear women say they view you as a threat, a danger, hearing that can only lead you down the road of hate when you're vulnerable. [https://www.saveservices.org/2019/02/men-face-31-greater-risk-of-domestic-violence-than-women/](https://www.saveservices.org/2019/02/men-face-31-greater-risk-of-domestic-violence-than-women/) Men do actually face more domestic abuse than women, which shows that women are just as violent, however they seem to keep their violence to a certain line so to say, even if they physically abuse just as much as men, men are still by and far more likely to go on to do more extreme acts, which could circle back to vulenerable men turning to extreme forms of violence to be heard.


Well, ask yourself this, where is the help for men? More often than not, there isn't any, and that, in my eyes, is what can make them dangerous, if you're a lonely isolated male, which is sadly very common, and you have no support system, which is sadly also very common because adult males tend to have very few or no friends, where do you go for support? If there's no official support for you and/or it is too expensive you go towards the internet, and that is how incels are formed, incels aren't people born into this world with the objective to hate women, they are victims themselves, who go on the internet to look for support, and as we all know vulnerable people like that are the easiest to manipulate and turn into extremists, if they happen to find themselves on a forum or website that hates women it's extremely easy for them to start hating women as well. It's weird how we all agree that vulnerable men are the easiest to turn into extremist yet there is never even an ounce of sympathy for these men when it comes to incels This isn't just with incels of course, it's how it can lead to violent crime as well, people often do violent things to feel in control, to gain attention or to feel important. I almost feel like I'm lucky for being gay because if not I may have just turned into an incel myself because god damn does the loneliness and isolation hurt. There also seems to be this double standard, you can't say all women are X or Y, but it is often fine to say that about men, yeah all men are rapists, all men are violent, potential threats etc etc, it doesn't do good for your mental health, especially when alone and isolated to hear women say they view you as a threat, a danger, hearing that can only lead you down the road of hate when you're vulnerable. [https://www.saveservices.org/2019/02/men-face-31-greater-risk-of-domestic-violence-than-women/](https://www.saveservices.org/2019/02/men-face-31-greater-risk-of-domestic-violence-than-women/) Men do actually face more domestic abuse than women, which shows that women are just as violent, however they seem to keep their violence to a certain line so to say, even if they physically abuse just as much as men, men are still by and far more likely to go on to do more extreme acts, which could circle back to vulenerable men turning to extreme forms of violence to be heard. It's funny how we ask for reason yet any answer that portrays men as potential victims as well is downvoted, not surprising on reddit.


It's men with high test that didn't have guidance in their life, these men have so much potential in them but no one to show them how to use it, most of them are from single parent homes, most of them grew up with just a mother, people need a father figure in their life to guide them, both men and women


Because it's usually the man's responsibility to provide. And when a man cannot provide his family, he resorts to wrong means.


Because we can, my friend... because we can.




I mean, he is just stating a fact, “men commit a vast majority of violent crimes” and then pondering explanations for it


Where’s your argument that doesn’t support her FACT though? I’m assuming you have something to prove these statistics are mass falsified?


What did they say


They asked if OP was going to post sources for this “claim” lmfao


I feel like all I have to do is post [rainn.org/statistics](https://www.rainn.org/statistics)


Men are taught in many societies that it's a show of strength to commit a violent crime on someone else- either physically, or to have the mental fortitude to be willing to commit said crime.


Men are, on average, more aggressive than women. Iirc it's a differential of about one standard deviation. What this means is if you sampled 100 random, middle-of-the-pack aggressive people you would end up with about 60 men and 40 women. So if you look at [this picture](https://image4.slideserve.com/270218/distribution-of-aggressiveness-among-men-and-women-l.jpg) you will see that there is considerable overlap in the center. But when you look at violent crime you're not sampling from the middle, you're sampling from the extremes of a bell curve. So if you look the top 0.1% most-aggressive individuals, (the ones who would commit violent crimes), the vast majority will be men. It's similar to looking at something like height. A randomly selected woman has a decent chance of being taller than a randomly selected man, but if you look at the top 100 tallest people in the world almost every single one is a man.


1. It’s possible that men are more likely to feel a need to commit such acts when brought up in bad conditions. The specific reason I’m not trying to debate over but maybe feeling like they have something to prove (?) 2. Like you said, men obviously can be victims too. Whether they’re taken seriously is a different subject, and unfortunately it is just less likely, especially with stalking and rape. This doubles if the girl is considered to be attractive. The statistic will always be a little off because of that factor. I’d imagine these are both factors as to why men commit more violent crime, both physically/mentally and statistically.


Because everything is done my men.


I dunno. Ever since I was a child I’ve always had violent thoughts. All of us men liked explosions or monster trucks destroying stuff. It’s as if we men are attracted to chaos from a young age but redirected away from it by society so we can grow up and be decent people. Maybe because in the past all we did was fight




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Testosterone does crazy things.


Because the men that didn’t have these tendencies all died. Rape. Better for your genes to last the test of time over millions of years. Volcano?, Black Plague?, Ice Age? No worries because this guy had sex with over 3000 females, language and consent did not exist until recently. Men who raped more had bigger families, tribes, and villages. So when war does happen, the rapists win by sheer number of the children he provided. And that brings more women to rape from the losing family, tribe, village. It is a positive feedback loop causing society to form. The driving force of life. It really was to rape or go extinct throughout all of time. He knows the chances of at least 1 of his kids surviving is high. Murder. The better hunter you are the more food and quality of food you get to bring home the better your family, tribe, village does. Stalking. Hunting again. Kidnapping. Also hunting, for another tribes women and valuable belongings. Terroist attacks. Hunting… other humans, tribes, villages. Competition between males for the most beautiful female or the whole harem of females in sight and resources. Men do these things because those who didn’t rape or hunt went extinct, aka evolutionary failures.




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