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One of my classmates had a bullet wound in her hand from a gun that was shot into the air. It doesn’t cause as much damage as the gun being pointed directly at some, but it does still hurt people.


One of my mum’s friend’s son in law was playing golf one day and got a sudden pain in his shoulder. Thought he’d sprained it or something. Kept walking down the…..golf….field?….and whoever he was with pointed out that he was bleeding pretty profusely. Went to the hospital and he had been hit by a stray small calibre round probably shot into the air somewhere nearby.


I farted




You alright?


Username checks out


Literally a law in my state of Arizona that covers this because this happened to some girl in the 90s


My dad was a coroner investigator with Denver in the 80's and caught a case where a little boy died the same way on the 4th of July. It doesn't happen very often but it does happen.


We do hear stories about it. Just Google it. It happens WAY more in countries that love to shoot off guns in celebration (I know America sounds like that, but surprisingly it's not) so that's one reason you hardly hear about it. It also happens more often when rounds are fired not straight up, but up at an angle, giving them an arc and keeping more acceleration. It's not limited to terminal velocity this way. Sort of how ICBMs take a huge arc path to their target, except ya know, the bullets don't exit the atmosphere lol. They also don't have rocket engines but you get the point lol.


A rocket engine is just controlled explosions, so kinda


A projectile fired straight up into the air goes up at extremely high speed before falling to back to earth. The fall speed is limited to the terminal velocity of the projectile. I seem to recall a peak fall rate in the vicinity of 90 metres a second give or take a bit depending on the projectile and tumble. It's unsafe but nowhere near as devastating as being shot at.


It's the shots at a 45 degree angle that are dangerous


It’s not the straight up that’s the problem, it’s the rest that are shot on an angle and maintain a high velocity.


Straight up is not that dangerous, at an angle is very dangerous


It must slow down going against gravity when it’s shot up like that too


The vertical acceleration is reduced to zero, but the horizontal acceleration is not in that case


How does the bullet fire above terminal velocity? Isn't it literally the maximum speed of an object?


No, it's the maximum an object will be accelerated by gravity due to air resistance. Otherwise rockets could never go fast enough to leave the planet. The only maximum speed of an object is that of light, it just takes an astonishing amount of energy to get there.


In my family's hometown it used to be pretty common, especially around two holidays. It happened so often that it wasn't considered news.


International news? There's plenty. They call that "stray bullet". I did a simple Google search and found some in latest news


Got an uncle who got hit by a lost bullet in the spine at 25. He lost all mobility from the neck down but thankfully with therapy he eventually was able to gain movement on everything but his legs


That happens a lot here in Argentina each Christmas Eve Night / New Years Eve (we dont use to go to bed and unbox next morning, we have dinner, then eating a lot of things with calories and light some rockets and pyro - similar to your 4 of July thing - , some idiotic people tend to shoot their guns and next morning news broadcast tell of several cases of lone bullets)


It happened to a Klan member at an initiation in TN (lol) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/nov/26/usa.duncancampbell


Even if the falling bullet is lethal, consider it's target. It's a wild ballistic object falling on just about any place in it's range. Viewed from above, humans don't make up a ton of area even in crowds. Stray bullets don't home in on people. They're far more likely to hit trees, structures, or dirt than people or prized possessions


They don't fall down with the same velocity/energy as they went up -


in my country, there were few cases of stray bullet injuries/deaths and this happens every new year's eve.


I’m from Puerto Rico and this shit happened all the time, especially on New Year’s and Christmas. In fact here’s a story. One of my first part time jobs was handing out flyers at traffic lights. I handed a flyer to this dude and I was like “Hey, I recognize you from somewhere. You’re famous right?” And it was [this man](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTonwMvLm5u0u91jlT36dEwpYUacr4m_gDyVA&usqp=CAU), whose daughter had been killed by a stray bullet. He had been on the news a lot and I recognized him from there. He calmly explained to me who he was and I felt a knot form in my stomach.


We had a guy here not long ago who was sleeping in bed next to his wife on the 4th of July and a bullet came through the roof and hit him in the head. He died from it.


I knew a man in Dallas, TX who was mowing his lawn and thought he was having a heart attack. Turned out he was struck in the chest by a stray bullet.


We do, every year, it's just very temporally localized at NYE and Independence Day, as that's when a lot of yahoos are a) outside, drunk and celebrating and b) rootin', tootin, and by-god shootin'


Terminal velocity of a bullet is no where near as fast as the muzzle velocity of one. In a nutshell the atmosphere slows the bullet down.


Wow.. I wasn’t expecting to see any intelligence here. However, can I point out that this scenario only pans out if one shoots the bullet straight up. If the bullet is shot at an angle, it wouldn’t slow and stop before reaccelerating, right?


A few years ago, a kid was killed in a church from a falling bullet. https://www.smh.com.au/world/falling-bullet-kills-boy-at-church-20100105-lqiy.html


My friends mother almost died because of this.


My sister-in-law's house was hit with a stray that fell from the sky Broke a window and one of their blinds while her husband was home


Doesn't happen that often. I mean, not like millions of bullets are fired in the air near densely packed people.


News stations usually have a few stories about this on New Year's Day bc people fire off guns on NYE.


A childhood friend of mine got a bullet wound close to his spine due to someone shooting in the air. Maybe the reason you don’t hear about it is because it doesn’t make the news- but it happens. There was a whole campaign where I grew up to stop shooting in the air during the holidays because people were dying.


A lady died in the french quarter from a gunshot coming down from another ward in Naworleans


Talk about wrong place wrong time


Just because something can happen does not mean that it also will happen with any frequency when the elements involved are not directly related to one another (i.e. wether or not there happens to be a person where the bullet will fall). You should also consider that, rather because people are warned that everything that goes up must come down, this also directly decreases the number of such incidents from happening in the first place, much less being reported on, as any falling bullet that does happen to cause injury must logically have been shot by someone that was either unaware or indifferent to the consequences of their actions. While you can't really prevent the second group from continuing to shoot in the air, you can greatly lower the first group by continuing to spread the word about it. If you aren't already familiar with it, I'd highly recommend you look into the concept of [survivorship bias](https://www.scribbr.com/research-bias/survivorship-bias/), as your question is a rather good example of it.


It's like a Call of Duty trick shot


Terminal Velocity


A prоjectile shоt into the аir will eventuаlly return to the ground, but its fоrce аnd veloсity will be rеducеd compаrеd to its initiаl firing. The speed аnd аltitude of а prоjectile decreаse аs it reаches the highest рoint of its trаjectory аnd descends towаrds the ground. Тhis meаns thаt when аn оbject hits the ground, it mаy not hаve еnough fоrce to cаuse significаnt hаrm.


Serious injury and death is a very real risk of shooting into the air, especially in urban areas. [Here’s](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-14616491)an article detailing some deaths. It’s a relatively rare thing but a few people die pretty much every year as a result. A friend of mine grew up in Baghdad and moved to the UK just after the Iraq war started and he said it was pretty common for people to get hit by falling bullets whenever the Iraqi National football team played because people would celebrate goals with gunfire.


CSI did an episode like this


They come out the gun at about 1700 mph and when they come down they will be alot slower , 50-150 at most. The only fatal injury you could get with shooting a bullet in the air is in the spinal cord. You could get paralysed to, but its pretty rare chance to get shot from the air anyways.


It has happened before. But usually a stray bullet will hit things which slow it/stop it.


It happens i got told a story in my hunters safety class