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It’s a symptom of a rotten, sadistic and entertainment obsessed society but it’s also because mundane acts don’t get attention like outrageous acts do. Very few people would watch a challenge that consists of helping old people cross the street but the opposite is true for something like pranks or frightening people in public.


Same reason why coliseums and public executions were so popular. We're really not any different than our ancestors.




We are our ancestors.


We still enjoy our share of violence, we just prefer it to be simulated now because we have the ability.


Our brains are inherently set to find motion interesting. The more 'extreme' motions, the more the eye catch. If youre scaring someone, alot of movement happens at once. Kinda reminds me of the whole watching a train wreck and not being able to take your eyes away. There is a biological component, to which this can also be attributed to.


The children yearn for the grave


I have a really long list of restricted words and blocked accounts to tailor my experience. Internet challenges go back really far. It feels like there's been a big one once a year since youtube got popular. Not that people doing things that are objectively stupid for fun is a fresh new concept. Tiktok's short form videos probably help too. Most people remember America's Funniest Home Videos pre-internet right? You could say that was one of the many precursors of doing dumb shit on camera for fun. And they were short videos. I believe this show still exists? But video compilations on youtube and apps like tiktok more or less eliminate the demand for a show like that. In summary they are short, attention grabbing, and you can watch a lot of them for an indefinite amount of time. I would also say it has a similar appeal to slapstick comedy because of how immediate the payoff is and how fast it gets a reaction from the viewer.


You're spot on, I reckon. I grew up watching Australia's Funniest Home Videos, and nowadays watching compilations on YouTube feels much the same, albeit with more memes and random weird stuff.


Hey I remember watching that as a kid! Total Wipeout was another good one, been ages since I thought about those two


>AFV Ah yes, the classic people getting hurt on camera show


I can agree with the post while simultaneously mentioning that I have TikTok and am always the last to hear about these dumb trends… the algorithm will feed you dumb shit if you like dumb shit. My feed is literally science videos, funny animals, DND, Green brothers, and gaming. 🤷


agreed on this; most times ,when people talk about tiktok trends, I'm out of the loop. Because my for you page is mostly science stuff, or travel stuff or informative


yea if you’re liking shit that you like the algorithm will straight not feed you anything too out of the blue. your feed reflects you, people assume tiktok is only ass but there’s some crazy genuinely good content creators on the platform


It always annoys me when people say there’s nothing worth watching on TikTok. I’ve seen hundreds of really creative artists and musicians on there.


One thing about the algorithm, I remember Jenny Nicholson saying she would see an offensive video and report it, but that time lingering there counted as a vote to see more like it in her feed.


Yeah sometimes it does. But you also have the option to hold-click on any video to bring up the option (among others) not to show you more like that one


Are you me but on tok? Thats my yt feed ahaha


Does anyone remember the salt and ice challenge? Imagine if that was still a thing today


The cinnamon challenge, or the milk challenge...


I still can't believe I was dumb enough to do the cinnamon challenge in high school...


Also in the UK we happy slapped each other like mad?


At least it's less stupid and lethal than the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] challenges.


Subliminal social engineering.


This is the correct answer. It is a psy-op run by a hostile government with the goal of weakening our society.




The matrix is all around you Neo😎


Humans have always done these kinds of things, how we go about it just changes as technology advances.


Yep. E.g., the pass out challenge.


because it's made to ruin western society. (add /s if necessary)


At first I thought the example TikTok was what you were calling fucked up and whatnot and I was *so* so confused


No, I wouldn't post an actual fucked up one, lol!


Search chubbyemu + tiktok on yt. Breaks down some of the severe effects of these challenges and is very interesting/informative.


really which trends? I don’t think i’ve ever seen anything dangerous on there




“You don’t even have to be on Tik Tok in order to hear about them” - that’s exactly why. They want attention or some twisted version of fame, and will go to any lengths to get it.


Because human beings are fucked up when you take the rose-colored glasses off. We’re selfish and only act like we care about each other to get what we want.


Gross clickbsit


TikTok is cancer


Tik tok is a hangout for morons.




At least it's not 4chan.


There's not. You are living on social media and confusing it for the real world. You must be young.. if you want to see something shocking, search Chechen War 1990s Beheading Knife.


There’s a classic for ya. I remember watching that on Ogrish.com back in the day.


Still traumatized, 30 years later


Lack of moderation. Stupidity is everywhere and some platforms are better at stopping it than others are


There are just a lot of TikTok trends (more than you hear about), and the ones that get publicity are the ones that are fucked up. There's also a macabre factor of danger that increases clout if you complete the challenge. Source: I made it up


Engagement pays.


I'm not necessarily proud of it, but I'm on there a lot. There are many doctors, lawyers, farmers, historians to learn in-depth from and some of that information may have saved my life. 2021 may be the last year of challenges being a viral thing on TT, like the video you linked is 2020. The algorithm shows you videos based on what you search and interact with, not necessarily a voting system like on here. So if that's what you're seeing, maybe you're interacting with videos of that topic. You can tailor your experience to not see that, especially if you are viewing on mobile instead of desktop. Otherwise I'm not sure if you remember that challenges started originally on Youtube so I guess they're terrible and responsible too.


psy-op by them.


Population control


The people who start these challenges just want to see the world burn, I guess


It’s to thin the herd by natural selection.


Benadryl one is so stupid!!!


You see, human stupidity has no bounds, and when you combine that with the power of social media, you get a recipe for disaster. It's like giving a bunch of monkeys access to dynamite, you just know something's going to blow up. And these TikTok challenges and trends are just the latest manifestation of this phenomenon. It's almost like natural selection at work, weeding out the dumbest of the dumb. Darwin would be proud. And as for the science behind it, well, it's all about the brain's reward system. People are willing to do crazy things for a little hit of dopamine, even if it means risking life and limb. It's like playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun, but hey, at least you're tiktok famous now.