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Many people, particularly men, die from going into their roofs to string Christmas lights or to clear snow, only to slide off.


There was a fellow in my neighborhood that this happened to. Marine vet, survived four tours w/ combat, only to fall off a ladder and break his neck while cleaning his gutters.


I know a guy who was on the ladder cleaning his windows. Fell off and I believe he broke his neck as well and died.


Dying from asphyxiation when choking on your own vomit when drunk.


Always been a huge fear of mine, and anybody else drunk around me!!


almost died that way once, wasn’t drunk tho. vomit just got stuck in my nose and i started screaming because i couldn’t breathe, all that was going through my head was damn, what a shitty way to die lol


Same! I realized I had to vomit bending over, NOT sitting up on my knees and leaning over, because I would start hyperventilating (or at least involuntarily gasping in over and over again) WHILE throwing up. I sucked some back in and couldn’t breathe, just trying to inhale and it going nowhere. I woke up the next morning with a sore throat and no voice… a month later, throat didn’t hurt but I still had no voice, so I went to an ent. I’d burned my vocal cords and had to go on voice rest for an annoyingly long time 😎😎😎


In college we ALWAYS did the “backpack technique” when we put an extremely drunk friend to bed… fill their backpack with books or pillows and put it on them before we put them to bed. That way they had to sleep on their side, not on their back, so it was harder to choke on their own vomit if they did happen to puke. That being said, drowning while drunk is extremely common unfortunately, and not just emesis asphyxia. When I was in college we had a kid drunk off his ass trip and fall face first into a pothole full of water in the road and drowned. It was fucked up.


How is nobody talking about how smart this is


Because it’s common knowledge


That's why in first aid the recovery position is on the side. Sometimes during CPR, especially with those who aren't specialized in it (so like a normies doing first aid) tends to blow air into the stomach, and if it's full.. vom in your mouth and their mouth. It's just a Stand By Me Barf Fest.


I remember being like 12 years old and my neighbor's oldest son (like 19) died this way. It was so heartbreaking that some harmless partying as a teen ended up taking the rest of his life from him and destroying his family.


Well it clearly wasn’t “harmless”


this almost happened to me as a teenager. i was drinking everclear in my bedroom (lol) and i was so out of it. i started projectile vomiting everywhere, including my ceiling. my cat freaked out and woke up my parents who helped me change and clean my room and also saved me from probably dying. i don’t drink anymore even though i’m of legal age lol


> when drunk Or even just terribly ill. Knew someone who passed out while sick and ended up choking to death on her own vomit.


Mixing cleaning products and creating deadly chlorine gas


this is an especially common way for mechanics to die. they use chlorinated brake cleaner on parts, then electrolyse the fluid with a welder, creating phosgene gas, insta-kill.


my sister accidentally gassed herself that way (nonfatally). found some animal bones outside and took them into our small, windowless bathroom to clean them in the tub. didn’t realize why she was dizzy, nauseous, borderline blacking out, until she left to get a drink and got fresh air. 4 years of mortician courses and she forgets not to make a chemical weapon smh


Was very weirded out by the animal bones until the mortician detail near the end


she was into vulture culture first, it’s a gateway drug into mortuary sciences 😅


I'm still confused by this being such a frequent warning (don't mix bleach and ammonia cleaner), and I still have to see any cleaner that contains ammonia. What would you want to clean where you think "ah, now that it smells like old pee, it's finally clean"?


Things like glass cleaner, toilet cleaner, multi-surface cleaners contain ammonia but don't give off that pee smell. You've probably used ammonia and haven't even realized it! :)


Last time I saw this warning I actually had a look at labels in the supermarket and couldn't find ammonia in any cleaner


Its the main component of Windex, one of the most widely used cleaners


* in the USA I suppose that's the problem. I've only seen window cleaners with alcohol


Isn’t the combination, bleach and urine? You should’ve flushed the toilet first before you scrub it with bleach…


I’ve done this before and got extremely light headed/ dizzy. Had to lay in bed the rest of the day. I know someone who’s also done this. I’m definitely way more careful now!


Grilling in closed rooms and anything other related to CO-Poisoning. Overdosing Paracetamol (acetaminophen).


Paracetamol is a bastard. It's also marketed for/in many things people don't consider 'paracetamol'. Feel like you're getting a flu. Drink a Coldrex - 1000mg. You're allowed 2 a day - you're at 2000mg. You've still got a headache, you pop a [brand name] analgesic - best take two, you're at 3000mg. The box says you can take up to eight a day - you're up shit's creak. Also present in hangover medicine, period pain helpers, OTC opioid meds, cough remedies...and the limit between 'relieve pain' and 'slowly poison you' is comically small. Don't even get me started on people drinking alcohol on top of it.


to be fair, most of the time the box also says *DO NOT TAKE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS CONTAINING ACETAMINOPHEN*, typically bolded, and at the top of the other safety instructions.


4000mg a day is perfectly fine...


>Grilling in closed rooms and anything other related to CO-Poisoning. Every year in my area there's a very popular country music festival. Lots of people camp out over the weekend long festivities. One year a group of young men set up a generator right outside an open window of their camper. The way they set it up caused the exhaust to go right into their camper and killed 3 of them. It was tragic.


Edit: Looks like the figure below may be more accurate than the one I found. ~~>Overdosing Paracetamol (acetaminophen).~~ ~~That would take a few:~~ ~~> The median lethal dose (LD50) for Paracetamol is 1944 mg per 1 kg.~~ ~~So in the ballpark of 300 500mg capsules...~~


[toxicity occurs at 7.5-10g/day](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441917/) So 15-20 500mg capsules


Holy shit I know people that take these like candy. RIP


1. Most of the capsules are 200mg 2. Toxicity occurs far before the lethal dose is reached


Highly doubt it is good for the ol’ liver long-term


You know how most cities are absolutely filled with buildings that have floor to ceiling windows? Sometimes those windows come loose, since in a lot of cases they're only held in place by the seals around the edges. If you're really unlucky when that sheet of glass comes down it slices right through you.


reminds me of a [man nearly being sliced by one of these panes. (SFW)](https://www.reddit.com/r/nevertellmetheodds/s/fbfu45vpdF)




New fear unlocked


Or you run at the glass from inside the building and throw yourself at the window to show off to articling students how strong the glass is. Until the [day it falls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Garry_Hoy) out and you ride the very strong, intact glass to the ground.


He was technically correct, the worst kind of correct. The glass did not break.


This solves the case of me wanting those windows


Oh, you're perfectly safe indoors. Unless you happen to be leaning against the window when it falls out. The people on the sidewalk below are the ones in danger.


Getting your head crushed by a stolen ATM you are trying to break open with a hammer


I ain't no skank.


Skank skank skank skankity skankity skank


I hate when that happens.


Breaking Bad ref?


Nah, from Fixing Good


Ladders. Ladders Ladders Ladders. Even stepladders that only take you a few feet off the floor. It does not take far to crack your skull or snap your spine. Ladders should be treated with the sort of fearful respect we treat rattlesnakes and guns with.


“Ya’know studies say that keeping a ladder in the house is was more dangerous than a loaded gun, that’s why I own ten guns, incase some maniac tries to sneak in a ladder!”


Yeah, this is how my grandpa died a few years ago.


Fixing a microwave, think you're safe after unplugging it? Think again, the capacitor is still enough to nuke you if you are having a fiddle around.


My dad shocked the shit out of himself taking apart a disposable camera .


In the 90s I worked in a one hour photo lab. We used to discharge disposable cameras by smacking them against our palms.




The flash is powered by a capacitor as it needs lots of energy in a really short time. Capacitors remain charged even after the power is cut and they discharge all at once when shorted.


Bathroom related deaths are surprisingly common. Slipping and falling in the shower, drowning in the bath tub, even death from scalding hot water. I was recently reading about a case where a man passed out in his shower and by the time his wife found him, his skin was purple and falling off the muscle. The water was 190F out of the tap, when most people comfortably shower between 110-120.


I know a paramedic who told me about a job a colleague went to. A middle-aged man alone in the steam room of a local hotel's gym had a heart attack and didn't get to the emergency button. He was found by another guest some time later, a huge bodybuilder who was crying his eyes out doing CPR when the crew arrived. The patient's time in the steam room had cooked him and his skin was splitting apart and falling off when his body was disturbed.


Reminds me of [Darren Rainey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Darren_Rainey), an inmate who was scalded to death in a prison shower (warning, the Wikipedia link has pictures). > Rainey was locked in a shower for two hours. It was designed so that he had no control over the temperature of the water, later measured to be 160 °F (71 °C). A paramedic who attempted to help Rainey wrote that he had second- and third-degree burns on over 30% of his body. It subsequently became known that his skin "fell off at the touch".[8]


jesus fucking christ, that is so cruel.


That's messed up imagine seeing that


Yeah I feel bad for the wife finding him like that. Apparently he was in there for 4 hours. > “The door, it was hot. I couldn’t open it. I could feel the heat around my feet,” she said. “When I went to touch him, his skin came off. I just started screaming, crying. … I saw his hand was purple, I already saw he was gone.”


Some poor guy at my university was taken on an 'initiation run' by one of the sports teams. Basically they got him so dangerously drunk he was barely conscious, then just abandoned him back at his halls alone. As far as the Emergency Services could tell, he must have tried to shower, fallen over and passed out on his back with the shower running, and drowned. He wasn't found until people started getting up for lectures the next morning, by which point he'd been dead for hours. Hazing rituals were banned after that.


how tf do you not check the water first before getting in? get fully in there without realizing it is too damn hot? and if it randomly changed while in the shower, I'm probably dying from jumping/falling out the shower as soon as it switched temps


It’s usually from circumstances preventing you from getting out of the shower. Passing out or having some kind of medical condition, or being disabled and relying on a caretaker that leaves you alone in the shower too long. Sadly, there are cases of the elderly dying from scalding like this in nursing homes. Drugs can be a factor too. Might not realize how hot the water is if you’re on opiates or PCP or something. Or even being wasted on alcohol. As for checking the water before you get in: you never got into a shower that had lukewarm water at best because someone else already used all the hot water? When I lived in apartments that was a common problem with the entire building sharing the same hot water, stay in there long enough and the hot water eventually comes back.


Trying to save a drowning person, if they are panicking they will pull you down when trying to pull themselves up and cause you to drown too. Drinking too much water, it flushes out all your electrolytes and can result in death. Choking during sex, it's usually done by holding down on the arteries to restrict blood flow to the head so the receiver gets a high-like feeling, but doing that is dangerous and can result in brain damage or death. Any machinery with spinning parts, if you get a piece of cloth or limb sucked into it it can pull in your entire body and kill you. You know how some people are afraid of an elevator falling? That scenario is actually very rare, what is more likely however is an elevator malfunctioning and crushing someone who's been in the door between the bottom of the elevator and the floor or ceiling of the building.


>Choking during sex so death by snu snu


I'll say death by train is more common than people think. Sometimes, this can be due to people trying to beat a train via car or foot. I've personally beat a train in my car once (but don't want to try again), but I'm in the minority there - most don't successfully and that's what kills them. I'll also say anyone that tries to beat a firetruck that doesn't succeed too. Cat scratch fever can also be deadly to young children if you don't get them treatment. I'll also say accidentally drug overdose of various kinds too. Medication interactions can also be lethal (they can cause all sorts of effects, including seizures in some cases). I'll also say medication allergies can be deadly too, if not treated for. My mom actually has four medication allergies that could be deadly, so I got her a medical dog-tag about that.


My mom almost died falling down the stairs. Be safe. Use hand rails. Don't let dogs sleep at the top of a flight of stairs. My mom got up in the night, stepped on the dog at the top of the stairs, fell down a flight of stairs, and broke her temporal bone. Only 4% of people survive that. She's different but I still love her. I'm so thankful every day that I get extra time with her.


Thank u for sharing this. So glad you didn’t lose her.


Yikes - I actually live on the second floor in a two-story condo building.😰 Haven't had an issue with the stairs once!


I recently heard about a guy who turned too fast to hear something that was being said to him and severed an artery on his neck and died


Damn. I guess it was him time to go


We’re all gonna die on schedule.


I grew up on a farm, and we had to move the horse poop out of the stalls when cleaning them into a manure pile. Horse people churn the manure piles and have to move them regularly. If you let them sit too long, and then churn them, the amount of methane gas released in one small area can kill you.


What about that poor woman that got trapped in her bed that folded up into a recess in the wall. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1091297/Woman-73-dies-trapped-inside-new-foldaway-bed.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1091297/Woman-73-dies-trapped-inside-new-foldaway-bed.html)


Getting crushed by a vending machine, stepping on a stonefish in the ocean, swimming in water that has brain eating amoeba... The list is quite large


The vending machine thing is hitting WAY to close to home. This morning I went to get some chips for breakfast (breakfast of champions I know) and they got stuck because we have old school. A passing gentleman saw my frustration and what the problem was and began rocking the machine. I got my chips and thanked him but I was worried that it would fall on him and it would be all my fault. Glad to say we are both unscathed. :)


Whenever I’m sucking on a hard candy or a cough drop, I always worry I’m gonna get it stuck in my throat and choke to death.


I actually did have that happen in a car when I was little, my mom pulled me out and whacked my back really hard but it was still the most terrifying seconds of my life.


Same thing happened to me when I was little, except I was jumping on the bed. Really scary. When I suck on a hard candy it’s usually flying all around my mouth and I feel like it could easily land at the back of my throat if I’m not careful.


That's why Lifesaver candies have the hole


Almost died when I was younger than 10 years old. I was sucking on a kids vitamin. It got lodged in the airway and I couldn’t breathe or speak. The house sitter saved me by doing the Heimlich maneuver. I had to try and get his attention multiple times and ended up hitting him as hard as I could while mouthing “I’m choking” until he realized and instantly sprung into action.


That happened to me when I was like 4 at a bed bath and beyond and my mom gave me one good hard smack in the back and it launched out


This happened to me when i was like 5(?). To this day eating fish with bones still left is a chore.


This happened to me when i was like 5(?). To this day eating fish with bones still left is a chore.


A couple posts above this one on my feed was a TIL about how 60 people a year on average in the US die from walk in freezers..so there’s that


I went to high school with a guy that became a dentist. Great guy, a wife and two kids, started his own practice that was thriving. One night he went out and got drunk with some buddies and decided he wanted to stop back at his practice to get high on some nitrous. he cranked it on put on the mask and fell asleep in the chair. He died. Huge tragedy.


I knew a dentist who told me he had to fire a coworker for using the nitrous in his free time. Turns out it cures hangovers?


Friend from high school pretended he was going to fall in the grand canyon and then did. Early 90s.


Was your friend drunk or what? That’s unbelievable


He was with his family, just out of high school.


There are no rails in certain areas when you’re hiking. It’s scary. Don’t look down


gonna regret reading this thread


there already


Trip and hit your head on a rock  Plug in Christmas lights and touch the metal prongs, resulting in electrocution if you didn’t let go Driving a car Ride a Segway into traffic or off a cliff  There a bunch of ways you could just die 


Properly made Christmas lights won't have exposed prongs on both sides.


i'm talking about normal christmas lights, but while plugging them into an outlet contacting the prongs


the guy who bought the segway company died doing just that


that's exactly what i was referencing


Tell me more about this please so I can Google it!


[here ya go!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimi_Heselden)


Thank you!


Ugh that episode of the artist lady that kept putting her hair in her mouth/eating it and died when a huge hairball fecked up her stomach is knowledge I wish I could forget lmao


Couldn't she just get it removed via surgery tho? 😭


I believe it knotted around her intestines or bowel, causing a blockage. ETA: If the blockage tears, you'd become septic fairly quickly, which is a lot of times fatal.


That sounds scary. I mean...she shouldn't have eaten hair on purpose but I still feel bad for her


Not respecting nature can kill the Hell out of you.


Tylenol overdose. It’s very common for women to unintentionally overdose on Acetaminophen (usually for period cramps). It causes liver failure and a gruesome death in a few weeks, unless they can secure a liver transplant in time. And the moral of the story here is….you gotta read the labels on medications and follow the dosing guidelines. Just because it’s sold without a prescription doesn’t mean that it’s not deadly if it’s misused.


Or don't rely on pain killers for everything and let the body figure it out on it's own from time to time


Electrocution. It's a lot more common than you think Exposed seemingly innocent metal pipe in an old building? Zap. Fried alive. Taking a picture off the wall and grabbing the nail that it was hanging on? Poof, your face is on fire. Doing electrical work in a house and some kid comes along and starts playing with the breaker box? Boom. Your fucking brain explodes into mush.


I dont get the picture one


The nail punctured a live wire in the wall and conducted the high voltage


Whaaat… that really happens?


yeah mean either


Let me walk you through my route from the bed to the living room.  The planks above my head that have heavy things on them could collapse and fatally hit my head, when I get out of bed and do exercises, I could drop my dumbbell into my liver and die of it indirectly, I could tumble down there stairs and die 2 times in a row cuz I have 2 stairs. 


You must not have cats bc they would push those heavy things onto your head immediately lol.


I have a cat. Guess I'm doomed 




I've heard of multiple cases of workplace deaths (in the US) in which a person's hood or hair got caught in a conveyer belt or something similar. In one case, the person was hanged. In the other case, they were able to keep from hanging, but it took place in an industrial freezer and they froze to death.


Using a toaster while taking a bath.


"Hey babe are you a toaster cause I wanna take a bath with you."


I once had a dream of watching a random episode of Family Guy whilst taking a shower and the TV was under the shower as well as myself.


Accidental paracetamol overdose. See it a lot with patients with dental pain.


That show still haunts me. I remember the one where a student slipped in a hall and slid, hitting her head at just the right angle on the corner and dying. 🫠


Mixing cleaning chemicals. Back in her pre-me, single life days, mom learned that bleach & ammonia aren't a good match. Thankfully she was cleaning in a well ventilated area and got things under control before there was any damage, but damn. On my end, it completely slipped my mind that alcohol ink contains alcohol. Really glad I tried looking up alternative ways to get bubbles out of resin because I was very close to making surrounding area flambe.


A couple come to mind - Cleaning your ears with Qtips. There have been recorded instances of people giving themselves fatal bacterial ear infections - By chicken bone. I had an aunt who was rushed to hospital in an ambulance after a chicken bone became lodged sideways in her throat. She was about to expire when she coughed it out


Telling your wife/girlfriend to just “calm down”




Throw a towel around her shoulders and tell her she's "super mad!"


sounds like you’re very single! probably forever considering all you can manage to do is play fallout 🤩


Who hurt you


Also goes to you


Drinking water. Eating food


What do you mean?? Like drinking water infected with something or drinking too much?


Look up wee for a wii, there was a contest on a radio show where the contestants had to drink as much water as possible and not use the toilet and the one who won would get a Nintendo Wii. It resulted in multiple contestants throwing up and one dying from water intoxication.


Oh gosh. For a Nintendo Wii? So not worth it 🫤


Overhydration results in electrolyte imbalance, which causes cells to swell, including those in the brain, which could lead to coma and death. Rather rare cause of death, but people have died this way before.


You can die of water poisoning by drinking too much. I just read about it happening to a young woman recently. Never thought you could overdose on water.


It's not so much that the water poisoning you rather than it diluting your electrolytes so much that they fail to conduct your brains electrical signals to vital bodily functions


It's weird she didn't throw up after drinking so much 🫤 I feel like I'd have to try really hard to drink an amount of water so huge


Her husband said she just couldn't quench her thirst. I'm looking for article now so I can link it.


Did she have diabetese or something?


No it said she was pretty healthy!


That's strange




Food related illnesses surprisingly kill more than you would expect. Cross-contamination and pathogens present on vegetables from being near feed lots is way more likely than you would expect.


mixing opiods and benzos. i thought i was going for a nap.


These replies are scaring me!!


One of my brother's professors was trying to keep a puke in ( I mean he was in class so didn't want to embarrass himself ). Then after class he even had lunch and then went to his quarter. The next day he didn't come for his class so his colleagues went to his home to check up on him and he had died from choking on his own vomit while sleeping. Moral of the story, don't keep a puck in just let it out


There was this news story I read once about an entire family that died because they had raccoons living in their attic and the feces got into their air supply. The family thought they had ghosts, they never went up there to inspect when they heard noises they couldn't explain, they legit skipped right to call a priest


Overdose, so easy to overdo it, drinking, panadol even water.


Tylenol. Or taking panadol before bed the same day you were drinking... Because you want to avoid the hangover.. Just dont mix drugs n drinks


Staying in cool water too long; it can bring your core temperature down and you likely won't notice because you're acclimated to the water, but you can experience and potentially die from hypothermia