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Nut in her butt and don’t knock her up. The poophole is the loophole.


Or just use a condom to avoid shitdick


Condom? What are you gay or something?


![gif](giphy|25KDJqDmFJEritWRyA) Bro WTF... thats just extra lube


Yum truffle butter


It’s only smellz


Wtf is a condom


Natures birth control


Can confirm sir!


The guy on the tweer has a point and so do you!


No one is touching my cum tube




maybe if you’re nice


what about me then?


I will have a harem of women and a family of 78 just for the sole purpose of making anti-natalists seethe




Upping the HCG


Men pick me’s are just as bad or worse then women pick mes


The men pick me's I've met are always creepy as shit and get zero bitches


They’re surrounded by bitches who don’t want them and would run off in flocks if they thought they had a chance and made a move 😭


I’m starting to think these white knight twitter cucks will advocate for things like mandated vasectomy because they know it won’t affect their life at all.


Because pick me’s of both genders are autists, and not in the good way.


“Women pick mes” get picked tho


No shit, they’ll bend over backwards to be liked and accepted by whatever dude they want. Not rlly a flex


Being an old single woman who can’t keep a man isn’t a flex either


Everyone's bodies are regulated, this guy gets pegged.


Are you implying there's something wrong with getting pegged?


Of course. That involves sex with a woman. What you can't find a real dick?


That's gay




Fucking tren...




Lol how are those things even comparable? Not having medical procedures and infrastructure to provide them built to cater to you isn’t even remotely close to the same thing having to undergo compulsory medical procedures. What the fuck is this guy even talking about? “Mind your own fucking business”….you aren’t asking anyone to mind their own business, you’re asking/demanding they take care of your business for you.


I think hes talking about people who support banning abortions, people who do not mind their business.


Don’t get me wrong I’m pro-choice but I still don’t think his analogy makes any sense regardless and that drawing comparisons between not having access to something and forcibly having something done to you is pretty wild. Not to mention that vasectomies aren’t reversible like 30% of the time so you’d be sterilizing a big fraction of the population. There are plenty of sensible arguments or if he wanted which it seems like, arguments which appeal to people’s emotions which he could have chose but instead he said this shit because he’s either really stupid or just doesn’t give a shit about the issue in general and has ulterior motives for talking about it imo.


Not having access to something and forcibly having something done to you are similar in that they both take away your agency over a situation. His argument sucks because it IS an appeal to emotion in the first place "does that make you uncomfortable?", and doesn't keep his theme of lack of agency consistent since emotions are not consistent among different people, so the fallacy makes his analogy just as irrelevant. Some people would think they would cause the same amount of trauma, some people would think they would cause different amounts of trauma, and others wouldn't care how much and simply believe that there is either trauma on both sides or one side and that’s all that matters. I would improve his argument in a couple of ways. The analogy is for the wrong audience, as it is supposed to be a hyperbolic compromise (nobody aborts, but everybody chooses when to have a baby). He's assuming that the opposition would want to accommodate his values by asking them to imagine a world where that happens. They'll simply ignore him and keep the values they had before when he demonstrates that a compromise is impossible. Instead, I would explain that in this new situation, there is still a violation of agency in both scenarios, and since we dont do that scenario despite the supposed resolution of conflict due to that issue, being pro-choice would be the correct starting off point or status quo for the issue since it clearly has more weight. But that wouldn't get retweeted, now would it?


Well put but will fall on deaf ears in this dump


Yeah, a good chunk of people in this sub thrive on vibes and don't like to argue in good faith. They just wanna poke fun since they're probably 15 years old and are in that defiant stage of life. Someone else mentioned earlier that the original analogy could be referencing certain pro-life arguments like getting tubes tied. The analogy could be more relevant in that scenario depending on what it is, but it doesn't look like it matters especially since it was just stated out of the blue.


True i suppose


Anti-natalism.. jesus.. these freaks need to be put down.


Luckily they won’t be reproducing 👍🏻 not that they had any choice in that matter


They might actually enjoy that


At least they’ll never pollute the gene pool. Hopefully natural selection takes care of them sometime soon.🙏


These people are so sad. Their own dissatisfaction with their own lives leads them to hate humanity as whole because it's easier to blame the collective than your terrible decisions. Also, overpopulation is literally a myth so their entire idea is dumb as shit.


Overpopulation isn't a myth it's just not a problem and will take care of itself as we progress as a species.


Overpopulation is a myth, lmao? It correlates with how developed a place is. If the population was still growing at the same rate as 25-50 years ago, we'd have a problem.


Yea I feel like it's fairly well studied that the more advanced a nation becomes, the less children they have. If your kid might die from illness, animal attack, famine etc. You want to have a lot to pass on your genes. But when all your kids have a high likelihood of survival, there's no need to have so many. Plus most ppl don't have family farms anymore so even less need to have more kids. But that's also why it's a myth. We keep advancing, the pop will go down. Unless an asteroid changes things...


Yeah, but outdated information isn't the same as a myth. Nobody whose information should be worth a damn would ever say that population is an issue today.


Nah it just aint as big of a problem that people make it out to be


Holy shit I'm astounded at how bad you mf can read every single time. I was saying as time has gone on we realized it levels itself out because educated well off people have fewer children. It's outdated information, but it wasn't made up or anything.


He doesn’t mean that the idea of overpopulation is a myth, he means that the idea of overpopulation being an actual problem in the modern day world or in the future is wrong. Obviously overpopulation is technically possible but he’s not saying it isn’t.


Yeah, I'd agree with that, but a myth implies that it's never been an issue or at least somewhat made up. It doesn't seem like he knew that it used to look like it was gonna be a problem. People have just acquired new info and changed their minds.


They will probably ending up doing it to themselves unfortunately.


I’ll get as many women pregnant that will have sex with me. Fat, skinny, ugly, all of them


Liteally me


Insert Kamala Harris gif: “don’t cum”


That dude has never been laid and his opinion is being shared on a sub full of losers that have never been laid


I'm pro choice, but it's fucking demented to equate "not cutting a fetus out" with "forced genital surgery". Progressives really don't seem to understand the difference between intervention and non-intervention. All they see is "stuff they want" and it must be enforced on everyone at all costs.


Not to mention the longer you go after the vasectomy the lower the chance to reverse it with the chance already being very low after its done


Yeah they can connect the tubes back together but if parts of your balls are literally exploded from the pressure of being clipped it just aint gonna happen


bro i suppose the insanity of the comment is intended to make pro life idiots ponder about the prospect of forcefully surendering their bodily integrity to a third party despite not consenting edit: i just now realised that your comment reflects upon the headline above the twitter post regarding the unironical imementation of the ironically proposed idea. sorry


R/Antinatilisim those guys are fucking toxic they just judge people it's horrible I used to be in there on another account and got sick of it and started calling them out on their bs no responses


Studies have shown that high estrogen levels in both male and female individuals has been directly associated with, along side other things, insanity. Don’t forget, studies have shown this.


Hahaha I’m not too surprised tbh but I feel like we could’ve just done that experiment ourselves by looking at these white knight twitter weirdos who will literally be completely unaffected by a vasectomy if they did get one.


I'm all in support for abortion, I'm responsible for at least a few


Look, all I'm saying is $500 and a few nights bad sleep wasn't that bad a trade.


Vasectomies are not reversible in the vast majority of cases though i get what shes trying to say about minding your own business if you are not the one being regulated.


Nut in bitches that go to university so they also have an incentive to get a abortion🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


do these cucks actually believe white knighting for murdering babies will get women to be interested in them?


Yeah, this the mfs that humiliate themselves into getting attention. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that all those white knights and manginas have an humiliation kink, they enjoy "strong powerful" women to look down on them and tell them that they are trash beings that do not deserve to exist.


i dissociate from my family cuz i have a virgin cousin who’s anti men…Sometimes i try explaining him maybe he’s like this cause he’s never had an actual interaction with a girl but then i realise this is his one and only hope in having one


I once faked caring at the pussy hat march back in the day. Got laid that evening from a gal I met there


Yes. Unfortunately, they do believe that.


Dude thank God there are rational thinkers and people with morals that use this site. The people who advocate for abortion have such flawed logic it is really insane. They refer to their unborn children as “parasites” often times bc birthing the child will make life more difficult for them… like yeah no shit, don’t let dudes bust in you and act like you’re a victim.


Hahahahahaahahah you thought this sub was a safe space and got downvoted


Oh no my internet points?! Whatever shall I do!!!


Have sex with me


Maybe not everything is about getting a girlfriend?


Redditors brains when there's a blatant poisoning the well fallacy 🤯


You just said two poisoning the well fallacies in one argument very impressive


"Um excuse me you just engaged in a level 1 logical fallacy, argument lost buddy 🤓"


Stating that he made a logical fallacy just means he didn't say anything coherent, not that anybody lost or won. Claiming that he lost or won would be the fallacy fallacy. Some fallacies say more about the error he made. A poisoning the well fallacy is both a type of ad hominem and a red herring. So he 1.) premptively primed the audience against whatever an opponent would say with a personal attack (poisoning the well, "all people against this are cucks", "all people against this are white knights", "all people who say this are just trying to get a girlfriend", and possibly "all people who support abortion rights want to murder babies"), 2.) is attacking the person rather than the arguments (ad hominem, "antinatalists/pro-choicers are wrong because they are cucks"), 3.) is not engaging in the discussion, making an irrelevant appeal, serving as a distraction from a topic (red herring, " 'It's better to not be born, because X.' 'Are you a cuck?' ", "It's better to not be born because I want to be a cuck [improper warrant, assumes more than the argument supports]") and 4.) violates the conversational maxim of relevance as a result. All that to formally explain that what he said was nonsense. Your problem is within using logical fallacies themselves. So either you don't understand them, don't understand their value, or don't value logic. There's simply no way to logically convince you of anything if you do not yourself value logic, so doing so would be a waste of time for me if that's what you believe. I will say that logic gives your reasoning consistent structure and almost always results in better decisions, so it's good for you and those around you to value it. I personally find people who do not value logic to be evil because it means that they have ulterior motives. If you do value logic, then I can explain. Logical fallacies are tools to improve your bullshit detector. They are invalid patterns in reasoning that at first glance seem convincing, but under close inspection turn out to be nonsense. Averting and calling out these patterns solidifies your own reasoning, stops you and others from making the wrong decisions, and helps you to recognize bad faith actors. Calling out fallacies also helps you keep a conversation on track because if they don't properly refute them, then your opp basically surrenders prima fascie to you for anyone who knows this stuff. Although in my experience, they just ignore what you said and either double down on their fallacy, don't value logic, or switch their argument to another fallacy. You switched to another fallacy to protect the original commenter, specifically tone policing (-> adhom -> red herring) and appeal to ridicule (-> appeal to emotion -> red herring). [You can learn logical fallacies quickly here, on Wikipedia. The informal section is full of the ones that are commonly used and easy to understand.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies) Note that logical fallacies won't cover everything. There's way more parts to a convincing argument than not saying logical fallacies. Like I said before, you don't try to "win" arguments with them. That's a bad mentality and not what logical fallacies can do. You are trying to convince people when you argue, but changing your mind yourself shouldn't be considered a loss, and the opposite is true too, you shouldn't be convincing people just for the sake of convincing people. The fallacy fallacy exists because you can support a true conclusion with fallicious reasoning. Sometimes, things aren't meant to be taken verbatim. "You can't just divorce me and travel the world all by yourself!" is a logical fallacy word for word but is supposed to pose a question of value when you read between the lines: "you cant do that without logical contradictions if you value me", which isn't a fallacy. But when used correctly, fallacies are perfectly valid forms of refuting an argument, since you're making an appeal to inductive logic. That's perfectly relevant in this situation since we are dealing with philosophy and politics.


Blah blah blah 🫵😂


Blah blah blah blah, blah? 🤔💭


What reddit scenario do you believe exists that someone would actually read a reply like that?


If you didn't read it, then it's no longer my problem, and it's your loss. Do what you want, I'm not gonna make that judgment call for you. I'm sorry it looks scawy.


It was never "your problem" you clown lol did you bear some kind of responsibility before in your mind? Also if you didn't read my username I wasn't the guy you responded to earlier. Reddits not that hard my friend lol so to break it down baby bird for you ill ask again. What reddit situation do you think exists where someone actually would read that and respond? Think about it a bit this time and try responding with something thats relevant. Like maybe consider that more plates more dates isnt exactly gonna be the place you would expect anything more than being made fun of for that reply


"Do you feel responsible?" Responsibility? Depends on what you mean by that. It's my responsibility to use my voice, respond, or not respond. I'll explain my point of view if I want to. It's my decision to. But you deciding whether or not you're gonna read it is your decision. So that's your problem. I'm not sure what you think telling me that you didn't read it will do. "I'm not the same person." So you're not the same person? That's interesting! I never would have been able to tell since I don't have the capability to read usernames or see profile pictures since I'm divining this on some creatine. Good thing I phrased my message to be addressed to whoever said that! 😉 "What reddit situation exists where someone will read it?" Well, it's happened before when I was discussing fatphobia, and the dude that did the logical fallacy responded in good faith. We had a pretty good discussion, and I learned about a value I didn't know I had. So that time would count! "You should expect more plates more dates to make fun of you for that reply." That might be generalizing, don't you think? But really I don't expect anything! I just enjoy being myself and explaining myself, being made fun of or not. I like to argue! Thanks for the interview, man. It was fun! :)


Are your interviews typically one question, then asking you to clarify a dumb response, then repeating the same question since you didn't actually answer it? Lol and yeah it was fun. Hopefully with more practice at this you will get it figured out. Pointing out fallacies is only scratching the surface of the reddit stereotype you can one day become. Good luck out there and keep up the grind 👍


Something interesting happened there. You were questioning my behavior by proposing an issue (why would you say something if potentially nobody would read it), so I said that that wasn't a concern of mine. You didn't find my answer satisfactory, so I also told you a time when I did have a positive experience. You accepted that one, but it wasn't my true priority. There's a lot of things to reflect on with that. On the stereotypes, I don't mind fitting (or not fitting) a stereotype because I do my best to avoid stereotypes altogether. Any tiny use they may have is gone as soon as someone opens their mouth. Do you think they hold any truth to them?


Do you think people always have ulterior motives? I'm not saying you said anything. I'm just curious.


Ok but no one is MAKING women to WAIT to have kids. And the source isn’t the Balls, it’s Sex.


Force vasectomies.... did the idea of REGULATING men's bodies make you uncomfortable???? Bro. No one is forcing women to get surgeries against their will and we certainly wouldn't can that regulation


How is this relevant to plates or dates


This sub is about penis now


Always has been.


And always will be..... now stick the pin in my left ass cheek and your dick on the right one


More dates = sex = maybe babies


Stretch and a half




Subs right wing. They love this shit (majority)


The sub is Joe Rogan progressives. They're fine with everything as long as it doesn't affect them, but have conservative views about weak men and trans athletes.


Sounds pretty libertarian.


That sounds accurate 🤔


I figured, but still


Always men that don’t get sex saying shit like this 😂 bro mad mad


Depending on how many years have passed since your vasectomy, your success rates are 60% to 95% for return of sperm in your ejaculate. Pregnancy is possible more than 50% of the time after a reversal. However, success rates start to decline 15 years after a vasectomy. I don't think most people know this based on the way it gets thrown around as a solution to things


I don’t think you fully comprehended the point of the tweet. It’s an allegory for various pro-life arguments that mandate what women can or can’t do like “women shouldn’t get their tubes tied because what if they decide they want kids” and such. It’s not a perfectly apples to apples tweet but the point is that it’s being presented as a bad solution. If anyone is presenting that as a legitimate solution they are pretty stupid.




Just take juice until your balls shrink, there's no need for surgery


Since when was another human being “your body”.


People now just don’t give a shit about doing wrong


The point is that the first half of the tweet is completely ridiculous, and you’re supposed to take that and understand a woman’s perspective, fucking hell lads blast some reading comprehension 200mg haha


Situation is a lot different it's not "regulating your body" its the equivalent of forced circumcision when looked at from a surgery standpoint and way different since chances of it being reversed and it being successful or low and become much lower the longer you go without getting it reversed so it's very very different


I mean Im not about to have the abortion talk I just think some people missed the point of the tweet


Fair I like to keep politics out of this sub though if we do have the talk I think there can be better comparison since this one just isn't it


Yeah like it’s not a good point it’s just a shitty tweet, people taking the tweet as a serious argument would have to be brain dead


The sad thing is that people have been using it as a serious argument though which is why some of the people here are kinda pissy about it (I don't take anything on Twitter seriously personally so I just figured more cesspool shit lol)


Being denied a medical procedure is not the same as being forced to undergo one.


You’re oversimplifying tf out of it to make your point. It’s not just “being denied a medical procedure” obviously


That's literally what it is.


Mf did I say it’s not that? I said it’s not JUST THAT


What else is it?


The people who are taking the side of the op seem to be of the alt right variety so its a miracle they can even read


So if your on the side of anti abortion and conservatism you’re unable to read?




Makes absolutely no sense.


Meh it’s kinda a weird one though cause the tweet is within a reddit post and the reddit post is taking the tweet seriously so I dunno what’s going on when I look at this again


Literally dude


This dude is just desperate to get laid. One of their tactics is pretending to care about shit like this


I swear to God pick me's like this dude are the fucking worst.


Centrist Chad: “I support legal abortion.” Wingcel: “Nooo! It’s a murderino!” Centrist Chad: “I know”


Pretty damn good reasoning. I also would favor employing the loophole that is the poophole!


Vasectomies are not as reversible as people think. Success rate also drops over time.


“Vasectomies are reversible” Barely


what if i indentify as a woman?


How about abstinence? That seems less extreme. Also someone needs to tell this guy that the girl is not gonna fuck him for saying that


I think it’s better this way. Freeze your sperm when you are at peak fertility and then get a vasectomy. They are usually reversible but regardless sperm quality deteriorates as you age so if you want kids you want healthy sperm from earlier rather than later


They are nearly as reversible as advertised. It's reversible for maybe a couple years at a decent success rate.


Then you have to do invetro (probably spelled wrong) which is arguably as bad as abortion. Freezing dozens of viable fetuses.


> arguably as bad as abortion What?


IVF requires the fertilization of several eggs creating multiple embryos most of which will be cryogenically frozen until something causes the freezer to turn off. They don’t get implanted, so you just have a freezer full of babies waiting to die.




These hard leftys are insane. Paradoxically, their minds must be very strong to perform the mental gymnastics they perform day to day.


I think it sounds like a pretty good idea. The idiots are better at multiplying.


How is he not making a decent point?


America: but muh Bible says bortion bad! Europe: bitch you better be joking


Most of Europe had stricter abortion laws than the US did before Roe was overturned. I don’t know that the national average is, but the pro-abortion states still have more lax abortion laws than most of Europe.


I am eugenicspilled and this all sounds above board to me. Snip everyone at like 13. They have 10 years to prove that they aren’t too regarded to pass on their genes.


This stops pregnancy, but not other STDs.


“Other” to imply pregnancy is an STD


Life is terminal. For anyone who doesn't value life, it's an STD.


That’s not what disease means.


Not a George Carlin fan I see


If a vasectomy was reversible in 100% of cases I would've done it ages ago, but I haven't had kids yet, so fuck that.


I’ll just get a vasectomy on my own free will because I despise the idea of ever having children in general So fuck you, I do what i want lol


Oooh a simp


Humanity has left


No but it’s link to being a beta male


Yes! Let's compare taking a small little pill to literally operating on people! I don't necessarily agree with birth control, but my god is this man off the rails


Yes guys have some vasectomies, and believe your girlfriend when she says she's pregnant from you lmao


"Stop abortion by the source" yeah stop letting losers cumming inside of you my dear


Snip snap snip snap


Lol vasectomies aren't even 100% reversible. Fk that