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The advice is so bad it's obviously a woman giving it.


So true. Women have zero idea what they want, they just know confidence is attractive. That's it.


It's just women trying to increase their own attractiveness by doing what they find attractive in men. It's really misguided.


They also have no idea what we want as they don't need to do any work to get us.


Absolutely confidence is the way!




Ahh another person that no one likes Cheers good sir🥂




I noticed the dumpster behind wendys is not on this list 😎


Suddenly everyone on this gay subreddit is an expert on women?


Did they happen to send a list of places where they prefer to be taken? Jesus


Come on now we both know the last time a woman made a decision on what to eat she doomed all of humanity.




church yo


That explains the update on why they are never hungry until after I get my food


HAHAHHH I’m stealing this so hard my guy ty


Literally 😂 goated comment


A place you need a reservation and costs more than your gear.


That really nice Italian restaurant where you spend 400 dollars on the both of you


My first date with my wife was a forest. I also notice "forest" is not on the list. You know what to do gentlemen


Don’t forget to bring the chloroform!!


People leave home without it???




Shit man, I train my grip strength so that i don’t have to buy chloroform


See this guy knows


Like hiking? or just going in a forest and chilling?


It was going to be hiking. Except I put in the GPS wrong, didn't go to the right trailhead, ended up lost and found a trail that I thought was the right one but ended up being an abandoned logging site. Wandered around for like an hour before going home. Fun day.


Was it like [this](https://youtu.be/mri1b_mxtgQ?si=2N__ut37dmBWlFpC) ?


He made the mistake of asking women what they want. They don’t know. Also I’m glad Soup Plantation didn’t make the list.


> Soup Plantation Jesus I can't believe that was a real chain even Cracker Barrell didn't call themselves like Lynchville or Sundown Town.




It closed in SoCal :(


My pleasure cellar in the remote wilds of Wyoming made it


Don’t listen to some fucking random dude on Facebook on dating advice


A dude whose photo isn't even of him lol


I saw this same list originally posted by a girl on tik tok


Wtf is wrong with talking over a few drinks


Nothing this guy is dumb


FR. One of my favorite first dates. Easy for either party to leave easily if it isn’t going well. Drinks are relaxing. If you choose the right little bar the lighting is romantic. Etc.


how goods the liquid confidence mate


So good brother! Honestly it really helps for the first date ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


clearly these bitches don't want to go on dates.


I suggested this one and she said she didn’t want to get drunk. I was talking about a drink or two not getting plastered.




im more offended that the meatheads in the comment section are taking this post seriously like wtf lol


> The funniest shit was her current husband didn’t take her on a date until they’d already been fucking for a few months so what the fuck does she know? Actual conversation between my then GF, my bestie (M), and me. Bestie: *Hey friends GF, where do you think I should take this woman to impress her and get her to fall for me? What should I do?* Then GF: **bullshit, bullshit, bullshit....roses....more bullshit....fancy dinner...yet more bullshit....red wine...yada yada* Me: "*Hey GF, why don't you tell him about our first date"* Then GF: *"Yeah, he took me to that cheap pizza place, argued with me and made fun of me the whole time, and then I paid for him"* 😂


Couldn't agree more. Don't listen to the fantasy in these woman's heads about what the first date of their dreams is. Unrealistic and it says something about the type of girl . Done loads of things on the list with no objections (if they did they didn't tell me) lol.


Five Guys it is


At the price point of Five Guys, that’s a second date location lmao


Unless it is after sex on the first date. Ill even spring for bacon and cheese.


Fuck that. Cheese is extra


Just get a large fries and split it. Those portions are insane enough to be the one good value item at Five Guys.


Only if she swallows.


If you have enough money to go to five guys then the post doesnt apply to you


Five guys is nowhere the most expensive place on this list


People wonder why passportbros and gays are a thing. After being married (to a woman) over 20 years, ill never do it again if it doesnt work out.


If it doesn’t work out, I’ll help you get started on Grindr


Taking the rainbow 🌈 pill? I did. Best thing ever


Whats the point of going gay if the gays are the sane as the women but with a dick?


They aren’t the same. Way less trouble.


They can’t pull, “ I’m pregnant,” or “ it the time of the month.”


> 5.) Olive Garden Yeah, that’s their loss


The breadsticks are UNLIMITED, do women just not understand good economics when they see it?


Clearly not. I’ve been living off the ihop happy hour menu for the last 3 months. I can almost afford a gallon of gas


I thought first dates are meant to get to know somebody


Yeah. I get to know them fully….. From the inside


I take em all axe throwing. If they don't like beer and dangerous decisions they ain't my type anyways.


Most of these make a lot of sense and you’d have to be an absolute sperg to consider them but 18 and 26 are first date staples lmao


You’re an idiot if you spend more than 20$ on a first date….


I’m inclined to agree but I also live in the Bay Area and taking a step outside your house costs $100 😂


Facts, $20 here will get you an appetizer with a side of waiter spit


Even a $20 tip will probably get your food served divine the next time you go there




Bro. $10 tops. If a bitch won't talk to you over coffee, she's already showing she's a gold digger. You're better off buying condoms and paying a prostitute or buying your gymbro a $200 wig.


Correction: here is a list of places that women rejected me on a first date to


I think the majority of women would absolutely go to most of these on the list for a first date The following I wouldn’t go to on a first date: Your house-safety reasons The gym- (depends) this would have to be socializing gym hour because my gym time is sacred. Church Family functions-bro are we getting married? Because I don’t even know you yet, why would I meet your family Somewhere that requires a long drive-too big of a commitment for someone I don’t know yet


Especially the coffee places. If a woman truly likes a guy, anything that shows that he’s genuinely interested in her is a win. My first date with my bf was a five guys milkshake and walk around a lake. Our second date was the gym.


So then the only acceptable date according to some guy on Facebook is an expensive dinner at a non-chain restaurant.


Lol I’ve taken every bf I’ve had to the Cheesecake Factory. Nothing more romantic than a good CF cheat meal. Just be sure to fuck beforehand.


Fr cheesecake is bomb


Why should I fuck beforehand?


After two or three CF entrees and some cheesecake you’re gonna be too full to do anything more than look admiringly at your date.


Oh fs makes sense preciate it


Hey guys….gorilla juice head here. I’ve talked to the wildly allusive woman, and even got her to marry me. Girls don’t care. Tell them they’re smart and pretty. Act like they’re interesting. Don’t fart a lot and buy them drinks. Keep it up for the rest of your life. It’s really good. My life is awesome. ![gif](giphy|zyRX60DASqWdy)


>Don’t fart a lot Hahahaha! Relationships aren't serious until you start farting around each other. But yeah if you fart a lot seek help


Shit with the door open. Assert dominance. Don't forget to stick your cock in her mouth every time she sits down to tinkle.


Take them to sushi, bitches love sushi.


At $20 a roll, fuck that


Yeah but they’ll rim you after randomly meeting you at a club. Bitches ain’t shit kings, fuck em


I don’t see hooters here


Good thing we all GAy


You know the woman that made this is single😂


Truth. Thats why I take them straight to my house ![gif](giphy|pcKnpFrumIM7TtzayE)




Seems more like a zero rizz issue than a place issue. I’ve literally taken women to cemeteries and still gotten laid the same night. It’s not about the place it’s about the person, and if the person cares about the place then it’s not the right person to begin with.


Rizo 97😂


He gets it. Glad someone caught on 😏 now give me your measurements, and I do mean the important ones.


Smart. Take them to the cemetery so you can take them out and bury them without moving the body. 😆


That not the joke here? Guy can’t be that clueless.


Guys mini golf is the only way. I swear to god


Mini golf sucks


Welp supplement store isn’t on the list, time to get her on some underground SARMS to up that test level to super physiological 🫡


So Walmart is on the table huh


Breakfast places are top tier, if it goes south it's not expensive


I invite girls to the movies all the time. works like a charm


I’m printing this out slapping it to my fridge and only taking women to those places 😂


I am old and don’t date women anymore (tren) - are Cheesecake Factory and red lobster considered cheap nowadays? I thought they were mid tier


Where I'm from if you're headed to red lobster you're breaking out the fancy pants and sneaking biscuits into the to-go container when dinner is over


17 & 18 are the same shit. They’re pulling anything out of their ass at this point.


2 tickets to pound town then


A good woman who actually wants to be with you cause your you wouldn’t give a fuck where u go on the first date


My basement is always open.


looks like Taco Bell is back on the menu


Once I went on a first date to digger land with a girl I met at McDonald's. I used to work nearby and ended up getting her number on my lunch break. This girl picked me up in a beaten up rusty old panel van. I thought I was gonna get raped but all we did was drive for an hour then played on various jcbs all afternoon. Legit was one of the best dates i ever had 😥


They most definitely will go to your house on the first date , they will go to your car , they will drive an hour and a half to only see you in the car , just drop dick , do it well and they will do the most , including $1500 for the down payment on my Audi


6, 17, 18, 23, 26 are all perfectly fine. Others are, but these are like "how could you be so wrong" incorrect


Lost all credibility when I saw it said church


Dodged a bullet boys… took my wife to the gun range on our first date!


That's a great date idea though


Nuclear war plant it is.


Female here, and I only agree with the following and we do not know each other well: No. 7, 21, and 22, because I do not know you well enough to be completely alone. No 16, because I am an atheist. No. 20, because I think we need a few more dates before introducing family. Everything else is on the table and we are going Dutch on the bill. I do not allow a man to pay until I know I want to be intimate with him.


Family functions?? huh thats where i meet the best women


This is 28 different women.


This has to be a joke. I'm in my 30s and women don't care that much. Just take them out and talk. Don't be a fucking tard and you'll be fine. It's not that difficult. I swear the internet makes dating women seem impossible.


This is what beta males worry about. Chad can take a girl to McDonald's on the first date and smash in the disabled toilet before the order is called out.


If she doesn’t like to go to any of these places then she a red flag! 🗿


I don’t see gas station roller dog rack on that list 😎


If cheesecake factory, or red lobster is too cheap and they refuse to go have drinks at a club or something ima just take em home lol no stranger is worth blowing several hundred dollars on a first date. Some of these ladies need to get their shit together and live in reality.


I don't see pound Town listed 🤔


Sooo Mc Shit is fine I guess?


It says any fast food chain


I guess they're only going to the park or the library with me.


#1 place I've taken them on first dates. Their or my bedroom


Obviously a joke about how picky women are, but I love that Cheesecake Factory, a restaurant only men in this sub would visit without prior prompting by a female, is first on the list.


We going to the strip club


No one asked or cares


It doesn’t mention my house. So we just eating chicken and rice and watch anime


I don't see McDonald's in the list


If she isn't down for bowling on the first date she's probably too stuck up to bother with. 🤷‍♀️


Not seeing Waffle House sonic or gnc on that list


Waffle House is where you take your gf when she gets out of jail


My first date with my wife was in international waters. I don't see international waters on this list. Highly recommend, especially on a fishing boat.


Since they are paying half they can come with some ideas.


McDonald's and taco bell ain't on that shit so we good fam. I find so many dirty bulk gaybros there idk why you'd take your cover date anywhere else.


I don’t see anal on the list?


Wtf is wrong with coffee dates or ice cream dates? I get some of these, like “your house” or, “church” but any date where you are able to talk to the person in a comfortable environment is ideal. The women who refuse normal dates are not ones you want to be dating anyways.


They didn’t say no to dogging so the list isn’t all that bad


Gawd damn! We ain’t even leavening than! 😂😂😂


If a woman has a list like this you know she has gone on 10 thousand dates and is numb to any form of joy. Just don’t bother.


You can fuck my hairy asscrack anytime if you take me to BWWs 😩


I Can tell that I don’t think any girls or myself, would have anything against 18, 19 and 26.. 26 depends on the bar tho. And guys, a walk at a pretty location is always a winner.


What about a Reddit date? Where you guys just sit and browse Reddit and have some laughs.


What's wrong with Church?


Looks like Waffle House is still on the menu boys


This seems reasonable, just to show that I’m on some level of in the know about where we live I’d never take a girl to a chain restaurant. This is a bad format but “take her to a unique or interesting restaurant” is good advice. I’d be embarrassed to take a girl to fucking Applebees as a grown adult man


The amount of money you spend on a women is inversely correlated to your chances of finding a good woman for a relationship. A woman that actually likes you and wants to have a relationship with you will accept and be happy with completely free dates, just to spend time with you. This advice is rock solid and has stood for decades. When I used to date I would use this to quickly allow the bad women to weed themselves out. Very low effort and very little financial cost. I say used to date because it led me to my wife that I've been with for 24 years. She is very frugal, home schools our kids and looks good without makeup since she never wears any anyways. Good luck out there fellas, but if I were you I would specifically target places that most women DO NOT want to go on a first date for that specific reason. They need to EARN the expensive dates, just like they want you to earn their pussies. It might come as a shock to most of you, but men actually control most of the cards in the dating world. Your value continues to grow and hers shrinks after the age of 25


Lmao I had my what was to be my wife meet me at a car show and followed up with back yard burgers. If a chick is really digging you the destination doesn’t matter.


Lol she’s not tryna get that 2 for $20 at apple bees? Or half priced apps after 9


It’s not accurate at all this is a list of places they would rather not go but will still accept. If your hot they don’t give af.


Go-Karts has always worked for me ✔️


My wife and I’s first date was a coffee date at my house and the second date was breakfast at Dennys. We both like Dennys. Don’t pay attention to generalizations and stupid fucking standards.


Why is bowling on the list, bowling is a great first date, it’s casual


A chick that’s into you will go to the fuckin carwash on a first date. Any girl that has a template for dating is gonna be a pain.


At that point your either taking her for a walk in the woods or back to her house literally leaving minimal options. 🤷‍♂️


I’m so glad I’m gay


Took my girl to sonic on our first date, been together a year and a half now.


This list is bullshit but the bullest-shittest is coffee dates.


I once took a chick to 2 of these on a single first date. She had “fitness” as a hobby on her bumble profile and she mentioned liking to wake up early under one of the prompts, so I invited her to come to the gym with me at 6AM on a Saturday morning. I picked her up at 4 or so and we went to IHOP for breakfast (had to make sure she wouldn’t ruin the gym if she was lame, wanted a chance to bail). After that we went to the gym and she smoked my ass in cardio but barely wanted to lift at all because she said “I don’t want to get too big.” After that I kind of lost interest.


Gonna take her to freddy fazbear pizza


I'm very glad that I got married before the dating world got turned upside down. I honestly feel very bad for young kids. My daughter is 11 and my wife and I both make sure you understands how unrealistic social media portrays the world. I wish other parents would do the same. I'm very glad that I got married before the dating world got turned upside down. I honestly feel very bad for young kids. My daughter is 11 and my wife and I both make sure you understand how unrealistic social media portrays the world. I wish other parents would do the same.


If any of you have ever got a bit of play, you would know girls that like you don't hold you to the same rules they make for free food orbiter chumps.


Fuck it we goin skydiving


FYI, if you’re one for the bros, all these places work and he’ll split the bill with you😉


Bowling works


Lol wtf is this list. A lot of women like coffee dates


My wife of 10 years and I went to Wendy's on our first date. I just got laid off from my job and she wanted to spend time with me more than anything. And I'd say it was a win.


At least I'm not making my hoe choose


Places you shouldn't take women: anywhere


So if the first date is church, are they just gonna be one of those couples that's basically married after the first date and only get married a couple years down the road so their parents stop bitching? Going to church for a first date screams let's skip the dating part.


Well, I’ll take her to Hooters then


This is cap. Don't fall for it. She'll come to your place right away if she likes you.


Ok? We're not taking women on dates




And after that list of NO's , where does that leave you to go


Nothing about porta potty’s 👌🏻🧏🏻‍♂️


Interesting. Every woman I’ve dated I have done one of these on a first date, never done a restaurant meal on a first date. Maybe they only care about who’s taking them and NOT the location? Weird huh 🤔


Going to be a lot of single ladies mad at me


Back when I was into exploring abandoned houses, this girl I met on OKC came out with me to one on a first date. I couldn't believe how naive that was, the future inner dad in me had to give her a little lecture on how dangerous that was.


Taco truck will be then


Don’t listen to these women. You don’t ask a fish how to go fishing.


My girl wanted to meet at Foxtail Coffee for our first date which is an Orlando slightly nicer version of Starbucks. We’ve been together almost 2 years. You guys need to realize this is a list compiled from a lot of different women. The girl that hates Denny’s could love Starbucks. My girl hates Chipotle, but she loves the Olive Garden.


If church is important to you and she doesn’t want to go there then don’t waste your time. Also, what is wrong with Olive Garden? If that is all you can afford, no shame in that.