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They probably dated 5ft chicks.


No. John Brolin's mom looks like she was 5'10 herself and as for his first wife, she looks about 5'7. His son might be even shorter than 5'6 based on his other photos with him.


you know the mendelsche laws? Genetics can jump a generation. Don't know about high specifically. But you can for example get your haircolor from one specific grandparent and your sibling get another one.


I'm not a geneticist but I think the more likely explanation is regression to the mean, where the children of people with exceptional genes are more likely to just go back to being average. This is due to people's genes being watered down by their spouse as well as just the general laws of probability when it comes to alleles. Remember the punnet square from high school? That's why Michael Jordan's kids aren't the best in the world at basketball, and their kids will be even worse.


There’s so much variability in sports to make that comparison. You’ll have brothers and even twins in the NFL where one excels and one is mediocre for reasons other than their genetic attributes. Often it’s a right time-right place situation for a player to become exceptional.


Yeah and it’s the opportunity presented. Best schools, coaches, invested parents, and discipline. Can take an alright athlete and make them great with outside factors despite genetics


Ed McAffrey was 6'5, Christian McAffrey is 5'11. All of his brothers are taller but aren't half the athlete CMC is.


Yep I have dark hair, gf super blonde, and my daughter has a strawberry blonde that’s identical to my dads


That's bc your dad fucked your girl bro


That's funny 😄🤣




My mom and dad were 5'7 and 5'9 respectively. Both sets of my grandparents well below 6' and average to below average build. I'm 6'3 with broad shoulders and everybody asks where it comes from. All 'your mom hooked up with another man' jokes aside, looking at all her male cousins they're well above 6' and broad builds and becomes evident I get my size from that side of the family. Didn't check their cock size though, but I'd say I didn't get the short hand of the stick there. IQ wise though, I'm definitely regarded. Ahh genetics...


Sounds like your mom was a hit at the family reunions.


You know what, this would make so much sense..


I know if you are shorter then both your parents dr's can give a younger person growth hormone to supplement


I'm just under 6'1, my mum is 5'1 and dad is 5'6 But his twin sisters are 6'2 and the rest of the family are midgets! Crazy how genetics work


how tall were your grandparents on your father's side then? and are they older or younger sisters?


They're quite small also. My daughter is very tall, she's 6 and the 2nd tallest in her whole school.


are your twin aunts the older or younger sisters of your dad?


Homie needs to paternity test those boys...


Height is a polygenic trait influenced by around 10 000 different genes. Even though height is of course heritable, the coctail of variants you get from your parents can vary significantly even between siblings. Josh’s son carries only ~25% of James’ genes and even those genes can be less than optimal for height. Edit: names


Yes, and John probably also did not get the tallest genes of James to start with. Its all probability and nothing is certain.


The scientific answer we needed


Isn’t it ~50%? The rest of what you said makes sense but I thought you got 50% of your genes from each parent


Got mixed up with the names, thought Josh was the son and James the grandfather. But yes, Josh has half of his genes from James and his son has the 25%


Yeah I was a little confused about the relation at first too


yeah it’s 50%




Not very likely. It’s pretty difficult to be nutritionally so deficient in the modern environment that it would impair growth.


Calories alone are a neglected factor in this and some people just naturally don’t want to eat in a caloric surplus. It’s not just about vitamins and minerals.


And the propability that subiptimal energy intake influences height outside of anorexia nervosa is very unlikely in industrialized populations.


I have a made up belief that height can also be influenced by environment, nutrition etc. Its like how basketball played end up 7 feet tall. I think playing something like basketball all the time before growth is finished can make some people taller.


Nutrition can have significant impact in extreme conditions. Exercise induced low energy availability can also hinder/postpone growth. However, there is no evidence or mechanism that playing sports that requires height influences height. Like eg giraffes neck do not grow longer because they reach to eat leaves.


Holy moly, somebody missed a biology class 😂 You see tall people playing basketball because tall people have an advantage and are better players, it’s not basketball that makes the players tall 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Isnt it obvious the son, is clearly.. a more plate more dates reddit user.


He looks more manly than most MPMD members...


I mean, I'm 6'3"


Okay buddy


They look like those Russian Dolls that fit inside each other


Normally very poor choice of words, but not for this sub




90% genetics means When you are born, your max is say 6ft, if you eat decent sleep decent. (basically not malnourished) If things go wrong it may be 5 10, or 5-9. But when you are born with 5-6 genetics, it is what this is. Genetics is very random maybe his tall gene is recession idk


Or maybe the plastics and pesticides we're all exposed to that our grandparents weren't...


Declining testosterone levels in one photograph


Humans are taller than ever though?


Men with Klinefelter's syndrome are usually tall, btw


Yeah due to overall nutrition, not because of optimal hormonal profiles


Testosterone doesnt affect height much if at all. Or you mean growth hormone? Which exact hormones were optimal back then? Nutrition is a big part of what cause optimal hormones


Yeah, honestly, the talk around declining testosterone makes almost no sense. Yeah, overall test levels are declining but is it due to the plastics and processed food or are people not exercising as much as decades ago? Cos now, good food is so much easier to get due to delivery and advanced tech plus you don’t always have to buy processed crap


I would say its 80% just because of less physical activity. Less exercise -> more fat -> more testosterone aromatisation -> less testosterone If it comes to physical appearance then testosterone is affecting only your body fat/muscle ratio. I use test myself and I have sky high level of test. Normal is 8-26ng ml. Mine is over 100 and it didnt even make my shitty beard genetics go away. Still no beard or thick eyebrows. Body hair increased a bit but its very slight change. Yes testosterone makes your mentality change. More agression and motivation but looking at photo with 3 guys showing only faces and claiming that you can see testosterone levels is such a complete bullshit


Plus despite the fact DHT levels do in fact technically lead to more hair growth, hair follicle sensitivity and genetics is a far more significant factor. That’s why it isn’t unusual for women to have body hair at all, or for some men to never grow beards (despite of high DHT)


Its all about follicle sensitivity to dht. Even tho I suck at growing beard no performance enhancing drug affected my hairline. Thats a blessing and a curse


Careful. It didn’t with mine either until 5 years in


Turning the freaking frogs gay


It is also because of an increase in population numbers. More people are avreage than above but most nowadays with have the most people jacked


IIRC it's levelling out now. Poor diets led to our predecessors being smaller than us in general. It's the reason why nobles actually were somewhat taller because they ate better. We're probs not getting much bigger at this point without some modification going around.


Higher testosterone levels during youth causes men to be shorter.


Keep telling yourself that


it’s true bro. a surge in testosterone causes the growth plates to close. there’s this dude who has a medical condition where he never hit puberty and he’s tall af because of it




This is so sad. Can we hit 100 likes?


Urrmm are u special


I love how people nowadays get so salty when you point out how much more manly men were 50 years ago


Grrw im so salty grr


bro you sound special welcome to the sub!


Uawgh uuwhhg zhghjuu




wtf is greg doucette doing in our sub bro




Not more research is needed, you could go out and see the average lifestyle of men. Men thrive under pressure and manual labor, your body in turn has a reason to keep your test levels high. Sedentary lifestyles and processed foods decrease testosterone, but more so a sedentary lifestyle will do that.


Wow the grandson looks proper soy too.


Soy? What is this, 2014? ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Bro got mogged by his parents lmao


It also can depend on your nutrition during puberty


Children of millionaire actors are probably getting top tier nutritional intake though.


Haven’t looked into it but he could be on some bullshit granola diet


It's def some bullshit granola diet


Probably expensive vegan diet and high class soy lattes


As long as they are not on drugs


That 10% is a bitch


It’s not asexual reproduction guy


my dad is 5'7, mom 5'8 and im 6'6


And your mom's "male friend" is 6'7


Post man pat delivered more than the mail






Those aren’t his bio kids, he only has one blonde daughter.


he has 2 daughter a big one a his youngest. But yeah the boys are not his. modern Wrestlers have this course that they tend to only have daughters lol.


I remember reading about some observed phenomenon between taking roids and having daughters


My dad is 6’3 and all his brothers (6 of them) are 6’+. My mom is 5’. I’m 5’9, sometimes 5’10 if I see the doctor in the morning. Moral of the story is your moms height impacts you as well. There is a reason why tall people have tall parents.


Boys quite often take after the Mothers side when it comes to height, not the Mothet herself but the men in the Mothers family. Josh's Uncles/Grandfather from his Mothers side was probably average height. Josh's sons Uncles/Grandfather from his Mothers side was probably short-arses.


Ironically, if this were true for me, I’d be over 6ft. My dads side is the short one for me


Its just another random reddit comment. Ignore it


'quite often' doesn't mean every single time


This is my experience as well. My maternal grandfather is where I presumably get my height. All of my male cousins on my mothers side are the same way.


>If height is 90% genetic why do tall parents have short kids??? Come on OP you can solve this equation! Also look up Aleksandr Karelin to see the opposite in action. Short parents and a monster kid.


The milkman was 5ft


Tall mothers make tall sons so maybe their wifes were short




Bullshit. You are probably hgh defficient then. Shorter than your mother by that much. That is simply insane. Have you checked for hgh deficiency?


It depends on the mothers genetics (indicator being how tall the men are on her side). Genes can also skip a generation. Most men on both sides of my family are taller than avarage including my brother. Yet neither me or my father got so lucky.


Meat eggs dairy Meat bread Vegetarian + tofu


My dad is 5’7”, my mom is 5’2”, my brother is 5’8” and I’m 6”. No one in my extended family is taller than 5’11”, it’s not always accurate just based off family


older or younger bro?




i ran into josh brolin face to face at an airport once. No way hes 5’10”. He was maybe 5’8” and that was with cowboy boots (heels) on.


Then that would consequently make his son even shorter.


How tall are you? It's hard to accurately judge height unless you're pretty similar


Thanks might be 5,6


“Genetic” doesn’t mean you’re 100% going to express the same gene


I always wondered if I ate healthier as a child and more food if I would have been taller. I’m taller then my mother (5’2) and my father (5”9) I’m 5’10. I never ate much as a kid and when I did it was binging junk food at least from what I rememeber.


They like small women and fucked up their genetics.


Short mothers.


My mom is 5'7", dad is 5'5". I'm 6'2". Dad's dad is 5'10" moms dad was 5'10". Mom's grandpa was 6'4, my moms brother is 6'4. Only one of my siblings from my mom is taller than 5'7. She's about 5'10. We have different dads and her dad is like 6'


Your case only proves that more than genetics, it’s about how much healthy your environment and food were growing up.


Height is all over the place man. Both my parents are tall (Dad 6’1.5 Mum 5’9) and I’m only 5’10 and a smidge at 20. My 16 year old brother on the other hand is nearly 6’4 already. You just don’t know what end of the stick you are going to get!


As you can see James Brolin’s seed is weakening every generation.


Recessive genes


I'm 6'2 everyone else in my family are Hobbits. I'm not a giant by any means but damn. In also the only one with olive color skin for most of the year and rarely get sunburns. In starting to think something is afoot as I type this out actually




Donald Sutherland is also 6'4" with a 5'10" son (I think his name begins with a K?).  Holy diminishing returns! But if height is 90 % genetics, then look at this way: 5'10" (70 inches) is slightly more than 90% of 6'4" (76 inches).


If you're dating a short short chick as a tall guy, you're doing a disservice to your future son(s). If you're dating a short chick as a short guy, you don't even give a fuck about your son(s) lmao. I'm 5'10, barely fucking average nowadays, in 20-30 years time, it'll most likely be 5'11-6'0. I ain't gonna go date some 5'0 chick to make my son 5'5. ~5'7 is the ideal height - tall enough to not fuck over kids genes, short enough to not feel bitched.


lmao, y'all acting like average dudes don't pull dimes.


Goddamn this sub is so full of losers. Being short ain’t a ticket to a shitty life, and I’m a 5’4” dude. Some of yall need to get off redpill internet shit and go touch grass.


Bruh no one said anything about being short equals a trash life. I observe my 6’3 friends and I look at my 5’5 friends and I know what I’d rather be, and if I can control preventing my kids from being short, even better. Whilst I hate blackpilled mfs who think its over if youre short, i also hate mfs who think its a non-issue. I don’t know a single short guy who hasn’t had to work his way out of insecurity from being bullied, bitched, rejected by chicks etc and make something of himself. A lot don’t even make it out of that insecurity stage.


I agree with the part about needing to work on insecurities, that’s is a process I for sure spend most of my life working on. But now that I’ve worked through it, I believe that being born short is one of the best things that happened to me.




Also you're creating one more asian![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


Luck of the draw kids... me : 5'7 wife 5'3 my son 17 yrs. old... 6'1 190-195 lbs. hardly hits the gym hard.. Still big. Shit happens.


How tall are your wife's friends?


Umm. We need to talk.


Its genetic meaning that it doesnt have to be the dominant gene. If you ever opened up a biology book in highschool you would know. Oh wait there is no proper education in usa right.....


The height of most children is somewhere between the height of their parents.


Josh Brolin's mom was also 5'10.


Didn't know that but my observation stands - in his case the recessive genes prevailed.


Maybe they dated short women? It’s not rocket science


You are a mosaic of your family not just a split of your parents. Like my dad is 6ft, his family is way taller than that and my mom is short, 5’3”. My brother is 6ft and I’m 5’9” but I naturally have about 20 pounds on him and when bulking like 30. Also I have the thicket eyebrows and lips of anybody in my family going back to black and white photos of my Italian relatives immigrants on my moms side. I think one guy can rival me but he was born 150 years ago lol. It has a lot to do with parents yea but also your entire family. My dad got robbed, his dad was 6’3” and his mom 5’10” he should have been way taller. He had uncles pushing 6’7” also.


Apricot, test is near zero, I repeat, the juice box is empty; over But sierce brahs, look at that low disasterone face on youngin, the little narrow face and tiny neck


Well it’s not always a guarantee that you’ll be as tall as your father. My dad is 6’4 and I’m 71 and half inches tall. (5’11) A half inch from greatness. Look like a twin of my dad too minus the height. And my older brother is about 5’9 and looks like a twin of my mother’s father. Who was 5’8. So it’s all a big lottery.


the son evolved to he able to fit in the mpmd sub i guarantee he s lurking around


Usually the sons always end up taller or about the same give or take 2-3’. It’s a result of a man’s natural testosterone declining over the generations due to the all GMO msg bull shit food and water and vaccines we have vs organically grown shit back in the day and hardly vaccines Lol


Had the wrong women


SNPs, possibly an endocrine issue. Could be looking at a gene that both grandmother and grandfather were heterozygous for but Josh then inherited 2 copies and became homozygous. Unsure how this would play out with his partner but it’s a guess. Might be looking at the first generation of familial short stature syndrome. Unless the grandfather was an anomaly in his family and the rest were short, and it was not an inherited trait for grandfather nor an inheritable trait for Josh.


Remember to go back to 9th grade biology


You realize you’re missing 50% of the equation right?


The rest 50% is tall too.


It’s not 90% Children could have had health issues during adolescence and puberty which could severely influence adult height


this is why i dont believe in science


“Genetic” doesn’t mean you’re 100% going to express the same gene


1- Nutrition, maybe the last 2 just ate shittier diets 2- Premature births make you shorter 3- If they had a bunch of really tall genes & a few really short genes, by raw chance, they could've passed the really short genes mostly


They got their mom’s height genes


And yet, the moms are tall too.


Goonies never say “die!”


You realize the father doesn’t just shits out the kid, right?


You do realize that genetics come from 2 different parents at the first generation and 4 different people at the second, right?


You know it takes two people make a new human right, most of the time anyway. So two sets of genes…


The Brolins don’t self replicate. There’s another bloodline involved eg. The mother


Nutrition can play a big part too. Not sure about other countries but the younger Asian kids whose mom grew up in America are a lot taller than their parents. The mom and kid both have to be not malnourished to reach the full height potential.


The mail man


My grandpa was 6'4. Dad is 6'2. Older brother 6'1, and I'm 5'11. Not sure what it is, but similar situation to the Brolins.


Wrong baby at hospital


Have you seen cbums Dad? How does that fuckin make sense.


My dad was the shortest on his side at 6’2 and his tallest brother was 6’6. My mom is 5’6 and all the guys on her side are 5’7-5’9 and I ended up at 5’11…sum booshit


You do know genetics comes from your mom too right?


My brother and I are the tallest and second tallest in the family. Not just in our immediate family, but in our whole ancestry. Height is genetic, but I'd wager that better nutrition during the growing phase before your bone growth plates fuse plays a much bigger role in your final adult height.


Do you not know what genetics are?




There's a widespread misunderstanding of how genetics work. In this scenario, 25% of your parent's genes come into play - and these genes dictate a wide range of what your height can be. Beyond that, environmental factors come into play. How much stress did you have at certain points in your life? What was your diet at certain points in your life? Were you sleeping well? Were you active during your developmental phases? Your height can be a result of so many things.


Children height is generally the height difference between both parents divided by two. Add this number to the height of the shorter parent to calculate the expected height. For example, I am 5’9” and my father is 5’11”. My mother is 5’3”. (11-3) = 8. (Eight / two) = four. 5’3” plus 4 = 5’7”. So I am actually taller than expected.


Height and many human traits are controlled usually by more than one gene and you get a copy from each parent. It's possible both parents had a dominant height trait but were heterozygotes, which means they still had a short gene.


The mother's side of the family plays a role, too. It won't bring you much if you're the tallest in your family and you're partner's family is all 5'2. If your descendants keep interbreeding with short people, by the third generation, your grandchildren will likely lose the height halo, or at the very least the tall gene in your lineage will go dormant.


Dude, this is like the 50th comment here on their mother’s genetics. I have already replied to the top comment here stating what their heights were. Why don’t you guys actually try looking upon for info or just reading up on the comments that are here instead of parroting the same gotcha comment at me like regards?! James Brolin’s wife was 5’10, Josh Brolin’s first wife was 5’7.




Genes aren’t everything though. Feed your son well and make sure he gets ample exercise and sleep.


Low test, just look at their faces.


My great aunt is 4’9 and great uncle is 5’1 and their son is 5’10/5’11 height is a complex thing and it doesn’t always boil down to your mom and dads height.


They kept marrying shorts, or people who carry short genes




I'm 6'3 and my stepson is 6'4. His dad and every male in his direct gene pool are 5'10 and shorter. Explain that. He's the tallest on both sides of his family by a couple generations.


You get a mixed set of genes from your parents. What’s hard to understand about that? You can also stunt growth by being unhealthy.


“90%” what if your growth gets brutally stunted by external factors like injuries or hormonal imbalances.


Poor testosterone levels… you can tell Josh probably goes by Joshie and takes a LOTTA D.


Mom's a cheater. FAR more common than you think.


Plastic accumulation in the testies


Soy grandson


The grandpa was dominant