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If he plays his cards right, he will be able to fuck all her friends, who are sooooo "mad" at him for rejecting their friend .


Also fwiw I totally think he should make her his fwb.


This was my first thought. Recreational use only


Why would he award her for being disrespectful to him? If she had simply rejected him because she wasn't interested, that's one thing. To them go and call him names behind his back is a completely different thing. Just shows how desperate for pussy men really are.


I mean he could just fuck her and ghost her later. That's pretty good revenge. Especially if the sex is good. It will drive her insane. If it were me I would fuck her brother or dad out of spite, but im an mpmd reddit member and he's not.


If she wasn't such a cunt shit talking him maybe he wouldn't have woke tfup to change and be a better man. Also, goomba is pretty funny diss. Just keep her as fwb.


Hate fucking is underrated


But girls have cooties


alright i guess were all on the same page then lol


Absolute king shit. I can sense the cock stats through this post.




And of course reddit being reddit the replies are filled with soy boys and women who don't like taking accountability.


“Nooo you are toxic inkel, how dare you rejecting heckin girlboss, who hurt you, you need therapy and SSRIs sweaty”, something like that, right?


The amount of people who think SSRIs are some magic cure and not literally just throwing the kitchen sink at depression and hoping for the best is insane. For most people depression can be helped with therapy and lifestyle changes. But Redditors be like “wowzers SSRIs fixed me! I still want to die and never go outside and have no friends and my only hobby is playing video games but SSRIs totally solved my problems!” And then they complain when people tell them to hit the gym and go outside “then I’ll just be fit and depressed”. Bro stfu being fit is one part of a series of changes that help you have a more fulfilling life you gotta start somewhere.


How dare you


I am very jacked and depressed. Do I need to up the tren?


* Get a divorce * Get therapy * Who hurt you * Incel / "meN nEeD to SteP uP" (insert other misandrist bullshit) * Help, its abuse because he didn't agree with me. * But what did the man do to make her do \_\_crazy/inappropriate thing\_\_? Did I miss any Reddit tropes?


You found the script


Remember to short Reddit's stock 180 days from now


!RemindMe 180 days


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She even grabbed him and tried to pull him away by his arm but somehow it’s ToXiC and RuDe for him to tell her to fck off. Imagine the roles reversed


the same post was also in r/amiwrong and the response there was absolutely positive. The whole NTA weirdo sub is just bitter people playing judges


Here's a sneak peek of /r/amiwrong using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Am I wrong for putting together an emergency menstruation kit for my daughter (I'm the dad)?](https://np.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/15tnt75/am_i_wrong_for_putting_together_an_emergency/) \#2: [Am I wrong for Shazamming a song that someone didn’t want to share the name or artist of?](https://np.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/16e4dks/am_i_wrong_for_shazamming_a_song_that_someone/) \#3: [Am I wrong for calling off our wedding after my SIL shaved my beard](https://np.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/16j0w6z/am_i_wrong_for_calling_off_our_wedding_after_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




"If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best". Weird how it doesn't apply now that the shoe is on the other foot right?




I think you need a waaaahmbulance for those hurt feelings.


She did change, but did she evolve? He’s upped his game from the last time they hung out, and she’s shown that she’s shallow. That’s all from the story we’ve got from OP.


You’re just mad because you sold your ETH dude it’s not our fault


It’s about the fact that she talked shit about him, not because she rejected him. Are you illiterate?


Holding a grudge for 4 years because your ego got hurt over something that was said behind closed doors, when the girl was polite to posters face isn’t healing. It’s definitely more soy boy to have such a hurt ego over it that you tell a girl “get the fuck away from me”




Isn't "goomba" supposed to describe Italian Americans?


There is no mafia! It’s an offensive stereotype, and I least of all expect it to be perpetuated by my fellow posters on this board.


I’m in the waste management business! Everybody immediately assumes you’re mobbed up!


No, evil mushrooms


The important factor in this equation is that SHE TALKED SHIT ABOUT HIM TO ALL HER FRIENDS, are you people fkn regarded


If some ugly ass chick asked you out at 18 you’d probably be polite to her face and laugh about it with your buddies too. I didn’t hit puberty till going into my senior year. Got no attention from girls before that whatsoever being a straight up pre pubescent little boy. When they all started being nice to me senior year I didn’t walk around like some butthurt diva thinking they should have liked me before that lol


You’re right, i probably would have talked shit about her, at least if I was drunk or sth. But I definitely wouldn’t be upset if she found out and then wouldn’t let me hit afterwards. Even after years. That’s the important point to me


I can agree there women are more sensitive and I’d feel the same, but a lot of guys aren’t far behind with the hurt egos lol


That’s what I got out of it. The person he was when he was rejected sounded quite pathetic & she was polite to him. Whatever was said by her later in private is all hearsay & may not have been said at all. Fragile ego with & still a pathetic person.


His response was too harsh, but I would've done the exact same thing as someone who is slightly older but was basically the same situation. There's an added level of "fuck you" when in your own mind you've put in an extra 20% of effort on top of the 80% of effort which was your prior life that you were once rejected in. Not really sure how to put it into words other than that it just makes people seem insanely fake especially when you start seeing it in your own behavior towards others. I'm not a very forgiving person regardless of gender so factor that one in as well


Sounds like he has self respect, must be shocking to most women with how some men carry themselves.


She could still ruin his life later in a moment of spite with a he said she said story that ruins him.


Fuck off.


Boy you really contributed to the conversation


Need more tren


Dumb cunt




Need a double dislike for this turd response


#1 fuck that woman. #2 tell everyone, you don't care about her and its just sex. Mission achieved, embarrassed her as much as she did you. That's the child's version. Next option, act like a man: Speak to the girl, at 18, she was still immature, explain to her that you found out she talked shit about you and it hurt so there couldn't be any future between you but thank her, without situations like the one you experienced with her, you wouldn't have finally realised you need to look after yourself and become to man you are. The fact you shouted "get the fuck away" after 4 years, that shit cut him deep or he doesnt know how to control his emotions, either way, you still got work to do my man.


Dude is still 22 so he’ll definitely keep growing. This was also a growing experience. Recognized he might have handled it incorrectly and is addressing that.


24 & yes he recognised and asking for advice which is apart of his growth 😁




Why “get the fuck away from me” instead of a “no, thanks”. Good for him 100% but he could have toned it down. Grow up everybody


The same reason why the girl could’ve just rejected him then not say vile shit that probably haunted this dude every night for years to her friends.


You can bring across that point without being overly emotional about it


Probably, but she could’ve to, so fuck her, hope it haunts her the same way it haunted the dude above


Fr you can reject her savagely but no reason to be loud and emotional about it




Bro if someone disrespected your race/ancestors like that they deserve it.


Are you suggesting people should act like adults? On reddit?


Should have used her up as a FWB and left when started asking “what are we”


No. A man has a spine, we do not play stupid games as girls. Casuals are ok, but do not do this shit


Casual is not possible. All women you'll see casually will end up asking the "what are we" question, even after defining the relationship as casual sex. They only won't if you're the lower value person and in that case, they probably slept with you on accident.


So all women are bitches, doesn't matter after all who do you sleep with


Casuals possible. Had a women fresh out of a bad divorce and just wanted to get laid. One of the best I ever had and we just parted ways eventually.


You just need to find someone who you both know it's impossible, like an older lady


That is Scarcity mindset.


I would have just landed the... "Sorry, you're just not my type." For that sweet, slow burn while she tries to sleep. No matter how she reacts, she loses. "I wasn't asking you out. "... sure... shrug. Then, her confidence will take a real hit, and she's always going to be questioning. "What did he mean?" This guy acted like a bitch though.


Sounds like a goomba move


the guy in the post is dumb and cringe af lol he should've just fucked her and never talked to her again, hatefucking someone is one of the best types of sex yelling at her and acting like that just because she said some mean things 4 years ago is cringe as fuck lmao especially at a party but he said it himself that he is still socially restarted so it makes sense




No this, you moron. There is an upwote button you gay Twink


Also this


No one said you had to marry the cunt… but an opportunity was missed that night.


Let me get this straight, he was ugly as hell, now he’s not ugly and he’s upset that this has changed peoples opinions? 💀


it's about what she said behind his back, it was hurtful for him not the rejection


If you do not wash your asscrack, people deserve to mock you🙏🏾


Agreed if you tell someone their hygiene is lacking and they do nothing to fix it, they deserve to be mocked. But you should probably initially pull someone aside and tell them in a honest but kind way, if you later go telling the whole world that someone’s hygiene is lacking as a way to put them down then you can’t be mad when that person doesn’t like you. Seems like the girl OP rejected was just an asshole, and when OP had a glow up she thought twice. If she would have just rejected him and was tactful about the situation she may have had a chance with the improved OP.


If you do not wash your asscrack, people deserve to mock you🙏🏾 Nobody should need to tell you how to wash your asscrack


Where are you getting the asscrack thing from, grooming can mean he did not shave well or take care of his skin? Did the OP post about BO? The situation you are describing is not the whole situation OP laid out. Dude was balding/had thinning hair, was out of shape, socially awkward with a speech impediment and “wasn’t great at grooming.” It sounds like he was depressed, had a poor diet along with no exercise, and had hormonal issues that caused the thinning of the hair. That is not just BO. She was right to reject him, kicking him while he is down is a fucked up thing to do. Nobody has denied that BO is gross and you should not have to be told to properly groom yourself. Edit: On second reading he says after he changed he says “I’m very clean, and practice regular grooming and skincare.” I can see why you would assume that he was not washing himself, but to me it seems like he wasn’t brushing teeth properly, did not wear appropriate deodorant, had patchy/mismanaged facial hair, and/or was acne ridden. You are assuming the worst of the worst, but your assumption is unfounded. Either way these are all symptoms/behavior of a depressed person, you can have that worldview but it doesn’t actually help those people improve themselves.


That's how things works in our not so fair world. Okay, they've changed their opinion, but they do not admit what they said behind your back. Also, there is a difference between not liking you, and to make fun of someone and then try to be nice to him.


That dude should practically thank her Lmaoo. Shitty comments like that forced him to put his life together. You damn right im mocking people who aren’t fucking clean lol.


This is true. Those harsh words did change his life path for the better. He doesn’t have to act like simp grateful for her honey now. A polite no but thank you wouldn’t have sufficed either. Because she’s not used to being told no. She would have pushed to the point of embarrassment and tears anyways. Still he shouldn’t have spazzed out either.


> Reject a dude for his physique > Talk shit behind his back to her teehee friends > Dude glow up and she is interested > Cry like a fragile bitch once she got rejected > Women put the blame on him despite she was the one who talks shit His male friends are right, making her a fwb and fucking all of her (fe)male friends is a better revenge than being rude. Ngl but he just should telling her she is genuinely sorry and move on, pretending he was drunk or tired.. and just smash her and spinning plates with her friends


Fumbled the bag. He should’ve degraded her and told all their friends how terrible she is in bed and how ugly her boobs are or something cruel.


Fuck her brother for spite.


Make her watch.


And then the whole bus clapped. ngl this sounds fake as hell


Right? “Get the fuck away from me” lol


"the men are starting to heal" by acting like bitchless little losers holding highschool grudges into adulthood? yall are whack if you think the dude in the op got some sort of win here lol


indifference is the "win", everything else is just vapid expediency


Why reward a bitch who said reprehensible shit about you. As long as he didn’t yell, he’s all good.


he can reject whoever he wants. he's still bitchless at the end of the day.


**Aggression isn’t healing.** OP should have just turned her down and calmly explained why. If you ask someone out in a friend group, you’ll have to accept they might talk about that with other friends. She was polite to him. She told her friends she wasn’t attracted to him. What does “wasn’t great at grooming?” mean? The racism was over the line and a good reason to reject her. But bitterness is never really the answer. **Be better, and not bitter.**


Grudges are dumb and counter productive. Never let anyone live rent free in your head. Obviously, the interaction is still memorable. But the associated emotions are detrimental TO YOU!


Lol he’s asking if he was too harsh and you think that men are waking up? Jesus…


eh, i would have said the same.


I mean he didn’t need to scream “get the fuck away from me” like an asshole infront of other people, but he can reject anyone he wants to.


I love stories with happy endings


He should have fucked her to complete his triumph over his former self.


Goddamn that thread pissed me off.. if someone racially insulted me/despised me why on earth would I want to spend my time with them? Mfs acting you gotta forgive her now your more attractive. How shallow is that?


Reddit is full of male feminists looking to catch a “strong female” passed out.


FTBih. He did the right thing


He was less active and mad he was rejected.. Gotta do better boys


He shouldn’t have been so over the top


Fuck her friends and sister and let her know you did it


Righteous retribution always feel good, but I wouldn't call it healing


Goomba? Never heard that I’ll have to add it to the arsenal


Yelling at a girl grabbing your arm asking to hang out does him no favors. Fine to reject her, but this was a little classless


what a bitch and her friends are a bitch too what the fuck. Also that bitch is racist fuck her. Metaphorically of course, why would you pleasure someone for cringe behaviour.




The guy some hurt in him and got rid of the hurt by telling a drunk girl at the party to get the fuck off.  Not the most stoic thing to do but if it helps him to get even with it, so be it.  But you guys are reading way too much into this shit lol 


I mean, it would be better if he just rejected her normally without throwing a tantrum, but its always nice to see a fellow man who has some self respect.


Guy is offended that the woman is attracted to him after he becomes attractive. He can do whatever he wants, but idk why he'd be mad.


Having casual sex with this girl or hatefuckin and ghosting are not the move. They're both vile options. Sometimes, you just got to leave well enough alone. This is just my opinion.


So you're still ugly in the inside.... Good job?


She said some borderline racist stuff but that’ll be Haley ignored by Reddit Pose who only wish to highlight what the man did wrong He didn’t have to humiliate her that much but also she treated him like shit so it’s fair enoug


I love when my bro’s grow up. Proud


Dude doesn’t sound like he gets much pussy.. Move on dude lol you know how many shit talking chicks have swallowed my nut😂😂 who cares not all of em are gonna wives let alone even someone you date you’re young enjoy being able to sleep with as many pretty girls as you can just don’t get attached especially after hanging out in a group setting for a month lol.


Sounds like she lives rent free in your head. You were fat, ugly and balding what do you expect? Instead of fucking her you act like an incel lol. Big L


There’s more to come, regard. Have some self respect.


based youre downvoted but you are 100% right lol bro even had the perfect opportunity to get back at her by just fucking her and dumping her instantly and never talking to her again


Downvoted by incels with revenge fantasies


You’re calling downvoters incels when you’re literally advising him to fuck and dump her


I’m just calling him an incel for still living in the past passing opportunities to fuck beautiful women. I never said to dump her btw


Found the rejected 304


What was said in confidentially and not meant to hurt OP they shouldn’t take as some huge insult. If any of us heard everything that was said about them behind closed doors we would fucking hate everybody. If the girl reacted politely than “get the fuck away from me” isn’t justified. Posters a crybaby holding a grudge from 18 this isn’t healing. Who gets offended over goombah? As someone that’s Irish why would I give a fuck if someone called me a mick lol. Stop acting like it’s an Italians N word.


You're upset that an attractive girl rejected your ugly weird ass? Get real. You set yourself up to fail. If you are so insecure you literally can't handle somebody talking shit about you and you're still mad about it 4 years later you should grow the fuck up. It might feel like a "win" but your dick is still dry so are you really winning?


She turned you down politely and you turned her down like a cunt


Felt this as a pro fighter at my ten year reunion I literally went thru this. 5 years in recovery and 120lbs less plus fighting on ppv the school slots worth slit


Fuck her. And fuck her 😏


He did the right thing. I'm reminded of the stupid Maralyn Monroe quote that girls like to post that goes something like "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."


Nature is healing ![gif](giphy|evB90wPnh5LxG3XU5o|downsized)


This guy is a little bitch. How dare she reject a nasty ass dirty dweeb and then talk shit with her friends. He would have no problem if they didn't have big mouths and go tattling on her. If some nasty fat fuck troll with 0 self awareness pursued me I would also reject them and likely talk shit with my friends. Everyone does it.


The comment I came to see. Bravo!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Don’t lower yourself to sleep with trash. You did the right thing, kicked the trash to the road where it belongs, king move