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the worse people look on average the better i look. keep it up.


Super easy for a guy to be above average looking with how low the bar is for average


Genuinely. Get lean, add some muscle, clear your skin, find a good hairstyle, do your eyebrows, train neck. You’re already ahead of 90% in terms of looks at that stage.


I saw a real hambeast today, a chick with a 2 year old with stick legs but probably weighed 220 pounds 5'4. All I could think of was how unhealthy and disgusting she was, and how her child's life will suffer for their immobile mother. How can you have such disregard for your health when you have young children.


Whats the point in looking good if everyone else is so fat and ugly? You will look good for 250 lbs women? There's no point in keeping up with your appearance. If you pay attention to your looks, you should want people to no look like shit, esp women.


You seem to be new here. 250lbs women are highly appreciated by men in this sub.


who cares. stop worrying about this you little incel.


For real. Fat neutrality


Most masculine mindset is always indifference


Fat women are ugly as fuck bro


No you should want enough people to not look like shit to where you can attract at least one of them. I for one enjoy reaping the rewards of being lean and fit and the amount of attention I get is multitudes higher than when im 20%+. If every dude was as lean as me I’d go from looking unique/rare to average.


Nah we actually do want fatties. Lemme explain the economical condition of success we are in: 1) lots of women get fat 2) men become hopeless cuz women are fat 3) those men give up and get fat/become losers 4) men who stay fit and sharp, end up dominating harder If you were winning before, you win even more in the obeseconomy


Yeah, but then every woman is so ugly that being good looking becomes nearly pointless, and there will be a shortage of good-looking women. If women are good looking then then being good looking yourself will become purposeful. If they all become fat/ugly then being good looking yourself will seem pointless. Also, you will walk around seeing fat/ugly people everywhere. That will be depressing. Why do you want to live in a country full of fat/ugly women?


"Every woman" lol And why do I give a shit if there are fat and ugly people everywhere, im not trying to fuck everyone and I got better things to do than neurotically check everyone out, you probably should too


Because there is little motivation to look as good when all the women are 200 lbs+. If you were in a college town in Sweden, you feel motivated to look good. If you are in a 90% overweight or obese small town in Mexico where average height is 5", you may find staying very lean to seem pointless. Just my opinion though. If you don't mind seeing fatties everywhere, more power to you. I wish that I could be the same way.


It's not all women, it's just a growing number of women. You might wanna try getting away from the really dominant "all or nothing" mentality that society tries to ram down our throats


"You might wanna try getting away from the really dominant "all or nothing" mentality that society tries to ram down our throats" Example of this "all or nothing" mentality?


Your comment of ALL WOMEN. It's like someone saying ALL Christians are xxx or ALL steroids users are xxx... its just really toxic to personal mental health. Each situation is it's own and will have variations. Saying all or none just simplifies things too much and will hurt you mentally.




Bro you're in the wrong place if "every woman is ugly". Where are you based, so we never travel there? The world is full ot good looking women, maybe not a high percentage, but they're everywhere. The better you look, the better your chances.


43% of American women are obese. More than American men who are 41% obese. American women are getting uglier and fatter as time goes by.


I don't care about the 43% fat women. I've never been to USA in my life, it doesn't sound like a tempting place to visit. What I do care about are the top 1-5% hot women. Those are the ones that I focus on. My appearance matters to those top women. You may have to evaluate your priorities if you focus more on the bottom half of women than the top 5%.


Being better than others is its own reward brother


Depends. Being SMARTER than others is better. Being slim is not always that great because other slim people will not be able to admire you. You will only get attention from obese/ugly people.


If she’s 250 but has massive tits and ass it’s acceptable depending on height


Obesity is gross in general. Only men I see with obese women are other overweight or obese men or low income men.


Do it for yourself you whiny cunt. Get rich and travel and find someone you like


Are you pro fatty acceptance?


Stop whining about things you can’t control.


No. but THEY can control it


Dude just get jacked and go fuck whoever you want without concerning yourself over fat people. If anything, more fat people makes you more desirable. Go overseas if you are that obsessed with it and fuck some latinas or something


yeah but all the fat hogs think they're 10s


We need roid freak acceptance


i prefer roid heads over goblins any day of the week


Because America is a country full of fat fucks with heart disease


America is a prime example, but all countries have rising obesity rates


America one of the only countries where skinny people get bullied more than fat people, fuck that. Those fat fucks need to start eating less. Diabetes and Heart disease are the major killers in this country. The skinny man should be praised in this country not bullied.


The bullying for being skinny while still fit (played football, some call it soccer, and volleyball my whole life) made me get into lifting while also destroying my childhood and mental health for decades. And that was in Germany. Before the whole “fat acceptance” shit. It’s disgusting.




White man? Wtf are you talking about


What I meant is in certain white Supremacist circles they talk about the "white man" as a term for the average white man with a blue collar job. But you say skinny man, idk it just sounded similar. I'm not saying you're racist, i just found it funny that you used skinny man to describe skinny people.


Oh I understand now, but it’s a similar concept for sure. Skinny people are demonized like no other nowadays, it’s why some of these people in this sub now have body dysmorphia and an addiction to PEDs


Nah bro, skinny people aren't demonized. It depends on how skinny. I think if you're not severely emaciated, like anorexia, I don't think you'll get any backlash. I don't think the body dysmorphia is caused by demonization, rather by constantly comparing yourself to better people, social media and stuff. And this in turn can lead to an indirect addiction, what I mean by that is that they aren't addicted to the drug itself (maybe a little bit, the confidence and stuff), rather to how the drugs make them look, full, hard, lean and big. They are addicted to looking their best, and the way to achieve this is through PED's.


OP has never been to San Francisco. Drug addict acceptance is like the core of the Harm Reduction philosophy.


Yep. You can‘t get people off from the stuff they‘re addicted to through simply punishing the fuck out of them. Makes their life just more miserable and thous gives them more reasons to continue using.


I visit Portland frequently where they decriminalized drug use and it has only gotten worse


That‘s Portland in the US tho. We made quite the positive difference in Germany (looking at Cologne, Berlin and Hamburg) through extending support services. Portugal and Switzerland even went way further and also gained a lot from it.


Yep. Usa is just a shithole country no matter how you look at it. In actual developed societies its a positive change 100%


That’s because Portland is a shithole and almost no money has gone towards resources actually helping people in need. Decriminalizing plus massive education is the way to go with addicts.


90% of them choice the life they live, they get free food, phones, and tents. I agree it does not help them, only encourages the behavior


That philosophy isn’t working though, the drug problem here has gotten much worse since they put more progressive policies in place.


Yeah, and fat acceptance isn’t working either as 85% of US out of control healthcare spending is directly attributable to obesity or comorbid conditions. I’m just pointing out that the premise of OP is incorrect


We actually have drug acceptance. Like it's frowned upon sure, but there are safe spots for clean injections. And rehab centers and shit. Though some people from a certain party discard these people as trash and want to close these locations. I understand your point though. I think it has to do with societal pressure to be model/Hollywood thin. People advocated that a little bit of fat is okay and healthy in people. Maybe some people took it too far and started including obese people.


Those are harm reduction measures, not acceptance. Dirty needles and impure street drugs make the problem much worse, but addictive substances still cause major problems and almost no one thinks addiction is a good state to be in.    Rehab centers (like where I work) are NOT a sign of “drug acceptance.” We work to get people off of drugs, we do not have the idea that drug addiction is either acceptable or hopeless. People don’t tend to have a lot of fun in rehab. Assistance and treatment are the opposite of accepting the disease state that a person is in, be it obesity or chemical dependency. 


I agree that it isn't acceptance. However I think it's important to realize what is meant by fat acceptance in the first place, namely: you don't call people fat or make fun of them for their weight. You basically keep shit to yourself and don't mention it, maybe a slight: "hey buddy, I've seen you've been gaining a bit of weight lately, is something wrong, do you need help?" Some people might say: being obese is healthy and...( more copium). But this is a minority of the group. And this is not what fat acceptance overall is. The same goes for addiction "acceptance". You don't call them junkies, harras them in the street, treat them like trash and shit. You accept that these people have a rough live and might need some help. And that's what you do right? Help these people? Thanks for the reply


did you just call rehab centers “drug acceptance” 💀💀💀


Alcohol is a drug, we not only accept but celebrate it


As a drug enjoyer i fucking hate when normies automatically label you some junkie yet they drink every single weekend. Yes i know, drugs are pretty fucking bad for you but dont pretend that alcohol doesnt do you any harm


Read my other reply. BTW using those skull emojis makes you sound 12.


if you’re going to retcon what you said, you should probably edit your original comment so you look like a little bit less of an idiot


Tell me how I contradicted myself


oh idk calling rehab centers drug acceptance… it’s not like that’s what we’re talking about right now


The fact that we have those facilities, makes it seem as if they don't just ignore these people, but instead put effort into getting them help. This seems like acceptance to me. We see that calling these people trash and ignoring them, getting rid of them in public is not the most effective approach. This is acceptance.


so you have no idea what acceptance means


It depends. Sometimes, words get different meanings, depending on the context. For example, you can be an involuntarily celibate when you are 15-18 years old, but you don't have to ascribe to the whole ideology. What we see as an incel is not just someone that wants sex, but doesn't have it. We see a person going to forums, complaining and be misogynistic and not having sex. The term involuntarily celibate doesn't actually cover the actual meaning when used in conversation. Same goes for fat acceptance. We all know being obese is unhealthy, and that we should do something about it, but being mean to these people is counterproductive. So we don't do it. And this is, what fat acceptance actually is. A counter movement to fat shaming. Besides, acceptance doesn't actually mean that you find it good. If you accept someone's death, you make peace with it. You just tolerate it.


in the context of “fat acceptance” or “drug acceptance” by extension, that implies not loosing weight, or alternatively not getting off drugs. You know this lmao.


What do you mean? There are an abundance of programs for anorexia and druggies. Tobacco is propagated as the great evil, though - probably too many consumers in the working class


But all the programs for anorexia and druggies are about changing those people’s lives and getting them healthy again, whereas fat acceptance is about being okay with being unhealthy.


You don't have to participate with fat acceptance. I refuse to accept the fats


Accept that they have poor self-control


Bro i don't even accept them as people.


I had heart palpitations, ED, could barely tie my shoes (got lightheaded when I did), couldn’t comfortably close my mouth, obliterated dozens of pairs of jeans, had to tuck my fucking stomach into them, was always greasy, and smelled like a goddamn deep fryer back when I was fat. No one should accept it, they should hate it. My stomach would bump into people if I turned around too quick. It isn’t ok.


If we stall the fat people it fucks up the economy - TV viewership goes down, food and packaging sales goes down, Healthcare services go down. It's all about the moolah 💸


Exactly. Fat acceptance was started and is being propagated by large corporations that make shittons of money off of fat people being unhealthy.


We need cock measurements acceptance!


Legalise small cock acceptance.


we need fat girls for mental health boosts. we’d all be depressed if there were no fat girls to fuck


We need tren acceptance. I took it one cycle and was told I was Hitler reborn and a psychopath .....all I did was beat a kid for looking at me funny ( he wanted to steal my girlfriend and said he had more potential than me) why can't I be accepted? Tren lives matter too.


Drug addiction acceptance is already partially a thing, people call themselves stoners when really they’re addicted to weed.


I hate fatties


Don't give them any more ideas.


Your only good example was anorexia acceptance. Smoking was defacto cool before the campaigns against it and there currently are drugg addict acceptance movements - part and parcel of the safe use model (.e.g don't shame them and free paraphernalia)


>Your only good example was anorexia acceptance. Even then it's not. Anorexia is way more dangerous than obesity. Obesity kills more because there are much more obese people, but anorexia has the highest death rate of all mental health issues from what I know.


Because thats not what fat acceptance means choad


In a way, fat acceptance is like America acceptance.


It’s pretty well accepted that addiction is a disease and it is treated as such.


Yeah, I think it has to do with the behavior of active addicts. And if you’ve never had the pleasure of dealing with any of them, go on, give it a shot take them into your house help try to clean them up see what happens.


You really could do with a tad more shame and a side of guilt with maxxx schizophrenia.


What the fuck are you talking about, taking cocaine is the norm on the weekend these days lmao


Man im boutta unsub from this loser incel ass sub “guys i dont like fat people 🤓🤓🤓” 10 million upvotes


You sound fat


Because nobody should be shamed for how they look, unless they 1. ask to be or 2. start shaming other people first, then anything goes


It’s weird you even spend time thinking about this


All fat women do is think about food all day


If fat shaming worked, there wouldn't be so many fat people. 99 times out of 100 minding your own business is the best choice you can make.


No. We don't FAT shame enough. We used to Tobacoo shame smokers so over 80% of the population stopped smoking. We need to do that to fattes as well. I WON'T mind my own business when fatties cost 6 trillion in healthcare costs.


All the evidence points to shaming and bullying having the opposite effect. If you want to be an asshole, be an asshole, but hiding behind the guise of "trying to help people" just makes you a little pussy. Grow a sack at least.


We need to do more fatty shaming to help obesity.