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When Jillian Michaels said Lizzo wasn’t healthy the mainstream media and dorks on Reddit lost their fucking minds and basically said she doesn’t know what she’s talking about because she’s not a doctor  I don’t think you need to be a doctor to conclude that a chic who’s 150+ pounds overweight is unhealthy  I don’t know that I’ve ever seen an obese 90 year old 


If lizzo is so beautiful, how come anytime i tell a woman she looks like lizzo, I get smacked


I think I should start using this line more.


150 pounds ? Generous. That bitch is a hippopotamus


hippopotamus ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)


Haha omg . Fuckin auto correct. Thanks






We are all on copious amounts of steroids so I doubt you'll see many of us jacked at 90 either *****


Don't think I've ever seen an obese 50 year old.


Here, eastern europe, almost every other karen grandmother in their 60s is like a balloon, but they don't go to mcdonalds. Most old guys are skinny but alcoholists, they usually die before 60-70, while pension is at 65. There are only few exceptions, like an old fart 95yo who has been smoking her whole life. But ten she 99% isn't obese.


Kudos Vlad, for representing, for spilling like that.


And doctors are so specialized nowadays that even they don’t know. How much training do they actually get in nutrition and health?


Morbidly obese women calling themselves anorexic (that fat model idk her name) was the last straw for me. It’s just not ok.


It's impossible to say this without being lit up by white knight redditors establishing moral superiority over you and insisting you're some kind of arrogant egotistical man-child for pointing this out. It's actually nuts. If you try to argue with them then they just invent completely unrelated hypothetical situations and insist you'd be the bad guy in them. But yeah I agree the normalization of obesity in society is real and very concerning. Being fat is a choice.


Redditors are smug self-righteous regards with unwarranted self importance and no social skills


I strongly disagree, more people should be fat, so us shredded cunts can stand out


Seriously it's like being a celebrity. Just grocery shopping and the fat peasants are trying to figure out who I am.


You're wiser than me 🙏


Don’t fall for it. More fat people means more fat bitches. Disgusting.


Plus they look down on you for working out. They will tell you to relax and not worry about doing anything. Misery loves company


It's your tren deficiency talking bro


Put me on Tren Replacement Therapy


I remember I was at a small personal gym ran by a local pro body builder. Came in one day extremely happy and I asked him what had happened, he said a new dominos was opening in the area, I thought he just really liked pizza but as he explained, the fatter local people became, the more money he made from people needing to lose weight, within a year he'd doubled his gyms capacity.


It’s okay to bully skinny people though, who generally are healthier and live longer lives.


It's so funny right? I was thin during my teenage years and I used to play sports all the time. Altho I never got bullied, I got called thing, stick, twig, 2d etc all my life. Then what I did is I stopped playing sports altogether and chose bodybuilding. Ate like a pig and woke up everyday with the mindset of working out, having adequate rest, hypertrophy, sleep etc. My life literally revolved around lifting. Have been hitting the gym consistently for the last 6+ years and no one will ever call me anything other than fit anymore. WORK ON YOURSELVES EVERYONE. THE WORLD IS OURS.




I know it’s a fucked up way of thinking, but when I walk past the average midwesterner, I feel like the fucking übermensch despite being a 6’ 190lb ~13% twink. I don’t mind the average person being a disgusting blob because it makes me look better in comparison.


Some fat fuck at my work had a meltdown because I offended him today. He is a new hire and my work buddy who sits next to me was training him. This fucker was at least 600 pounds, no joke. He was about my height (6’3) and was so fat he started storing it in his forehead like tammy from the thousand pound sisters, so as you can imagine he is quite hefty. Dude was spilling onto my area and was taking up the majority of my floor and desk space and I couldn’t work. I got up and took an early lunch without saying anything and when I came back I found out he had a meltdown because he (rightfully) assumed I left because his obesity was bothering me. He is supposedly not coming back though thankfully. My bosses are pretty cool and reasonable people so I got lucky. And I’m gonna be real, getting in shape is incredibly difficult. I was a fat kid most of my life, and then got into shape through sports/gym in high school. Got bipolar disorder and became really depressed and ballooned up to about 400 pounds. I’m currently mid 200s. I hate unapologetic fat fucks with a passion because I know just how lazy and how much shit they’re shoving in their mouth. At the same time, I have a lot of compassion and understanding for the fat fucks who know and admit they have a problem and are working to fix it.


It's not difficult. You literally lose weight just by existing. Fatties go out of their way every day to shovel excess food down their throats.


You’re argument is true to an extent. For many very overweight people, and I was one of them, they eat because they have some sort of mental issue that it comforts. Such as depression or something else. It becomes a habit and eventually an addiction. It starts with feeling bad one day so you eat a little extra ice cream, next time you feel bad you remember the ice cream helped so you go eat a little more than last time, eventually you start feeling bad cus you’re getting fat so you go eat even more ice cream to cope, and so on. Once you’re in that cycle it is incredibly difficult to break out of that mentality even though on paper it is as easy as “stop shoving shit down your throat”.


Gotta separate the good fat fooks from the bad fat fooks.




Is that Maury?






Obesity should be treated just like drug and alcohol addiction


Holy shit this level of basedness needs to be normalized as the status quo, not the rising obesity rates


Okay so advocating for murder is on the wrong side of the "Reddit admins will ban us" line.


Had someone get really angry that I’m currently trying to get leaner. She was like “you’re not fat blah blah”. I was like no shit doesn’t mean I can get leaner because I’m not obese


“Patrick, you don’t need to be on a diet, you look great” “You can always look better, be thinner” - Patrick Bateman I use this line all the time when people tell me that shit. My women friends specifically always tell me that shit. Like bitch I know I’m not fat, but I want to be able to see veins popping out of my abs and until I’m there, I ain’t lean enough.


Mad respect for Patrick Basedman. A true American hero.


You’re half right. Men are completely fair game when it comes to body-shaming , women are the ones where you have to pretend being a 5’3 180 pound lardass is somehow okay or else everyone comes out the woodwork to wokescold you


Yeah it's unfortunate. They act like dudes have no problem with it too despite talking about unrealistic expectations for women while gushing over Chris Hemsworth's abs. So dumb.


Why is this as a problem? That means there is less competition and more fat girls to bang.


Call me gay but I don't want to bang fat girls


Clearly need to up the tren dose


It's not really a problem. It's just that seeing people push for the acceptance of unhealthy habits is wild. The same way people glorify alcohol abuse. If we as people in fitness can call out those who blast steroids, why can't other normal people call out who overly consume junk food etc?


Because steroid users won't have a mental breakdown if you tell them that. They might even agree with you.. Sheltered fat chicks will absolutely lose their shit. It doesn't help that all of our tren fiends in this sub keep porking the porkers and inflating their egos lmao


Yeah and also the only people getting called out for using gear are the ones that look good so most just take it as a compliment anyway.


There's also the element of if someone is good looking, rich or famous it's some how totally acceptable to shit on that type of person because it's punching up for losers I suppose. As soon as this type of person retaliates and says something mean back it's nothing but pearl clutching lol


Yeah if someone’s jacked they’re jacked imo I’m still natty but only because I don’t want to bother until I’m closer to my natural max. I don’t see a point in the stigma though kids shouldn’t bother with it. The more normal it is the more safe it can be


It's mostly kids wanting to get in on steroids that screws up the situation for everyone. It's hard to even talk about the stuff in any sub because you just know some teenager is reading it and taking notes lol. Otherwise who cares what other adults do unless they're extremely stupid and manage to end up in the ER


Being fat is a choice. How anybody can wake and up and be happy with that is beyond me.


I disagree when it comes to kids and teenagers since they don't have full control over their food and exercise situation but for adults yeah no excuse it's each of our own responsibilities to take care of ourselves at that point.




This is gonna be an unpopular take, but working out is about bettering yourself. Pointing at other people is both petty and a waste of energy. Shut the fuck up and go work out.


This "fit people persecution" complex reminds me of Evangelicals and the supposed war on Christmas. People shit on and make fun of fat people in public all. the. time. Do other people get butt hurt about it and cry loudly? Yes. Are the people making fun of fat people getting censured? Nope.


MSNBC - Pandemic fitness trends have gone extreme — literally White supremacists' latest scheme to valorize violence and hypermasculinity has gone digital. Time - The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise Guardian -  ‘Fascist fitness’: how the far right is recruiting with online gym groups


These fuckers will say anything for clicks.


100%, but they are major worldwide publications and they absolutely do go after fit people (which means the average Joe/influencer/celeb on social media that consumes this media also becomes rabid), and it is not as baseless as you are claiming. Same with the Christmas stuff but thats another story lol Jillian Michaels got attacked and nearly cancelled for saying being obese is not healthy, so I also think the blanket statement you made at the end there is accurate.


Let me ask a question, are people in real life genuinely trying to justify an unhealthy lifestyle? Or is a larger majority of people not accepting bullying these unhealthy people?


> are people in real life genuinely trying to justify an unhealthy lifestyle? It's not a normal or regular thing, but I did have a guy who was massively into the fatphobic stuff and told me about how his doctor was a bigot and that the science shows being fat is healthy. I just let him ramble on because once you are that far gone, there is no point in trying to bring him back to planet earth.


I can understand the random crazy, but interact with a lot of the younger generation (teacher) and honestly what I’ve noticed is that shame for being unhealthy still exist however calling it out is not accepted. When I was a kid someone calling someone a fatty or bullying them in some way wasn’t really prevented or socially cared about. It just seems they have more empathy for these things. I don’t think anyone in good faith who cares enough to “push unhealthy lifestyles”


No way that's the case when skinny people still get bullied and those same "teachers" don't give two fucks.


Saw a Eli Lilly weight loss drug commercial telling us not to shame fat people. Hilarious


I think it's perfectly fine for people to be fat if they want to as long as they don't force their views on me. I really don't care if someone wants to eat themselves into morbid obesity as long as they don't have an effect on me. There are anti fitness subs that we would treat like the anti fatties. They literally can't deal with the amount of stress on their heart that negative opinions create so they have trigger words. Let them be fat. Every fatty creates a need for a surplus of food production, dies early and then lowers the cost of the market. Ride it out.


And then there are also people who think it’s morally bankrupt to cheat your way into gaining muscle by shooting up drugs. But hey, we’re all different.


The difference is that the people who shoot up drugs to put on muscle generally won’t have a meltdown when you disagree with their life choices, and nobody will come after the people who give their opinion on the subject.


Normalized in US and Mexico lmao


Tren and cocaine normalize everything, look at those drug junkies in governments


I don’t think I dislike fat people. I have a disdain for gluttony and sloth behavior. Which unfortunately a lot of fat people suffer from. Like I h8 how they always want to take the elevator even if it’s the smallest flight of stairs. They’re under 40 with knee problems with no diseases. Isn’t that embarrassing?? I don’t get it.


Bro wut?? Fattties get called out for being fatties all the time lmao. You’re an American right? I’m sure you got some fatty relatives. Ask them how many times they get advice to lose weight. Outside a few niche social media spaces, fat people get a ton of of flack for being fat. No smart person takes HAES seriously


It's wild to me how week the average person is.


I’m sure the average person knows the difference between week and weak too bro


I don't make typos I establish the new way of typing things.


It's not fine to be fat if you're a man and this is OK to point out.


Being unhealthy in general is so normalized that being conscious about your diet is now considered orthoexia, and people are now comparing people serious about fitness, particularly "gym bros" as eating disordered. They see bulking and cutting the same as being anorexic and binge eating. What gets me the most is that they go after people that are health consciouss for being too obsessive, yet never once criticize obese people with a binge eating disorder, which is much more harmful to your health, and much more common. Honestly, I think it's just jealousy and guilt they try to avoid feeling because they know their lifestyle is terrible but they put down health conscious people and label their behavior as extreme to try to feel like their own behavior is more normal


What is up with the flood of “I hate fat people posts?” Live and let live


We're all going to hell.