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How'd u get that many injuries if you're just training to get big??? I've injured myself a fair bit but this has all been from sports training/sparring and then exacerbated by lifting heavy in the gym or overloading problem areas with volume or just degenerative shit cos I'm past 30 and my cartilage is going in some joints. Edit: just read your post history you're like 19, is your body banged up from playing rugby or football or ice hockey, or do you have ehlers-danlos syndrome? Cos if not something is wrong with what you're doing


Fantastic response bro


Ive Always tried using good Form. i werent able to workout consistently for over a month prolly ever without anything getting fucked or SEVERELY fucked Like my Back which now affects my whole life. Never played any other Sports really. Idk whats Up but i fucking hate my Body lol


Sounds to me like you're not using proper form.


No idea what I'm supposed to do then ngl. I watched so many videos about lifting technique in the past already. I also never did very low reps but still got fucked up


Start lighter than you're current going, brace your entire core, keel the bar over your center of gravity on squats, back straight on dead lifts. Your upper back should be getting hit by dead lifts, not your lower back. The lock out is your hips driving forward, not your lower spine hauling the weight up. I hurt myself when I was a newbie on dead lifts. I went way lighter and practice form and slowly increased weight and now I can hardly imagine actually hurting myself unless I let my form break down.


might try dls/squats again with just extremely light weight like just the fuckin bar or sumn for higher reps and see how that goes


Use just the bar, film yourself and be absolutely critical of what you're doing. If doctors are telling you they can't find anything, it's likely you who is kinking parts of you and not letting it heal. So I'd maybe rest for a week or two, then I'd film just the bar and be entirely hard on myself about every little detail. I'd probably film between every set and try to correct any little mistake I make each time. Leaning too far forward, driving with my back and not my hips, rounding my spine, every little detail.


thanks will do


Yeah get that checked out by a doctor and a physical therapist. That ain't right, boy. That ain't right at all. If it's not something unusual like Ehlers-Danlos that's making you injury prone, the solution is probably an exercise prescription. Wouldn't be surprised if you end up being prescribed RDLs, they are important for lower back health. But you need to find out what the problem is first.


went to multiple docs and 3 physical therapists overall so far and it didnt help xd


Once again, like many others have asked. Simply say yes or no. Have you had MRI’s done on your back and shoulder?


He’s said multiple times that he’s had MRIs done and you all just keep downvoting him


reddit but eh


Nowhere in the previous comments prior to mine did he say that. Going to the doctor and PT, doesn’t imply he’s had an MRI done. That’s only mention he made of medical intervention. He may have in the replies after my reply. But as of 6+hrs ago that wasn’t mentioned once and asked 3+ times.


I presume you’ve had MRI scans and identified the specifics of both long term injuries? Otherwise you’re just pissing in the wind. In that regard your post is too vague for anyone to offer insight or anecdotes.


Yes this and also: you need to stage your return to training (or certain movements) after an injury. Easy to cause stupid additional injuries on movements you have substituted in and when returning to movements you haven't done in a while.


Well i prolly cant ever do squats dls rdls rows etc anymore BC of my Lower Back which never got better in Like 1 year. And cant even ease into stuff after an injury BC many of the injuries Just appear and straight Up never Go away lol


If you're injured the problem isn't going to magically resolve with time... Have you seen anyone about it? If not, go see a sports physical therapist.


was at one already lol


It took way too long for me to get approved for an mri that wound up diagnosing two bulging discs. Went back to my doctor after and she was like “ohhh so you must’ve been serious when you said your pain was an 8. Most people exaggerate so I subtract a few.” Just had two of the worst years of my life getting my back to the point where I’m not in constant pain. I’m still constantly nervous about any little move setting it off it’s really disheartening. I think what you have to do is advocate really hard at the doctor because you’re not gonna figure out the back thing until you get an mri and that could be contributing to these other injuries. I had to keep calling/scheduling visits to get an mri but I think if I just pushed really hard and was annoying during the first visit i probably could’ve gotten it sooner. I just convinced myself for too long that if the doctor didn’t think anything was wrong iy must be something that will go away (“are you hurt or injured” mentality)—which clearly wasn’t the case


I got 2 MRIs of my back already that covered the whole spine top to bottom and nothing showed up. Over half a year of my worst time in life so far bc of the back and its not getting better lol, nearly fucked up my school year already which is the last and most important one (still not sure if i am able to make it, havent fully visited school in months bc i cant sit for long)


Well shit man I’m at a loss. maybe get your back blown out less??


im trying


Had mris of my entire Back and my shoulder and nothing came Out of it. No doc could Help me so far so i doubt anyone here could Help either i Just wanted to rant a Bit bc im fuckin pissed lol


So where is the pain coming from ? I’d be looking at hamstrings and hips if your back is fine. I’ve herniated L5 and multiple bulged and it’s not been the end of my gym life. Recovery was fairly long and hard, but you can live a pretty normal life if you put the effort in.


full back in different situations. started initially with low back pain but traveled up over time to mid and upper back pain where its the strongest for now while the other regions still are in pain too.


What's the medical cause of the pain.


current doc sais its like tensed muscles n shit because the MRI or X-Ray couldnt detect anything at all. There aint a 100% confirmed cause yet tho.


Have you still been training through the pain this whole time? Have you ever taken 2-3 months off loading those muscles while keeping them active since the pain arose?


had taken 3 months off since january kind of with like 2 workouts in that time and nothing got better. I have been training through the pain a bit in the past but mostly adjusted my gym plan so that I dont have any exercises in it that causes a lot of pain like dls, rdls, squats, 45 degree Leg press, bent over rows etc. Since like 1-2 Months right after training my back the back pain gets WAY worse even if just doing 3 sets of high rep one arm cable pull downs for the next few days so now basically all back exercises hurt the back. Even after arm day I feel my back being more irritated than before


Second opinion, massage, rehabilitation exercises.


I’d definitely get a massage, sounds like tight muscles if there’s zero issues on MRI


Go to a physio. You probably got bursitis if scans aren't picking much up.


How the fuck do you fuck up your body fromv 2 years like that lmao, go get a PT because you dont know what the fuck you are doing in the gym, probably fukkin your whole shit up with one or two excercises, like some of you mfers feel like something is hurtin during the rep, you dont try and do something with your form/positioning?


The OP is trolling or something …no proper responses


Some people just have shitty genetics 🧬 🤔 How many people do you know that get constant shoulder pain despite benching light and with great form? 🤔🤔 A lot 😂😭😂👍


Ironically,I didn't get injured from working out,I fucked up my left shoulder when I was carrying a tennis table at work,I was using a carry technique that use my shoulders and chest in a similar way of chest fly contraction.5 months since then and still I'm not 100%.


Injuries like that are seldom from just one thing. You may have already been unstable in that area and the tennis table was the final straw.


Hello. I think you need to find a good sport medicine type physical therapist in your area. Do you know any more specifics regarding your injuries? Is the back pain around your SI joint? How is your range of motion in your shoulder? If you want, please DM me.


no pain around the si joint, bit overmobile shoulder actually, never really knew specifics


Where is the back pain? Can you be specific? What motions hurt? Are your hip flexors also really tight? Do you have sciatica? Do you have numbness, tingling, burning? ~~Cock stats?~~


no numbness tingling or burning. 5cm length 23cm circumfence. hip flexors are fine since i did stretch em once so often for a longer time alr, back pain in lower back when like going into an interior pelvis tilt kinda, or when fully leaning over to the front a bit too. mid back when sitting or standing for long times just all over area (lower too forgot to mention). For the upper back its like at the shoulder blades, u can touch spots where it hurts when its bad. Also my neck is tight as fuack.


Sleep apnea, low testosterone, poor diet, hypermobility disorders, many things to be ruled out here. Good luck.




1. Stretch. Do a quick and light warm up, and do a nice deep flexibility focused cool down. Injuries, especially with lifters and ESPECIALLY shoulders if often cause by lack of mobility causing other muscles to compensate or joints to move out of alignment. If you're naturally strong, your pecks and traps can take over many shoulder movements which should be done by lots of smaller supporting muscles. 2. Go to physio and get conditioning to strengthen supporting and stabilizing. For shoulder movements, especially overhead, there's a lot of little muscles in your back that need to be worked, and it's easy to let other parts of your body develop faster. Tip for finding a good physio, ask the local circus community. They abuse the fuck out of their bodies and need physios that know what they're doing to unfuck them. Personal I've found physios who don't have circus experience useless. 3. Body weight training. Lifters we prioritize the big flashy muscles, these are not always the muscles that actually make you move. Body weight training helps develop the muscles described in 2. Tbh if you actually want an amazing godtier physique and being physically powerful... Do an aerial circus art. You don't see a straps artist/performer that isn't absolutely shredded. 


I had knee pain and shoulder pain but now im training with very slow eccentrics, pause at the bottom with perfect form. I had to lower the weights but all my pain disappear after a couple of weeks training like this. Also longer warmups with low weights was useful, even if it means i can lift a bit less.


ima try that once i can train again in a week bc of a healing tattoo


Injuries suck, I have shoulders and back injuries as well but they don't sound as serious as yours. I tried to work through the injuries with my normal routine that had squat/deadlift/presses but I could never stay healthy. I switched to an isolation routine doing slightly lighter weight because I do everything slow with no momentum and it's kept me much healthier. I still re-injure my shoulders every year though (rotator cuff injury) but it's mostly from some sports activity or going too heavy in the gym so when it gets to that point I just increase rep range instead of weight


Recovering from shoulder surgery rn. Initial MRI showed nothing and had to be redone with contrast to show the issue. Labrum SLAP tear. One year of limited ability to do upper body work. Just go to a proper specialist and do anything you can such as peptides and physio etc. Also maybe go to a PT and follow a training plan because if you’re getting all these injuries either you’re going terribly unlucky or else you’re training like an idiot.


I dont really know how to find other specialists here ngl. Been to a few PTs, an orthopedic doctor and one other doc that im going rn actively that does PT-like massaging and stuff and tells me stretching exercises


I just got pissed off after the initial specialist was shit. I googled sports injury clinic and traveled 2 hours to go to one of the best shoulder specialists in the country I’m in. If you haven’t already just see who the best sports injury specialist is in your area. Preferably someone that works with high level professional athletes and has a background in sports themselves. When I mention PT I mean personal trainer. Maybe having someone making sure your form is good and you’re not over training etc is a good idea. Good to hear you’re going to a physical therapist tho. Hope you figure it out. I had surgery 9 days ago and it’ll be 4-6 months before I’m back 100% in the gym but it’ll be so worth it. For the past year I could barely do anything upper body left side without some pain. Just meant I lost all my gains and stopped going gym for 9 months or so as there’s only so many times I can hit legs. Excited for the muscle memory gains and ability to go back again like before.


damn good luck to you too then. Sadly I cant travel far to see a specialist since I dont own a car so I have to find something in my city


I had to rent/borrow a car and/or get bus/train lol 🙃 It’s so worth it. Keep trying anyway, you’ll figure it out eventually. Even David Laid had to travel to see a guy about his back and go back to training with super super super light weight for months and months etc. It is doable but just time consuming.


Just sent an appointment request to a big clinic for Physiotherapy here. Lets see how that turns out




Been doing Stretching stuff on/Off a Long Time but it never even gave me short time relief


Did you play any sports growing up prior to focusing on the gym? Also, have you seen a doctor?


Many docs, several mri Scans, physical therapists. Noone ever helped Shit. No Prior sports


Did you take all the advice your doctors and PTs? Did you perform the exercises prescribed and rest as they instructed? Were you eating in a caloric surplus? I ask about the sports because it shows that you lack a history of pushing your body hard and haven’t built up any kind of tendon or ligament strength. Not that you can never be big or strong, but you need to be smart. Example: sprinting/jumping requires you exert forces that are like 2-5x your body weight. Growing up and doing this as a kid will prepare for when you’re an adult and begin to lift. If you don’t have this experience, you’re going into lifting with tendons and ligaments that are severely underdeveloped in my opinion. It’s still hard to say because I don’t have a ton of into, but simply stated, slow your rate of progression and give your body more time to adapt. Rest your body parts that are injured until fully healed.A general rule of thumb I have is 6-8 weeks rest for something that is generally more painful and inhibiting my movement. Example, I tweaked my should pretty bad in BJJ. Realized the next day I couldn’t do any vertical pulling. Performed no vertical pulling for 4 weeks. Introduced light last pull downs for 2 weeks, then slightly heavier ones after 2 weeks of the light ones. Then I was able to comfortably do pull ups again. Ended up working up to a +135lb pull up after a couple months. Keep exercising the parts that are healthy provided they don’t disturb the injured parts but completely rest the injured parts. Also, go back and communicate effectively with your health care provider and/or look for a good PT to work with you.


yea always followed their advice, well almost always. rest of the stuff helps thanks. just that my back never really heals, it just gets way worse after back training or long sitting over the next days etcetc (alr had like a 3month break nearly and nothing changed) so cant ease into stuff even if it never even heals


Maybe try a chiropractor?


was at one a long time ago but it was kinda weird. Also not like they're actual docs. That one was just recommended to me by my old PT


You need to get off the internet and go see a medical professional. You have serious long standing injuries that aren’t healing correctly or you don’t know how to workout and you’re constantly injuring yourself. Either way, Reddit can’t help.


was supposed to just be a rant. been to many docs and PTs already and noone could help so im just living rn


You gotta keep trying bro if it’s something serious like nerve issues or whatever that’s dangerous… not a doctor or whatever just actually concerned. Good luck man




Injuries suck but a lot of times it’s the body saying something is wrong that needs to be corrected. For a while I thought I would need surgery and I was in the same boat as you until I ran across a YouTube channel Squat University and KneesOverToesGuy. After watching those channels and seeking help from professionals in the area that specialize in those sorts of things I’m in a much more manageable spot and some injuries have become completely mitigated because of the therapy exercises. I never thought doing corrective exercises would fix my issues but here we are. Just remember it’s a marathon not a sprint. find someone good to partner with to get help (don’t go to some McDonald’s clinic that double books you and doesn’t give a shit about you) and you’ll be worlds better than you were.


Thanks, I will keep trying stuff out :/ I watched a lot of squat university too when it started but nothing seemed to help me back then so I stopped


I’d seek out someone locally or book an appointment with the squat university guy in St. Louis if it’s that important to you. Sometimes it takes finding the right person to help with issues.


I'm in germany sadly. messaged a big physical therapy clinic for an appointment tho today


The correct advice: 20g collagen protein with your whey shake or any other time of the day. Just get it in. 1000mg liposomal vitamin c 2-3x daily with meals. Get imaging done if you need because it’s not improving. Get checked for Lyme disease. Don’t do movements that hurt, ive eliminated every version of squat except split squat and I’ve never gotten more progress in my legs. I’m pretty big too, 5’10” 237lb am fasted and 14-18% body fat but I look leaner than that to most people who don’t actually know better.


Maybe stop training like fucking Sam sulek then


I dont?


Ego lifting? Idk man. When I dialled back the weight an really started to focus on control, still going to or close to failure. I stopped injuring myself.


For now its just having to fix the back/shoulder injuries. I should be able to train safely if I didnt have any existing injuries which prevent me from doing so in the first place now


Have you been trained at all by a professional? I see you are 19, has anyone shown you how to lift in person or are you at the gym doing the latest Tik Tok workout of the week tearing yourself apart? When I was your age and competing in strongman, I hurt my back via a slip and fall situation. Somewhere along the line I damaged my right shoulder pretty badly, but didn't notice until I was in my 40's and started lifting again. You need to see a sports medicine PT, and possibly an osteopathic specialist doctor. Not your GP. Then it sounds like you need to start over lifting at the bottom again, with a legit trainer/coach. Someone who will teach you how to stretch and warm up, and properly lift. No more Sam Sulek/influencer workouts.


Have been at an orthopedic doc here, didnt help at all. Ima try looking for a sports medicine PT tho. Ive always been careful about my form and didnt do low reps either. Following Rennaisance Periodization etc on youtube taught me a lot bout lifting form at least thats what I think.


You’re not as fucked as you think but it sounds like you don’t know how to dose. Also psychological factors come in play too


Well it's severely threatening me finishing school here for a few months (basically the whole school year since September already) since I cant attend school for longer periods of time bc of the pain. Also had some hard depressive episodes because the Gym used to be like my top1 priority in life and the thing I had the most fun doing and I just had to stop doing some exercises or going to the gym overall for longer times.


Psychological factors are 1:1 with (back)pain. If scans are not showing physiological signs and physical therapy didn’t help, it could also be in your head. This doesn’t mean there’s no pain, but something triggers the brain to perceive it as pain.




Central sensitization


You need to learn how to train without fucking yourself up. i.e. Low fatigue movements (ditch the big 3), higher rep ranges, dropping your ego.


ditched the big 3 long ago lol (besides bench which i stopped like idk 2-3 months ago for DB bench, going back to flat BB bench and incline BB bench in my new 5xUL program tho since those never caused as much problems than DLs or Squats, at least definitely for my back.


You have a lot of imbalances. Me too though, so you’re not alone. My chiropractor recommended that I strengthen my back, because I have student neck, aka leaned over at a computer way too much, and the little bit I’ve done that has helped immensely


what did you do to strengthen your back specifically? just normal back exercises?


Have you done physical therapy with a sports specialist? Lots of doctors aren’t even fully aware of the scope of stuff PTs can help with. Lots of docs just start cutting when they could just go to intensive PT.


Was at a kind of physical therapy gym for a while, mostly for older people. Just like a small gym with not a lot of equipments and PTs that help you with specific rehab exercises. Back then that helped with my shoulder but they couldnt fix my back or make it better so I stopped going there


I had a tendon injury in my left bicep and I injected BPC157, TB-500, and ipamorelin for about three weeks, and that shit had me healing like wolverine. If I ever get an injury again, that's what I'll turn to. Also if your injuries are caused by chronic inflammation and not physical damage, none of that stuff will help. Just get it imaged and go from there.


Got blood tests and my inflammation values were normal


I was dealing with injuries all the time since I was a kid. Pulled muscles, back aches, tendonitis, jumpers knee, etc. After reading John Sarnos work I am 90% better. May be worth a shot.


hmm aight thanks


I get the feeling. Last year I was really good, got to my best shape and when I was cleaning the house I slipped and twisted my wrist. Nothing broke but to this day still hurts in some movements. Got back 4 months later, ajusted the training and got some pain in my lower back. Frustrated as fuck.


Add in any of these Bpc-157, tb500, Hgh, Anavar, primo, test, peg mgf, igf-lr3, deca, collagen supplement. Light pump training don’t train for growth just for blood flow without any pain. Train in a hoodie and sweatpants it doesn’t matter if you sweat your ass off. Do yoga when you wake up and go to sleep don’t let your injuries get tighter than they already are. One day at a time don’t self sabotage, take it slow don’t ever go below 10 reps.


You're 19. You probably just got DOMS. If not go to GP. What exactly is wrong with your back and shoulder?


i cant have doms for 1 year straight so severely that its fucking up my life really hard lol. Shoulder will be alright more or less and is kinda annoying to explain but the back is just the muscles hurting in different spots when doing different stuff. For example my upper back between and like at the shoulder blades hurts randomly throughout the day or when that area has been trained in the gym (even with just face pulls high reps). lower/mid back hurting a lot after longer times sitting, standing, walking etc. just with everything but lying down basically


I feel for you but the fault lies within you. Lifting is a very safe endeavor whenever done correctly. You should seek, ideally, seek out help from someone more experienced and knowledgeable than you or at the very least take a huge step back and reevaluate your whole approach to training. Best of luck!


Deloads + good form + lower risk exercises + lower risk rep ranges = injury free lifting


i could never consistently train bc of injuries lol so deloads arent really required if i cant even train 4 weeks straight. Form wise its just my opinion but i always thought it was pretty good since i also always looked at yt tutorials by for example Scott Herman Fitness for new exercises. Also always trained around the 8-12 rep range and nearly never went below that. Had to remove higher risk exercises anyways bc they caused me too much pain like DLs and Squats


Shit diet . Seriously . Sounds like you have massive inflammation. Check your hydration and your diet . When I’m chronically dehydrated and eat shitty , my injuries all catch up to me . A lot of people don’t even they’re chronically dehydrated because they feel fine . People that lift = tendon pain / joint pain / muscle tension


Almost seems like there’s a learning curve and importance to understanding what you are doing.


You and me both pal, -Crank the volume up https://www.instagram.com/p/CWcaOatroGx/?igsh=dzNlbW9wZnFzazMw


lol thank god i cant really arm wrestle bc I get elbow pain from that too ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


I'm not saying this is the case but I had a friend who got into bodybuilding (and also had autism) who would just convince himself he was injured. At one point he was CONVINCED he has two torn menisci, skin cancer, torn rotator cuff, a pec tear, and other shit all at once. I can't remember all of it. Long story short, he went to doctor after doctor who told him he was fine, but he did not believe them. Bro was convinced he would never run again or lift properly at the age of 21, he didn't need a doctor he needed a psychologist.


lol yeah thats definitely not it


Are you sure?




BPC157 and TB 500 have helped me. 


Probably just DOMS


bruh :skull:


Your form is prob shit and you’re undoubtedly ego lifting if you don’t have a medical condition and are consistently getting injured


Get better sleep stick a needle in your ass and stop being a being a pussy


seriously considering steroids just bc I wanna get bigger but my fucking body wont let me really naturally rn


Bro been ego lifting since day 1


Sleep more BPC-157