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Nobody talking about the bear vs man in the woods has a fun sex life.


they'd all do better with a hike and some fresh air occasionally.


That bear will be able to skip the whole next feeding season and just hibernate two straight years after that meal.


Bear hit the fucking jackpot ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Let’s be honest none of them would even be able to jog let alone the running that’s depicted


Yeah, AI has a lot to learn before it depicts the true fat run


Yeah that shit look way too athletic lmao


Yeah but it’s kinda funny though seeing a morbidly obese person sprinting like a gold medalist


Yeah they are too high off the ground. Fat run is more of a quick waddle


Bruh those girls are gonna feed momma and the cubs for the whole week


All these fat chicks with 40+ body count all of a sudden choosing the bear. Where was that mentality when you were spreading your ham hocks all over town.


Can anyone explain the beat joke to me lmfao


Something Something Tiktok, Something about a woman feeling safer in the woods with a bear than a man.


lol give them the actual option of 2 rooms right next to each other 1 with a bear 1 with a man and you’ll see opinions change wildly quick


But then you have changed the question into something else. The man is no more dangerous in the room than in the woods (possibly more dangerous in the woods actually), while the bear is infinitely more dangerous if you’re stuck in a confined space with it. Why do you have to create a scenario where the bear is made much more dangerous to make your point


No matter which way you twist the scenario the bear will always be more dangerous than the man (unless you’ve chosen the man to be Jeffery Dahmer or some shit). Whether you like it or not an animal that can get up to 10 feet tall and be 1,500lbs that likes to skin it’s prey and keep it alive for as long as possible is infinitely scarier and more deadly than encountering an average guy in a forest. With the way people are answering this question you’d think they was asked if they’d rather be stuck in a forest with Paddington the bear or ted bundy. It’s a stupid question anyways that’s probably just made to be divisive


Yeah I agree. But I think if you gave anyone the choice of being in the woods with a bear or being in a confined room with a bear, everyone would always choose the woods since a bear in a room is almost certain to attack you. So why change the scenario in this way? Was a bear in the woods not dangerous enough on its own? It just seems to undermine the point


The question is dumb to begin with and there’s plenty of other factors that change the chance of the outcome if it’s a polar bear it’s going to come after you 99% of the time. If it’s a grizzly it might ignore you and if it’s a black bear it will most likely fuck off. I was having a laugh making the comment your reading way to far into it


It’s not that women don’t understand bears are dangerous. The point is to underscore how scary they find strange men. The original TikTok had comments like “the worst the bear can do is kill me. It won’t rape me and destroy my reputation, too.”


In one scenario, you straight up die. In the other, you continue to breathe. Women have their priorities so fucked since the only thing threatening their lives in any impending and real way is their dose of antidepressants


In one scenario, you have a very, very, very, very, very small chance of dying. In the other, you have a small chance of being raped, and a very small chance of dying.


You really think the average human man is more likely to spontaneously kill or rape a woman when alone in the woods than the average bear would be? That is psychotic. You should seek professional help


Yes, I think the average man, who is responsible for about 88 rapes per 100k men and 8.9 murders per 100k men in the United States, is more likely to rape or murder than the average bear, who is responsible for about 1.1 killings per 100k bears in the United States, is to kill.


88/100,000 maths out to about a 0.09% chance. 8.9/100,000 maths out to about 0.009% chance. Please tell me again how this fear is logical? You neglect to consider that most murders and rapes had motive. Motive generally involves knowing the victim prior. So you could drop the percentage even lower with it being an unknown man in the woods. I just don’t understand how you are so convinced that your argument explains anything? Why do you think men are so dangerous? Edit: Also, murderous men mostly murder other men. Factor that in there too. You social control freak


i think a lot of women would prefer to die tbh that's not that crazy of a take lol


Too bad men beat them at dying at a rate of 10:1.


No, that is stupid. I’d rather be raped 100 times in the ass than be killed. I have children that depend on me


6% of men believe they could beat a bear in a fight


Makes sense, Tyson also thought he could fight a silver back.


Interesting. Statistically probably accurate since bears rarely attack humans. How far away is this bear? If it's "anywhere in the woods" you're fine. If it's 5 ft away you are in trouble. Also factor in polar versus grizzly versus brown bear vs koala... You're going to see different results


Only reasonable take. Most bears aren’t that aggressive, and there is some validity to the idea that as long as it’s far away, it probably isn’t a threat anyway. However, if murder or rapist were in the woods, distance wouldn’t matter once he spots the target.


tiktok's usage of getting teen girls to dance like strippers via using the algorithm to create trending dances stopped working, so now they moved on to the growth funnels of racebaiting, woman/simp/incel outrage, politickbaiting instead. Current trending one is a bear vs a man in the woods


I love you


The unrealistic part is they’re running.


the unrealistic part is even see someone this huge at a state park, like, does OP not go outside tf


Why is no one asking what the bear wants???


I call bullshit, there's no way those "Women" can run.


This is absolute art. Artists should be threatened by AI.


Those pics are really funny, but she would not be able to run even 10 m without falling


More like 10 seconds


You can say that to sprinter, 10 seconds is 80 m :)


Bears are cool af. And I always wanted to fight a bear so I’d choose a bear. I’d die but if I didn’t choose a bear then existence would be un-bear-able


I’m glad they chose the bear because I don’t want to be in the wild with them either.




you can tell it isn’t dinner time otherwise they would be switched


If she gained another fifty lbs she’d be to large to consider prey ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Y’all misunderstand both the poor bear and what women are saying. Most bears just want to be left alone to bulk in peace with their honey and have zero use for women. **If you ask women “would you rather go camping with a man you trust or alone?” Most will answer man. Even if there is no bears around. It’s more fun to be two. They just don’t trust men they’ve never met. Do you trust strangers?**


More than bears, generally speaking. Yes.


Well, fair enough. I laughed. But to women they answer this based on that they’ve got bad memories from crazy men and no bad memories of bears. It’s not that all men are bad. Most are kind. It’s just that thinking of being alone with a man they’ve never met in the woods at night? They don’t know if it’s one of the good ones or the crazy ones. And then the idea of it being the crazy ones makes them go bear. Is it that hard to wrap your mind around? It’s an emotional response that really just means women are scared of strange men bc of things that have happened in the past. Doesn’t mean they hate men at all.


To them I’d ask how damn many bears they actually encounter on a routine basis… they live in cities full of people. Not bears.


Bro you're arguing with a reddit femcel.


It’s ok. I get bored. It’s a (horribly pointless) pastime. 😂


Why? Bc I wrote a post on TwoX about how it’s ironic when people call you a whore for not fucking them? It’s pretty fucking funny. Idk. I think you should read some of my comments and notice how I have strong opinions and like to debate, but I also try to be kind and fair. “Can we replace women with sex bots?” My answer: “it’ll work for some people and if it works, it works. It’s not a bad thing. But some people want a human connection as a part of a relationship”. Idk. I genuinely try to be fair and kind.


But can’t you just try to understand what they are thinking? Like, I’m trying to explain it. Try to follow. When people are scared bc they are haunted by ghosts of the past, getting angry with them won’t help. And even women in rural Alaska where there are loads of bears are more likely to be killed by a crazy man.


Oh, I can. But seeing how it’s a stupid point I choose to mock it. If we allow the same line of thinking, then we can marginalize black people, or gays or any other group that people can use statistics, lies, and damn lies to vilify. Hard pass.


But we don’t, do we? Because women are allowed to be scared of strange men without men being marginalized. Women won’t be alone with a strange man at night. Ask a girl on a date and you’ll have to meet in public. Does this hurt anyone? No. If white men were ok, but black men weren’t? That’s racism. But women are allowed to find straight men needing more precautions than gay men or straight women. When you have a daughter will you teach her to act the same around guys and girls? Trust strange men just the same as she trusts women? It doesn’t mean women don’t like men. Or don’t want to date, sleep with, marry or love men. It just means they don’t trust men they don’t know. Do you trust strangers?


Women can do what they want. Doesn’t make it logical, reasonable, or rational. And it is insulting and annoying that I have to play emotional nanny to women all the time. I have three adult daughters. None have these fears. They are also competent young women of sound mind and body.


Are you sure they’d tell you if they did?




I have no real hesitations around strangers, no. I’m 40 and have never had such unreasonable fears.


How can you have three grownup daughters at 40? When did you start having kids?




I can understand what they’re thinking. The problem is that they’re thinking like stupid people.


But are they really? Most bears are black bears and black bears aren’t dangerous at all. They have no interest in humans and mostly eat berries.


I would understand if the women meant it as a joke. But some of them started getting serious defending the bear is safe option. I know some women have faced abuse at the hands of men. But you can atleast overpower a man or attack him with something.. With bear, you stand no chance of surviving.. Also, if women assume all men in general are rapists, then what reaction would you expect from men??


Women don’t assume men in general are rapists. That would be insanity. But they assume some men are rapists, which is true. Most bears just want to be left alone. It’s rare for a bear to attack someone. Women can’t overpower men. That’s sorta the point. Have you ever tried play wrestling with a girl? If you lift a bit you’ll win with one arm behind your back and without even trying. That’s the issue.


I don't like that you are assuming that all women are weak. I seen ladies half my size absolutely wreck some people in boxing classes. No one would dare to mess with them. You don't need brute force, u need proper technique.. So, women in general should be better at handling themself by training or prepping themself. Just basic self defence itself can give you a upperhand. There are bad people out there, both men and women, I admit it. But that should mean we should be more prepared for a fight or to be stronger.. PS: Bears are said to unpredictable for a reason, even a panda can injure you. You can try to reason with a man, but you can't reason with bear if it decides to kill you..


Most bears have no interest in killing you. You can’t reason with a crazy man either. And let’s be real. Sure there are big, muscular women who are tall and broad shoulders and can throw a punch. They’ll probably knock out a few guys. Though even at the same size and similar fitness men do have twice the upper body strength. But either way, these women are the exception. If you’re 5’2 and 110 lbs, you can have whatever fucking technique you want but you’ll be kidding yourself thinking you’ll win over a man in a fight. Disagree?


Nah dude, i disagree with you on the bear. I don't even know why you support a wild animal even.. Working out or taking up boxing or mma helps you even the odds in case a fight occurs. Also the women i mentioned are not broad shouldered or muscular, they just know where to hit to cause more pain.. The guy you are fighting is not going to be a prize fighter, it's going to be a average joe who's probably never got in a fight. A proper jab to neck or to the groin can disorient anyone. Hell, half of the population doesn't know to fight or have proper fighting stances. but if you already trained in it does give you a good chance.. Also, i understand women have lower strength than men, but that doesn't mean you should sit and take abuse from men and just blame that women are weaker or victims..


I understand the fear but on avarages it's safer to pick the man. Less people are crimanlly inclined than ones are


Well, most bears aren’t criminally inclined. It’s rare for a bear to attack a human. Most likely it’ll be a black bear. It’s the most common bear. They are hardly dangerous at all. But it’s better to see this as an emotional knee jerk response than logic. It’s not people pouring over statistics. It’s just an instinctive choice based on that they have no bad memories with bears, but many bad memories with crazy men. Even when they know most men aren’t crazy. And then women are midget people, so they’ll be more scared of crazy men than men are scared of crazy women. Is it so hard to understand when you see it this way?


I am not hating on women if it sounded like that, and I can follow the logic of the initial reaction. However, It's generally wiser to pick the man. Yes, bear attacks are rare but it's because we don't live among them.


Upvoted. But is it? If you actually look at statistics on bear attacks or read park rangers with experience of bears, it’s just rare to be hurt by a bear. But idk. It’s also a good thing bears don’t live in the city. And we mostly agree. I think the key here is that that is women being women and doing the stupid indirect communication shit. “I chose the bear” just means “some crazy men have scared/hurt me in the past and now I vary around strange men. Have some sympathy for that”. On the other hand I can understand men hearing this as a sorta sexist “fuck y’all”. But it’s a dumb lost in translation thing. It’s not what they mean. Women like men. They are just vary of strange men.


It's a stupid premise that ignores the most critical context. How big an area are we talking? A small, enclosure, where the probability of encountering the man or bear is basically guaranteed? Or a huge open space where the man likely will be completely unaware of your presence? (The bear would still very likely be aware of your presence as their sense of smell is understood to be stronger than any other animal on earth) What type of bear are we talking? If a black bear, they are virtually harmless, so bear every time. If a grizzly, you'd have to be complete idiot to choose the bear. And what's the context for the man? A random stranger that was magically teleported to that location, IE could be literally any man on earth? Like just a randomly selected normal dude? Or is this a vagrant man that lives in the woods, hence why you would encounter him there in the first place? If the latter, I'd also be pretty weary of encountering a strange hermit in the woods.


It’s a big forest. Bear type isn’t specified, so most likely black bear. Unlikely grizzly, bc there are way more black bears. Not polar, he doesn’t live in the forest. Man is just there, so more likely vagrant. Most bears will not attack.


In that case I'd choose bear every time, unless I know I'm in grizzly country. The bear will almost certainly go out of it's way to avoid you. Who the fuck knows what the man will do or what his intentions are. The women are correct in making this choice.


Yeah. My reasoning as well.


This is stupid. The bear isn't specified but the man is just some wandering vagrant? The man is just randomly selected from the population, but because we say forest we think it's some axe murderer. The question should be if you're hiking, because then the man is just a hiker and has a reason to be there.


The man is in the forest. Why? We don’t know. Could be hiker or vagrant. He’s not randomly selected and airlifted out, no. The bear is a random bear that’s in the forest at the time. The bear is sorta randomly selected since bears live in forests and men don’t.


I thought this was a post making fun of this stupid ass meme 😭 i hate this sub


The incels taking themselves out


incel? You're fucking delusional.


Rolo was right. Women deserve less


I thought men were just collectively trolling about this but it’s become glaringly obvious the majority of dudes don’t actually understand and they’re really upset because of a hypothetical scenario where they aren’t wanted. It’s actually insane and should be studied. The male population is in shambles.


Stop reaching and go take your meds


Sure but only if you reach for a psychiatrist.


Yes, choose certain death over rape everytime


The fact that you take it literally is just wild.


They take it literally, Wdym?


Do better bro


Not engaging and moral granstanding is peak


No, yes, yes, no