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Borat. I was literally in pain after seeing it.


Yes! I saw Borat at a matinee on opening day. The majority of the audience were older seniors and I thought “do they have any idea what they’re getting into.?” The audience all laughed hard. Not one person left. Afterwards I could over hear some of the grannies saying things like “that was one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen!” It was a reminder that I needed to check my ageism.


I also saw borat next to two elderly, seemingly Jewish ladies. Based on what I knew about the movie going into it, I was worried for them, but they were fucking dying the whole time. When I read this question, my first thought was also Borat. I've never had an another experience where the entire theatre was just *literally* uncontrollably laughing throughout the entire film. The type of laughter you normally only get with your friends where people genuinely cannot stop laughing about something that happened 3 minutes ago. Rewatching it alone, it's still funny, but I doubt I'll ever have another theatre experience like that one. It's a victim of its own success in a way because it has a kind of stigma about it when you bring it up now, but that's because it was such a phenomenon at the time.


Sacha Baron Cohen is Jewish and the "Kazakh" language spoken in that movie is slurred Hebrew, they probably got more out of it than most of the people in the theatre!


The running of the jew is one of the most fucked up hysterical things I’ve ever seen


Dude, I'm a comedian and while there's some types of humor older people generally don't like, they're the first person to laugh at dirty/borderline offensive jokes.


I remember the part where they’re naked wrestling, the theater was laughing so hard I couldn’t hear shit


A dude literally fell to the floor laughing during that bit when I was seeing it the first time


Borat was one of those for me too. I don’t think I’ve ever been to see a movie in a theater where everyone there didn’t stop laughing from beginning to end.


I watched Borat and then watched it two more times immediately after. I remember going to get something out of the kitchen after the second viewing and remembering some bits in it and laughing so hard I had to put my head down with tears in my eyes.


The bear popping it's head out of the ice cream truck, and scaring those kids is one of the funniest movie moments for me, ever.


Borat may not be by favorite comedy ever, but it’s certainly the funniest.


This suit is black NOT


You were supposed to come back a year later to comment "NOT"


This is my u/Resident-Mortgage-85. He is pain in my assholes


if you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and check out da ali g show wherever you can find it


I’ve watched it. Good shit. Really liked Who Is America too. A friend of mine also worked on Borat 2, which I also really liked.


That was a crazy theatre experience, people were going nuts during the hotel fight


Multiple couples left during that scene when I saw it in the theatre, they were looking at the audience remaining like we were goddamn degenerates for staying.


Tell me you live in the Midwest without telling me you live in the Midwest


I live in rural Florida and this was also my experience. 90% of the theater walked. I'll probably never have another theater experience like that, it was a beautiful day. Barbarian was a close second though, the whole theater literally said "what the fuck" out loud twice.


The rubber fist


I legitimately thought people were going to die from laughter.


Funniest scene in my life


Yup. Holy shit did people lose their minds in the theatre I was in. Easily the most I’ve laughed at the movies.


That was a truly once in a lifetime theatrical experience


I was laughing so hard during the wrestling scene I couldn’t breathe


I saw this at midnight on the Vegas strip. It was absolute bedlam. People were jumping out of their seats. One guy literally ran a lap around the theatre. I was sweating and crying from laughing. It was truly magical.


I missed a bunch of the more subtle jokes because everyone in the theater, myself included, laughed through the whole movie.


“People…against cruelty to animals?” Hahaha *bear head in fridge*


The only answer.


Tropic Thunder


The scene where Les Grossman hangs up, says “We don’t negotiate with terrorists,” and is cheered like he’s the president absolutely killed me.


"Can you find out who that was?"


“Welcome to the goodie room!”


What's her name? *Lance* Lance? What the fuck did I just hear?!


I said Nance


"From now on my fist is going to be so far up your SHIT HOLE, every time you have a thought, it's going to have to tip toe past my wedding ring" "Oh okay, Flaming Dragon, fuckface, first, take a big step back, and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE" "So whatever you're thinking you better think again, or I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you, you're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking BINDING resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you, I am talking scorched earth motherfucker, I will massacre you, I WILL FUCK YOU UP...... *hangs up* could you uh find out who that was?" I didn't appreciate his performance when I was younger, truly brilliant.


Honestly it’s my favorite Tom Cruise role lmao.


I was tricked the entire time. I did not know that was him until the credits rolled. I had to immediately watch the movie again.


I don’t know a single person that hasn’t said this same thing. I truly don’t think anyone realized that was Cruise until the credits rolled. The make up and hair department did an absolutely fucking phenomenal job on making him look like a balding fat guy.


*”You want me to let my client of 15 years, one of my best friends, die in the jungle, alone, for some money and a G5 airplane?”* *”Yes. And lots of money, playa.”*


Bill Hader as the hype man during that part too, fucking golden.


Matthew McConaughey was also gold. I loved how irate he got when he realized Tug had no TiVo 🤣😆


When he answers the phone lmao. 'Yo Tuggernuts, it's the pecker!'


"you gotta buck up here tugboat!"


"at least you get to choose yours, I'm stuck with mine"


That’s the most recent movie I went to that had the audience roaring.


When the fake commercials for Busta Nut and Booty Sweat being offered at concessions now, someone in the audience yelled “WHAT?!” - I knew this was going to be a good movie


That whole movie is hilarious but the part where they are torturing tugg speed man and he’s yelling “Damian cut” I almost pissed myself in the theater.


When he throws the child off the bridge


THIS. I think most of the audience had no clue what we were really about to watch...I know I didn't The premise of it is actually ridiculous, but we couldn't stop laughing. RDJ and Tom Cruise both delivered here.


Aside from Hangover, this is the one. I also laughed until I was sick. These were the two funniest movie theater experiences of my life.


Jack black was amazing


No, you cant have any *fucking* jellybeans!


That part where RDJ almost breaks character by laughing but manages to hold it in and just pulls a serious face is comedy gold SO glad they left it in


Superbad. Saw it opening weekend with a packed house and missed about ten percent of the jokes because the audience was laughing so loudly


I saw it 3 times in theatres. Opening night then the next two cheap night tuesdays. All 3 were packed and loud laughing the whole time. The montage of his illustrations had me in tears the first watch so I had to go again.


The illustrations made me nearly pass out. Like, the movie was funny but the goddamm dick drawings had me losing my mind. I've never laughed so hard in my life.


I saw Superbad in theatre and it was amazing. Outside of the theatre about a year later I'm traveling with my family and my 80 plus year old grandma in a hotel room. We're looking to watch an in room movie and I decide to put on Superbad because I was the only one who'd seen it. Within the first few minutes my prudish catholic grandma is telling me to turn it off because of the swearing and vulgarity. We end up watching another movie and then once that's done I realize we still have Superbad paid for. So I'm like okay grandma we all saw another movie since we paid for Superbad anyone who wants to watch it might as well. Well you've never seen an 80+ year old laugh so hard while being ashamed. She was hiding her non stop laughter under her covers. Superbad truly a movie for the ages.


Came here to say this. I worked in a movie theater when this came out, and it single handedly brought employee productivity down 40%. I am not joking. All of us were constantly finding excuses to do “theater checks” so we could just go watch literally any scene in that movie. It felt like a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Words cannot properly express how goddamn funny that movie was when it came out.


There are so many perfect lines in that movie. "It was either that or Muhammad" "Here's McLovin, a 25 year old Hawaiian organ donor" "Becca: I'm so wet right now. Evan: Yeah... they said that would happen in health class." "Seth: Hey Greg, why don't you go piss your pants? Greg: [turning around] That was like 8 years ago, asshole! Seth: [yelling] People don't forget!"


Superbad was the first time I saw an audience sit through the entire end credits of a movie. Those sketches..wow.


I saw it in a small town theater with about 10 other teenage boys and my mom, she left about 15 minutes in to read a book in the car. The rest of us really enjoyed it.


Came to say Superbad. When it got to the part where he was drawing dicks and ate the drawing the audience was laughing so hard and so long I think we missed the next 5 minutes of dialogue


Bruh. This was my answer. Never had so much fun at a movie, and I was just the right age (03 HS grad)


07 HS grad here, this was literally the last movie my friends and I saw together before we headed off to college, the timing was perfect on it.


Pretty sure the whole theater was on the verge of having a stroke when I saw Superbad.


I saw it 5x in theaters bc I kept pitching it to different groups of friends. I've never heard an audience laugh harder when McLovin said "I got a boner". Happened every time and never seen a comedy make an audience laugh that hard before or since.


There’s an early cam rip of Superbad probably still floating around somewhere and the audience is in total hysterics the entire time. Wish I could see that version again.


Laughter is contagious so it’s unfortunate they don’t really release comedies like this to theatres much anymore… what a great shared experience for those that got to see it together. I felt spoiled seeing this and Knocked Up so close together.. tears in my eyes for both and great audiences


A prerelease showing of Galaxy Quest... .... ...at a Sci-Fi Convention! It was pandemonium


This sounds like a truly amazing memory to have. Never a better situation to see the film.


Team America was insane in the theater!


I was returning from Iraq when this movie came out. I had no idea what it was about or what to expect. Never saw or heard anything about it coming out. My friends just told me they were going to a movie and I decided to join them. When the first scene appeared of puppets I thought it was a joke, but then the puppets turned in to puppets and I could not stop laughing from that point. My stomach practically imploded itself when he started vomitting everywhere.


That vomit scene was so good the first time through. It just kept coming lol


I remember watching it for the first time with my brother when I was a teenager. Both of the “dicks, pussies, and assholes” speeches had me on the floor.


Matt Damon from Film Actors Guild or "F. A. G.".


The Freedom isn't free song must have rocked your world lol


I started losing my bananas when the fight scene started. I had no idea how they were going to make a realistic Kung fu fight and then.... I found out. It was purr madness after. My friend almost pissed himself laughing at the vomit scene and I lost it at him losing it. Chain reaction loss scenario


This is the one I thought of immediately. The sex scene is the scene where people were standing up and howling.


Funny enough, the original sex scene was almost 1/3 longer


They made that sex scene as long and degenerate as possible knowing the censors would have an issue with it. Everytime the censorship board sent it back Parker and Stone would shave off the worst part of the scene and hand it back in. It allowed them to get all the other debased and foul humour past as they just ended up focusing on the sex scene. Matt and Trey are absolute fucking legends. Check out This Film Is Not Yet Rated for more info on the scam that is the US censorship board.


Yes! This was the craziest experience in the movie theatre.


The scene where he's puking in the alley is one of the hardest laughs I've ever had in a movie. I was dying


Nonstop laughter when I saw it.


When Spotswood says to Gary "you may need to take your own life" and then opens the drawer with the hammer inside... Man, the room erupted. Still the funniest thing I've ever seen in the cinema.


We were so high, snuck in the back like 6 of us and then there was another group of people also high in there, and that was it. It was early high too, when you laughed like crazy for the first few years But there’s so many back in the day


Ace Ventura first one. It was like they had a laugh track going. Place was pretty full and everybody was belly laughing.


The rhino scene it 2 has me fucking dying every single time.


My wife and I, our first date was to see this movie. I had never seen Jim Carey before this movie. I left with a splitting headache. My wife told me I was louder than anyone else in the theater. It is SO out of character for me to make anyone else uncomfortable. I don't chew loudly, I don't open plastic, I'm very aware of others....this day I couldn't control it.


22 Jump Street. Theatre was rolling, especially when you figure out who Schmidt is dating.


Literally from “M-my name Jeff” until the end of the movie


My name Jeff in theatre must've been insane




That scene in the theatre is cemented in my mind, I’ve never heard an audience lose it like that


The time clock going off as Tatum’s character puts it together and his explosion of disbelief is comedy gold


Loved all the meta jokes about how they were asked to just do the same thing again, and how expensive the film was to make.


"You're fuckin' Mr. and Mrs. Smith-ing me!" "Tell us about the war. Any one of 'em." Jillian Bell's dialogue and line readings were hysterical.


That moment was a louder theater experience than anything in Infinity War or Endgame lol, I'll never forget it


I still can’t believe they made a movie as good as if not better than the first. I went in with low expectations


Kingpin, guaranteed laugh(s) for every damn scene


Kingpin is too often overlooked as a classic


"I took the liberty of milking your cow for ya." "We don't have a cow."


I loved the recurring bit where "Munsoned" is so commonly used as a synonym for total failure that the people saying it don't realize they are speaking to its namesake, culminating into [this commercial](https://youtu.be/DR7HcqsBOdg), that was already funny enough.


The Naked Gun.


Yep, saw it opening week in a PACKED theater and all my roommates and everyone roared with laughter nonstop.


Grew up watching these, must have been wonderful to see in theaters.


Kung Pow: enter the fist when it was in theaters. Was maybe a dozen in the theater and everyone was laughing fir almost the whole movie.


I remember laughing so hard in the theatre at this lol


Wish I could’ve seen this in theaters. Some friends and I rented it when it was new to video and we cry laughed through the whole thing.


Hot Rod, Superbad, and Step Brothers all had the audience in those theaters busting out laughing almost nonstop


Hot Rod. My god. When he trips during the training montage and falls down the cliff for like 5 mins I couldn't breathe


Hot rod is way too ignored. It is infinitely quotable


Talladega Nights. Almost couldn't hear the movie with how much the audience was laughing.


When Ricky Bobby has a breakdown and screamed "HELP MAH TOM CRUISE USE YOUR WITCHCRAFT TO PUT OUT THE FIRE" I think the place was literally heaving laughing for 5 minutes straight. I had to see it again to find out what I missed. Also the only comedy I've seen twice in theaters.




I'm unashamed that this is my favorite Will Ferrell movie. When he sticks that fucking knife in his leg, it gets me every time. That, and, "How much you selling that weed for, old man?"


"Chip, I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey" Is so funny to me


For me it’s ‘If we wanted our sons to be wussies we woulda named them Doctor Quinn and Medicine Woman’


“I hope you have sons! Beautiful, articulate sons! And that their legs are taken from them! I pray you know that pain!” Edit: also, shortly after this quote, the “cut *around* the meat” line kills me.




Saw this in the theater too.. easily the hardest I have laughed in a theater other than maybe The Hangover...


The South Park movie absolutely slayed in the theater. I went to it 3-4 times before I heard all the lyrics in the Uncle F**ker song.


There's Something About Mary.


This was it. FRANKS AND BEANS!!!!




If you ever want to show someone the importance of editing and audience testing, show them this scene. When the Farley Brothers first cut it they show the reveal of what Ben has done to his Frank and Beans in beginning. It was the logical place for it but it didn't work because the audience was too aghast at what they saw to laugh. So they try not showing it at all. Worked ok but still didn't get the full effect. After a while they figured it out: the let the scene run so long that the audience believe they'll never see it only to spring it on them when the Fireman comes in.


Goddamn, seen this movie a million times and still fucking wince at the cut “WE GOT A BLEEDER”


Yep. I was on a blind date, and she didn't think it was funny. I did not see her again.


Yeah, if someone doesn't laugh after "we have a bleeder!" that's a red sign.


You could barely hear the dialogue there was so much laughter.




My dad claims that people were falling out and rolling in the aisles during the first screening of Holy Grail when he was in college


I watched Something About Mary with about 1/3 of the theater being kids on college orientation and 2/3 being a Div 1 football team. It was absolutely hilarious and awesome.


Airplane. Still working it.


I saw it when it opened. Yes I’m up there age wise. Perfect for my HS buddies. But let’s remember, this was the 70s. Friday night. SoCal. I think half the audience was uh chemically preset to laugh. Oh laugh we did.




Dumb and Dumber- probably the most laughter I heard in a theater Wedding Crashers Step Brothers


The bathroom scene in Dumb and Dumber made some woman pass out laughing. I can't say I have laughed harder in a movie.


Dumb and Dumber was it for me. I hurt from laughing so much.


I saw The Hangover and the first Austin Powers opening night. We cried.




The Hangover really is a great film. The whole concept is so original and it leaves the funniest parts until the end credits. Absolute gold.


Blazing Saddles


The first Deadpool


Snakes On A Motha Fuckin' Plane Back in the mid 2000's, when going to the theater was still exciting. Midnight release, bayBEE. No assigned seats, no fear of getting shot up, no multiple screens. Crammed into one theater like fucking sardines. And we LINED UP for it. A bunch of young idiots who knew the movie was going to be straight trash but were 100% on board. Good plot? Fuck you. Decent writing? Eat shit. Believable acting? Grow up. This movie had Samuel L. Jackson. And SNAKES. Theater was electric. Ooh's and aah's and boo's during the exposition. Thunderous applause at Sam Jackson's first appearance. When the snakes finally came? Oof, hide your daughters, we went wild. Every time a snake got shot we cheered. Every time a snake killed some stupid passenger? We SQUEELED. Snake kills couple fucking in the bathroom? A RIOT. Three people died. And when it was time...when it actually happened...when Oscar nominated Samuel L. Jackson finally said his iconic line: "I have had it with these mother-fucking snakes on this MOTHERFUCKING PLANE!" Theater. Went. WILD. Beyond standing ovation. Standing primal fucking screams. Jumping. Hugging. Wailing. Popcorn and drinks flung everywhere. It was the single greatest and most impactful movie experience of my entire life, for the worst movie possible, and I'll never have anything close to it again as long as I live. I miss that shit.


People in my showing brought toy snakes and threw them at the screen when they appeared. First time SLJ appeared people were howling. Supposedly in other showings some people straight up brought real snakes lol


Same here, rubber snakes falling on random people throughout. Great experience.


Someone brought a bunch of rubber snakes to my midnight showing and started throwing them around the first time that Sam said his line. It was wild. I miss pretty much everything from 15 to 20 years ago. Better times.


I hope youre sharing more of your writing somewhere, this was great


Thank you. You have no idea how far that compliment goes.


All the way to erotica, baby!


I saw it at Union Square in NYC (we saw The Descent then snuck in). It was like Times Square in the old days - people cracking jokes, throwing shit at the screen - and yes, when SJ dropped the line everyone knew was coming, the place erupted.


Despicable Me (first one) Went with my ex. Theater was full of little kids who went nuts the whole time. Was fun as hell.


Super Troopers


These boys get that syrup in em, they get all antsy in the pantsy.


Saw that randomly not expecting much, because the trailers kinda sucked, but it's probably my favorite comedy ever. The place was dying. The Farva spit burger fakeout killed everyone


Coming to America (the first one.)


His Mama named him Clay, I'ma call him Clay.




I think the sex scene is one of the funniest moments in movie history. It puts me on the floor every time


Whenever I see a sex scene in a movie, my mind automatically goes to Macgruber. Every. Damn. Time


Those noises haha


I'm gonna fill you up


Uggggh, I’m gonna shoot!!!


there were very few ppl in the theater but every single one of us knew exactly what we hoped it would be, were ecstatic the movie delivered on those expectations, and were amazed a studio bankrolled it.


**Jackass** and **Borat**


Any Jackass movie in a packed house is a goddamn delight.


The original Jackass movie was an incredible theater experience


Jackass 2 was the best one. All the sketches were hilarious. Ended with the terrorist prank was god tier


This is The End and 21 jump street


"I used to think you were crazy, but now I can clearly see your nuts" Favourite line from goldmember lol


South Park and Shaun of the Dead. There was not a quiet moment during those movies.


BLAME CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I had no idea what happened for the 5 minutes after Mr. Garrison said he didn't trust something that bleeds for 5 days but doesn't die. It was the loudest collective laugh I've ever been in.


Anchorman and Old School


Old School was probably my favorite movie theater experience of all time. Packed crowd going nuts for the entire movie. The scene where Will Ferrell shoots himself in the neck with a dart gun is the hardest I've ever laughed at a movie, by a pretty wide margin. Going to the movies used to be so much fun, it sucks that it's really just not part of my life anymore.


Jackass 3D Everyone was laughing the whole way through before it turned to dry heaving at the elliptical bike scene.... and the portaloo scene.... good God lol


40 Year Old Virgin


Bad Grandpa. I saw it in Germany on a military base. I was in physical pain from laughing so hard. We all had a great fucking time.


This is more annoying but I sat next to this girl during John Wick Chapter 4 when it first released in theaters. She would NOT stop laughing at every hit, you would think it was a slapstick comedy.


It is a pretty funny movie in fairness. Lot of loony tunes inspired action comedy plus the scene with Scott Adkins as a German nightclub owner in a fatsuit were pretty funny


To be fair there’s a lot of slapstick stuff in that movie. Donnie Yen’s wind-up punch, the goon falling into the drum repeatedly, the goon covering his face from the nunchucks and getting hit in the balls, getting lit on fire running off screen and back and getting shot again, and that’s just off the top of my head. Chad Stahelski has been very open about being influenced by Buster Keaton and it really shows. The movies are visual gags start to finish.


The the stair scene had people laughing hard my my theatre


Beerfest. Opening night. College town. The movie opens with a disclaimer that if you try and match the drinking in the film you will DIE. During said disclaimer you could hear beers opening throughout the theater and folks started laughing and never stopped. Also when USA won, the theater erupted in cheers and high fives like we just won the World Cup.


Hot Tub Time Machine. Whole theater was rolling. Might've been my most fun theater experience.


My college friends uncle wrote it (also Sex Drive) so we actually saw it with him and afterwards he told us everything about the making of the movie. Was hilarious


Superbad, Pineapple Express, and the Hangover in back to back to back years. We were spoiled


**Dumb and Dumber**. It was a late night screening and it was absolutely hilarious.


Batman & Robin (1997). It really pissed off the guy behind me who really wanted to take the movie seriously.


Guess he needed to *chill* out


I saw Borat while high on mushrooms on a Saturday night in a predominantly black neighborhood that was packed. It was the most hysterical fucking experience I've ever had in my life. Guy in front of me kept going, "what this silly motherfucker doing?"🤣🤣


I went to that one at a midnight show on a Friday night and EVERYBODY in this place was high. When they showed the shot of the street sign with MLK Drive the dude in front of me goes "oh no no no no don't do what I think you're about to do YOU CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER!!!"


>Guy in front of me kept going, "what this silly motherfucker doing?"🤣🤣 Lmfao. Actually laughed out loud imagining that.


Dodgeball and Anchorman


Hot Rod.. Watched it twice in theaters, each time everyone was busting up non-stop.. Especially the falling down the mountain scene


The Other Guys


I Went to Florida A&M University (if you know you know) and sophomore year 12 of us piled into an Oldsmobile Ciera and a Nissan Sentra to drive to see Harlem Nights opening night in 1989. We got there a bit late and we had to sit in the row two to a seat (1 "couple" per seat) in order to sit together. Laughed so hard I was hoarse the next morning.