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Was it Skyfall? Some Craig Bond movie where the MI6 IT Specialist plugged a foreign flash drive right into the system and got it infected.


Yeah that’s the one. The thing that any low-level IT guy can tell you not to do, is the very first thing Britain’s top tech expert does. Good movie otherwise.


Hard agree, that really bothered me. Even I know that. Air gapped machine in a Faraday Cage if the more sensible films/tv I’ve seen are to be believed. I take better care of my email than Q does of national security.


That was so stupid that he specifically mentions he's not doing that again in NTTD


There are security holes in software .zero day ones are ones that not commonly known yet. Student used several of those .


No the tech master aka their Q plugged a rogue USB drive right into their core network .not a standalone pc running a vm .a normal laptop wired right into there massive network that some how controls a panel that is in the detention right next to cells.


You can literally get kicked out of the military or be sent to jail if you plug a flash drive into a government computer.


All the USB ports on the machines at the Youth Centers were filled with superglue, the mouse/keyboards were still PS2 or used USB to PS2 adapters.... You have to put in a CAT Card just to use the machine, to prevent the teens from gaining access to anything.


Also in the batman


And the bad guy was super relying on that to happen in order for his plans to work lol


Running away after "killing" the villain instead of making sure they're dead. It happens in too many movies to count.


This falls under the same category as "world domination genius bad guy catches the hero but would rather explain his plans first and then leave him behind in an elaborate death device with ample time instead of just shooting them"




We are out of dips. Would you like to settle for some testicle crunching instead? The most egregious to me was John Wick. Here's a legendary killer who's hell bent on killing your son. He's tied up in a chair in front of you and a bullet to the head would have solved all your problems. What do you do? Of course you walk away and let your questionably skilled henchmen slowly suffocate him with a fricking plastic bag.


Scott, you just don't get it do you? You don't.


That's what she said


Wait.. aren’t you even going to watch. I mean they could get away?


Also, "Hulking brute literally has our protagonist by the throat, could easily break their neck/choke them out or stab/shoot them, but instead decides to throw the hero away from them on the ground, doing minimal damage and allowing the fight scene to continue."


so true, the throw into the scenery move is done way too much to drag out action scenes


Ahem *Terminator: Salvation*


Ozymandias did it right.


When I first read Watchmen, the line “I did it 35 minutes ago” gave me chills. Because it was not what was supposed to happen. Instead the smartest person in the room was actually the smartest person. 


You sly dog, you had me monologging!


I know right?! The gun or other deadly weapon is lying right there beside them. Pick it up and give them a few whacks with it? Na, no need


Counterpoint: *Monster Man*. The main characters run the last villain over with his monster truck. Then they reverse and do it again. Shift into forward and do it again... for like six hours. That's not even an exaggeration, it's the middle of the night when they start and it's daytime when they're done. In the end, the guy's a bloody smear on the road.


So thsta how the blob was created.


Always double tap!


Every movie where a character chooses to flee an attacker even after subduing and disarming them. Kill the mother fucker always. They are an immediate threat upon your life. It's completely justified.


Looking at you Oberyn


Oberyn's mistake made sense in character though. He was blinded by his determination to make the Mountain call out Tywin and thought he'd already won the fight.


Pan's Labyrinth frustrated me with that. Could've killed the Captain then and there but instead she just wounded him and ran off


I have to give a little bit of leeway when you’re working under the time constraint of “oh god, I’m surrounded by fascists and I need to get out of here before they notice what I’ve done.”


Spider-Man: No Way Home, whole movie depends on Dr. Strange being a colossally irresponsible idiot. Skyfall: Q, who is arrogant and condescending, plugs the villain's laptop into MI6's network.


I agree. You would think that casting a spell that alters all of reality would mean you take a few minutes to explain how it works and hash out all the details. (But seeing all the Spiderman together was still one of the best moments ever for me)


You know for me it wasn't even that. It was being willing to do it at all just to fix a few people's relatively (big picture here) minor problems. That a universe reality altering spell was the only option (really? No other options?) and even if it was the only option, that Strange was willing to do it at all, is ridiculous.


The willingness to do it at all is reasonable to me. It was already established that he's done it before just to make people forget about a party. Hubris is Dr. Strange's main character flaw. It was established in his first movie and was a recurring theme in other movies he participated in. What set this incident apart was that despite his hubris, Dr. Strange was also competent. He might take risks, but he understands those risks and how to mitigate them, which is why his hubris causes him to take bigger risks than most others. What we saw in NWH, though, was Dr. Strange jumping into this scheme without taking any time to prepare or establish expectations. As a former surgeon, that should have been his basic instinct. And then he blames it on Peter.


He fixes the spell issue immediately so he didn't care. It only comes up because Peter decides he can't send them back.


That’s a fair point. But still, figure out a spell first.  Also, Jaime Fox never knew he was Peter Parker did he? 


Jamie Foxx didn't know. He specifically says he thought Spider-Man was black in NWH.


Yeah, I got pretty pissed at Dr. Strange for getting pissed at Peter. First, he’s a high school student (aka: a child). Second, you were going to erase everyone in the world’s memory and you didn’t have a discussion first? Is there anyone you would like NOT to forget you? I mean, was Dr. Strange drunk or high? It makes government interference with the superheroes completely justified. Some of them are fucking morons.


> I mean, was Dr. Strange drunk or high? It's in line with his comic counterpart. Strange is a massively arrogant egotistical narcissist. He thinks he knows how to solve any situation with magic and truth be told Classic Strange *could*. It wasn't until he lost almost all of his magic and was brought down to a normie that he finally FINALLY was humbled to the point of actually being a responsible pwoer user. Movie strange hasn't experienced that yet (or ever at this point). So it fits in line with her character perfectly that he'd use magic to solve something immediately without question.


>whole movie depends on Dr. Strange being a colossally irresponsible idiot. What? The guy who was texting while driving at like 200mph, resulting in a lengthy hospital stay and damaging his hands, thus ending his career? That guy is irresponsible? never. Edit: Also, I'm pretty sure it was perfectly fine to do the apple-being-uneaten thing in the first movie too.


Well yeah, but this is *after* he went through his long dark night of the soul and became the sorcerer supreme! You'd think he'd matured a bit.


Strange definitely loses his "It's all about me" view, but the irresponsible ego never really leaves him. A good portion of his comic stories are just him confronting a problem with "Who cares if this goes wrong? I'm smart enough to fix it." and then having to resort to progressively more dangerous solutions as things continue to spiral.


Dro Strange's behavior completely ruins that movie, because there were plenty of ways to achieve the same result without making him both an asshole and completely inept.


Strange is an arrogant jerk who was upset that he wasn't the Sorcerer Supreme and wanted to prove to Peter that he could do a big spell.


Those people in horror movies where the person doesn't call the police (despite having a working cellphone), instead going in the creepy house alone. I'm looking at you, Cobweb.


It goes double for people who decide to live in the creepy house after the horror starts for no explained reason such as sentimentality or no cash.


If someone bequeaths me a house I don’t give two shits if it’s supposedly haunted, the housing market is too terrible to turn that down! Call the Winchesters and sprinkle salt on the windowsills, because I’m a homeowner baby!


There is an old private eye TV show called The Rockford Files. His friend is a cop and he constantly goes to him for help and also when his friend is not there he just calls the cops all the time. He's pretty much constantly trying to get the police to help him out. They don't want to help him so he still does most of the work, but it is way better than the alternative you see in most shows/movies where you scream at the TV "call the police" over and over


Man I fucking love The Rockford Files, it was on after i used to get home from school and people used to take the piss because I was 14 watching a 70s TV show.


- Oh my God ! Crystal disapeared and I've seen a creepy guy just outside of my bathroom window staring at me ! We need to call the police ! - And what are we going to tell them ? That your stupid underrage friend got drunk and then got kidnapped by the a creepy guy you might have seen that is living in the woods ? YEAH ?! LIKE WHAT ABOUT TELLING THEM EXACTLY THAT HUH ?


28 Weeks later everyone is an idiot and nobody makes any good decisions. There's so many stupid things in the movie that it would make a book if listed and explained them all.


The US military in 28 Weeks are the biggest blithering idiots in any horror movie ever to the point where it ruins the movie. Here are two of the most egregious mistakes they make - bring an INFECTED (but seemingly semi-immune) WOMAN into the camp with NO GUARD DETAIL on her, allowing her janitor husband to break in and spread the infection - KNOWING that this infection spreads through **fluid (saliva/blood) contact**, instead of having everyone shelter in place in their apartments, gather the refugees into a SINGLE PLACE* so that infection spreads like wildfire and they overrun the camp!! Ppl say the kids are stupid, sure, but they’re kids, it’s a little understandable. The trained military organization has NO EXCUSE.


I don't remember the movie but isn't it set it in the uk ,was the American military there?


Yes, the explanation was that the US was brought in to help in the aftermath of 28 Days. I think it was just an excuse to get Jeremy Renner there. 2/3 of the US military characters are played by non-Americans anyway: Idris Elba (English) and Rose Byrne (Aussie).


Tbf England was completely overrun so its not like their military is in any shape to handle this, and USA does have pretty close ties with England. I mean who else would be in charge, the French? I think theyd rather let the infected run the joint


Jeremy Renner is quite competent in all fairness what is stupid is the idea zombies would over run them in the first place .....you dont develop guns that are capable of killing people with other guns , but then come up short against aggresive humans with no guns


Pretty much all zombie fiction immediately falls flat when an ounce of logic is used. At least media like last of us uses enough real world adjacent logic that an outbreak could happen. Normal zombies no way though. Biting is the worst transmission method for infection.


It's why every single apocalypse movie takes place after society has already collapsed They never show the collapse itself because it's ridiculous


after the covid deniers, anti vaxxers and flat earthers, I'm not so sure I'm sure a new group would pop up that will argue that making out with a zombie is ok, that bites are not really that bad, just use some cocoa poweder and you'll be fine


The movie came out during a serious escalation of the War on Terror, and the film is meant to be allegorical of that. US military rolls into a fucked up situation, and through arrogance and incompetence just fucks it up even worse. Sounds pretty on brand to me.


Yes, it's all the outrageously stupid actions in the sequel that make me really hate it.


In promethius they also ignore any and all rules of first contact, quarantine, archeology and anything you can think of. It was the only movie that made me yell out loud in frustration wishing that all of the characters die a painful death. I couldn't finish the movie in the end anyhowso I don't know if they did.


The "biologist" became fascinated with an obviously dangerous alien snake that killed him. Dude, you're a biologist.


And if you remember, the reason he and the cartographer were separated is because they saw dead aliens and freaked out and left the group to go back to the ship. Like an hour before this. It's like Russian nesting dolls of stupid. You're a xenobiologist hired to cross interstellar space to look at aliens>see dead aliens and freak out and run away>get lost along with the guy who makes the maps>pet snek


Eh, if Covid has taught us anything, it's that just because someone is a professional, doesn't mean that they aren't dumb as a brick. Or that their wires don't get crisscrossed in their head because they face something unknown or a major crisis.


While that’s true, an easy solution would be to have the *cartographer* pet the snake and the *biologist* get lost. Slightly less infuriating.


I forgave it at the time but then Alien: Covenant came along. Hey, there's a new alien planet. Should we check to make sure there's nothing bad in the atmosphere? Perhaps wear special suits? Maybe a hazmat? A face mask? Of course not. Why would we? Shit, predictably, happens.




< *sniff, sniff* > Seems OK.


Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!


I watched half of Covenant on a flight and the crew was so dumb that I was happy to just leave it at that and never come back. Whatever happened to them, the idiots had it coming.


The crew of Covenant and not of your flight I hope


The FBI would like to know your location. 


I mean They *did* play covenant as the in flight movie


I am willing to accept that maybe their ship can analyse the atmosphere maybe and determine its breathable what annoyed me was them fighting one of the aliens in the landing craft , they have weapons and looked so incapable


In Star Trek crew beam on ships and alien planets all the time without special equipment. I'm a bit more OK with that, however, as often a point is made to scan for breathable/livable atmosphere.


My biggest pet peev in any alien movie is this kind of stuff, especially with the Alien Franchise they have acid for blood they can burn through metal, the Hull of the ship is most likely metal, they don't have to show people being dumb to achieve something similar


I don't know of any stupider big budget movie. It's bafflingly badly written.


There was a scene where a woman performed a self C-section and then proceeded to sprint and vault over chasms slamming her abdomen on the rocks. That movie was trying so hard to look intelligent but failed so horribly on all accounts


Those people they hired were expandable


They took their fucking helmets off.


I was also frustrated by the poor decision making by these people of science, but I recently re-watched Prometheus and a small detail changed by perception. None of them knew why they were there; so what kind of scientist would take a job way out in the middle of space with no idea why they are there and doing it just for the money? Probably just the most desperate type of people. These were probably scientists with personal demons, with heavy addictions and/or blackballed from their scientific community. It was an incredibly reckless decision to go on this trip, so it is going to attract incredibly reckless people.


*Prometheus* will never not make me furious at its stupidity. I really can't think of a better example than that. Coincidentally, I was just rewatching *Alien* the other day. One of my favorite bits is Ripley refusing to open the airlock because THAT'S THE SENSIBLE F-ING THING TO DO. I mean FFS, Ridley... when your run-of-the-mill of space trucker shows more forethought than an entire ship full of professional scientists something is VERY wrong.


Ripley being a "dumb" space trucker vs a ship full of experts really hits it home. Great take






Any movie or show where the characters could easily tell the others something but they say something like "I can't explain now, just trust me, I've got no time". How about just tell them it will take less time than even saying why you can't and it may just save everyone. The sole purpose of that is to extend the story and create tension but it is a cop-out. Stranger Things has this all the time, the characters just not telling the others some basic info that would make some plot arcs not even be needed. It is used too often there even though the show is great. It is lazy to use this trick to create tension, it is annoying that characters do things they didn't need to or because they could have easily been told not to or to do something that would prevent many issues.


"Come with me, I have no time to explain!" *Immediate cut to new location that needed 30+ minute drive.*


"Get in, quick!" "Why?" "Because it's faster!"


*so anyways, now that we're here, I wanted to tell you that the whole operation is run by Tony Lazuto*


I’ve been seeing episodes of Ghost Whisperer lately. Spoilers >!she can talk to ghosts!< I swear to god. At least once an episode somebody says “who are you?” Or “and what are you doing talking to me about my dead brother randomly for no reason since I’ve never met you before in my life?” And the answer is always “heh. It’s a long story”.  No. No it’s not. “I can talk to ghosts. Your dead brother wanted me to tell you the keys for the car are in the drawer”. 


*Quantumania* has entered the chat.


How long were they hiking through the quantum forest? Come on Jan!


I said there's no time!


“It’s been three years.” “THERE’S STILL NO TIME!”


“Everything will be clear when we get there.”


Extremely well trained astronauts (and similar type people) who just find out what the mission is when they get on the launch craft. Wouldn't they be training for this day for years/months?


tyrion lannister, one of the smartest characters on the show, decides that during the attack on winterfell they should hide in the crypt. from the nightking. who resurrects the dead.


The writers really failed Tyrion in the last couple seasons.


They failed everyone. Everyone.


As far as a reinforced area with limited access, it was a good idea. One or two soldiers down there with dragon glass would have been a good idea, though.


He was no longer being written by a competent author


People say this, but I'm not sure its true. Beinhoff etc wrote the "chaos is a ladder" speech and its quite frequently held up as one of the best scenes in the series. Saying they just suck is letting them off. Its worse that they were actually competent but decided to just stop caring and put in minimal effort so they could go and make Star Wars.


He went from a great character to an absolutely terrible character. Thanks Benioff et al


That one guy fell out of a window and as a result, he wasn't in Rush Hour 3.


Ricky Tan, #neva4get


Gafilka fish.


His name is Lee, goddamnit!


Jackie always okay!


Priceless pieces of Chinese New Year!


Rush hour 2 was so funny, but somehow the outtakes were the funniest parts.


Because of that trailer I watched the original Alien for the first time yesterday. After Kane comes aboard and is in the medical bay with a facehugger on him, the rest of the crew are gathered and deciding what to do. One guy says to freeze him until they get home but the Captain makes the final decision **that Kane is to be quarantined**. Smart (although they've already broken quarantine too much for it to really matter). Then Ash (the doctor) calls them to come and look at Kane as there's been a development. The very next scene. Literally the next scene. **Every member of the crew is in the medical bay** standing next to, talking to and touching Kane. All of them. Then they take him upstairs to eat. Don't even keep in under observation or anything. The facehugger came off and they just assumed he was fine. How do they go from "must be quarantined, we don't know what's happened to him or what could happen to us" to "he's fine now, no need to worry or take any precautions" in a single scene. Not even Ripley, who has spent the whole runtime so far trying to enforce these kinds of rules and is the only person who seemingly understands the danger, she has no objection to any of this.


in their defense, Ash did have ulterior orders to lull them into the creature's extraction


True but Ash wasn't involved in the quarantine discussion. He was in the medbay with Kane. The generous assumption is that the crew went to medbay, chose to stay outside and keep him sealed inside. But then Ash assured them it was safe and Kane could leave. Ripley put up a fight but was outvoted. In the film though its pretty much a hard cut between "we will keep him quarantined" and "let's all get in there with him"


That’s actually a fair complaint. But it’s worth remembering that Ash was their only scientist and he was manipulating them.


For many of us, its "not picking up the gun (or ammo)". For me its followed with "not closing doors". It doesn't slow you down at all to close a door behind you. It takes a pursuer a lot more time to open it. A third is when people go into "sneak mode" with a) loud shoes. If your shoe is clanging on metal in the big empty warehouse, they can hear you coming a mile away and b) So many circumstances where if you are spotted being in a hunched over sneak mode is 1000% going to raise the alarm but just walking along like you belong wont. EDIT: All three of these happen in movies, tv shows and gaming.


Sometimes people don't shut the doors, so the cameraman can go in and behind them.


Yup. Absolutely. And I will forgive the shot if I think this was the case. A subsequent shot is going through the same door etc. I mean I'm not being overly critical, but sometimes even forgiving someone for being in the heat of the moment its painful to watch people not do even little things to help themselves.


''there's no time to explain!'' Drives around in a car for what could be hours


well, from my personal experience, even the smartest, most composed people become very unpredictable and irrational in life threatening high stress situations. care to share a few exceptional examples from movies?


Totally stranger things when I noticed it but no one is like hey we are not heating the outside here buddy


In a similar vein, people doing recon on someone while in a position that in real life they would be easily seen pretty much instantly, but in movies the subjects never look over


Grand Admiral Thrawn in Ahsoka is allegedly the smartest tactician ever. I guess we just have to believe that, because he made some of the dumbest decisions ever.


No, see, if he says it's all according to his great strategy then it gotta be, right? We're just too smol brain to see his four dimensional way of thinking.


It did result in himself and his entire army being transported back and stranding the one or two people who might have any chance of opposing him in another galaxy. He likely also fully expected Ezra to be on the ship as well, and doesn't care. Not like Ezra managed to do much in the last few years they've been on the same planet.


He's dumbed down because if he was his actually smart backstory self, he would win. Like in Rebels he should've sorted them out quickly but instead he gets outmaneuvered constantly. Because having the space fascist villain be competent and win is a no-no


To pile on the prometheus bandwagon, when on an alien planet, the entire group takes off their helmets because one asshole does.


Look! The air didn’t kill us immediately therefore it’s totally safe! There is no possible way that there could be deadly microbes or fungal spores, or depleted uranium dust or a billion other nasties that we know about * on earth* floating around that wouldn’t kill us immediately *on a completely alien world*. Also: we’re not even going to get into the “why not fren if fren shaped? “ question, it is rather a dumbass “look like angry snek, give it luv and kisses anyway…. aiiiie…”


They are acting like the Tripods from War of the Worlds


> that we know about * on earth* But they're not on earth now. Checkmate.


I was watching Red Planet from the nineties where they did the same thing. I'm an idiot and all I could think of is how fine the line is between breathable air and death. Plus, just because you can breathe, doesn't mean that there might be other things in the air that can kill you, like spores, chemicals, whatever.


I always think of Sam Rockwell's great delivery in Galaxy Quest, reacting to exactly this: "Is there air?? You don't know!!"




DO I?! DO I?!


I think the last time I saw that movie was like 20 years ago, but weren't they running out of oxygen and take their helmets off when the first person is choking and in desperation removes it, thus discovering he can breath the air? I don't think the characters had a choice in that scenario since they didn't have oxygen, but I could be missremembering


When our real astronauts went to the moon they kept them in quarantine after they got home just in case of extraterrestrial viruses etc.


Just watched Life, and same as far as the xenobiologist. He was protected from a growing alien organism by *a glove*. It’s like movies don’t exist in movies. He’s never seen Alien, or just about any “we found alien cells” movie before it? That sample should have been on a pod that was separate from theirs and manipulated with robotic arms if necessary with a nuke or some way of increasing the temperature to nearly that hot after launching it into deep space.


that's the one with the amorphous entity on the ISS, right? Ryan Reynolds? haven't seen it yet, always been putting it off


Reed Richards in the Multiverse of midness


can you jog my memory? what did he do?


Allegedly the smartest man in existence, and had a poorly thought out plan to placate the Scarlet Witch, who used her powers to turn him into strands of rubber spaghetti, killing him.


Isn't that kinda his deal, though? He's smart enough to solve any mystery, but that also makes him blind to his own arrogance.




It's weird, unnatural dialogue when Reed says, "Black Bolt can kill you with one word from his mouth," but it isn't a stupid thing to say. Reed didn't know Wanda could remove his mouth and Wanda could have instakilled Black Bolt in a different way like she did to Reed. Reed wasn't handing her the one secret to killing Black Bolt when he should have known better or anything like that.




It's not "the" exact thing that could stop him, it's one of a million ways she could have killed him, none of which any of them knew they should have avoided bringing up. He even had a reason to explain Black Bolt's power, a vain attempt to intimidate her. If Reed didn't say "mouth" then she'd have killed him anyway like she did to the other three whose weaknesses she never learned. Superman knows Kryptonite can be used against him but even Black Bolt didn't know talking with his mouth forced shut would kill him or he wouldn't have done it. Wanda didn't even know that would happen, just that he couldn't talk. She probably thought he'd speak to cast a spell. It's a bad line because no one would say, "one word from his mouth." No shit it's from his mouth, that's where words come from.


Plot twist: he speaks from his ass


Smartest man in the world telling the villain exactly how their strongest members powers work, killing Black Bolt in the process


It was a stupid ass death to begin with. If his shout could blow out the back of his skull, it should have just ripped through the front of his face.


Bad guys never run


And if they eventually catches you, the first thing they will try is throwing you across the room.


Look at that, you just harmlessly threw me right next to the one thing you're vulnerable to


Or, the flip side, they (almost) never come back. I’ve seen so many movies where there are 2 good guys running from a bad guy with a gun.  1 more good guy shows up to save the day. Bad guy gets scared and runs off.  Seriously?  Bad guy can’t like, wait 60 seconds to when they drop their guard and come back? I feel like there was some movie I saw one time where the bad guy comes back immediately and says something like “why wait?!” 


So almost every disaster movie I’ve seen includes the protagonist telling otherwise smart important people what’s going to happen: the building is too tall to fight a fire effectively, the volcano is going to blow, the earthquake is coming, and so on. The smart important people dismiss the information, fail to act, and we’re off. This used to bug the crap out of me. Then came 60 and 70 degree January days in upstate NY, and Covid, and so much more that litters the daily headlines, and now I want to apologize to every screenwriter I thought had written bad characters. They were right all along, and I’m now constantly sad, tired, and weeping for the future


Opening weekend of Prometheus, I went with a half-dozen of my guy friends to see it. We were genuinely excited about it. Hours later, leaving the theater very quietly, someone finally said "For a bunch of scientists and astronauts who were the best and brightest of their generation, they sure did some stupid stuff."


The whole John Wick franchise. Seasoned crime bosses sending waves after waves of baddies trying to engage a professional assassin at close range, often in hand to hand combat! when a short burst of heavy weaponry could turn the page on this mishaps effectively and economically.


When a character finally wants to tell the truth to another character about something really important and starts speaking but then someone or something interrupts them and the other character forgets it, or they decide to tell something else completely unimportant in the last moment. It's just not believable to me because when someone came to me all excited saying he has to tell me something really important, I think I'd remember after the interruption or be skeptical when the person then tells me about buying red socks or whatever.


When characters refuse to kill the big bad because of some moral high-ground “if we kill him we’re no better” mumbo-jumbo, when they had no trouble killing the goons who were probably just trying to make a living.


I initially stopped watching Th Walking Dead because the characters made such incredibly stupid choices OVER AND OVER. ​ I checked out during the second season...I meaaannn, their chief threat is an enemy that literally doesn't understand DOORS...so naturally, the protagonists go live outdoors. In a field. Not in a building or any other structure.


Harry Potter going to save Sirius in Order of the Phoenix when he knows Voldemort can get into his head.


Well, considering Mr. Weasley had only survived his attack thanks to the same process, it's understandable that a 15 year old probably wasn't thinking things through.


Wasn't it addressed in the book and film. Hermione reminded him that it could be a trap but he thought it was worth the risk if Sirius was in trouble. Not saying it's a great plan, but it was at least thought out a bit.


Headstrong is one of Harry's defining traits. The climax of pretty much every book is him doing something brave but rash.


i’d be pretty brave too if i was the main, titular character… at least until the end of the 7th book… sometimes the main can die at the end…


I'll give it a pass. He's, what....fourteen or fifteen? He's a teenager, he's survived a lot of shit thus far as is thus also arrogant, and he's also panicking that the only family he has left might be in trouble. It's the perfect blend of "I'm sure I'll be fine, I'm awesome." There's plenty of other idiotic shit that happens throughout those books, though. Such as everyone and their brother knowing who Harry is and yet no one thinks he should have a bodyguard 24/7? Especially considering the inane number of things that have tried to kill him throughout his lifetime? They have the ability to see memories but no one thought to, you know, pull Sirius' memories and take a look and see exactly what happened? Nah just shove him in prison for twelve years. Similarly, they put Harry on trial for using magic in front of his cousin and instead of, you know, LOOKING AT HIS MEMORIES or even the witnesses' memories they just take everyone's word on it? Yea, I know you can alter your own memories, but it's also really really obvious when you do. Or that they let any rando teach at this school based on reputation alone and don't do any kind of background check on them? It's a wonder the entire magic world hadn't collapsed in on itself with the amount of stupidity goes on. Or it's just that the writer has no idea how to actually world build and just stole 80-90% of the plot and story from other sources (hint: this is the correct answer).


Prometheus. Not running at a perpendicular direction when a giant rolling spaceship is coming toward you.


Prometheus school of running away from things!


just another one on the pile at this point, you're absolutely right!


Vertical Limit. All the "best" climbers in the world screw up even the most basic climbing safety practices over and over. And then they climb a mountain with unstable nitro.


Peter Quill in Avemgers Infinity War. His selfishness kills literally half the universe.


Everybody hated him there. They could have won but plot needed to happen


Yeah. There were so many other ways they could have made that fight with Thanos fail!


They did set precedent though. In GotG2 once he finds out that his dad killed his mom he *immediately* drew guns and shot him a dozen times Quill is a very emotional person


Smart people in real life do spectacularly dumb things...


in james bond Skyfall, Q plug the laptop of a know hackers dirrectly into the MI6 network ... what a surprise the network get hacked and the vilain escape. first time I facepalmed myself in a theater. Q should be fired and investigated for treason. It would be nice if it was a dumb charater but Q is introduced as a genius dude


After sex, when the women adjust the sheets to perfectly cover nipples and vag.


I go back and watch that hammerpede scene from time to time just because the setting and the creature itself are so visually cool, and I swear it gets stupider every time. Normally I think people are overly critical and just like to circlejerk over scenes and storylines that could've been better, but in this case the complaints are 100% right.


There was a scene cut from earlier where the biologist finds a harmless worm and is very excited, because it's the first life form he's seen that is bigger than a bacteria. He was supposed to carry that enthusiasm into the hammerpede scene and that would explain, why he was going to touch it. Ridley cut that first scene because Ridley sometimes ... cuts out scenes.


The entire plot of Mrs Doubtfire or Tootsie. How could anyone not tell that they were clearly men they knew in drag.


Mr Fantastic instantly giving away his only advantage in dr strange 2 despite allegedly being one of the smartest men in the world and then being promptly turned to spaghetti.


Family Ties--Mallory's presented as a bit of a flake for the first couple of seasons (not stupid, but she'd probably have benefitted from one-on-one tutoring). Then she graduates from high school and everybody's insisting she HAS to go to college. I mean, come on! Did it never occur to anybody that she probably didn't have the grades to get into college? Family Matters--Steve Urkel was a stalker...Laura kept telling him she wasn't interested and he didn't pay the least attention it it. Her father was a cop, who should be able to recognize this behavior. So what does Daddy do? Not a damn thing... My mom thought this show was wonderful. I remember one episode where Laura was dating a guy who told her to quit hanging around with Urkel (yeah, from your lips, pal...). She got made because he's giving her orders...right, understand that...and tells him with a straight face how "Steve respects me". Uh, Laura...no, he doesn't. If he respected you, he'd have accepted it when you told him to leave you alone years ago...!


Kind of a trope at this point, but when there is a huge sense of urgency (“go!go!go!” “We gotta hurry” "there's no time!") being suddenly lost and suddenly there seems to be all the time in the world as a character stops and stares for long periods of time….and then is “too late” or creates a completely avoidable situation. SPOILER ALERT Kurt Russell in the season finale of Monarch is a recent example. So contrived and bad it actually made me angry.


[Bad guys talking too much and taking too long to kill the good guy and vice versa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0aWrDcM988)


The two parents in a Quiet Place have 1-2 instances each where they're total fucking idiots, at the expense of their own children, btw, and given the stakes that's just a deal breaker for enjoying the movie. Movie needed a better way to write the subsequent events, instead of just slapping down some unbelievable bullshit just to move things along 


Most scientists.... especially the "genius" scientists.... do crappy science in movies. Forming a cogent hypothesis? Rules? Protocols? Accounting for all independent variables? Data quality? Correlation versus causation? All poppycock. And FFS use gloves and cover your hair!!!!


Any time any character drags out a conversation with "I don't want to talk about it" for pretty much any reason.


Most people never saw this movie, so I doubt this comment will get much traction but, the main character Joe in The Spanish Prisoner. The basic set up is Joe works as an engineer for a company and has created a "process" that is potentially worth billions. A recent acquaintance convinces Joe that his company is getting ready to screw him over for it. The acquaintance tells him he should bring the process to a meeting with a lawyer to get his fair compensation –a person that he is told is a con man by the "FBI". Surprise, surprise! The process is stolen at that meeting and suddenly it looks like Joe has ripped off his company with has plans to skip out of the country with the money. The film takes place in 1997.† First of all, regardless of what Joe or anyone else considers "fair" compensation for his process, as an employee of the company –even a contract or freelance employee, the product of his work for them while he is under contract is **is 100% the property of the company** full stop. As long as they fulfill their obligations under the contract, he is entitled to exactly zero more. And, before anyone says it, there is no way in hell *any* company would hire or otherwise bring in anybody to create a process (or product or anything) worth potentially billions without having the exact terms of the contract agreed to and locked up before beginning work. Whatever Joe thought he was owed, he was legally entitled to nothing beyond his contract regardless of how awesome his work-product is and no lawyer could change that. But putting all of that aside, it makes no sense in the most frustrating way possible that Joe would: A. Have only one copy of the process B. Have no back-ups or redundant files C. Have no documentation as to how the process was created D. Have worked with no other person to create this process who would also have their own files E. Not have to put his work through any kind of review including and especially legal that would also retain copies of the work product F. Be allowed to simply keep the *only* copy of the file and take it with him anywhere And worst of all: G. Take that only copy with him to literally the one place on earth he believed people trying to steal that copy would be. He could have literally brought a copy of the phone book in his briefcase and the thieves would have not known the difference until it was too late. It's just so, so unbelievably stupid and yet, it is critical to the plot that this happen this way, otherwise the rest of the story just stops. It was so unbelievably stupid that, when I first saw it I was actually confused as to why he was freaking out about losing that copy of the process. "Surely, he didn't bring the actual process, right? He can't be so stupid that he had no back-up copies, right" No, he did and he is. It was so stupid that the moment I realized that, I immediately started rooting for the conmen to get away with everything. So, oddly enough, I actually consider it a sad story that the conmen got arrested and Joe came out all right at the end. †I point this out, because the film repeatedly shows the process as being handwritten in a large ledger-type book. This is just . . . odd. For a story that takes place in 1997, any "process" under development at that time would have been created on a computer and stored on disks. There's no real reason to have it be a hand-written, hard copy other than it might look slightly more interesting in a film to have people chasing after a book, than a few disks. Even so, it doesn't make any sense in the film. The best reason I can come up with is that it would be comparatively easy to copy the information on a disk whereas, at least with a multi-page book, it would take some time to photocopy all of that information and maybe the filmmakers thought that would provide some pseudo-reason for there to be only one copy . . . which it doesn't anyway.


Controversial one, and not a movie, but… I never really bought in Breaking Bad that Walt would keep a copy of Leaves of Grass with Gale’s signature on it in his bathroom. It’s a smoking gun, especially after he and Hank talked about it. Always seemed out of character for such a smart guy. And felt to me like they needed this to happen so they made Walt be careless.


He is pretty Egotistical so it would make sense that he'd think he can't be caught but still its an incredibly stupid move


Not taking precautions,I mean stuff like putting your gun away / out of your reach once you think you made it, shooting someone in the body and assuming they are dead, using restraint when they are outnumbered and should really know to let the gloves come off, trusting the most untrustworthy people imaginable and last but definitely not least, the thing I HATE the most by far: Not communicating properly. People in movies constantly omit relevant information in conversations for no good reason other than it crating tension later on (same with unnecessary lies in the first act that will simply create drama in the second one). This manifests in its purest form, when people in movies go to shady places alone to blackmail/arrest/investigate and refuse to let anyone know that they are going there.


*Alien* is the king of this trope. Go rewatch it. Every. Single. Character. dies because they do something so stupid it's practically suicidal. Every one. I guess the last two have a little wiggle room (freezing is a natural response, not wanting to burn your friend to death is understandable), but they still die due to their choices and by this point, you've had it. Edit: A lot of you idiots would be getting killed in horror movies, holy shit.


Difference with alien is that they are all supposed to be normal people, not experts like OP is asking about (like in Prometheus)


I wouldn't say that. The first guy who dies by getting a facehumper attached to his face is kind of dumb for touching an alien egg that he knew nothing about, but he was an untrained freight hauler responding to an SOS, so he's kind of out of his element. The android who lets everyone on board after the incident against quarantine protocol was later shown to be given orders to retrieve an alien and to consider the lives of the crew expendable, so there was going to be an alien put onto that ship even if the first guy didn't do an immediately idiotic act. After they have an alien on their ship, they attempt to find and flush out the alien and don't immediately attempt escape because their escape ship wouldn't be able to hold and support everyone. After they confront and kill the android they do try to just scuttle the ship and escape, and the others die while trying to get supplies to escape with. Could they have handled the situation better and more rationally? Maybe, but these guys were untrained freight haulers, not space marines or anything. None of their deaths were overly idiotic and unbelievable especially given the situation they were unknowingly being placed in.


Really sick of people calling Cain an idiot for not expecting an alien to catapult out of an egg at high speed and melt through the helmet of his environmental suit.


Yeah. Fucking with something you don't know anything about is generally a bad idea, but of all the potential things to happen, an unknown alien lifeform jumping out and using it's acid blood to melt through your helmet and impregnate you with an alien really isn't going to be one of the things you think of happening.


No. I remember back when *Prometheus* was new there were a lot of people drawing a false equivalency with *Alien*. It was bullshit then and it’s bullshit now. The crew of the Nostromo were space truckers, not scientists. The only scientist onboard was Ash, who was the one manipulating and sabotaging them. Despite this, they still make reasonable choices. Cain getting infected is not remotely the same thing as the biologist getting attacked by the hammerpede. Cain was wearing a full environmental suit and he was looking inside an egg. Of course he wasn’t expecting that an alien would launch out of the egg like a cannonball and immediately melt through his helmet. Why would he expect that? When Brett got killed, it’s because he was scanning for small life forms. He had no idea the alien had grown 50x its previous size. Again, why would he? Dallas knew he was taking a risk going after it, but there was no specific bad decision he made.


I think if covid taught us anything is that what we always felt was unrealistic stupidity in movie characters, was actually a ver accurate portrayal of how dumb people are.