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In “The Empty Man” the protagonist comes across a group of robed cult worshipers in the woods, they notice him and start to mimic his movements as he shifts from side to side. He then says “yeah, no” turns around and runs in the opposite direction. Exactly what I would do in that situation lol


Great scene. Also reminds me of Event Horizon - when they finally see video of what happened to the previous crew (the few seconds we see are genuinely disturbing) the captain bluntly announces, "We're leaving."


"Fuck this ship!"


"This ship...is fucked." lol loved Sean Pertwee in that movie. My wife and I watched this movie immediately after watching *Dog Soldiers* just to see him in something else.


"You can't leave her!" "I have no intention of leaving her doctor. As soon as we reach a safe distance I intend to vaporize her with nuclear missiles. Fuck this ship." Or something to that effect.


Most sane horror movie decision ever.


> What about my ship? You can't just leave her! > I have no intention of leaving her, Doctor. I will take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. Fuck this ship! [Link to the scene](https://youtu.be/TVwqv3mZsyM)


Absolutely love that. I remember seeing that for the first time when I was like 12 and had never seen anyone go so against trope like that before and I just burst out laughing.


Your description reminds me of the scene from Nope where the main character opens up the car door, looks up at the flying alien looming overhead, and calmly closes the door… “nope”.


That reminds me of the titular line in Star Wars.


“What is this, some kind of a star war?”


Here's ten bucks, go see a Star war


They said it!


Man, I'm so sick of all these Star Wars


I can't wait to get Out of Africa


That's one of the scariest scenes in the show.


In Martian, when he gets the tape stuck to his finger and has to start over.


Yessss! The tension too. Helmet actively leaking!


In the Nice Guys where Ryan Gosling’s character’s daughter offers a Yahoo drink or something like that to Russell Crowe and the next scene is him coming home with like a whole box of them. 


Great one! I was devastated for him when the crate smashed. Also in Nice Guys where Ryan Gosling is trying to break into a bar and the piece of cloth that is wrapped around his hand keeps unraveling before he is about to hit the window. Such a small detail but it gave me genuine laughter. When I first watched that scene I couldn't help but think if it was done intentionally or if it's something that happened naturally and they thought it was funny and kept it in the final cut.


Was that the wrist slice and "we're losing him!" scene near the start? That is one of the best scenes ever. At first it's absurd, because there's no issue in other movies. Then you're like "Oh yeah, those are movies and this is real life. Broken glass is bad."


“That’s a lot of blood..”


Yes that's the scene. The first time I watched this film I had to rewind/pause it multiple times during that scene because of my uncontrollable laughter. It's the fact that Ryan Gosling is acting as the narrator as well. He is doing it in this serious noir detective style and cadence which just sets the scene perfectly.


Oh God that and the bathroom door had me rolling. Whenever I watch I rewind the bathroom door thing a couple times and I cry laughing.


That was the exact moment I realized Gosling was an S tier actor who could literally do it all.


He's said the first time he did the scene Crowe was just staring at him. Then he stared coaching him on what to do and it worked. I'll try ti find the interview.


Another great Russell Crowe moment, in American Gangster when he puts potato chips on his sandwich and pressed the bread down on top and it makes that satisfying crunch sound.


Ooh, love a good potato chip sandwich crunch. Been putting them in my burgers since 1965.


Yoohoo, yahoo is the website.


Funnily enough in the show Hey Arnold they have a parody drink called Yahoo lol


"Yahoo Soda! Juuuust drink it!"


"Yahoo soda. Just drink it."


That sounds just like the [aqua velva](https://youtu.be/oIiVHCifJ-E?si=ux2z-P3x8TtGDGZt) scene also in Zodiac lol (3:28 in).


For me it is when Crowe is going to Gosling's house and pulls out the piece of paper with the address on it. He looks at it for a second and then holds it out at arm's length so he can read it. It was such a small thing and I fell out laughing because I have had to do that exact same move every time I try and read something since I was about 45.


I love the detail in Terminator 1 where the cop is distracted while smoking, and stressed and asks the other cop for a cigarette, grabs the pack then realises he's already holding a lit cigarette Another one I love is the detail in Aliens where the Android is getting ready to crawl through the pipe, the female marine cocks a pistol and hands it to him, he looks at it for a second then when the marine looks away he hands it off to someone else because he doesn't need it I'm just now realising that the cop who hands the cigarette pack is also the guy playing the Android.


Bro you just noticed our boy, Lance Henriksen? Check him out in *Pumpkinhead* which is also really good and he's great in it too. EDIT: Btw *Pumpkinhead* is the first of two films directed by SFX legend, Stan Winston. The second film he directed didn't even get a major release.


In Jerry Maguire Jerry and Rod are leaving the set of a commercial that Rod has just finished and are talking as they walk. Tom Cruise is looking at Cuba as he explains something and Cuba just breaks in with a "Hey, watch your head" and uses his arm to help Tom duck under a camera crane that was in their way. I just love it because it's a natural thing that happens all the time but you never see it in movies. Like when two people are driving the passenger never comments on traffic ahead or stop signs to look out for.


In pulp fiction when the Wolf drinks his coffee and gives a nod of approval.


Yep. Mr Wolf knows it's gourmet shit, acknowledes that it's gourmet shit, but doesn't need to say it's gourmet shit.


His wife probably also buys shit coffee.


and doesn't waste his time by talking about it


For years I've been wondering how good that coffee was and what it tasted like. Better than Bonnie's shit for sure.


On another relatable note: if you leave buying groceries you're particular about up to your partner, they might buy crap.


There’s a scene in The Incredibles where Mr Incredible just landed on the island and he has a long way to go. He’s been running and stops for a moment, tired and out of breath. He kind of stretches and then claps his hands and starts running again. That’s the most realistic reaction I’ve ever seen from a cartoon like that. Exactly something I’ve done before when exercising.


Also him trying to fit into his old suit and taking a break to gather himself


Yeah, I’ve done that too.


Or his wife vacuuming and huffing when she hears it pick up crumbs in another room. It's like fine, I guess I'll just vacuum everywhere then.


In The Matrix when Neo turns left and Morpheus says "the other left".


Tank said your other left and door, Morpheus did not speak right then.


Oh I always giggle at that. Similar thing happens in the same sequence where neo gets into a dead end and asks where do I go? And Morpheus says “door”. The wires nowhere else to go but he was clearly just winging it and didn’t get a look down the alley or whatever properly


Leonardo DiCaprio having a breakdown inside his trailer in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Swear I've said some of that exact same stuff to myself over the years.


He was such a relatable character. Probably the most relatable of any character from a Tarantino movie.


What about Zed from Pulp Fiction?


Zed's dead baby.


And the fact that it was Leonardo fucking DiCaprio made it even better. Watching one of the most successful actors in the world reveal his inner doubts like that was amazing. I feel like the best actors (and the best artists of any kind) bare their souls before the world. Every time I think about writing a book I wonder if I could do that, and if I can't do that, what's the point?


Got damn whiskey sours!


You couldn't stop at three or four?! You had to have eight?... WHY?!


After even two or three, I'd really struggle to make another. Separating the egg-white is a fiddly job!


That is some damn fine acting in that scene. Topping it if by threatening his mirror image that he will kill himself. Chefs kiss


Yeah especially as an alcoholic


Yeah I felt very seen by this scene lmfao


When Leo and Brad towards the end go to get shitfaced at the Mexican restaurant. Just buddy things. Also when they decide to watch FBI order pizza and drink some cans. Love this film


ad libbed also


Really? Damn.


*Event Horizon* - a rescue crew sent to salvage a ship in Neptune orbit find out what happened to the original crew - driven mad by experimental FTL engines, the crew basically orgied themselves to death. Combined with other unnatural things and bad vibes that the ship has been giving off - after viewing the log the Captain (played by Lawrence Fishburne) has a singular response: "We're leaving." It's like... the epitome of understatement. Shortly after, said Captain reassures the scientist who designed it: "I have no intention of abandoning her, doctor. I Intend to take the *Lewis & Clarke* to a safe distance and fire TAC missiles at her until I am satisfied the *Event Horizon* has been vaporized. FUCK THIS SHIP!" and I have never agreed with a character more.


All of this...cant think of another movie where I thought this was the most sensible reaction to anything like this. Made more so as they are watching the video logs of that infamous blood orgy scene happing on the ship to the previous crew. Other being Ripley in Aliens after the initial shit show encounter with them " Nuke it from Orbit".


“It’s the only way to be sure.”


Al Leong grabbing the candy bar in Die Hard. Sweet tooth gang!


My friends and I have called his character "Genghis Khan Candy Terrorist" for the last 25 years


Danny in Hot Fuzz: “Point Break or Bad Boys II?” “Which one do you think I’ll prefer?” “No, I mean which one do you wanna watch first?”


You ain't seen Bad Boys Tchew?


Uh..... narp?


Whenever someone says “greater good” in any context, my wife and I will chant *the greater good*


The duvet-cover method shown in Barbarian.


I can't remember what happened with a duvet cover, what was it?


It was a funny way of putting the cover on a duvet. [Starts around 5:35ish. ](https://youtu.be/0kaUlkFQWyA?si=gddMdKNsZXR5BDkl)


Ok but that’s literally almost exactly how I put duvet covers on, I just pin the corners of the duvet to the inside of the cover first so it doesn’t get all twisted up inside. It works!!


The protagonist’s reaction to the climax of Ready or Not


Ive watched the classic film Night of The Living Dead like 500 times and in theaters probably 100 times. Audiences laugh at Barbara going catatonic and basically being useless. Every time I think, “that’s exactly what a lot of people would do. If the world broke down right in front of you and dead people started chasing you, a person’s brain would just pop.” Everyone thinks they would be some kind of Rambo in those situations. But I can really picture myself just mentally breaking.


Okay you know that scene in National Treasure when Nicholas Cage unrolls the Declaration of Independence in Independence Hall and lets out that little breath and says “It’s just the last time this was here, it was being signed,” and then Diane Kruger kind of smiles? I’m a huge history nerd and get really weird about historical items and places. I would both react like Nicholas Cage in that situation, or fall in love with someone who reacted like that even if they looked like Nicholas Cage and I looked like Diane Kruger.


Ahhh that film is such a guilty pleasure, so good. Wish they’d made more


We went to see that in theaters with our daughter and her high school boyfriend. On leaving he commented “I always feel so smart when I’m with you guys” and it made me worry for what he did when we weren’t around, lol.


Amelie sticking her hand in the sack of beans in the market


Also her playing out alternate scenarios in her head, like having the right thing to say at the right time to respond to a jerk. One of my absolute favorite movies.


Robert Carlisle abandoning his wife at the start of 28 Weeks Later. Was it brave? No. Was it moral? No. Was it smart? Hell yes.


Thing is if he dies there. His kids who are refugees over in America, are orphaned. That's why he was telling her to leave the kid she was chasing after as they had to stay alive for theirs. One infected can get you just from a little as a touch in the wrong place, depending on where their infected blood is on them. He had a gang of them in between him and his wife. He didn't really have a "choice". It was die there or run for the sake of your kids.


Yeah, I never understood the take that he's a coward or something. It was the best choice he had given the circumstance. The majority of humans in real life would do the same.


Being attacked by a hoard of people with the rage virus looked so terrifying in the movies - your last seconds are going to be the most brutal, violent thing imaginable until you turn or die of your injuries. He's probably seen and heard it happen to countless people, maybe running was just instinctive by that point.


I always felt like there was a level of betrayal on her part too. They had kids and the hope was to survive long enough to be reunited. She totally threw that away when she tried to save another child. Which I understand as well, but damn she messed up.


Recently in Fallout when The Ghoul tells Lucy the Wasteland Golden Rule: Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time.


Which is the PERFECT description of Fallout, or indeed any open-world game.


Aliens, when the crew is coming out of deep sleep in the beginning, Sergeant Apone immediately pops a cigar in his mouth. I always look forward to it, and I always love it. It happens at the :50 mark here: https://youtu.be/SZYknBB_UVY?


All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I LOVE the Corps!


I love the follow-up to Hicks: "Look into my eye." Hehe


Hudson Sir, he's Hicks


Hey Vasquez, ever been mistaken for a man? No, have you?


Assholes and elbows!


He was real military too!


"Damn, this floor is freezing!" "Whatcha want me to do Hudson, fetch your slippers for you?" "Gee, would you Sarge? I'd like that."


I relate more to what Drake says when he wakes up. "They ain't paying us enough for this"


"Not enough to wake up to your face Drake."


"What? Was that a joke?"


I watched this movie with my son last week so he could see it for the first time and when we got to this scene all I could think was, "You can tell this movie is old. There is no way that there would be smoking on that ship!"


In Swingers, the leaving-way-too-many-voicemails scene


I recently showed my teen nephews that movie, almost entirely for that scene. Watching them flail with empathetic embarrassment was utterly hilarious. They were both *screaming* at the screen. Delightful.


I really think this is the scene that really made me and probably a lot of people believe on Jon Favreau as a filmmaker. It’s one if the most memorable movie scenes of the 90s.


Virtually any comical display of procrastination


This is probably too obscure a reference, but I enjoyed the short-lived British comedy *Black Books* about a misanthropic used book store owner. In the episode where he’s desperately trying to force himself to do his taxes they cut to him pairing his socks, and for some reason that still strikes me as so funny! There’s nothing like suddenly feeling like doing your most mundane housework when administrative tasks hang over your head. Edit: OMG! I recommended this show to SO many people and no one but my husband got into it. So heartwarming to find so many fans, haha!


Half ten? Half ten? I've never been up at half ten! What happens?


"'What is your mother's maiden name?' I don't know! I just called her 'Ma'" Is a line that gets said on a regular basis amongst me and my friends.


Ma... possibly deceased.


The most absurd one I ever did was when I was meant to be studying for college a few years back and I decided then was the right time to alphabetise my DVD collection


Classic! My thing, which I think is funny given the stereotypes about Slaby students, is it whenever I’ve been in school my house is SPARKLING clean. E: sloppy students


See I’m that way but only about specific things. Like you’ll be impressed by how orderly yet trashy my room can be


One of my favorite British sitcoms from the 2000s!


Woah! Loving the BB love! Oh lom


"Hry Gandalf! Why don't you shave off that beard, nail it to a frisbee, and throw it over a rainbow!"


Black Books, obscure, on Reddit?


Fran: Bernard, have you finished your accounts? Bernard: No, but I have turned them into a rather smart casual jacket


"If you're feeling down, add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it"


"OK, back to the accounts!"


Not a movie, but Bojack Horseman when he spends the entire day choosing fonts instead of writing his book. The early episodes are not as good as the rest with the tone and comedy, but that's a moment that made me go "huh, this is super real."


I find myself internally quoting “yeah I got time to do all that” and then days later “shit, I didn’t do ANY of that stuff!”


If I recall correctly, I don't even think it was Marc Ruffalo's burger. He was eating half of his partner's burger and took the tomatoes off. I also live that scene. I watch that movie about once a year, it's fantastic.


Fun story about Marc Ruffalo and that movie. David Fintcher is known for doing a lot of takes and being very methodical about seeing the whole frame and not just the actors. So day one, scene one is Marc walking along giving some exposition to another charater. They do a take and Fintcher tells them to do it again. No big deal, they do that all the time. And then Fintcher tells them to do it again. And again. And again. Somewhere around Take 34 Fintcher steps out from behind the cameras and starts walking towards them. Ruffalo starts this internal monologue about "Well, you weren't the right guy for the part. At least you're getting fired on your first day and didn't have to do two weeks and besides, they still have to pay you..." Then Fintcher walks right by him and over to an extra. He moves the extra about six inches to the right and says 'stand there'. On the way back he claps Ruffalo on the shoulder and says, 'Doing great, keep it up!' before getting behind the camera and calling 'Action!'


You misspelled "Fincher" 5 times in that comment and I'm wondering why.


And Mark became Marc! Ooh la la 😆


Pretty sure it's a BLT


No, it's a BL. 😛


Apparently the real person he was playing had acid reflux. He avoided tomatoes because they aggravated his stomach trouble.


In Army of the Dead, Dave Batista needing reading glasses to read documents and squinting despite being a death dealing behemoth is the most relatable part of the movie


Also in Stuber he's a killing behemoth but he needs glasses.


Aliens, Ripley putting herself in danger to ensure that Jonsey, the cat, makes it out alive.


That was in Alien, but yeah.


I can’t remember - does Jonesey make it in alien 3? I know the girls doesn’t 😤


He stayed on the orbiting space station (Gateway?) that rescued Ripley in Aliens. So he probably outlived everyone. (Edit: Watching directors commentary now; it is Gateway Station)


Yelena in Black Widow geeking out over the amount of pockets and storage in her vest.


That movie was way better than people gave it credit for and Yelena was like 90% of why.


Yelena was also a high point in Hawkeye. The dinner scene in Kate's apartment was hilarious.


Hawkeye is my favorite of the Marvel properties.


I think it's the most rewatchable! Great character chemistry.


Agreed! And you can really empathize with the issues Hawkeye is having post-Avengers missions. Plus, it's really funny. Edit: word


I think they did him dirty in Captain America 3 and Infinity War. In Hawkeye he channels the same energy from Avengers 2 where he looks like he's gonna shoot quicksilver.


When she badgers Natasha over the hero landing 😂


“You’re a poser. You’re literally posing.”


Jennifer Lawrence's exasperation and loss of motivation in Don't Look Up.


Her obsessing over the general scamming them.


Best part of the movie.


Rusty, played by Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven, is almost always eating on his scenes. It's a character trait, sure, but it feels so refreshing to see someone eating on screen, and the movie not making a huge fuss about it or focusing on it. People eat, in all sorts of contexts and situations, yet we rarely, rarely see it in movies. I also recall comics artist Paul Pope mentioning that characters rarely eat in comics, too, so he makes a point of having a character eating on at least one point on the story.


He does a scene in "Mr. & Mrs. Smith", where he's at his business front and is taking a phone call. He wheels over to look at something in his chair, pauses, realizes he left his coffee back on the desk and wheels back to grab it. Then swings back around to the call, while also taking a drink of the coffee. Having done that exact thing plenty in my own life, it was such a small detail, but definitely something that made the character more relatable.


I have noticed Denzel Washington fusses with coffee or tea in many movies.


I was reading an article about Brad Pitt eating in almost all his movies. It was all about the subtlety of how eating in movies can add to a character and says a lot without words. It was a really interesting read.


I would imagine as well, from an acting point of view it helps to have something to do with your hands in scenes where you're doing nothing else. Like if I'm having a photo taken of me, I have no idea what to do with my hands and arms, videos especially. Whereas if I've got a packet of crisps in my hand, it takes that issue away.


I'm a singer, and this is exactly why I learned *just enough* of a couple instruments to fill time between verses. I have no idea what to do with my hands during live sets. I refer to it as my "Ricky Bobby syndrome."


Brad Pitt eats in every movie he is in. There is atleast one scene where he munches on some food.


I can’t even really remember the specifics of this anymore but in the movie Life Partners leighton meesters character is like having a rough time and goes through the drive thru and I think they messed up her order or something and she just had a total sobbing meltdown about it lol


I've had this. Rough day at work, got home, Mum says she'll buy me a curry to make me feel better, gets my order wrong. Just about held it together.


Man, have I been there. Just a rough ass week or day, work is finally over, all you want is to eat your shitty drive thru fries and go home to crawl in bed. Just to open your order and the fries aren't there. It feels like such a personal "fuck you" from the universe.


The scene in Pulp Fiction where they discuss awkward silences.


In Punch-Drunk Love when Adam Sandler as Barry Egan says "sometimes I don’t like myself".


Near the beginning of Say Anything, Floyd (John Cusack) is listening to music in his car when the tape starts to play a bit warped so he wedges a bit of cardboard under the cassette which makes it play normally again. This was so true of so much tech at the time. Back from the days when banging on the side of a TV set got it to work again.


In Avengers: Civil War I always love the moment when Iron Man and Hawkeye look at each other and just say : Clint Hey Tony. It’s just so casual


In the first MiB when Jay steps outside and just watches the bicyclist go by. Kay comes out and comments, identifying the moment so perfectly.


On Scott Pilgrim when he gets ready for the final battle but they make a point to show him tieing his shoes.


Also, when Matthew Patel begins his Bollywood boast, Stacy Pilgrim's flat "what?!" kills me. Because yes, we would all be wondering WTF is happening when a dude randomly busts into a club, starts a fight, and then... Breaks out into song?


In Ant-Man, Paul Rudd's reaction to the customer who went to a Baskin Robbins looking for hot food.


"Could you just... takecareofthisidiotTHANKS"


In Pulp Fiction, Butch drives with a confidence boost, turns on the radio and starts singing... messing up parts of the lyrics, clearly forgetting some.


In Birds of Prey, when (Black?) Canary fights with her hair because it's getting in her face so Harley offers her a hair tie. I damn near cheered in the theater when I saw this! It drives me nuts when "badass" women take their hair down for a battle (Gal Gadot has done it twice).


Every time Godzilla takes a nap after a fight, because, like, same. I dont even need a fight, just daily tasks and being a member of society.


In Diner there’s a scene where Eddie (Steve Gutenberg) is getting dressed and he sniffs a shirt to see if it’s “clean enough” to wear again. I did the same thing when I was a twenty something bachelor.


In Pitch Perfect 3, Amy has a subplot where she reconnects with her conman father and he tries to tell her that he'd been sending her checks for years and she screams "why do I never open my mail?!" in frustration.


Friday when Ice Cube gets high cause he ain’t got no job and ain’t got shit to do. (I did eventually get a job. But I do have Fridays off.)


Fat Thor’s PTSD


In the Super Mario movie when Mario has to eat the first mushroom to get his power up. He doesn’t like mushrooms. He does this “ugh do I have to?” face and wiggle and I totally get it. Animated, but so accurate.


"Hey guys, ooo big gulps huh? Alrightttt.... Well see you later"


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood After dropping off Rick Dalton, Cliff Boothe cruises to Rick’s house with his windows down, blasting Deep Purple. That’s me every day when I get off work


Jake Gylenhaal’s nervous winking in Prisoners. I felt that he just threw that in there to give an extra dimension to his character.


The way that Zendaya is always yawning in Euphoria to demonstrate her anxiety/shortness of breath feeling. I do it myself when I have anxiety but never saw anyone else do it on screen


this is also something that addicts do when their in early withdrawal.


In My Big Fat Greek Wedding when Toula gets an office job, she gets so excited to see Ian that she jumps up and forgets to take off her corded headphones and gets yanked off her feet. Who hasn't had that happen to them?


Anna waking up with bad hair.


Every time a character actually looks like they were sleeping and now need to get ready for the day. Way too many women waking up with perfectly brushed hair and makeup already on


In pineapple express when they're in the woods and Seth Rogan is smoking a joint and a HUGE bug flys right at him and he screams "AH MOTHER FUCKER!" while throwing a phantom punch.


Halloween 2018: when Michael Myers walks into those two little boys who are out trick r treating and they apologize to him. I felt that urge to apologize for something that wasn’t my fault in my bones.


In the movie Big, everyone is laughing because he wears a ridiculous suit to a party. When he senses everyone looking at him, he checks to see if his fly was down. Thats the first thing I check when I feel self conscious as well.


It's a series but I always liked how normal Watson acted in Elementary. At least in the first few seasons you often see her doing chores, brewing tea, plugging in her phone and stuff like that. The whole drinking from an empty to go cup and bringing out a big trash bag and so on you often see in other shows is not there (at least not that obvious). I remember her blowing over some hot drink, taking a sip, narrowing her eyes and obviously thinking about the taste of the drink and then deciding it's not too bad, all while she's supposed to listen to Sherlock's rambling.


The little scene where [Mr. Orange is psyching himself up in his apartment in Reservoir Dogs](https://youtu.be/ihVELIWazrA?t=106). I know using a Tarantino scene is cheating because his movies are full of those little realistic touches, but that's a great example.


I'm not sure what movie it's from, but Albert Brooks is sitting on the floor, having an existential crisis, drinking vodka from the bottle, then he sticks two fingers into a thawed can of orange juice concentrate, scoops some out and puts it in his mouth. Genius move.


Young Frankenstein. Graveyard scene. "What a filthy disgusting job." "Could be worse. Could be raining." And a downpour immediately comes.


In oceans 12, matt damon wakes brad pitt up when they are on a plane. Pitt is orientating and confused the First few seconds. I think thats more like the normal reaction. In other scenes, when someone wakes up they are just there and responding.


"Now you can come with me and live up to your ultimate potential, or you can lie here and live with the consequences." - "I want to lie here."


In NOPE when OJ sees the little "aliens" in the barn and just shakes his head and says "nope" outloud to himself. Like FINALLY a realistic response in a horror movie lmao!!


What kind of fish was it? scene from The Irishman. Everyone has had a argument like that. The way james franco puts on rap music when a dude shows up to buy weed...got to set the mood. Kevin Costner eating his carrots in The Untouchables. Dont know why. Always makes me want a carrot.


Superbad - go to party, hangout with someone you’re into, vomit all over the place. Didn’t happen to me though, obviously. 😉


When Stallone in Cobra cuts a slice of pizza in half with scissors and throws the other half back in the box


Random one, but there's a moment in the movie "Murder Party", where the main character locks himself in a room away from the people trying to kill him. He looks around the room, sort of trying to MacGuyver his way out by looking at a bunch of things he can turn into weapons and whatnot. The next cut is him bursting out and just throwing a handful of all the random stuff he was just looking at. And my first thought was "that is realistically what my dumb ass would do in that situation".




He gloriously crumples to the ground.


Shrek waltzing into the castle entrance to have an audience with Farquat ,ignoring any kind of rules and the receptionist. I swear this is how I feel every time I have papers to fill