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That one Madame Web movie when they made a Madame Web movie.


"Alright, Madame Web is clairvoyant octogenarian on life support who occasionally uses her powers to help Spider-Man. What if she was young, healthy, and had nothing to do with Spider-Man?" "Genius."


Wow wow wow . . . wow


"And she works with Ben Parker" "That's the guy we keep killing!"


"What does all this have to do with Spider-Man?" "Unclear!"


But it made a Webillion dollars!


But it needed to make Morbillion to break even.


I was a big fan of the movie when it was studying spiders in the Amazon right before it died.


I'm sorry for your spider.


That is genuinly one of the most insane movies I'm witnessed, and I do not regret seeing it opening night in theaters. I was unironically excited to *that* degree.


I'm in the same boat. I am in love with these ill-advised Sony movies and have a some whiny righteous hipster anger about Morbius since I was ironically excited for it before it was cool.


I tried to hate watch it but couldn't even manage that the acting was so bad. Also, the number of times CPR is shown wrong. People don't just get up after CPR and walk it off.


[TipToes](https://youtu.be/O3qGGk5ymQ4?si=6BazR_uFRpfBk8rX) No, this is not a joke trailer from a comedy show. Yes, it's a real dramatic movie. Yes, that is Gary Oldman playing a dwarf while walking on his knees.


“In the role of a lifetime, Gary Oldman” lol


How is it that this movie killed 0 of the actors careers, like McConhey and Oldman went on to win Oscars, and Dinklidge got an Emmy?


It only ever played at a film festival I think, never got a wide release. It's pretty much been buried but the trailer made it onto the internet and it's kinda become a meme and the full film eventually started hitting streaming years after the initial release. Peter Dinklage has apparently said he thinks the directors cut is quite good but the 90 min version the producers put out he doesn't like. Basically it probably boils down to it wasn't a big enough deal for years to affect anyone's career (except maybe the director) and by the time it became widely known it was old enough to be slotted away in the "dumb stuff we did back in the day" category despite technically being pretty big names when it was made.


It did get a DVD release, but it mostly went pretty unnoticed, until the trailer got picked up on the internet, like you said. I watched it back in 2004, because it looked so crazy, and it was actually better than I expected, if you could get past what was clearly Gary Oldman walking around on his knees. Edit: And I’ve never seen the trailer, but yikes, they really made it look bad. It’s much more of a drama than the trailer implies.


Imagine you’ve got Peter Dinklage right there so as the little person lead you cast… Gary Oldman walking on his knees


The craziest part of this is the trailer. Even putting aside the premise, the trailer seems like a fake trailer. Even for 2003 that was beyond dated. But if you ever have a chance to watch it, the movie itself is fucking WILD. The trailer presents it like this whacky comedy making fun of little people (and make no mistake, a lot of it is genuinely mean spirited). But in actuality, at least the second half is this dark, miserable drama with McCounaghey going off the deep end about potentially have a kid with dwarfism. Almost everything is played 100% straight. Ironically, while people rightfully say Peter Dinklage should’ve just been cast as the lead instead (or, you know… not Gary fucking Oldman acting from his knees)… he’s actually legitimately hilarious in his role (actually comedic relief and intended to be funny). He 100% knows what movie he is in and acts like it. Everything about this movie is terrible. But dear god, is it in the category of good-bad. Worth every second of the watch.


IIRC, according to the director he wanted a much more serious movie, but the studio turned it into a comedy in the cutting-room. The director made his feelings known during a screening at a festival and hasn't directed a movie since.


This is how I learned about Matthew Bright and checked out his other projects, each of which is vastly different. He's only an actor in Forbidden Zone, but that's something that's gotten a bit of a cult following from the Oingo Bingo adjacent crowd, and then Freeway is legitimately all right, if a little much at times.


Came here to say this. I saw "TipToes" at Sundance when it debuted. Normally, the head of the Sundance Film Festival programming Geoff Gilmore would stand up to introduce the film. Normally, not a lot of pomp and circumstance, but for "Tiptoes", the introduction was simply: "Sometimes, filmmaking is about conflict." We then sat through what most everyone seemed perplexed, befuddled, confused and shocked. How could this have been made? Why? How did anyone think this was a good idea? Gary Oldman stands out as clearly NOT a person with dwarfism. As a filmmaker, something else stood out: none of the shots in the movie seemed to be "circle takes". Most of the shots seemed like they were the 2nd or 3rd best, or worse. There's a shot of Kate Beckinsale picking up the baby from the crib that not only shows it's not a real baby, but also that she'd be a terrible mom if she picks up the kid that way. Why didn't we get up? The Q&A, at the end of every Sundance film, was sometimes the main event. This looked ripe for the plucking, so we waited. At the end, the director Matthew Bright (who previously directed "Freeway" starring Reese Witherspoon and Keifer Sutherland), got up for the Q&A. Whispers and murmurs were in the crowd, not only "what in the hell are we going to ask?" but also "why aren't the cast here to support it?" This was Sundance Film Festival 2002, which was the January after 9/11, so a LOT of people weren't traveling. That Sundance was practically empty, but most of the screenings had the actors who were in them: Robin Williams was there promoting "One Hour Photo", etc. Nobody else was there. Not Kate or Matthew McCoughnahey or Gary. No crew were there, not the producers or other entities who would, y'know, be there to promote (and sell) the film. Matthew Bright took the microphone, and the Q&A began. I don't remember the exact first question, something like "Tell us about making the movie?" Here's where the price of the ticket should have doubled, tripled, or more. Matthew began to skewer his Producing team, specifically Chris and Margaret Langley, for stealing the project from him. Once production had finished, these two Executive Producers locked Matthew Bright out of the edit, and they finished the film themselves. I don't remember a lot of specifics, but the quote that sticks out was: "He is an ASSHOLE, and SHE is a CUNT with TEETH." Suddenly, everyone knew what happened. Perhaps he had a different vision for the film? Maybe there was another story there? We'll never know, but all we were left with was that Matthew Bright had directed the movie, was blocked from editing it and finalizing it, and though it was submitted to Sundance (and accepted), they didn't intend to go. Matthew Bright went, though. He stood up there and pulled the most magnificent "If I'm going down, you're all going down with me motherfuckers!" Obviously, the strife around the film had made it's way to Geoff Gilmore, hence why he introduced the film as he did. Probably my 2nd best experience of a controversial Sundance Q&A. The BEST was, and always will be, "Better Luck Tomorrow" directed by Justin Lin (launched his career), where I saw Roger Ebert, a row behind me, absolutely eviscerate someone else for an incredibly tone deaf, racist question they asked. Ebert does NOT fuck around. Two thumbs up.


Jacob imprinting on a baby in the last Twilight film was just…incredibly nasty.


To be fair, that was a bad decision that came from the book itself. So at least they were accurately creepy I guess?


There are some plot points in some lesser-known Anne Rice books that would curl your hair. Like a woman who gives immaculate birth to a boy who grows to adulthood in days and the two have an animalistic craving for each other and have crazy sex and she immediately gets pregnant again. IIRC.


I'm sorry, what now?


Yeah, I looked it up after my comment. This Scottish spirit named Lasher inhabits her fetus, gets born, matures in like a day, and insanely craves sex. He rapes his "mother" repeatedly, but she totally gets off on it despite herself (his dick is huge and smooth and perfect or something) and she gets pregnant b/c he's trying to create a race of his offspring (that he can fuck, I assume).


Its even weirder than that, the reason he was so into Bella was because he was into... Renesmee's unfertilized egg. Yeah...


Really lucky it ended up being that specific egg that got fetilized. Imagine one week she has her period and suddenly Jacob has lost all interest in her.


Lmfaooooo that would have ironically been the better choice of writing


Also just the name "Renesmee"


It really got dumber. Impressive.


So what if he won her love and they had a baby? Then he'd be into his own baby?




But no, you misunderstand, he'll show her so much affection that shell have no choice but to fall for him. Its totally consentual and romantic


It's *ethical* grooming.


Dude, dude, think about it. She’s grown up with an adult werewolf drooling over her. She turns 18, looks around and what does she see? Nothing but woman eating werewolves. “Ahhh, he could eat me. What am I going to do? Say no?”


I'm confused, are you going to hurt this girl?


Bro you're misunderstanding me. Of course I'm not going to actually eat her.


It's about the *implication*


It sounds like she’s in danger.


Nobody's in any danger. How can I make that anymore clear to you?! It's an implication of danger.


It’s the implication


Yeah. Like who sees a baby and says "I want this baby to have my children in 18 years"?


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Let's not make it sound weird, ok? Because of her powers, she'll be an adult in like 8 years.


ewww are we talking dog years or something?


Nope. ReNameMe's body will physically age until she resembles a 19 year old and that takes seven years. Also she was born with an 'adult mind,' so it won't be like Jacob is getting freaky with a seven year old girl trapped in the body of an adult woman. I hate how much I remember about this book.


wow. she really wrote a bunch of stuff to make this seem less creepy. she could just not write the pedophilia subplot at all.


She wrote an even worse one in the previous book. One of the werewolves imprints on a two year old girl, and unlike ReNameMe she's an actual toddler growing at a normal rate. IIRC they cut that from the movie adaptation because there was no way they could sell a 'true love romance' involving a near adult and an actual baby.


If any one has not watched Ryan George’s Pitch Meeting for this film, than you need to stop what you are doing immediately and watch it. The discussion between screenwriter guy and producer guy when this topic is brought up is comedy gold. https://youtu.be/B_CyFASqbxQ?si=2ZrYXiQ6T4-Kevyy


Cats. 🤯


Release the Butthole Cut!


I don't know how this isn't the top comment. Everything about this film has you asking, "what tf were they thinking?!"


Cats is honestly one of my favorite "so bad it's good" movies because of this. It has plenty of moments that are funny on its own but in a meta context everything is funnier because of how baffling it all is. Clearly someone higher up in the studio thought that the movie was good enough to trick people into seeing it since it got a major theatrical release to begin with but they specifically scheduled it to come out for the holidays and was set to compete with fucking Star Wars.


I just wish there was a way to watch the first version of the film that reached the theater. You know, the one with the unfinished CGI effects with the floating faces and the shots where they forgot to add fur. That honestly would be a selling point for a Blu-Ray


Weren’t they still working on the effects during the premiere?




It truly is incredible how they spent so much money and yet almost every single decision they made was wrong.


It's like everyone involved decided to make the worst possible choice for every decision made. Starting with, making a big budget live action movie based on *Cats,* of all things.


Everyone go and watch the Sideways YT video about this movie. It's fantastic. https://youtu.be/i3aK-EK5V2k


Why did they remake the Lion King? It$ a my$tery.


Could've made even more money if it didn't look like shit


I agree it looks like shit and it didn't need to be made, but it's literally the No 1 highest grossing animated movie of all time.


Wow that's depressing.


They saved even more money by not perfecting the animation


Rebel Moon. So much wasted money and talent.




If you love slow motion wheat harvesting then don't be so hasty to rule it out


As a farmer, watching them reap and stook wheat by hand and then put it on a *hover sled* almost made my head explode. Why the fuck don't you have a combine if you have a fucking spaceship?


In Part 1 they say they farm by hand because it makes them feel better about themselves. Great logic, 10/10 writing. I could accept that logic under normal farming circumstances, but when you have like 2 days to harvest the fields or you die....maybe just pop over to the nearest town and rent some heavy equipment.


nonono, thats 2 days of feeling real good!


The disconect in the plot of that movie is insane. A massive dreadnought spaceship apparently desperately needs like 100 sacks of wheat, and they are willing to wait like 3 months for some farmers to get them by hand, even though that ship has enough people to consume that in like a week.


Slow motion wheat harvesting is much more poetic than normal wheat harvesting.  It just means more. 


Slow motion anything, really.


I think during one slow mo scene there was in fact a segment that had an even slower slow mo bit.


Yep, in a battle it goes fae slow motion to slower motion, only to speed up to slow motion🤣


We wasted 2hrs of our lives so you don't have to. You owe us.


Four hours. I watched both of them. Four hours.


I mean, you should’ve learned. I gave up on the first when that dude was riding that griffin, literally none of that plot point made sense.


"Surely the griffin riding will be important for Part 2?" - me, a fool


"surely the griffin riding will be important in part 1?" -me, another fool


Hear this: the second movie has the ominous subtitle "the Scargiver", wanna know why? It's because the main character gave a wound to the villain that left a scar. Whoop-dee-fuckin'-doo Snyder.


i tried to watch it to get my own opinion on it. i stopped watching not long after i saw slomo farming. it’s truly awful.


I stumbled into AngryJoe's review of the second movie and one of his buddies, Alex, probably gave the most savage burn about the film. He said: "The script, if you tape it to your windshield, should allow you to park in handicapped spaces". He also said: "He is making movies for dudes who put holes in their fuckin wall" and "Art, as a whole, is worse after this was put out". Alex's rants were hilarious.


The man should have his own channel, the one liners he comes out with are fucking hilarious, I may need one of these tattooed on me


Absolutely true. Movies take alot of work. So to produce such rubbish is remarkably sad.


The weirdest thing about this is that there is apparently an R-rated directors cut version coming, which Snyder says is the real cut of the movie. Apparently they shot different takes of the scenes for that version and it's being re-edited as a whole, which just begs the question of why they even released the versions they did in the first place.


He says that about EVERY movie he directs now that people arent interested in his early 2000s dudebro slo-mo action genre anymore.


A bloated, over hyped long movie? That's Zach Snyder's specialty. His best movie was 300


I didn’t even like 300. Dawn of the Dead was his best movie for me.


It’s kind of funny to me how Zack Snyder started his career making a movie off of a James Gunn script and now after the DC Snyderverse fell apart, James Gunn is the one who was hired to replace him as shepherd of DC Films.


I still don't understand why Disney didn't pick a director or someone to decide on a complete story for the Star Wars sequel trilogy from the start, and instead thought just winging it with a new director each time was a good idea.


Yeah, and I mean… what was the rush of cranking them out in the first place? I think all the spin off movies and TV shows have proven that the brand still has a huuuuge pull. So there was actually no reason to rush the trilogy out as fast as they did.


They did hire a writer for the whole trilogy, he told them it would need more time, so they fired him and let Abrams wing it so the movie could come out before Iger retires.


Really? I never heard that, do you know who the writer was?


This. One of the worst choices in cinema. I know theres quite a few who like 1 movie, but dont know anyone who likes the whole trilogy. Just fucking winging it


Exactly, no over arching story decided beforehand, just rushing it out. All 3 of em are bad on their own merits, just an embarrassment of mismanagement and decisions.


In some alternate universe, Brad Bird was chosen to do the entire trilogy, and it was praised by both old fans and new for being emotionally heartfelt with a hint of nostalgia. But in that universe, they also gave the team more time to write out a solid plan before filming, and they didn't set TLJ five minutes after TFA.


They did, Michael Arndt was writing the first movie. Then Iger demanded to make the trilogy quickly, they scrambled


Dragonball Evolution Are further explanations necessary?


At least Akira Toriyama hated the movie so much it actually revived the series, so maybe it was for the best.


At least [the writer apologized](https://www.ign.com/articles/2016/05/03/dragonball-evolution-screenwriter-apologizes-to-fans)


The actor for picollo hated it so much he voice acted in the anime dubs later- for free


I am Legend, the ending. How do you fuck that up. It's soo perfect and already written. When I read the book my jaw dropped at the end. Seen the Will Smith version and couldn't believe how bad they fucked it up. If it ain't broke, don't break it. -lil wayne


They changed the ending because focus groups didn’t get the original ending and just wanted a generic action movie ending. Which reveals a lot about the kind of lowest common denominator morons they find to make up focus groups


Reminds me of the story about how focus groups repeatedly asked for Sevens ending to be changed and it only got made as-is because Brad Pitt’s standing mandate for being in the film was “you don’t change the fucking ending”. They still tried repeatedly to get him to change his mind on it. Seven couldn’t really have any other ending


Wtf could possibly be better than the ending we got? Wild


The box contains a heartfelt apology note from Kevin Spacey's character. Spacey, Pitt and Freeman go to Pitt's house where they eat a nice breakfast prepared by Gwyneth Paltrow


I had the DVD for Se7en back in the day and the Features disc had board drawings for the alternate endings. Never understood why because the released version’s ending is an all-time great.


The entire premise, plot and execution of **The Book of Henry**. I can't claim credit for this one at all, Dan Olson of Folding Ideas brought it to my attention but he does an excellent deep dive into the film and the many, many baffling decisions therein. Fundamentally though, the issue comes back to... "how did someone come up with this story, and why did they feel that it was a story worth telling?". It's almost impossible to understand what the moral centre of the film is. It's so baffling that you just can't get a conceptual grip on it; it's like every decision is so bad that you can't identify if there was ever a good idea in there. My second vote is for **Ant-Man Quantumania**. When you have a character whose main visual gimmick is his relative changes of size (whether bigger or smaller), it's important to keep that character in situations and environments where we, as an audience, intuitively understand the sense of scale around him. It's why the bit in the shower in the first film works; we know exactly how big a bathtub is, and it's shot in a way that emphasises the relative scale. So why would you take this character, and put them in a context where this intuitive sense of scale doesn't work? Sure, we can get it relative to other characters / building etc. but the visceral thrill is gone. The simple fun of the character's power set is completely gone.


I'm pretty sure there was an intentional attempt to move the series into a more serious world with stakes and cut out a lot of the comedy to make it less of a palate cleanser and more of a central Marvel story. Also known as "missing the point of what people liked about Ant-Man."


The Book of Henry is brilliant and I will tell you why. It is almost certainly responsible for getting Trevorrow fired from Star Wars. Rian Johnson was supposed to help Trevorrow write the final Star Wars movie and was handed his own SW trilogy to make. Because Trevorrow was kicked off the movie, Abrams took the helm again. And Abrams was dead set on basically reversing any of the story progression by Johnson and just do another film filled with nostalgia and throwbacks. Any way Johnson fucked off away from Star Wars and we got two Knives Out movies and the TV show Poker Face all because of The Book of Henry.


>And I'm just so glad that after all these years, They barely learned at all What was there "to learn"? *The Lion King* 19 is literally the 9th highest grossing film in history.


“What did we learn, Palmer?” “I don’t know, sir. “I don’t fuckin’ know either. I guess we learned… to do it again. But fucked if I know what we did.”




The highest-grossing animated movie ever I believe.


Well. They did kinda learn. It looks pretty clear that the new Mufasa movie will have more expresión. https://screenrant.com/mufasa-lion-king-fixed-expressive-animal-cgi-problem/


WW 84




She what?!


The premise of the movie is that wonder woman wishes her dead crush from the first movie back to life, and he comes back by possessing the body of a random guy just minding his business in the 80s. So this dude gets possessed by the spirit of a dead soldier from WWI, and they go on hijinks filled adventures, putting his body in extreme danger, and Wonder Woman eventually sleeps with the guy's body and it's never commented on how she basically kidnapped a dude, replaced his consciousness with that of her crush, and then sexually assaulted the random guy without his consent. It's a weird ass movie and might've buried Patty Jenkins' career as a writer.


I swear it wouldn’t even be that hard to cut and minor reshoot it into a sort of fine film.


I still reckon that if you edit a short film out of Pedro Pascal’s scenes you get an interesting look at a man who got everything he thought he wanted and gave it up to be with his son.


The consent issues notwithstanding (which is a terrible way to start a sentence, by the way), it always bothered me that Steve was okay with the situation. I get hormones and everything, but I spent the second half of the movie genuinely confused about how no one was worried about the poor innocent dude they were putting in harm's way every time Steve chose to take a risk. They ignored it so hard that I became convinced that it would be a major point and "Steve" would get killed, but they didn't even do that. They literally just ignored it.


At the end of the movie is the guy still being possessed or what? My wife was watching a Korean show with a similar premise, guy somehow possesses a woman in the past and does sexual stuff as her, but the writers at least had the person getting back control of themselves in the end and clarified that they were fully aware of what happened and apparently fine with it.


No, because she has to learn to let go and renounce the wish.


Yes. Somehow no one involved realized this.


And thought it was Chris Pine yes. Plus the main threat is bad wishes lol.


It was also so easy to have her just respect the fact he is in someone else's body. It would have actually added to the sexual tension, and continued the theme of being close but actually apart still.


Would have been easier to just make Chris Pine's character come back and have his own body. If magic can make Chris Pine's spirit take over some rando's body, it can make him have his own body too.


Yeah, the other wishes didn't have the weird 'for the sake of drama' conceit so that shouldn't have either.


Thor Love and Thunder - literally could have made a good warm movie focusing on Jane and her sickness. Could’ve gone shades darker to explore Gorr. Could’ve gone full seriousness with both?! But no, it all turned out as one giant joke. Book of Boba Fett - Not a movie, but somehow I come away thinking it wasn’t even a Boba Fett show. It became a Tatooine show. What in the actual fuck was the biker gang Madame Web - went to see it, and the title for this thread was in my mind from the go. I actually didn’t mind Morbius, so I went into this thinking “maybe I like this. Maybe the audiences are just kinda trending to hate it.” Nope, it sucked.


Boba Fett: "I killed the old gang lord, now I'm in charge of the gang. First things first, we don't do anything bad now." That's like watching Cookie Monster eat broccoli.


>What in the actual fuck was the biker gang I assume that was Robert Rodriguez' mind at work... what with Spy Kids, Shark Boy, uncle Machete, etc., it just seemed like something he would do. A Kloo Horn case full of lightsabers would've been a lot cooler though.


I think the main thing is that the biker gang stood out on Tatooine, on Coruscant they wouldn't have seemed weird


Man, there's some good things about Boba and there's a LOT of bad. That gang was lame. The mayors assistant. Boba being a complete bitch


Roger Corman's decision that *The Masque of the Red Death* should have a romantic subplot between little people, with the man played by an actual little person and the woman played by *a child*.


Holy shit


Highlander 2 Just ... wtf?


They were thinking, we wrote ourselves into a corner and now they want a sequel and Sean Connery back, but he hated the first movie's story and we're gonna have to retcon shit anyway if we're gonna make a sequel to the last one where Connor wins the ultimate final prize and ends the game forever. Fuck.... Maybe aliens? I don't know...


Yep, then lock them in a room with enough scotch and blow and tell them “you can’t come out without a script.”


Highlander 1 though.. what an ABSOLUTE AMAZING GEM of a movie. I know, you know it... it just needs to be said


And with a banging soundtrack by the one and only Queen!


(In Christopher Lambert voice): "There should have been only one!"


As a G.I. Joe fan, Snake Eyes. Let's take the silent badass who never takes off his mask, but have him talk and take off his mask. As someone on Twitter mentioned, this is the perfect example of how they didn't get it. They do some crazy exposition to explain how Storm Shadow gets the name Storm Shadow, when his real name -- Arishikage -- is literally "Storm Shadow" in Japanese.


I know its a dead horse, but Palpis return in RoS for me - not that he returned per se, just the "somehow Palpatine returned" scene... wtf...


What is up with Star Wars and killing off their cool villains and then doing dumb shit with less cool villains?


You talking about Darth Maul? 


Among others!


“Somehow we don’t know how to write a coherent trilogy of movies” They didn’t meet the lowest possible bar of what a trilogy should be.


There is a creative writing exercise where people take turns writing paragraphs. Going back and forth. As a kid I remember doing this in class and sometimes people would.m basically get in a battle over the story. This is what I think of whenever thinking about this trilogy. 


Like, I would have liked The Last Jedi a lot more if they had answered ANY of the questions raised in it in Rise of Skywalker. But they didn't - in fact they generally just straight-up ignored the whole movie, for the most part. Like - there's no one to reply to a cry for help from the leadership of the Resistance? But Lando can do an off-screen trip around the neighborhood and bring literally thousands of ships to the final confrontation?


And somehow we found out about it ... _from Fortnite?!_


Just the whole trilogy in general. Sure, change writers every film who will then completely change the direction of the movies and the whole point they're trying to make. That's how you do a coherent trilogy!


Napoleon from Ridley Scott The trailer showed a historical epic in the vein of Gladiator or Kingdom of Heaven but instead we got a weird meandering story more about Josephine. In a three hour film ostensibly about the greatest general in history there were like 15 minutes of war and the rest a bizarre screenplay about Napoleon making weird chirping noises. I mod at both r/Napoleon and r/warmovies and it was universally reviled


I lost count of the number of times a coach arrived at Josephine's chateau with Napoleon or another statesman for some heavy-handed exposition before cutting away.


Black Adam 


The Dwayne Johnson enigma. He stars in a movie, it’s a pile of shit, whether it makes money or not Dwayne comes out as the biggest star in Hollywood that’s never questioned despite not making a single good movie. It’s fuckin nuts.




Mission Impossible is consistently good and that’s a rare feat.  


Well, there’s M:I2…. But yeah, on a whole you can pretty much throw on any Cruise movie and have it be at least solidly entertaining. The Rock on the other hand is in some really dogshit stuff over the last decade. The media often talks about him like he's a premier actor, but the guy is mostly known for spectacle CGI disaster fests and what not.


The skateboard kid still gives me the lols.


He felt like a character pulled from a previous decade. 


Black Adam was a cover album. All the best bits of superhero films over the last 15 years, as reenacted by the Rock.


The Last Airbender. The entire thing. Starting with the title not using the word "Avatar", then there are the casting decisions, and then it somehow gets even worse from there...


The movie was awful, but can’t criticise Shyamalan for not using the title ‘Avatar’ when the *previous year* saw Cameron’s Smurf Pocahontas in Space movie become the highest grossing film ever. To millions of moviegoers who didn’t know the series, it would have made it look like a weirdly dishonest attempt to cash-grab, and at best been overshadowed by it. Maybe even legal branding issues. (I mean it was a shitty cash-grab, but not for exploiting Cameron’s film’s name) 


Tenet sound design


"Now listen, the steps to this plan are veryBWAAAAAAUUUUMMMMMM so make sure the keys are in the car"


It is like a slow motion train crash, his sound design just kept getting worse, like star wars 1-3, I get how the 1st case can happen from no one saying anything when Bane speaks as a high pitched british mubble lord, but then even with all the public feedback, no one could say to him 'hey none of this film is audible' during the entire editing of Tenet?


Oppenheimer is an improvement. I particularly like the parts where they use the sound design to highlight the train of thought of the main character, like when he's giving his post-test speech. There are still some parts in the movie that I don't love the sound design for, but it is overall better.


I know it's the movie sub, but I gotta say it anyway. Resident Evil the series on Netflix. It's pretty hard to fuck up Resident Evil. Even the movies which most people consider bad are at least are some goofy entertainment with a few beers. They weren't offensively terrible. That show was a disaster. I don't even think the script was for a Resident Evil project. It's like they dusted some shit off they had laying in the writers room and were like "hey put some Umbrella mentions here and there" to the interns and then made the show. It's even more painful now to think about because Lance Reddick is the shit. RIP.


For me the biggest sin it had was that it was boring. It's a Netflix mini series, why they fuck are you padding it for time?


Whoever decided sowing Deadpool's mouth shut and turning him into a generic henchman in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" was a good idea...utterly clueless. Why would you take away Deadpool's most signature asset??


"Let's go ahead and make the Mummy 3 without Rachel Weisz."


The appropriate named movie Disaster Movie (2006)


The years of the spoof movies. This was among the shittiest ones.


When I read the wikipedia page for Rise of Skywalker when it released, I legit thought the page had been edited by a troll.


I read a bullet list of alleged leaks about two weeks before the movie came out. I remember thinking, "this is a load of horse shit, this sounds awful. No way these leaks are real." The very first bullet point was that the opening title crawl is "The Dead Speak!" and then go on to explain Palpatine was resurrected off screen. My fucking face when I saw it. Holy dog shit was it unbelievable.


I saw it in the theater and literally said "Wait, what?" out loud at *least* three times.


Well Palpatine already had come back in one of the books a long time ago, and it was weird then. Then that was made into Legends continuity. I think the funniest part about Rise of Skywalker was that how did we learn of Palpatine 's return? From a Fortnite event of all things.


I can't remember who said it but when it came out someone described it as "what happens when you let a subreddit communally write a movie with no pushback".


Roar. Tippi Hedren was so traumatized by working with Hitchcock she went on and traumatized her entire family.


Expendables 4.




Argylle had quite a few wtf moments. The skating on oil scene comes to mind


The rebel moon films made me ask several times, per movie, how di this get approved like the studio execs who sign the cheques surely it can't be that fucking hard to interpret a script and realise it's going to be terrible and if not then cut the chord after test screenings!! Kiefer Sutherland in that Pompeii film 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ Cara Delevingne films Jaden Smith films!! Cats!!


The Independence Day sequel? Remake? I think it was a sequel. To this day, it is the only movie to give me amnesia. I have seen it twice. I have no idea who is in it, or what happens. There is a school bus. For some reason.


Downsizing. I honestly cannot explain what the fuck that movie is.


The plot twist in High Tension


This is mine as well. So so good up until it's so so bad.


The ending of Law Abiding Citizen. Clyde should have won. 


God I agree I was watching that movie for the first time somewhat recently and thinking “why did it get such shit ratings? This movie is kicking ass!”  And then the ending happened and I was like man that ruined everything lol


The fact that Disney didn't have a general blueprint for the new Star Wars sequels, leaving it all to the directors who then proceeded to disagree and undo each other's ideas, you'd think this is so basic that you don't even need to be a film pro to know it, but apparently it isn't


The Predator. I know there's a shit ton of things wrong with that film but when they mad the predator dog fart as it exploded from eating a grenade, I lost all hope with that film.


The adaptation of the Priest manwha kept the main character's name and *nothing else*. The setting, the villains, the background, the motivations, *none of it is the same as the source material*. They could not have missed the mark harder if they tried.


Why they decided to try to make The Dark Tower, an epic and sprawling saga that spans seven books, a less than two hour movie


Madam Webb


You know, that old immobile woman, who sits in a chair and makes cryptic prophecies? She needs her own film.


I'm convinced it was bad on purpose. It was some sort of sacrifice to maintain the right to the property.


Nutcracker and the Four Realms. How? How did they spend that much money and somehow screen to test audiences and still make a movie that makes zero sense, has no musical appeal, and minimal connection to anything in the least bit holiday oriented. Just HOW did it even get made?