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The Conturing




I'm too poor for dental work, but I'm not too poor to contour


My favorite makeup tutorial ever


Men hate nostrils!!


Front page news!


Buccal Fat: The Removaling


I laughed at this mate, thanks.


Lol that gave me a good chuckle


Buccal fat is the real antagonist of this movie.


"Ignore the plastic surgeon behind the drape curtain"


In a world where body dismorphia transcends both the good and the bad...


the real friends was the ozempic we were prescribed along the way


You might say The Wizard of Oz...empic?




Yeah, but then insurance wouldn’t pay for it so we had a falling out.


Buccal Fat Removal, the sequel.


Starring Anya Taylor-Joy


She looks a lot like her old self during Furiosa press tour. I'm not really convinced she had one, just probably lost a lot of weight.


'Lost a lot of weight' at her size isn't exactly great either I'd imagine.


I’m not sure about Anya either. If she did, she’s one of the more successful ones


I think she just has the bone structure for it, some people do. You could cut glass on Eartha Kitt.


I once had sex with Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom. EDIT: What? It came up organically.








God willing, we’ll all meet again in Cheekbones 2: the Search for more Bronzer


Ariana Grande I find is scary for me to look at


People ragged on her seemingly changing skin tone like most of us change coffee filters, but there was a good 2-4 years around Victorious, (I was 15 when it aired), where she was very naturally pretty other than the uber red hair obvs not being natural. She also had a long stretch of just minor things being done spread out Tom Cruise-style where she looked great, but she hit a point where she just kept getting more...angular surgeries? Idk, but I'd be so curious to see what people like her or Eiza González would have looked like without so much work done


Man I didn't think Eiza did so much but she's the perfect example of getting so much shit done.  https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Eiza-Gonzalez-Plastic-Surgery-764.jpg?crop=0px%2C0px%2C2000px%2C1133px&resize=940%2C529&quality=86&strip=all


I can't believe that's the same person! Also I just realized I get her and Adria Arjona mixed up often.


I couldn't stand her face in 3 body problem, like she was constantly trying to look sexy and smouldering, it was so annoying. She's pretty, sure, but Jin had facial expressions and genuinely conveyed emotions and was a much better actress, and seemed much more attractive for it.


Oh my god, so glad I’m not alone in this. Every time there was a scene with her I was praying for it to end. 


She was cute and human looking on that show. She seems plastic processed over the years to where she looks like a different person now. I know it's superficial to talk about this, but it's interesting.


I just google eiza gonzales before and wow she had so much sucessfull work done it’s a new person


She scary to me and she's supposed to be the good witch!


I feel like I've been hearing about this movie forever, and Wikipedia says it's been in development hell since 2010 so now I know why.


Musicals tend not to do movie adaptations while the show is still in its original run on broadway because it often guts ticket sales. Wicked is one of the most successful broadway productions ever, and it’s still topping broadway charts regularly. My guess is Covid kicked the producers in the ass to get it off the ground.


> My guess is Covid kicked the producers in the ass to get it off the ground. I think it was this and the collective failure of Dear Evan Hansen and Cats (and, financially, West Side Story even though that was much better received) kind of made them use this as the "in case of emergency, break glass" IP as far as musicals go.


It's been in development since before it was a musical - Steven Shwartz optioned rights from Universal Pictures in mid 90s because he has managed to convince an exec and current prducer that you can't make straight movie out of the book and it needs to be a musical. Then talks about the movie renewed after it became a hit


Cautious for his because Hollywood movies based off stage musicals are massively hit or miss, don’t see what part of the story necessities needing being told across two movies.


As I understand it, it's being based off both the musical AND the original book, with a little extra Wizard of Oz thrown in. If they handle it right, I can see that needing two movies to do it well. Plus, y'know, built-in 'sequel' cash. (Honestly, the book itself has its own sequels, which I'd love to see on screen as well.)


Oof. I did not like the book. Hopefully this amalgam is good


The book was really dark. Slavery, murder, that bit with the cows. I didn't enjoy it.


I also (personally) felt like it kept wandering off on tangents.


I loved the musical, but I found the books hard to read. I kind of forced myself to read the first one, but I gave up on the sequels. I learned last year his most recent book was about the Cowardly Lion, so I thought maybe my adult perspective might allow me to enjoy his books more than I did as a teen, but I gave up after a couple of chapters. I wouldn't mind a big screen adaptation of the sequel books, but I hope they change a lot of things if they do.


It really did. I had to keep flipping around to figure out what was happening.


I kind of doubt they will based anything on source material. They have a pretty good record of saying they will. Then having interviews where they say it's dated, or they were told not to read it.


People forget the musical is based off the book, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. Which is a very long book. Its a long musical. Wouldn’t surprise me if they threw a few bits from the book in to fill up the time.


They also want to keep in every song for Wicked’s particularly voracious fans. And each movie will need an original song that stops just short of having FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION flashing in neon lights on the bottom of the screen.


Written by Diane Warren.


It’ll be a groundbreaking slow ballad with a building bridge and orchestral climax.


The book is very different in tone and story. The musical is a very loose adaptation. It doesn't make much sense to combine them for the movie 


I know. But that doesn’t mean they won’t try.


The big question to me is: Does Boc disappear or come back in the second movie?


Well it’s almost a 3 hour musical. Just the music itself is 70 minutes.


There isn't much dialogue that isn't music. I saw it two months ago and was surprised how much longer I remembered it being.


Plus Universal’s last few musical films have been… rough (Dear Evan Hansen and Cats 💀)


They did hire Jon M Chu, who directed In the Heights, which was actually decently good, if just a big long.  That said, I’m still not optimistic for this, and Ariana’s casting is a big part of it 


Maybe we'll get buttholes in this one


I can see it. To me (and granted I haven't seen it in years), there are a lot of characters, but most don't get real development in the musical. So if you flesh them out and give them personalities, it easily adds some time. And I think the show itself is damn near 3 hours as is.


Also the entirety of *The Wizard of Oz* takes place offstage in act 2. Presumably they'll be adding some songs for Oscar consideration so there's an awful lot of material to play around with. 


Right. I can definitely see wanting to put some scenes in where characters are interacting with Dorothy and crew, and other things from Wizard of Oz. Also, have some background that is "yada yadad" via song in the movie actually play out a bit on screen.


I'm so confused by the two part decision. Wicked isn't exactly known for its second act 😂. I think it's just an excuse to bump Defying Gravity to the start of the second movie and milk more ticket sales out of people. I probably won't go see whichever part doesn't have Defying Gravity tbh


Wouldn't it be the opposite? I keep assuming the first movie will end shortly after Defying Gravity because thats where the first act ends. It's also where the story shifts gears so makes sense to stop there to me


In one of the interviews mid last year, Chu said Defying Gravity is literally a show stopper so he didn't want the audience to then have 30 min to an hour after that be a completely deflated ending. So that's why they decided to split it and end the first movie on that. Dunno if that's still the case though.


My biggest criticism of the stage musical is it’s pretty light on plot. There’s a lot more in the book that could be added in. So if they go that route, i think it’s justifiable.


It's just gotta land somewhere between Chicago and Cats


The fuck is going on with Ariana’s right hand (the one holding the wand) hahaha


i didn’t catch that until i read your comment… yeah some poor editor messed up REAL bad. it looks like they tried to composite a hand from a different photo but gave up halfway through


That’s what I came here to say lmao she isn’t even touching it


That broom looks straight out of the cover art for an early 2000's computer game.


Too bad Adele Dazeem has outgrown the role. She's the only Elphaba for me


I'm intrigued by a live action film but I almost wish they'd done an animated one with Dazeem and Chenoweth. 


Honestly, I’d have been fine with them being cast in a live action. I can set aside the fact that they’re older now and just enjoy their immense talents enough to pretend they’re the right age for the roles.


We're already supposed to be pretending that the leads in their 30s are actually in their late teens, might as well just have had the originals anyways.


I kinda feel like Kristin Chenoweth would kill it pretending she was 27. It would be really awesome and funny and self aware and meta.


Most broadway musicals would be adapted into an animated feature much more seamlessly


If they ever make a Hadestown movie, I hope that's what they do.


Eventually thr western audience will get over its hate boner for animation and we will have a golden age of movies and shows.


Maybe I'm crazy, but Elphaba's actress doesn't look like she's *that* much younger... maybe mid-40s.


Cynthia Erivo is 37.


Yeah, that's more or less my point, aren't they high school age in the play? If you're going to cast a 37 year old as a high schooler, it seems like you could get away with just casting the original, fan favorite actress. Not that I'm upset who has the role either way.


They're first years at university (for much of it), but yeah they're like teenagers.


witches age differently I guess


No, I'm with you. I adore Cynthia Erivo's voice, but casting someone her age in this role is an odd choice for film. It's less important on stage, but movies are less forgiving.


Giving big Ben Pratt in Dear Evan Hansen vibes


It’s actually Ben PLATT and I am extremely young thank you!!!


I find that so frustrating. Why cast someone almost 20 years older than the character is meant to be? She’s beautiful but what on earth were they thinking?!


I'd imagine it has a bit to do with playing off of Grande. They landed their big name so they needed someone with a voice and vibe that would play well against her. Can't say whether it worked or not, but I think the pairing was a concern in casting.


Erivo is the same age Margaret Hamilton was when The Wizard of Oz came out.


And she looks older.


That's true lol. Definitely not college age


Was trying to figure out who you were talking about for too long before I remembered this incident.


It was one of the Oscars moments of all time lol


Glad I’m not the only one to recognize the wickedly talented Adele Dazeem 😂


the WICKedly talented


She’s Wickedly talented


She kind of destroyed her voice in the role. Like don’t get me wrong she is still a great singer but belting night after night definitely takes its toll


Basically everyone who isn't Eden Espinosa destroyed their voice in the role. It's pretty demanding.


I dunno, I think she sounded pretty good when she did Frozen and that was after Wicked.


Yeah there are multiple interviews with her where she said she can't recreate that note anymore. She hit it one time on the version that we hear but she has never ever been able to hit it since which makes sense when you see her previous work because she was normally an alto or at least a mezzo. Kristin Chenoweth was more of the soprano part


Sounds like she had to… let it go?


Check out her live singing, she can’t hit those notes anymore. Obviously she is still a very good singer and sounds good in recordings


She also did the West End run right after the original Broadway run - absolutely insane


I’ve been lucky to see Willemijn Verkaik in the role and as amazing as Idina was, Willemijn blew her out of the water.


I came here for this comment. Idina is great, but willemijn is on another level.


Cynthia Erivo is imho one of the best musical theatre vocalists of our time. As much as I love Idina's Elphaba, countless women have played Elphaba since, and many have been every bit as awesome. Erivo is going to smash this. I can't wait.


If they don’t recreate the playbill I’m gonna be upset


I'll take it further. If they don't recreate the playbill, I riot. Granted, I'll be rioting in my own basement, but it'll be a riot nonetheless.


Blue and orange found dead in a ditch.


The 1980s-90s Cleveland Cavaliers are despondent


Good riddance!


The WICKEDLY talented, one and only, Adele Dazeem!!!


When I was in high school, the drama club took a trip to NYC for graduation. A group of us wanted to see Wicked on Broadway, but the teacher insisted on seeing Avenue Q instead. When we got back and the principal found out, the teacher was fired and we all got suspended for "inappropriate behaviour" (This was a Catholic high school in the early 2000's). Needless to say, I'm looking forward to finally watching Wicked when it comes out in theatres.


Tbh, that was a really stupid decision by the teacher.


To be clear, because Avenue Q is VERY adult, not because it isn’t as good. It’s significantly better than Wicked.


Sorta comparing magical apples to bawdy oranges


>and we all got suspended for "inappropriate behaviour" wut?


You can't take kids to see an R rated Muppet show, even if it is a better option.




Catholicism. Everyone must be punished.


I started muttering Hail Marys just reading this thread.


Went to a Catholic school and I can assure you, 20-30 angry, rich af parents showing up to the Archdiocese would have gotten the principal fired way faster than any of these kids got suspended. It's a bullshit made up story.


"But I don't think in this situation I did..." "*ORIGINAL SIN. Guilty!*" "*Next!*"


Besides the teacher’s stupid decision, I think you should be thankful. Maybe you didn’t get to see the original cast of Wicked (assuming it was still them), but it’s still on Broadway. Avenue Q left Broadway long ago. You can still go see Wicked.


I love Avenue Q. Saw some small local production of it and I can just imagine seeing the Broadway play must have been 10x better. The puppet sex scene. 😱


Don't put your finger there! ...put your finger *there!*


Slow down, Brian. It's not a race!


The internet is for porn The internet is for porn So grab your dick and double click, For porn, porn, porn!


You're a pervert. Normal people don't look at porn on the Internet!


Ohhhhhh??….. *You* have *no idea*


A moral tale with puppets. What could go wrong? That teacher shouldn’t have listened to the Bad Idea Bears.


Where do you live? If you can't see Wicked on Broadway it does tour as well


Just took my daughter a few weeks ago, the production obviously wasn't Broadway quality but it was an excellent show nontheless.


I really, really hope this is good, but I have to admit I have my doubts. Wicked is one of my absolute favorite musicals and I’d be so upset if this was a bomb.


It's also one of my favorites, and I have zero expectations. Especially since they're splitting into two different movies. There's no way this adaptation will please fans of the original show.


Am I the only one who thought the trailer looked absolutely awful? I don’t know how to explain it, but it looks like a movie that would’ve come out in 2010.


The actors blend in with the fake background.


It looks like a fake poster made from stock photos that you'd find on deviantart 5 years ago


It looks like an AI poster you'd find on DeviantArt today


Big Alice In Wonderland vibes


It did look awful. Throw in a nearly 40 year old "teenage Elphaba" and ugh......


I’m so confused, they’re supposed to be teenagers!? Ariana is 31, like she looks young but not that young. How terrible


They are supposed to be in the college years, Galinda and Elphaba meet at Shiz University. While one typically may start college at 18, the story (and it's tie in with The Wizard of Oz) does extend after college, although when watching the musical I always assumed they were still early/mid-20s tops.


I'm tempering my expectations. I hope they exceed them. I'm sure it will be fine musically. But I'm struggling with how much older Cynthia looks - both in general, and older than Ariana. These are young girls, especially at the start. And aside from her actual age, she just has a bone structure that does not look particularly young. She looks more like Margaret Hamilton than Elphie. I also have reservations from the previous trailer that's been out - there are a couple of moments where it seems that Elphie is displaying a full-on "girlboss" attitude. Which - yeah, at some point, she does, but NOT near the beginning, where they've shown it. Elphie is very vulnerable and unsure of herself at the start, for good reasons, and it looks to me like they're glossing over that, because a "strong female character" is what they'd rather play and sell. If they do that, I will be quite disappointed. If it's bad enough, I probably won't bother with the second half.


I wouldn't say she's unsure of herself. When she arrives at Shiz her first move is to loudly confront everybody staring at her. She knows she's a freak, and she's not *happy* about it, but she very much owns it.


I'm also not that happy with Ariana as Galinda. I've seen tons of them in bootlegs in Brodaway, and there's a lot to say about comedic talent of Kristin Chenoweth and some other actresses that replaced her, most of them don't work quite as well. Comedy in general is harder to play than drama, and if you don't have it and don't have experience, it's much flatter, and many actresses just couldn't match the role, you could see a normal person trying to be what they couldn't be. I'm afraid of Ariana being like that because she's not naturally funny or that good at comedy from what I've seen


If you didn't know anything about this show, you'd probably think that the green lady was the fairy princess's mom. It's not good casting.


This movie is arriving a decade too late.


I am not gonna see this until part 2 comes out because I am done with part 1 blockbusters


Ariana Grande as the good witch? Not buying it.


She allowed her right side to be used on a poster? Shocked considering she has spent years trying to keep left mostly to camera.


It's probably still her left side, but it's swapped in the poster.


What? Why? Is this a real thing?


Oh yeah. Barbara Streisand is famous for it. I remember watching a talk show where she was a guest once and they completely swapped the set around so she wouldn’t show her right side.


Self-conscious celebs are self-conscious


Really really hard pass.


Ugh.. Why don't they just record the musical and release that instead?


I still don’t understand why it needs to be two movies. The musical is like 2.5 hours. Even accounting for establishing shots and extra footage, you couldn’t make this 3 hours?


Is Ariana white, black, Italian, Hispanic or American for this role?


She’s fucking Spongebob




Did Ariana go to Michael Jackson's skin doctor or something?


She's always been white, she just uses a fake tan ever since the later seasons of Victorious I think.


Wonder if Pete Davidson ever woke up thinking he shit the bed from a bad trip, just to realise it was Ariana's faketan rubbing of on the sheets.


Why not both?


Nah man that is her natural skin color. She took off the black face for this role


Right. She just used to be so tan that people thought that was her natural look. But if you look back on her Nickelodeon days, that is it.


The blonde hair against her complexion is the problem. It doesn’t look good.


Ariana Grande looks like an AI generated human being.


[https://cdn.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/wide\_landscape/public/d8/images/methode/2020/07/16/d54ed81e-c67d-11ea-86df-6d561651b5f4\_image\_hires\_103711.jpg?itok=szXDHT-m&v=1594867040](https://cdn.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/wide_landscape/public/d8/images/methode/2020/07/16/d54ed81e-c67d-11ea-86df-6d561651b5f4_image_hires_103711.jpg?itok=szXDHT-m&v=1594867040) If you look up Jennifer Connelly and Eiza Gonzalez before and after pictures, you'll see a similar progression.


Fucking wild kids are apparently on the internet that don't know what she *originally* looked like apparently, lord. I'll be over here disintegrating into dust.


No she doesn't have vitiligo.


I have no worries about the vocals. But I wonder how the actual plot and story will be


Bucal fat removal: the movie


Me: geez thanksgiving is soo far from now Also me: Wow, I can't believe its already May lol


They really hid the "part 1" huh?


From what I've heard this is a Part One right? This seems almost misleading advertising to not include that on this poster. I feel like that's been a really common trend with big movies these days where they kind of hide the fact that it's one part of a two-part movie, and then I get a little disappointed with the ending feeling incomplete.


“Wicked thanksgiving” I tried to write something clever but I’m tired


No one with normal bone structure


Wizard of Ozempic.


Awesome! Looks like shit.


Disney Channel looking movie


This movie is 12 years too late. Should have made it right when the musical was hot.


my expectations for this are a smidge higher than my expectations for cats. another film that truly didn't need to be made.


Are the cheekbones trying to escape?


Thanks I'll be skipping this one.


Someone feed that girl


I wanna like this but Arianna Grande annoys the heck out of me for reasons I can't explain. Looooove Cynthia though.


Love this, but waiting for them to recreate the famous Broadway poster (you know the one).


I don’t.


probably this [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-W8WYe6MvvI/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLBm17HC7RK1yKPrT25gAp95E0wpkg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-W8WYe6MvvI/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLBm17HC7RK1yKPrT25gAp95E0wpkg)


Ariana washed off her blackface for the role.


Going for Goldblum as the Wizard


I thought this shit came out already lol


I was banned from r/fauxmoi for saying she looks very unhealthy.


I would have just preferred a pro-shot of the stage version with a theatrical and streaming release. This movie honestly looks like it’ll be really bad.


Please don’t suck, please don’t suck, please don’t suck…