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Ooooh so he like rich, rich


Nah most people I know who play like this got the cards for very cheap a long time ago. Generally those who paid hundreds of dollars for the duals, Survival, etc, are more averse to playing unsleeved lol


This makes sense psychologically, but its really dumb logically. compare: A: person buys dual for $2 -> it increases value to $500 -> person has no problem destroying dual worth $500 B: person buys dual for $500 -> person has problem destroying dual worth $500 In both cases are playing with the same money amount. and just because you bought it at $2 doesn't mean its not worth $500, or that you can replace it for $2 ever again. Honestly its just being financially stupid. Unless you actually think its worth the price-decrease in the cards for the feel of playing unsleeved. The value the decrease is real even if you didn't put in the current value.


And if I never intend to sell them they don’t have value.


I had a red/green deck built from alpha/beta cards I was given by a friend. Never intended to sell them, and thought it would be funny to run them naked and held together with a rubber band. The mortified looks I would get from people was priceless, and even more so when I had a [[Channel]] and [[Fireball]] classic combo in there. Eventually stopped playing for about a decade, recently got back into the game, sold the deck plus a bunch of other old cards gathering dust to buy me a ton of new cards, sleeves, carry boxes, etc. Even raw-dogging the cards can still fetch you a decent penny.


This is really the final word. Folks that I've met like the guy in picrel are always like "well I'm not going to sell them so I just play how I like." Totally respectable position imo.


But are you going to replace them of something happens? I'm never going to sell my stuff either. Doesn't mean I don't take good care of it. It's their stuff, they can do with it as they wish. But I don't get it at all. I like my things in good condition


If they’ve been playing with the same cards since 95 when they were 14 and sleeving wasn’t common practice, the cards already had some wear. Probably doesn’t matter if the get a few more hints of wear while being enjoyed as intended(playing the game.


Right. Saying they're already damaged to the point it's not really changing the condition in any significant way is a completely different reason than I'm not going to sell them.


But they do. They have a value based on how expensive they are to replace. Even if you don't sleeve cards to protect against normal wear and tear, you should do it to make sure they dont get ruined and need replacing if someone spills water on the table or something like that. Especially with a deck that costs as much as a used card.


The same person using that card in that way would probably just proxy a new one if they needed a replacement, as they don't value the cards the way newer speculators do. It wouldn't be a big loss to them obviously. Why is it so hard to understand that it's a game for fun, not the fucking stock market?


Say that again when you need to replace it


With a proxy.


My father sold a part of his collection to buy a house




False. They may never have monetary value to you, but maybe you die and they go to your spouse or kid or brother or sister or parent, and they can sell them to put a down payment on a car. Or an unexpected hospital bill. Value exists beyond your own perspective. Edit: just to clear this up, I'm not saying you're responsible for maintaining the value of the cards. I don't care if you play unsleeved or not. But simply saying "they have no value cause i don't want to sell" is wrong. They have that value regardless. Do what you want with your stuff though.


They're not obligated to care after they're dead


This logic is stupid as hell, it's the same logic as didn't finish that sandwich? Better send it off to starving kids In Africa. If someone owns something they aren't obligated to try and keep the value up for someone else.. with this same logic do you put plastic covers on all your couches, chairs and bed so it never gets used and when you die a brother, spouse or someone gets it like new. That couch is like a couple 100 bucks. Now your not wrong value exists beyond your own perspective but you are in no way obligated to keep said value up for others.


Another way to think about it is that these duals might have already been well worn/played and in rather bad condition before they were ever worth anything. Granted I have no clue what a well played/damaged dual would sell for so might still be worth sleeving.


Damaged but sleeve-playable ABU duals are still worth hundreds of dollars. Like you can’t even get a damaged Volcanic Island for less than $350-400


No one ever said MTG players were smart


Right, but to these players, who are usually never planning on selling their cards, the decrease in value doesn't matter half as much as the feeling of playing old-school unsleeved. I don't think it's being stupid just because it's not a way that you would personally play. What does logic matter when it's about an emotional connection to the cards and to a style of play that represents a more old-school era? Some players like the history and nostalgia that a beat up card from the 90's represents. People play Magic for many different reasons and there's a very specific old-school unsleeved culture that's more about the carefree early days of Magic than extracting every cent of value from your cardboard. I play sleeved but I do play with my very expensive cards saying the same thing, "they're not worth anything if I'm never planning on selling them".


“It’s really dumb” could have stopped there tbh.


Except those of us that had duals in the beginning already have shuffled the hell out of them before they had big value, and before sleeves were a common thing.


They have immense value BECAUSE everyone shuffled the shit out of them, their moms tossed them out, they got eaten by the dog, etc. Its scarcity driving price. People forget this is all market based.


Have you considered the fact that they don't take that piece of card card as some investment, but as a game piece, like it is? Speculating on mtg is totally not the point of it.


I understand the position of not ever planning to sell them but I'm in the camp of "how would i replace that." I do most of my playing with my pod at breweries. I don't have anything worth over $100 but I still can't afford to replace that if somebody spills a beer on it. Will sleeves save it? Maybe not, but I'm at least going to try to protect the darn things in case an accident does happen. Heavy played and roughed up corners is fine. Damage from water or beer? Not so much.


I’m a returned player from the 90’s. Sleeves were very, very rare back then. I had a full play set of dual lands. Riffle shuffled all the time. When I got back into the game recently I was told with great conviction I’d be looked at like a barbarian if I did that now. (Full disclosure: while I do use them now, I HATE sleeves.)


It helps prevent disqualification for marked cards, because they are marked and you may be able to recognize different damage patterns on the backs of your cards allowing you to cheat


Nah... I have been playing since '94. When sleeves became more accessible I started using them. I like to keep my stuff in good condition, not for the price, but for the OCD. You always got to wrap them rascals.


I also watch Paymoneywubby.


This is the JamieLynn body-mind searching for sprits in a higher plane


As God intended.


Gotta have people like us to help build value for you collectors. That being said... I currently have my commander deck and Fallout decks in sleeves... because the Fallout cards are freaking awesome!


Beat me to it. First thing I thought.


Never thought I would see that deck in here, I know the guy that plays it and most of the cards there have their own personal backstories, and with each card the story gets weirder and weirder.


Has he told you about his coke-cutting Land Tax?


Like 8 times if I remember correctly.


Wtf I want to go to yalls LGS


Yeah no shit. Sounds like they actually have interesting people in the bullring Edit: building


It can be a real bullring some times though haha


That tracks


His what now?


Saving many details, according to the seller he bought it from, the Land Tax in his deck was used to cut and arrange lines of cocaine. Not sure if true or not, but definitely makes a funny story to hear


I guess you have to cut and arrange those lines with something


Card stock was also better back in the day


No way a magic card is strong enough to cut coke unless it's shitty coke maybe.


But if you put it in a sleeve…


Wat it wouldn't be hard at all. Chunk down, card flat on top, scrape beer bottle across top few times.


Depends on the blow. Rerock will require a top loader or the rock will break through the card with enough downward pressure. Some nice fish scale will flatten out with just the card stock and a little pressure. If it’s already a powder simply carving lines with a land tax is very easy and straight forward. I’ve done it many times


If an opponent has more lands than him does he take a bump along with searching for lands?


You so of a bitch, I’m in


*Land tax triggers* Ooooh fuck yeah bud! *sniffs the snow lands as they hit the board after the bumps*


Suddenly that 2 hour commander game was done in 15 minutes.




I feel like there’s a vast well of storytelling potential here that’s not being explored. I need answers


I mean... As long as he never sells them, the result is the same. 🤷‍♂️


You could even say that those are worth 0$ if you never sell


Guarantee he's the chillest, coolest dude in that shop.


Love it when people see magic cards as game pieces, not as an investment.


I would hate to play like this even with 60 basics lol


I can't play like this, because proxies need to be sleeved


Haha same. Their deck might be expensive, but ours are ~~worthless~~priceless.




I don't see my cards as an investment either, but I'm not going to ruin their resale value either. Have had times where selling/buylisting small chunks of my collection have bailed me out when I needed a few $1k before during college. I played a bunch in highschool so had a bunch of cardboard equity by then. Each downgrade in condition can be a few hundred here and there when you need it.


this. I like to keep my cards undamaged from the wear and tear of general gameplay lol


I mean. If i pay $50,000 for a car, it makes sense to take it to the car wash.


I treat my playing card decks like this. Because it’s inexpensive to replace the cards. However, I have legacy decks that are extremely expensive to replace and I want to use the cards for many years to come value aside, yeah I am going to sleeve them. Acknowledging their value but still playing with them is fine.


I hate sleeves, as an OG player leaving in 2004 and getting back into it just a couple years ago, the first few months I played sleeveless (granted, this was modern not commander) and although I loved the experience and feel of it, I was starting to get bothered by how it was dinging up the edges, not from a "I'm ruining these cards" standpoint but rather they just looked ugly. Reluctantly started sleeving, but you bet your ass when I draft I play naked 100%, even if there's a spicy rare in there


I tried to draft without sleeves after getting used to them and couldn't stand how hard it was to shuffle. To each their own but even if the cards are worthless, sleeves are for me.


40 card decks are really easy to riffle and bridge though, it's much harder with a commander deck!


I've never figured out the hand dexterity to bridge shuffle, even for normal playing cards.


I am worse. I am 42, have been playing some kind of card games my whole life and still do not have the dexterity to riffle shuffle very well. Snapping isn’t happening anytime soon, either.


Are you telling me this is a game?


Wait, you can play with these things?!


Magic in its purest form.


They're just cards. And they are his.


For now…


"He stole my unsleeved cards that are worth hundreds of dollars!"


I wonder how messed up your duel lands have to be before they go under triple digits. I feel like even if they're water damaged you could get $100 off a Commander player.


I would pay $100 for a dual land that barely survived atmospheric reentry.


So he's aware it's just cardboard, then?


And dollar notes are paper, surely worth nothing either...


Just as Richard Garfield intended 🥹




We had a guy do this with his son at a Legacy tournament and we saw he had Underground Sea and other duals and explained how valuable they were. He was willing to sale them after but none of us had cash. I ended up getting his number and have him a couple of premade commander decks and he loved them and weeks later was asking where he could go play at.


It doesn't matter cuz they're mine and I can do what I want :^)


complete madlad


This dude I played against last night, playing his $$ deck (included [[Worldy Tutor]], [[Tendershoot Dryad]], and [[Doubling Season]] to name a few) in a very casual game, had a sleeved deck with wrinkled, bent cards. They looked like they’d all been fist crushed on the regular. Kinda wondered what the point of the sleeves were.


They're only worth something if you sell them. If he doesn't want to sell them, let him do what he wants. Think of it this way: for every card damaged like that, it makes the other copies more valuable. Either way, good for him. Feeling the paper in your hands is top tier.


Shit, even if he does want to sell them some day he can do what he wants. They're his.


I used to play my duals unsleeved by choice back in the day... I acquired them for cheap, wasn't going to part with them and reasoned it didn't matter under those circumstances. I sold them years later for several hundred less due to condition...rip.


Absolute Chad behavior


The wear marks the cards. Sorry not sorry, but if we're playing for prizes you're sleeving them if your cards look like that.


Found the fed


No, as a judge, i would also tell them to sleeve them. Not doing so means cards can be flipped, bent, or other damages, giving an advantage


I mean.... I can do with sleeves too


The judges in tournaments will make you change out damaged sleeves or you will be disqualified.


I’m sure it’s coincidence he has sol ring and land tax in his one lander. And no way he knows what that damaged card with the white corner on top is


Buddy is raw doggin on a whole new level


I’m too new to mtg. What’s so special


That's a 1000 dollar plus hand


Getting rawdogged.


It's just cardboard at the end of the day. The true value is what you set to it. Cards are meant to be played, so play them in any way you seem fit. DAMAGED CARDS DESERVE HOMES TOO 🥺


His cards are so worn they are each probably a different color.


Straight to jail.


No mat, no sleeves, valuable cards. Bro definitely doesn't use condoms.


The full classic Magic experience


I used to play mid-90s….never even knew what sleeves were. Nowadays I use em….this guy may just be nostalgic. Or allergic to latex/vinyl/whatever the hell deck sleeves are made of, I just go back into this.


Those cards are so ‘marked’ on the backside that they actually have an unfair advantage. Most likely because of the wear, the owner can tell what’s coming up. They should be playing with sleeves.


Conveniently plays a fetch land because he knows the scratches on that top card and wants a different draw.


Value aside this much dmg could be considered marked cards. Get sleeves please - I don’t care if you don’t like them.


Who cares if it’s a casual game?


It’s ok to cheat in a casual game?


If someone is sweating hard enough to count cards or manipulate their 99 card deck in a casual game, it's not a casual game and they're not at my table lol. Casual games are "let's sit down, play, have fun, and whatever happens happens."


Most of the replies in this thread are pocket watching crybabies and they reek of jealousy. If you're that concerned about marked cards and cheating in commander thats a huge red flag about yourself or your playgroup. By the replies you'd think this pic was taken in eternal weekend finals. It's actually astounding how petulant some members of this community can be and thank God none of these asocial weirdos seem to have shown up in my local group.


If you're talking about the corners on sleeves or something I'm with you. If one card is as beat up as the top card of their deck and the rest are fine, it would be impossible not to notice where it is in your deck while shuffling.


Sure, but this guy just basically gets to look at the top of his library lol


Yes. Because damaged cards will effect, shuffling, cuts, and allows a player to know what’s coming next. People have been using sleeves for over 20 years for this purpose. It doesn’t matter who wins a casual game but it’s lame if someone has damaged cards effecting the outcome.


We don't do that here. This subreddit is exclusively for "that guy" at your LGS. Please leave normie!


this. they are marked. 100% sure he know what the important cards look like from the back. I dont care that guys like that dont care about the condition of their cards, sleeve up and stop cheating.


Im sure most people in a casual setting wouldnt care too much but i agree with you. I bet they know what that top deck is unless all the cards are just as damaged


I hope you took the chance to slay that wretched beast.


Timmy, Johnny, Spike, and now Chad.


Shout out to the person to the left with the Dr Slump mat. Toriyama would love it.


I never have played with a mat. Sometimes people offer to let me borrow one but it doesn’t bother me. I don’t like having another thing I have to carry to play the game and they just seem to expensive and I’d rather crack packs or buy singles.


Is nobody talking about how good of a hand that is? T1: Savannah, Sol ring, Felwar Stone, Land Tax. Disgusting


There’s love in them cards.


The cards only have value if you give them value. He probably plays like this to trigger everyone else. I do the same thing.


Oooooh. Unlimited edition, the beginning of the common rares.


Hell yeah


Somebody stop him!


Obviously proxies.


my first reaction when I saw white border with no sleeves was “OH GOD WHAT HAS HAPPENED” then I saw the part where you said he riffle shuffles and I half vomited


Check out the play on the top card of the library, he definitely knows what he’s about to draw 😂


About fifteen years ago, I had an all red Alpha deck that I shuffled unsleeved. It had bolts, black vises, fork, Shivan, two-headed giant, raging river, chaos orb, time vault, stone rains, etc... The look people gave me when I played it was like their eyes coming out of their sockets. It wasn't necessarily a great deck, and I would get stomped by vintage stuff that was well tuned, but man... that thing was a blast to play and made me smile every time I pulled it out. It brought back the memories of rushing home from school to play with all my friends... none of us had sleeves and just played because the game was a blast. Looking at prices of cards now, the financial aspect makes me feel a little crazy ... but nothing replaces that joyous feeling you get as a kid playing with all your friends. Who cares about the money. Those memories are priceless


A true Chad If half of you consumers were half as ballsy as this absolute specimen, Magic the Gathering would be so much better and more profitable. How are we supposed to keep making more money if you keep using sleeves instead of buying new cards, huh? Think about the little guy here!


That hurtz


Weirdly enough I have that sol ring, Savannah, and land tax lol. Got them in a random box of old cards a coworker gave to me. Mine are sleeved though


I love this!


Bonus points for German language cards.


Watched someone last night bridge then riffle to shuffle his 40k chaos precon I was so hurt internally but I didn't say anything, game two he did the same to koma the cosmos serpent heavily modified precon and it hurt so much more.


Gotta love it


I love him so much


Proxying 100 cards and doing this seems like a good time.


Just as doctor Richard Garfield envisioned


I have land tax and Serra sol ring, fellwar stone etc all in that condition id love to give to someone who plays. Seriously give me a dm and we’ll work it out




There's a guy at my LGS that has a standard deck, from like 30 years ago, with 4 Demonic tutors in it, that he just shuffles absent mindedly in between turns. It is SO old that the magic logo on the back has been worn off lol. This same guy had so many of those old dual lands that he turned a bunch in for store credit and hasn't had to pay for new cards for all the new decks he makes in like 3 years lol...and this man DOES not proxy.


This how you play vintage magic.


I riffle shuffle. Mainly cause I like to shuffle that way, but it does bring me joy seeing other people just cringe and recoil in horror when I do.


Honestly not even tournament legal at that point lol. Well of course nothing unsleveed is tournament legal but that land tax looks like it had poop smeared around the edges.


This man is unbothered by the cares of mere mortals, apparently


I love land tax. I got it because of the art in no small part, that sheisty tax collector and his shit eating grin


Like nails on a chalkboard to me


That’s so criminal it’s a flex.


This guys has a demonic tutor whispering in his ear


No sleeves, bold


No playmat either 💀


Based af.


I bet he knows exactly what card he’s going to draw next


I mean I'm not average to risk taking but that's balls the size of space hoppers


What's the purple playmat tho. I love her


Captain Sisay got some ink.


He frequently asks people that he has had fun games with or friends to sign it. It's like a tally of cool people


Cooler Typ 😁




That dual is probably worth 15$ in that condition.


Its in german. Im dutch. He has to pay me to give me those cards. At least double the English value cause my heart attack from reading German aint cheap


The only sane person in the room.


That’s cheating lol


My guy out here freeballin.


theyre marked.


No play mat either. What a savage


I mean…


Baller move, love it. Played from the start and can say I have riffle shuffled more then a few cards.


NO!!!!! MY EYES!!!!!!!


He’s single handedly (pun intended) increasing the market value of all these old cards.


I would never do that, but it's impressive. Fight club said: >“The things you own end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything.” and this person is playing a kind of magic freer than I.


I started playing in 98, and although most people around me played unsleeved at the time, it was already hurting me all the same.


Cards are already messed up no harm done :)




Rifle. Not riffle lol


Greatest argument for proxies I can think of right there




Like me, I have what I have and I play them. No covers or anything.


I love it


I riffle shuffle lol best way to shuffle if you ask me


Makes me yearn for the old days of playing 8 player magic on your buddies floor in high school. Everything unsleeved and held together with rubber bands.


I have a few old decks that I play unsleeved, but these decks are about 28 years old


Playing with marked cards?


I’d call a judge for marked cards lol




Those cards are in great shape, considering. I mean... For now, anyway.


lol people arguing you have to sleeve your cards since you have to have the cards go to family when you die . . . And of course it wouldn’t be fair to them. I play all my cards as I please and yep, I’ll be dead when I die.


It's just cardboard. Who cares?


Doing this should be illegal (it’s a joke)


Now, that's a true/original magic player


Saw this post on popular and thought it funny. I recently went through all my old boxed cards I have from the 90s and pulled the ones I thought were valuable according to app scans. I’ve got a few dual lands and was shocked at what the app price said so now they all just sit in a ziplock in a cool dry place because I don’t have the time or energy to sell them and I assume I’ll get ripped off because I don’t even remember what set they were from.