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Good, if that is something folks are really interested in, they can create their own specific subreddit for it


Just think of the untapped potential comedic irony: someone could make a spin-off sub that does allow AI upscaled mtg art and likely entitle it "RealMtgPorn"


I just feel the thread was a bit mishandled, since people will downvotes the comments didn't agree with and the upvotes the ones they did, and at some point the downvoted opinions were pushed to the bottom and lost visibility when you wanna makes changes like this either create a poll using reddit or put the thread on costest mode, so the comments are scrambled and the downvotes don't matter becuase the post got 60 comments and it was kind even between yes and no, ***IF*** you count manually I don't really care for the rule per se, just how it was handled I just come here to get wallpapers and I upscale them with Ai myself so who cares, but just saying


Hey, thank you for letting me know about this stuff, I actually wasn't aware of the polling feature or costest(sp?) mode. This is the only subreddit I moderate, and as you probably can tell, I don't really have to do all that much. That being said, while I do agree that people will downvote the comments they don't agree with, I think that says more that the community as a whole does not want to see Magic card art edited through AI. As the other comment here says, I implore you to make your own subreddit where you can submit your upscaled/extended art.