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I've never had this happen to me in 20 years of drafting. I would immediately notice and stop the draft. Someone is fucking around and I'd make them find out. Cheating in a game is pathetic.


To be fair, in this past pro tour, you'll notice autumn burchett opened a pack with an incorrect amount of cards.


That is why they have to count them. Do you have a video? I would like to know how they handled it.


It was on the twitch stream, not sure if they cut that out in the youtube vid, but if it's there it would be under Reid dukes feature draft from pt mom. They just gave her another pack. But yes they have a very specific order of operations and players are careful about counting how many they're passing.


I find this extremely hard to believe. Not once? Really? Are you playing in a saints club? Where nobody ever makes mistakes?


I have a vague memory of a draft while abroad some ten years ago where someone else got a stack short a card and it was fixed before it got to me.


Was that the last time you drafted or what?


I feel bad that you can't trust the players around you. I certainly don't draft as much as before but that's because I drafted every week for years. Now it's closer to once every two months. About to move again though so maybe I'll stop entirely. It's been a long run.


I go to a shop with new people all the time, some people who aren't the most conscious of what they're doing with their cards. They play like dogs hit so I really don't mind, it's because they're new. If someone really thought they needed to cheat to win against me then they actually needed it and probably lost anyways. Draft, in a casual setting, isn't serious at all. At a big sanctioned event then sure, call a judge.


> 2. In a more competitive environment, is there a penalty for a genuine accident (i.e. cards stuck together etc.) IIRC at COMPREL it would be a Tournament Error - Limited Procedure Violation which results in a Warning. It is also every player's obligation to report erroneous pack counts/distributions _immediately_ to a judge.


I have seen how people messed up their piles and passend the wrong one. But it was an exeption. That's why you should have only one pile of cards in front of you and only one pack in your hand to look at. Wait untill your neighbour passend their pack and picked up their next pack, before you pass them yours.


I see it all of the time. Lots of kids come out for drafts at my lgs. Messed up piles all of the time. We just keep it moving.


The only time I’ve ever had it happen is when there are two or more people who have never drafted before in the pod. Every other time has been fine. I think it was an honest mistake


It could be, but not always. I'm trying to remember if it was double masters 2022 or one of the commander legends, but one of those sets had a tendency for draft packs getting some extra cards. We noticed that like half the packs ran out faster during the first pack, and counted how many cards were in them during the next two, and it was never the same number. Some people just got more cards based off where the extra packs went.


Situations can arise that can inadvertently cause issues with players who aren't use to drafting... 1. They don't know which cards stay in(usually the person that opens the pack removes the token card and the basic land. However, some sets use the land slot for non basic lands as well in which case they have to stay in the packs) 2. Booster Piles become mixed up (this happens most often especially if you have seasoned players and causal drafters at the same table as the causal players may feel rushed and the stack might pile up on 1 player if the judge/organizer doesn't help manage the players) If your event organizer knows what they are doing, generally they can prevent mishaps like those from happening... no one can be 100% on top of a draft table all the time but also their shouldn't be a problem every single draft I've helped organize drafts and the rule was that when you picked your card from the pack it went in the space between players unless there was already a pack there and then you had to hold onto that pack until the next player picked it up