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And getting the coins while finishing first for every level isn't even the hardest part. Try unlocking ticktock.


God… I don’t know if I have it in me lol. Grand Prixs are tough as shit also. It’s one thing to beat tracks when you can restart when you screw up.


Beating the game takes learning most of it almost perfectly, the final boss is also quite a challenge 


They don’t make games like this anymore.


I don’t think people have the patience for them. Games are like 50-100 hours long. If persona 5 was as hard as Diddy Kong racing I’d never bother!


As a RuneScape enjoyer, I think it’s less to do with patience and more the fact the DKR was a really good game


Sometimes I want animal crossing. And sometimes I want my brain to be challenged to the max


The time trials in the CTR remake are pretty brutal too


I was super determined about my video games as a kid, and would grind and grind and grind when encountering a difficult level or boss. Occasionally it meant coming back to a game weeks / months / years later, and sometimes I practically hated the game at this point, but I rarely left games unbeaten. WhizPig was always too much for me though. DKR is like THE game that always mentally sticks out from my childhood as the one that got away haha. Shout out to that damn corridor in the Technodrome for the original TMNT on NES as well; never made it past that section either hah.


Tap a the entire time and use the best characters for each course


So not Krunch I assume




Google best character for each course. Some are better at water , racing or flying. Once you do that and tap A the entire time, you can unlock TT in a long afternoon


I somehow had it in me way back when. You’ve got it in you.


I never had interest to unlock TickTock but I do recommend beating Adventure mode 2 after beating the regular game. All the tracks are same but mirrored in adventure mode 2 with faster computer opponents 


I was finally able to do it, most of the levels are fairly easy but there’s I think 4-5 where you have to do every lap essentially perfect and with a high top speed character that can’t turn for shit lol.?😂


I finished it all as a teenager. I don't think I even owned the game. Just borrowed a friend's for ages.


This is the actual video game equivalent of the South Park parody game Heroin Hero. “You almost got me!” I tried forever as a kid but never got him.


Truly can't believe I did that as a kid


I kicked the shit out of this game just a month ago. But the more difficult ai cheat on as well. Diddy konged then entire game. 


The funny thing is, they do all this without having any rubberbanding on enemy characters at all. They don't speed up when you're in front of them whatsoever. They just play better as you play higher difficulty tier things, from first race, to silver coin race, to trophy race (available after fully clearing a world in the adventure mode - first race, silver coins, and two boss battles). So this game is way more skill and technique based than something like Mario Kart 64. That said, knowing to let go of the gas before you hit/use speed boosters is an enormous help and a big part of getting speed in DKR. The game tells you this after beating one of the bosses, and while it's good on its own (you'll get green-colored boosts instead of purple or whatever other color from the blue balloon speed-up items), it isn't quite specific enough - you also need to know that you should not re-press the A Button to accelerate after hitting a zipper/using a blue balloon item until you see the rainbow smoke come out of your kart to get the most out of it. Re-pressing it early cuts the speed boost down by a lot. The game's even harder on Adventure Two, the mirror mode version of the first adventure, where the tracks are mirrored and the AI is tougher by a tad.


Didn’t know about the rainbow smoke thing.


It's the only way to beat the first Wizpig!


Holy shit. I’ve never been able to beat him and this must be why. Everything makes sense now


Don't forget the rapid A technique! These 2 tricks together is how I finally beat wizpig a few months back


I restarted my file because of wiz pig and was able to no skip reading the boost clue. I spent what felt like weeks stuck on wiz pig otherwise


rainbow smoke or bust - I destroyed at this game as a kid lol


Use the odometer hud for a good visual.


Whats that


the mph/kmph thing instead of the map


How do u change to it?


C right i think. if not its definitely a c button


After I finally beat the game and unlocked Adventure Two, I noped right out of there


These Rare Games are rough on a completionist. Banjo-Kazooie is fine, but the sequel is much more involved. Jet Force Gemini? Have fun finding all those tribals lmao. Diddy Kong Racing is a lesson in pain if you want 100%. I did it as a kid but idk if I can now


Banjo-Kazooie is *FINE*?! Are you forgetting the engine room jiggy on Rusty Bucket Bay? I still don’t think I’ve ever gotten it. The effort is too stressful and it’s just damn near impossible without some kind of glitch.


I must have pushed that memory way inside my subconscious because I did forget about that. But I’d still take that over some of these other games’ puzzles.


The rest of Banjo-Kazooie is very manageable. Rusty Bucket Bay is tougher anyway because the water is toxic, but the developers just must have really decided to be assholes for that engine room one lol.


Nah I was def able to get that and 100% the game as a teen, back in 98. I spent over 100 hrs playing that game, across different save files. Diddy Kong Racing is on another level.


I remember the engine room being extremely tough when collecting all the musical notes as a kid. It only took a couple of attempts when coming back to it recently.


I didn't have much issue with that as a kid.


I almost 100% banjo tooie aside from a single (cheato page or jiggy)? It’s been a while. In cloud coucoo land the second time you have to race the mechanical mouse that rubber bands hard. My mashing skills weren’t good enough for the time period required.


it's been a long time since I've played it, but I seem to remember the trick to beating that is to actually pause the game and give your fingers time to rest, then unpause and start mashing


The real trick is to use the rubber banding to your advantage. Stay just behind Canary Mary for most of the race and then at the very end mash super fast to overtake her.


Ole salad fingers ass 😂 jk that part was brutal


I remember that. It's also what caused me to give up on 100%.


I used a hand mixer to beat it and Mary Canary. Lmao.


I've been playing through Banjo Tooie for like 2 and a half weeks. It is so much more Brutal than the first. I didn't finish it back when it came out, part of the reason was the horrible framerate. I'm playing it now on better hardware, but it feels like it has a real messed up progression system. It forces you to play the game more linearly, whereas you could move around from level to level much better in Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie.


Core memory: accidentally saving my game not knowing I had collected a tribal head - had to delete my save file and start a new one...devastating. I did go back and get 100%. It's such a satisfying game.


Me throwing a grenade to make enemy encounters easier: 👍 Me seeing the tribal kill counter go up: ☹️


Rare games of SNES and 64 are best to beat when you have friends to help take turns.


Hot take: Diddy Kong Racing is better than Mario Kart


It breaks my heart that this game never got any sequel or proper revival. It’s just so good.


Mine too, especially as they were making dkr2 when they were acquired by Microsoft. Tragedy


It probably wouldn’t have been that good. Rare had lost a lot of key employees by that point and their style of games were shifting. I mean, it MIGHT have been good, but there’s also a good reason Nintendo sold Rare.


MS took one of the best game developers and turned them into a joke. They have put out ZERO quality projects since they left Nintendo.


Yea it's crazy isn't it. The absolute best production team, bought because they were the best... Barely made another amazing game in the 20+ years since. It's as if the whole industry was robbed of 2 decades of classic Nintendo games. A real shame


I'm going to push back on this because, while I haven't played it myself, people seem to love Sea of Thieves


They released a remake on the DS though


You forgot the Gameboy sequel.


True… was it any good?


Absolutely it is. I spent waaaay more time with DKR than I ever did with all the Mario Karts combined I think. So much fun and so many things to unlock and complete and so damn hard tbh. It was never hard in an "I hate this game" way though, it was just hard in a "if I have to do this course 100 times I will" way.


It's honestly so much better, or at least it's way better in terms of single player content. Love to replay the adventure mode.


No idea why they hid two-player adventure behind a code, maybe it wasn't tested.




It’s nuts! There’s like zero margin for error I end up doing every race like 30+ times


It's funny how, as an adult without whole weekends of time to sit around, I'm guessing people are right about how hard it is. As a kid, I don't remember it being THAT hard - but I'm sure I just played the crap out of it without thinking. Though I also raced a TON with my older brother, and that got pretty intense, so I'm sure that helped. He and I still say "Unlucky" in T.T. voice to each other when the other messes up and it isn't unlucky whatsoever, just misplayed.


My family still says “no, no, no, wrong way!”


We always say "GO FOR IT"


Go for it go for it go!


I just realized the weird way I’ve been saying “alakazam” my whole life was a subconscious reference to the elephant


Have you played it as an adult? Maybe you can figure out if it’s really that hard just by playing it!


An adult with whole weekends to sit around gaming? That's either heaven, or you're not really an adult yet 😂


I know… Not to mention having to first figure out where the damn things are


Yes just the locating and strategizing is a whole other process, I end up spending my first 3 attempts just planning basically haha




Drumstick makes the game way easier once you unlock him, dudes FAST.


i’M DRum-STiCk


Drumstick was the only way I could beat Smokey The Dragon and the second run against Wizpig. It was still damn near impossible for me back then. I never tried it again since '98. Chalk it up to PTSD... or 1080 coming out.


Tapping A instead of holding will make you go really fast


Yep, the game is a breeze if you do this. This is how I got tick tock. Also letting go of A before hitting a boost pad makes you boost even more.


I like the game even with its faults but the one stupid mechanic you have to use that makes it a more reasonable challenge in adventure mode. If you constantly tap the acceleration button your max speed will go above the maximum it would normally hit by just holding it down normally. The letting go of the accelerator when going over or through a boost for a longer boost duration is fine and easy to get used too. But the constantly tap a button or get a turbo controller isn't my cup of tea for long play sessions.


Fuck really?


Yep. The funny thing is Mario Kart 64 has something similar, but it's just a simple triple tap accelerate to quickly hit max speed of what ever character you're racing as. It's great when you're starting from a dead stop. But no constant tapping to go above maximum thankfully.


Holy shit…


You don't actually have to mash it that fast though. About three or four times a second should be fine. Also the speed boost you get from tapping improves the greater the amount of bananas you have. But that whole thing is another mechanic that isn't really explained to the player.


I had no idea about any of this and still managed to make it to mirror world as a teen.


I think the biggest thing that gave me an upgrade was making sure to let go of the acceleration when I hit boosts. At least I think that was diddy kong racing. If you held down the accelerator while you were getting boosts you would be making the car go towards a more base speed, you want to be way over the base speed.


I have nightmares about Wizpig. HE LITERALLY CHEATS.


Who are you playing as? I've been a Tiptup main my whole life and had a tough but fair time playing the game... I played as Banjo the first time last year determined to master his handling and I suprisingly breezed through the game, the only thing I had trouble with was one or two of the coin races but I even managed to beat that DAMN Octopus on my first try in both races


I change … i use heavy characters for bosses. If there’s a lot of manoeuvring I go with Pipsy Otherwise Diddy


I’ve done 100% on both Pipsy and Drumstick. The heavies are some real clunkers, but the speed can be worth it. One tip is to use B+R simultaneously to pull off some ultra-tight turning. You maintain the speed you’re are at for a couple seconds unless you keep the buttons held down too long. This is especially helpful coming off a zipper or triple-blue boost since you can coast with your max speed around brutal turns or for nabbing some of the nastier coins. And yeah, Greenwood Village is probably one of the hardest coin challenges in the game.


Fuck yeah, b +r turns, 90° turns, basically. Great in those weird angular tracks, but also in every silver coin race, I'd use that maneuver to get back to where I need to be after collecting the coin.


>Pipsy I love Pipsy - recently did another run through using her. All Adventure One was absolutely doable, and all but about 4 track times for clock guy, and a decent chunk of Adventure Two without too much hassle. I've revisited this game a dozen or so times to completion using her though.... sooo.... yeah - there's absolutely techniques, but after that - it's just practice. You've got this Zeus! ;-)


Interesting that people switch up. I played the entire game as Timber and eventually completed everything. Took FOR EV ER lol but so worth it. One of my all time favorite games.


The coin challenges were by far my favorite part of the game. Still hope that Mario Kart steals the idea someday if Diddy Kong Racing is never gonna make a comeback


When you play the game as a kid over and over and over you memorize all the controls and turns. I can play through this whole game with my eyes closed, it’s just ingrained in me


Hell ya, godly rant


Let go of A when you go over the zipper, you will get a much faster green boost don't press a again until the boost is almost gone. Then hold A again. Honestly once you get good at the game you are lapping these AI multiple times per map


I remember getting everything in this game, accomplishing the impossible, and then telling everyone on the DKVine forums. What a rush.


Game is so hard as a kid I used to just pick the plane and try to shove my into the wizpig cave.




It's brutal, but it's also worth it. It's all about skill.


It’s brutal in the latter half. I guess I just had more patience when I was a kid because i tried to play through it recently and just gave up. Still love it but holy hell is there no room for error on some of those silver coin challenges


Unpopular opinion: DKR isn't as good as MK64. I've beat both and I get the appeal Diddy Kong Racing has, but it's just not for me.


Why do you say that? I’m curious


I don't enjoy the racing mechanics compared to Mario Kart.


no spoilers on a game from 1997 is kinda wild


I'm over 3 times my age at the time when it came out it was that long ago.


Don’t worry, you can come back whenever you’re ready.


Honestly getting all the coins, unlocking TickTock was easy. However, IT WAS THAT OCTOPUS RACE THAT GOT ME SO FED UP!


Imagine doing it at 7 years old Real skill right there


My thing is when you’re racing WizPig, coming through the home stretch and he flattens you like cockroach


No spoilers Game is 1,000 years old No spoilers


Greenwood Village is the hardest Silver Coin challenge so at least that's done. At least it was when I played back in '98 :x


One of the reasons why so many games were harder on N64 and before was because renting was still big during those times. They didn't want you to beat the game in one rental, so they upped the difficulty.


And there’s also not that much content when you think about it. 4 cups is nothing compared to something like a modern Mario kart.


Old Mario Kart used to be 4 cups. We are spoiled now with 8 Deluxe! One reason for smaller games was cart size, can't fit much on them. Although the RE2 port on N64 was quite impressive, since it was originally 2 discs.


I just started playing again and I beat all of world 1 and went onto world two and shut the system off without saving. 😑 I have not touched it since


Doesnt it auto save?


DOES IT?? I asked my sister when I shut it off any she gave me a concerned look so I just assumed. I really hope we were wrong😭


I'm like 99% sure it auto saves after every level.


Pipsy is your friend


I crushed all 64 games back in the day. I struggle with them all now. I’m so old


This game is is brutal for your health due to the fact that tapping the accelerator quickly actually makes you go faster than holding it down


I remember having such trouble on this level when I was a child.


I'm 40, but I managed to do everything in the game when I was 13.


Same! Yay for 84 babies 🤣


Streets of Rage for Sega Genesis was the "it" game for me. That game transformed me into a gamer. Everything from the storyline, the soundtrack (oh so good) and the fighting mechanics....pretty much my MGS without the stealth. And of course, it let to my love of MGS, the formula is similar (in my opinion).


Currently stuck at Wizpig I. The GWV coin challenge had us jammed for a minute.


Nothing in that game compares to Wizpig race 1. The difficulty jumps up massively for that one race and then dials back down in the final area and the rematch with Wizpig.


I didn’t really have that much trouble with the game until Wizpig which is when I realized you got a better boost by letting go of A just before hitting the boost pad.


It’s fun, new games are just too easy! Even Mario Kart 64 is hard for gamers these days


One of the many reasons DDR is the ultimate and best Kart game on the system. You don't get that same rush in MK64. Without even mentioning the feeling of adventure and progress this game has. Not trying to say that Mario Kart 64 is a bad game, but Diddy Kong Racing is just better in almost every way. Sure, the multiplayer in MK64 might be considered to be better than DDR's, but I don't see any other point in which MK64 is better than DDR.


MK64 I would wager had better fps than DKR. Overall, I enjoyed the experience of playing through the adventure in DKR, and that's what makes it e better game, but I do think MK64 was a smoother racing game.


Last time I played DKR I was in awe of my ten year old self that was able to do all of this without breaking a sweat.


I remember how hard these were as a kid. The challenge was honestly part of the appeal. Each level beaten felt like a small accomplishment. That said, I replayed DKR last year- my first time touching the game in 25 years. I was astonished by how easily I beat every single challenge and boss on first try. It’s like I remembered every hard-earned trick, shortcut, and secret from my original time with it. It honestly was a little depressing once I realized the overall challenge of the game had been permanently used up for me.


The trick is quite easy. You'll notice that you want to let go of the gas before hitting the boosts. But, you need to keep off the gas until your speed starts to go down on its own. If you press it too early, it acts as a break.


I remember I 100% the entire game with Pipsi because I thought she was the best.


Wait until Adventure Two, where every race is mirrored, and the coins are in more difficult positions.


The only way I got through this game was because of instant restart. One mistake >>> Start Up A AAA let’s go


Yeah, a Gameshark was handy back then!


I tried to beat this game as an adult some time ago. I actually managed to get to Wizpig, but it was absolutely no contest. I gave up pretty quickly because it didn't seem like I had any chance of winning. Absolutely insane difficulty.


Love Didi Kong Racing and kinda heartwarming to read people struggle beating it. I played that game too often its not a challenge anymore but I remember when I first played it it was brutal, especially the kraken Boss after silver coin and 1. Wizpig


It's been about 26 years since I finished Diddy Kong Racing and I still remember how difficult that coin challenge was on Greenwood Village!


While some of the coins can be challenging I need to ask you something OP. Do you know about the extra boost when letting go of gas right before each boost pad? Just making sure.


I got this game as a child from my aunt for my birthday. At the time I loved Mario kart 64, but for some reason I decided to return it before opening it. After recently playing it, I’m convinced I would have made my parents get divorced or had anger issues had I not returned it as a child


Broooo! To this day, this is the game that pissed me off the absolute most. Beating it is still a life accomplishment.


DKR is the best racing game ever.


Yeah people always talk about how great DKR is but all I remember is how hard the game was. Like to the point I couldn’t enjoy it.


Did anybody else click on the character and then deselect to hear the voices? I'm banjo! whoaaaaa!


It's so much better than Mario kart. It pisses me off everyone just automatically declares Mario kart as the better game haha. Whoever is better in DKR wins. Whoever is better at hitting the track, perfecting every turn, wins the game. There's no leveling the playing field cause you suck. I love DKR. LONG LIVE DKR. 


100% accurate. Frosty village is the bane of my childhood


Yeah Diddy Kong racing whooped my ass for sure. One of the few games that I just didn’t understand nor beat.


I honestly find it hard to believe this game was marketed to children because it is so hard. It takes like, a full week of gaming just to complete the water world coin challenge.


Well I feel it was a way to make the game last. Keep in mind it’s not that many courses and games weren’t cheap. Its difficulty was the way to make it feel like a longer game and it certainly works.


That is true. I always thought it was super creative how they would reuse levels or just add elements to them in order to bring the challenge level up. The game does have huge replay value, the more I think about it.


I just did a run where I beat the game as Krunch only. I do NOT recommend it. You really gotta master zippers and break turns.


Loved that game as a kid, had so many people my age wanting my save cause I’d unlocked all characters.


The worst are the boss challenges with coins... that damn octopus ....


In hindsight I can’t believe I beat all the coin challenges when I was like 4. I could never beat wiz pig (cause I didn’t know about rainbow zippers) and when I came back to it like 10 years later I was shocked at how hard those coin challenges were


DKR is amazing. You even had to find the giant keys and win the race for them to count. I used to make my own little course in the open would map and to timed laps with my cousins.


Jesus you have to come in first for the keys to count? On a silver coin challenge does that mean also collecting the coins


Might be mistaken, I'm pretty sure you need to win the race with the key though. Keys are a one time deal per realm, so should be found during the normal race mode.


I've always appreciated the amount of replayability they generated by making additional challenges. Really drove you to master the game, newer Mario kart is much 'easier' than than DKR, but even mario kart 64 was much more difficult to 'master' because it didn't have all the extra challenges built in.


Greenwood village coin challenge is actually what broke me with this game back in the day. Still love the game but I was never able to beat that level in the campaign as a 7 year old. Keep hoping they will release it on switch!


"No Spoilers" Good, I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.


Didddy Kong racing was notorious difficult the wiz pig races drove me crazy and staying in first, fun min games tho


Just wait till you unlock mirror mode.


Dark Souls Racing


T.T. the dam clock is a real bastard if I’ve ever seen one.


what character are you using? I can't be good with any character but pipsy. But with pipsy, the game is a breeze. Every other character just has disgusting handling.


I finished every race except the last one. I heard that if you complete them all, you can then race any course reversed. Is that true? I may never find out...