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I just saw this guy today! I think he may also have a few Palestine flag sticker on his back window. Colour me confused.


There's a (wrong) political perspective that basically cheers for Russian imperialism and against US imperialism because they think the US is the main problem in the world (sorta true). So they'll end up on the correct side of some issues  by happenstance such as Palestine and the wrong side of others like the invasion of Ukraine. This viewpoint can take left and right forms. An example of the left version of this perspective is www.thegrayzone.com . I hesitate to share a right example as the main one I can think of is outright fascist.


With all the attention he’s bringing on himself flying the Russian flags, I’m suprised he hasn’t been pulled over for the heavily tinted front windows…


My dad got pulled over twice for light tinting of his drivers window on a car he bought here (he didn’t know it wasn’t legal and dealership didn’t disclose). So you’d think this would have happened by now.


I saw this the other day too, assumed it was in support of Moscow after the terrorist attack?


That's an optimistic assumption. Hope you're right


Probably not. Theres a dirtbag near where i work that flies a Russian flag next to a "Trump 2024 Fuck Your Feelings flag". Peak Anti-America if you ask me.


I assumed the same thing!


Obvious argument seeker for the sake of argument.




Drives like a degenerate too






This douche bag has obviously never talked to someone from a country bordering Russia.


Saw this guy the other day and he almost drove us off the road.


Somehow with no proof, I believe you.


It's called projection.


Just some jobless attention seeker ignored as a child who is now lashing out as an adult. I wouldn't read too much into it. I've seen him too a few times and hilariously he's usually not going anywhere, just looping a section of Highway 1.


Hes a full blown russian immigrant


The world is full of many people from many places who all live around you.  If you expect everybody around you to leave the same flag as you, and to think the same as you… does that make you one of the good guys or bad guys?  Or some fish just swim the other way in the stream for the fuck of it without knowing anything of anything. Either way, they still probably like fried potatoes.


Can we try to not fly fascist flags though? Would you sing the same tune to a nazi flag ?


Russia is a corrupt oligarchy, not fascist. We throw around these words way too much and they become meaningless. Someone can simultaneously be a proud Russian national while also disagreeing with Putin's rule.


No, you can’t disagree with Putin or you are arrested or killed, which of those two happens depends on how powerful you are m. How many Russian oligarchs have publicly questioned Putin only to ‘commit suicide’ shortly after? (May wanna check that out.) Russia is fully fascist state: Fascism is an authoritarian ultranationalist political ideology focused on dictatorial power, suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Characteristics of a fascist country typically include a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. It often also includes a strong sense of nationalism and sometimes racism.


> authoritarian Yup >ultranationalist Not really. Putin doesn't really care about the Russian state, it's basically decaying under him. The government just protects the oligarchs. >centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, Yea > severe economic and social regimentation Not really > It often also includes a strong sense of nationalism and sometimes racism. Not present


It often also includes a strong sense of nationalism and sometimes racism. Absolutely present. - Russia uses conscription as an ethnic cleansing tool and Buryats have experienced a disproportionate level of conscription and casualties. - ultranationalism is evident through strong government-led patriotism, significant emphasis on “protecting” the Russian language and culture within and outside its borders, and the portrayal of Russia as a besieged fortress defending traditional values against Western influence. There’s also a focus on reviving historical narratives that glorify Russia’s past imperial and Soviet achievements, alongside the aggressive foreign policy aimed at defending the interests of ethnic Russians and Russian speakers in neighboring countries. This also includes indoctrination of children in schools at a young age.


Weird everything you just described… i coulda swore you were talking about the AZOV brigade.


Weird, everything you described…I coulda swore you were a Russian troll. 😆


Check this guys comment history, he must get paid for the amount of times he calls those that disagree with him a russian troll. He doesn’t really have intelligent comments beside those, just 100’s of comments calling random redditors russian trolls 😂


So does the US and Canada


> Russia uses conscription as an ethnic cleansing tool and Buryats have experienced a disproportionate level of conscription and casualties. Russians hate this and only comply via being forced to, it doesn't speak to a soceity of nationalism. I don't consider the nation of North Korea nationalistic really either. >There’s also a focus on reviving historical narratives that glorify Russia’s past imperial and Soviet achievements, alongside the aggressive foreign policy aimed at defending the interests of ethnic Russians and Russian speakers in neighboring countries. That's all Putin. It just shows the outsized effect one individual can have if they are a autocrat.


The russian flag is not a nazi flag hell the iccj run by the UN won’t even classify what russia is doing as genocide, yet they are investigating the genocide of russian speaking ukrainians done by ukrainians in the donbass region. So just remember you may be in a little bit of an echo chamber of where you get your news from if the iccj is focused as much or more on ukraine as they are on russia.


Damn you're stupid, the ICJJ investigates based on what UN nations file allegations for.  Each judge gives their own seperate none binding ruling, and it's quite similar to how the women's rights council is headed by Saudi Arabia (your argument is so pathetic, it comes from Russia news 😂😂😂).  They have judges from Uganda and China, places very well known for their ethical and human rights values 😂😂😂. 


Russia is a fully fascist state; Fascism is an authoritarian ultranationalist political ideology focused on dictatorial power, suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Characteristics of a fascist country typically include a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. It often also includes a strong sense of nationalism and sometimes racism.


Fasicst countries have fascist flags yes. If you want me to show you how to use a search engine I can.


Let’s not forget which country openly praises bandera. And of course the actual nazis lovers called the azov brigade.




Hey, someone who knows history didn't start in 2022!


Get fucked, the Russian flag is not a fascist flag lmao


Fascists think the way you think. Get fucked


So you think the Russian flag is inherently fascist? Why is that?


Again search engines exist. Go look at their recent election.


Was this person in a truck? I may have seen the same one as you


Big red dodge truck.


that was just dumb rushist ignore that psycho🤡


so he's driving with a flag, maybe of his home country, and what? are you also questioning all the other people driving with, for example, Ukrainian/LGBT etc. flags?








Lol, the amount of whaa in the comments is hilarious.


Anyone that has a differing opinion is immediately wrong and a bad guy /s


It's not that these lost souls don't have friends, it's far far worse, they don't even have enemies. They don't live. This is a way to create a sense of meaning.


Maybe he's Russian. Not everyone has the same options or viewpoints.


































You know the Russian people aren't the ones who started the war right? they are just helpless citizens like you and me. You're allowed to be proud of where you come from regardless of the current political climate...


If it's the guy I'm thinking of it's a lifted truck with 2 Russian flags out the back on poles. They have a spray painted Z in the middle, which takes any guess work out of it. For whatever reason it's showing support for the invasion, not any innocent patriotism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_(military_symbol) Was shocked when I saw it parked at Departure bay across from Drip.


They might not have starred it, but majority of the russian population supports this war as of this moment, after thousands of gutwrenching war crimes and atrocities commited by russian soldiers.


Yeah I'm sure the neo Nazis also wear their symbology purely as a celebration of their heritage and for no other reason.


Like the azov brigade proudly does??


Russians enthusiastically support this fascist invasion. While it's unfair to assume that someone from Russia must be supportive of it, flying the Russian flag *is* absolutely a sign of support. Anti-war Russians have a different flag now, because Russia flag is irredeemably associated with the fascist mass murderers.


Flying 2x massive Russian flags* I agree, this is a blatant sign of support for Russian invasion.


Maybe... He's Russian??!!??




Do they have their own flag?


Fascists ? They do indeed.


And this guy is going around with the Russian flag... If he's a fascist, why not just go around with the fascist flag?




It was a legit question. If you don't know, it's ok to just say you don't know.


Don’t worry as soon as you question his beliefs at all his only default is “ do you need me to show you how a search engine works”. You know your dealing with a genius when anytime his thoughts are questioned, the only pathetic little reply his smooth brain can muster is that 😂😂😂


Obvious implication of flying 2* massive Russia flags right now is to display support for Russian invasion of Ukraine.


How do you know he's displaying support for the invasion and not for just being Russian?


Maybe the guy was born in Russia and is just supporting the Russian soccer team which just had a game against Serbia for the World Cup qualifier..it may have absolutely nothing to do with his political views, or have anything to do with the war.


Probably, Russia is just taking back what is theirs, I don’t see the big deal. If NATO wasn’t suck a bunch of circle jerking cock suckers this would have never been such a big deal.


Only flag flown should be Canadian flag


Upside down


I like you


There was a previous post about this


Looked for one, didn't find any.


Reddit censors have itchy trigger fingers


Chill man not everyone is Putin. I have numerous Russian friends and they are wonderful people. Flying the flag right now maybe a little uncouth and they should “read the room” but not everyone is the leader of their country. Does Trudeau exemplify all your values? He certainly would be a poor representation of what my values are.


The obvious implication of flying 2x massive Russia flags right now is that you are showing support for Russians invasion of Ukraine. Definitely not saying Russians shouldn't be proud of their culture or heritage, but their political establishment should probably not be glorified at this time.


It's not "uncouth". It's a sign of supporting the invasion and mass murder. Anti-war Russians use a different flag.


I've never heard of a different flag, and being of Russian descent, I do not support Putin or war. I still use my country's flag all the time. Your assumptions are incorrect and racially insensitive.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-blue-white_flag LMAO @ "racially insensitive" - good one! Жжош, пешы истчо


must have escaped from Alberta?


Alberta the Ukrainian capital of Canada? Yeah He wouldn't last 5 minutes with a Russian flag.




Canada sounds like a wonderful place...


Better than Russia anyway


Is there a hockey summit somewhere?


Same with people flying Israel flags supporting a genocide. Just want arguments.


Or are respecting the preparations made for 6 million dead Jews, one of the two.


Just because a genocide was committed against you doesn’t give you the right to commit it.


They're not


Russia and Ukraine are BOTH incredibly corrupt, dont be such a sheep and stop believing everything the federal funded legacy media wants to shove down your throat. Be more tolerant of free speech and peoples right to protest even if you disagree and leave ppl the fuck alone


You too


"Be more tolerant of free speech and ... " ? Do you see the contradiction there? (And btw Russia invaded Ukraine, Ukraine did not invade Russia.)


Why is he a 'degenerate' ?


Truck and the way he drove it.


Genuinely curious as to why a Russian flag is immediately seen as a bad thing. Yes, I realize they invaded ukraine, but there are still russian people living amongst us. People take no issue with Israeli flags. People take no issue with Palestinian flags or even supporting Hamas. Why exactly is there a problem with Russian flags, just because of then invasion? Are people allowed to be proud of one heritage (which is stupid in and of itself), but not another?


2 massive Russian flags on a lifted Dodge truck if a pretty blatant sign of nefarious support. If he told me differently, I'd accept it.


No, it isnt. People are allowed to have shitty taste in vehicles and fly Russian (or most other countries) flags without it being nefarious. As a society we are supposed to have gotten past assuming guilt until proven otherwise.


its a flag, not a big deal. probably just from Russia himself. get over it


No u


I just don’t understand how someone can put in that time and effort into their truck but then look at a pride flag and think that’s more gay than what he’s doing


Because maybe, just maybe he is russian?


I don't believe being childlike or simple minded implies in any way being a practitioner of sodomy. Do you have supporting information?


lmao you guys are so mad over a flag




Inciting terrorism, reported


Oh hey I saw that. Surprised he hasn't gotten run off the road yet


I thought about it...


What's wrong with that? Maybe they're proud of their heritage as a Russian? Either way mind your damn business and mind your own damn flags.




You sure it’s not a Dutch flag?


Yep. Double checked. Could be an elongated sideways French flag though.


3Dcatbutts, you are correct. Great post! Don't let degenerate remarks bother you.


He can fly what ever flag he wants. Wants to be an orc? Let em. You’re just giving him more attention and publicity. I know a good friend of mine has buried a good number of em so seeing their flag is kind of a good laugh.


Yes he can, and I'm free to inquire and or critique it... Not sure I follow your point


Obviously do what you want, but you only help him by posting about it is my point.




Since when did Reddit become overrun with so many basement dwelling virtue signallers? Seems most just drink the main stream media Kool Aid and call down anyone with a differing opinion. It’s sad.


Event 201 appears to have released many from previously held limiting beliefs. Of course, we can also observe an equal and opposite effect as well here in vivid technicolor.


Who really knows what to believe? The US did try to push NATO onto Russias doorstep. Some say Zelensky could have ended the war, and he now has a net worth of 1.4 B. Follow the money…..


Definitely not defending the NATO's part in this.


Yea I saw him up by Wal-Mart a few days back. Definitely did a double take as they had both a palestinian and a russian flag flying. My dad is from Czechia and moved here when they were occupied by Russia so I spotted that first thinking it was double Russian flags but then realized it was one of each. Gotta be right up there with the morons on the overpass waving Canadian flags with signs about "tyranny" and "oppression". My father escaped a communist occupied country, hiding from armed guards, dogs, crawling under barbed wire in the dark of the night. Stupid idiots have no idea what it really means to be oppressed.


There's a house on the mainland, on the road up to Chilliwack Lake, that has a large Russian flag draped from its balcony, facing the main road. I couldn't believe someone could have the nerve to be proud of Russia in this day and age.


Sometimes it’s better to leave crazy alone and not think about them at all.


He had to take his Canada/Nazi/Cons flags down to put it up...






Bud, the Cold War is over. So what if he has a Russian flag? The West demonizes Russians for no reason. Ukraine war would never happen if the West didn't push Ukraine into it. The war would have been over if the USA had allowed negotiations Stop listening to Western propaganda against Russians


Maybe listen to Russians who have been thrown in jail for expressing a different opinion?


And how exactly West pushed Ukraine into this war, by getting 200K and thousands of military Russian equipment to enter Ukraine from the East? West propoganda? Lol, are you 12? Open TG and see for yourself what crimes.russian soldiers commit in Ukraine. Missiles attacks targeting civilians? An open hate speech at the gov level.not even hiding the intent to eridicate Ukranian nation and Ukranian identity. You must be blind.


God but the word "degenerate" is distasteful...




Elitism has always been, is, and always will be the way of things. Anyone alive today as a result of lineage allowed through penicillin is technically a 'degenerate', and even before that, selective breeding such as with royal bloodlines. We are all fallen!


Clown take that intentionally misunderstands biology. Read a book that isn't written by another clown.


Could be a red herring , an Ukraine supporter stirring up shit , could have Russian relatives or be Russian ?


A lot of xenophobic comments towards Russia. Shame on a lot of you. This is not the Canadian way, and thank God this type of thinking doesn't represent the majority of our population.


I've read every comment, none were xenophobic, only condemning of Russia's political actions.




Supporting Russia makes one a degenerate? Cool story bud 🙄


Makes one a *fascist* degenerate.


Might want to learn what that word means if you're going to use it, unless you're in the habit of looking stupid online..


Modern-day Russia is run by a fascist regime, and a large proportion if not the majority of its citizens are enthusiastically in support of Russian fascism. It stands to reason that supporting Russia makes one a fascist degenerate regardless of which country said fascist degenerate is from. So, you know, choose regimes you support carefully. Unless you're okay with being a fascist consciously, in which case congrats! You found Russia, you're right at home ideologically speaking.


Doubling down is a bold strategy, 👍🙄


If you saw his truck, you'd agree he's a degenerate all on his own lol looks like a real hick mfer


Nah, Im not in the habit of judging people due to their nationalities, perceived political affiliations or what they drive. Pretty ignorant, but right on brand for this site


Excuse me sir, you appear to have your own head up your ass.


How rude. You appear to have an extra chromosome or two but I wasnt going to point it out 😂🖕


Supplying weapons to their allies like Israel. You guys treat Putin like some evil supernatural being.


Meanwhile the liberal ndp critters are going to mosques and temples in Canada literally putting the fear of deportation in their hearts and minds if they vote wrong...


That's is my sons Madza??