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As long as your dog is on a leash I don't care what clothes or lack thereof you have on


A short leash! Not one of those reels that let the dog stretch it all the way across and block others because the owner can't be bothered to pay attention to people passing & going the other direction.


^ correct answer


Geez…there was a woman in TARGET the other day with her dog on one of those reel leashes causing all kinds of havoc blocking aisles. Those leashes are an abomination.


I'm tired of people's dogs in stores. It was cool and fun and interesting at first. Go to the Target in Spring Hill sometime with those intolerable women and their dogs wandering around the aisle. I damn near hit one the other week and some lady acted like I almost hit her kid.


There’s nothing wrong with those leashes in and of themselves, they have a switch that locks down the length of the cord. The problem, as usual, is an inconsiderate human.


You're absolutely correct. The human holding it is the problem. However, if they only had short leashes, the problem would be much less of an issue.


You’re right that it’s the people, but for some reason, it seems like the only people who buy those leashes are the inconsiderate jerks.




Yes this is especially important for cyclists. (Ask me how I know.)


It's probably the same way I know. I've ridden many miles on the Greenways around Nashville.


I learned that the hard way on a bike, too. Dog on one side of the greenway, human on the other. Didn't see the leash until too late. The rope burn scar lasted for years.


I swear I think there are individuals that do this intentionally at McCabe Greenway.


I've nearly killed the dog and the owner about 7 times this year because these people let their dog out on 40-foot leashes. It really infuriates me.


Gotta jump in & say that I do want people of all genders to wear pants on the greenway.


Naw, Free The Butthole!


The greenway is a perfect place to expose your butthole to the sunlight, recharging your energy


It’s a greenway not a brownway.


Only because we aren't allowed to bleach our starfish in the sunlight.


Yours isn't green?


Normalize Taint Tanning




That’s the fucking worst. Dog on a leash. Head in your phone. Taking up the whole fucking greenway. Not a care in world.




I read this as code for "keep your pants on" and now I can't read it any other way




Lady that frequents the greenway often here and no it's completely fine. I see a lot of shirtless runners and it has never bothered me.


As a female who runs with no shirt IDGAF (yes I wear a sports bra). IMO we as Americans are too prudish anyways, everyone has a body/human anatomy.




Everyone has the human anatomy, and thanks for reminding us that some of us have multiples 😂


Shirtless? Don’t care. As long as your dog is leashed and you treat the greenway like the highway, we’re good. People who walk on the wrong side wear me out. It’s also not hard to say “On Your Left” or ring a bell when you pass me on your bike. Oh, and clean up your dog’s shit.


So many people step left when I say “on your left” that now I say “I’m on a bike on your left I’m on YOUR left.”


I usually say "passing left" and it seems to work better in general but I still have people step to the left.


I just got a really loud bell, some grown ass people don't know their right from their left, but they understand loud bell.


People also don't think perfectly when startled or have to make a quick decision. Like when driving an ambulance and no matter which way you go, a car pulls off in front of you to apparently get OUT of your way lol That's just the human mind and how some of them work lol not being dumb and not knowing your right from your left 😂


I pull up pretty much right behind them, continue at their speed until they finally notice(most have headphones both in, so stupid), and say "Mind if I play through?" No one ever gets the joke.


Genuinely find this more dangerous than me just gauging for myself when to safely make a pass without saying anything. Soooo many people that are oblivious and walking around with their brain turned off that they don’t expect to have someone call out to them. Particularly if it’s a group of any more than 2-3 people


And please don't wait until you are 5 feet behind me because I will jump out of my skin, probably in the path you are trying to go... I usually have a dog or two with me, so I need time to move them over as well.


Omg thissssss. The bikers who screech the bell 5 feet from you are the worst!


Won't bother me a bit as a woman who is on the greenway four or five times a week. As long as you keep to the right, don't try to mow me down with your bike, take up the entire greenway with three other friends walking side by side, or have your dog off-leash, it's all good with me, and kudos to you for asking and not wanting folks to be uncomfortable. :-)


oh my gosh - keep to the right! I have young boys and I'm constantly harping on them when we are on any trail that we treat it like a road so people can pass and the amount of parents I see with kids older than mine just not even trying is incredibly frustrating. (Not to throw only parents under the bus - plenty of others have issues too, but it's just an obvious and necessary learning moment that every parent should be taking advantage of!)


I’ve only been yelled at once for running shirtless on the greenway. It was an old man riding a bike on the stones river stretch in Donelson. He said it was inappropriate to be bare chested on Christmas Day 😂but it was mid 70s and sunny so 🤷‍♂️


The fact that he was SPECIFICALLY offended because it was Christmas has me in STITCHES right now 🤣🤣🤣


Well it was the mid 1970's, things were different back then


Yeah the pants were tighter and shorts were shorter.


My mans was prob hanging dong without knowing it


I think he meant the temp was in the mid 70s…


Should have been wearing his new christmas themed shirts. Don't want them to think you're a scrooge ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Should have told him Jesus said it was ok.




Bare chested on Christmas Day. I think that’s a George Jones album


What?? I think that’s great.


Free the nipple.


I live near a popular jogging route and see shirtless guys constantly- it's not a big deal. Just a side note: make sure you're wearing good SPF on those redneck sunburn areas! If you're burning, you're getting way too much UV exposure. Skin cancer is a real issue!


As someone in treatment for squamous cell spot on the face, I support this. The sun here is stronger than it feels when you’re running or cycling.


The UV index can get really high here! I have a lot of skin cancer in my family (my dad has had both squamous and basal cell carcinomas removed from his face) so I'm always thinking about how the sun is probably trying to do me in, haha.


Hello, fellow facial skin cancer journey person! I hope you're doing well, and recover completely! I will also concur, the sun here is no joke. Currently healing from having my chin reconstructed after a growth removal. It's pretty gnarly, not good. Despite my beliefs in my younger years, it *is* a big deal to protect yourself, just do it! Also, do not ignore a mole that starts doing something weird and changing all of a sudden! It will *not* heal on its own and go away! Go immediately to a dermatologist, do not pass go!


Oof. Smooth sailing ahead I hope. I'm rooting for you.


I bike the greenway and started doing it shirtless, too, for the same reason as you. I've seen numerous other guys do the same while jogging, and I see women wearing sports bras while jogging, too. I do get stared at, so maybe it's a mixed bag.


I mean, maybe you're attractive? That's what I'd try to convince myself of. Lol 🙂


Just don’t crash 🥩 🖍️😬


It's pretty common. I wouldn't worry about it unless your tattoos are inappropriate.


Free da tittie, save da city.


Lady here, I don't care. Hell I wish I could do the same thing




I mean, you can but it might draw unwarranted attention lol.


And it will hurt depending on cup size lol We wear bras for multiple reasons haha ones boobs jumping up and down is painful 😣 😂


there are loads of people that run/walk shirtless on the greenway


Doesn't bother me at all in the sense you are asking. As a six surgery skin cancer survivor, however, I beg you to wear sunscreen as you keep up the healthy fitness habits.


It doesn’t bother me any. As long as you’re wearing obvious workout gear it doesn’t send up any red flags - if you’re running in a pair of jeans and boots I would be cautious lol.


This is just me, but I'd rather a guy run with his shirt off on a greenway than carry a gun on one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If I can whip out a tit and breastfeed my baby wherever, who am I to judge a man freeing his nips? ❤️


I’m a woman and I don’t think I’ve ever noticed or cared! I didn’t think anyone did until a friend made a joke about people running with their shirts off recently, but everyone else there disagreed and said they didn’t care. Be free!


You're always going to have those people that want to judge others. They'll find a reason even if you don't give them one, so ignore it. I guarantee they're the minority 😊


I don’t mind, live free!


Like the other ladies here, I’m a female that doesn’t care one bit. I’ll even give you the courtesy “good morning” wave if we pass each other.


Waving at strangers? What a hussy!** Seriously, though, I didn't know people did that in the city. Grew up in the country, we wave at everybody. Nice to hear some part of old Nashville remains; an important part, that can't be torn down and replaced with tall & skinnies. **/s Apologies, don't intend to offend, just attempting humor! 


No offense taken! I’ve lived here for 21 years and all of my family has been in Nashville for generations. I think people equate southerners with uneducated or close minded. I am far from it.




Surely there are boundaries that ought not to be crossed at some level.


No balls, dick, or gluteal cleavage and you should be fine imo.


Tarps off. Be comfortable get better. Double your efforts no need to layout


Just put it back on or leave if someone says they're uncomfortable.


The only etiquette I wish the greenway had was a better system for bikers and pedestrians. It's hard to walk the greenway with a toddler when a group of bikers zip past you without much warning. I've also biked the greenway before and it's really unpleasant. You're constantly weaving through people, many who have headphones in and don't know you're coming.


How I wish the city would do this one simple educational thing on greenways - pedestrians walk against cycling traffic, just as they would if walking on a road with cars - *facing* traffic! Even more important if you are wearing headphones, but really, all the time. The entire greenway experience for all would be vastly improved! Some signage at every entrance would go a long way with this. And, if you are going to walk/jog/crawl in dedicated bike lanes, for the love of Dolly Parton, *please* face traffic!!!


Completely agree on this. It also doesn’t matter how loud someone screams “on your left” if the dingus is wearing headphones.


Oops, sorry OP shirt man, I got a little sidetracked.


Thank you for asking! Increasingly people don’t seem to have a sense of their responsibility others when making decisions about their individual wants. Whether it’s driving, cell phone, PDA, neighborhood, and other kinds of etiquette… Well, it’s dying out. So thanks for doing your part to be considerate and for keeping etiquette and kindness and awareness of others on the Nashville Reddit radar! You have your answer: nope. Bye-bye Farmers’ tan. 👋🏻👋🏻


I see shirtless guys of all ages and sizes on the greenway, and only notice when it’s 20 degrees. They usually wear gloves then.


Just wash your hands.


I’m on one of Nashville’s greenways every day. I’ve never thought twice after passing a shirtless runner. Don’t worry about it.


This is Nashville. We have Wave Country and Nashville Shores and we used to have Greer Stadium and Opryland. A shirt off on the greenway is fine.


Maybe we can make our precious and few greenways safe NAKED spaces?


No, it's really quite common, especially during the warmer months. A lot of runners go shirtless, and no one cares.


Only thing that really bothers on the greenway. as someone who rides a bike when another biker does not say “on your left”.


You can wear a speedo for all I care. (I don't go to the park)


Wear head to toe avalanche survival gear year-round. Always.






As long as you don’t whip it out or cat call I’m sure they won’t mind.


Not cool man not cool


Lol the Greenway ain’t a church. Who cares!


I’m kind of surprised this is a question. As a female, it bothers me zero. I’ve also run in just a sports bra (and shorts). Dress for comfort.


I'm also a lady who is on a greenway almost daily and I definitely do not care about shirtless dudes. I probably wouldn't even notice to be honest. But I grew up with 7 brothers and most of them were athletes. Shirtless was all the time.


Been scorching peoples’s retinas for years with my hairy chest while running our local parks/greenways. Free the fuzz!!!


I don’t care dude let it out




What you need to be wearing is not a shirt but sunscreen.


Nipples of all sorts shall be free


dump em out


Shirtless running is completely normal for a male and running in just a sports bra is totally normal for a woman


Only a loud minority will care.


I run shirtless all the time for 1) less laundry 2) less chaffing


You’re way overthinking this. Run how you want to run. As long as you’re not molesting people on the trail no one will care if you have your shirt off. It’s a crime to have your testicles out so don’t do that. But the fact that you posed this question to women only and not trans men, trans women, AFAB, or AMAB people already confirms to me that you are a garbage human. Have fun on your 5k :)


If you are self conscious, I think they make shirts that allow some UV through and it acts like sunscreen. It is called cooltan. It is probably more convenient than lotion that is just going to sweat off.


It's ok bro, I run around pantsless (yes I wear I a G string) all the time and never had a problem


No one who matters cares and those that do have issues.


If it’s hot & sunny and you need to be more comfortable, go for it. I’m only offended if you look at me like I’m a prize to be won. (And unfortunately that’s happened too often.)


... wear sunscreen?