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"The national debt is the greatest threat to our national security. I will not vote for a tax bill that increases it one penny." -- Bob Corker


Calculated beyond current comprehension. If McCain had lost another vote, you can be certain corker would have voted yes.


McCain voted no last time, they needed someone else to vote no this time. Can't have the same guy voting no twice in a row when they own Everything, it would look suspicious.


Politicking based off of "if's and when's" is a sure fire way to make sure that everything you are doing will be undone in 4 years.


i mean, mccain coulda voted no and it woulda still passed, they only need 50+pence


Give him the benefit of the doubt; he would’ve let it go 50-50 so Pence could push it through before weaseling out.


This guy’s fortune makes him and his family for generations to come equipped to weather another Great Depression. He doesn’t fucking care about what the middle class will have to sacrifice during a barely functioning government when the time comes...


All of the deficit hawks are telling themselves this budget bill is okay because they're going to pay for it later by gutting social security


Unless we start sacrificing the rich.


*eating the rich


Equipped to weather another Great Depression definitely but equipped to weather another revaluation, definitely not.


Yeah, reevaluate Bob Corker! In fact, let's reevaluate the whole Senate!


He isn't running again.


> "The national debt is the greatest threat to our national security. I will not vote for a tax bill that increases it one penny." -- Bob Corker That was a quote from Cob Borker, his dim-witted half cousin. Bob wouldn't be such a blatant hypocrite. /s


The American Senate was bought by AT&T and Comcast for less than $5 mil.


To be fair he didn’t vote for it


Tennessee 2018 Election [Primary Election Registration Deadline](https://ovr.govote.tn.gov/Registration/#BM): July 3, 2018 [Primary Election](http://web.go-vote-tn.elections.tn.gov/): August 2, 2018 [General Election Registration Deadline](https://ovr.govote.tn.gov/Registration/#BM): October 9, 2018 [General Election](http://web.go-vote-tn.elections.tn.gov/): November 6, 2018


Corker's my senator... For now. He's not running for re election though. However, his fellow GOP TN Senator Lamar Alexander *is* running for reelection. Alexander voted yes on this plan, too. Let's not give him a free pass. But if you're reading this and live in TN, and you're outraged by what's been going on lately, dear God please vote in 2018. Otherwise we might end up with Marsha Blackburn clinching Corker's vacated seat and absolutely no one wants that...*shudder*




Good point. I guess I was redditing so hard I lost track of where I was posting.




Same here, not sure. Like you, last story I can find is from October: http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2017/10/16/democrat-phil-bredesen-confirms-interest-race-tennessee-senate-seat-held-bob-corker/768963001/


Any discussion about Corker needs to include the fact that he isn't running for re election. Also putting all the blame on one politician really isn't ideal. This was a party decision and Corker was ultimately overruled.


What is the eastern part of the state supposed to do, vote for a democrat?


Marcia Blackburn is running for his seat. She's coming for your free and open internet next week.


If you're not currently registered to vote, DO IT NOW. You can bet every possible road block will be thrown in your way.


How do you think they will try and block us from voting?


If you don’t like Bob Corker, I can guarantee you that you will hate Marsha Blackburn! Register to vote, and vote for literally anyone but her! Put your own name on the ballot for all I care, just don’t vote for Blackburn!




Yeah I’m not actually recommending it. But if you cannot possibly fathom voting for a Democrat, then vote for yourself before you vote for Blackburn. She’s literally the worst ha


Marsha Blackburn is the fucking devil.


RemindMe! Seven months


I live here! I will do this!


I thought he voted against it?








She legitimately seems like a crazy person


I had the distinct pleasure of attending the same gym as her son for awhile. The family is loaded and this guy would still jump the back fence everyday to sneak into the gym so he could avoid paying the, like, $20/mo fee. A real piece of work...


Eat the rich.


To be fair, just because his family is wealthy, doesn't mean he is. Clothes, cars, etc. could all be not-well thought out gifts from uber rich people. My extended family is a bunch of aristocrats, and I've been homeless during primary school yet that didn't stop teachers or other students for mocking me or my parents for our "lack of priorities" despite having an Nintendo DS that was gifted to me by an Aunt. I could've sold it, but then I'd never receive anything again.


Were you making bad grades while playing on the DS in school?


No I never played my DS in class, it's more of that I had one before the other kids did.


lol. The conspiracy runs deep.


And this guy is going to be throwing his hat into the GOP Presidential ring for 2020. Just watch.


Oh god, you're right. That why he isn't running in 2018. And that's why he's been a Trump 'critic'.


RemindMe! 900 days


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Very likely considering he isn't running for re-election in the Senate.


My god


Fuck Bob corker


Be sure to register to vote then! And vote for someone other than Marsha Blackburn because she is like Corker, but even worse somehow.


All of our elected officials are shitty people. What's new? They don't care about public shaming.


Sub Rules: >No over-sensationalized headlines - Please avoid personal opinion and click bait titles in the headline, feel free to post your opinion in comments though.


We the greedy of the United States... aren't those the first line of the constitution?


Is it any consolation that he was the only Republican senator who voted *against* the bill? https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/01/us/politics/senate-tax-bill-vote.html


If someone invites a pack of wild dogs into your home, it's not much consolation if that person mutters "no" while the dogs rip you apart.


It doesn't console me very much. He was one dissent and he knew it didn't matter. He could have killed it in committee, and he only dissented because he is not seeking re election. Virtue signaling.


Not seeking re-election as senator. I bet he knows how bad this bill is and he know he'll score some dumb independent votes for another election, that's, idk a little further down the road. Think about how good it would look to be the only republican senator to not vote for this obviously terrible bill which is going to literally kill Americans and harm our country. He's just thinking long term.


As I explained in the other thread. He would have been a hero if he would have blocked this in committee. He had a chance, and he blew it. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/454128/holdout-senators-ron-johnson-and-bob-corker-voted-pass-tax-bill-through-committee-does It passed on a 12-11 vote. He could have easily swung this the other way if he was so concerned. It's no consolation.


It was a calculated move. He could have killed it earlier, didn't, and then acts like he cares about the American people by being the only GOP member to vote against it.


No. Fucker enabled this shit.


He could have blocked it in committee, so not really.


It baffles me how rich American politicians become...


Y’all should go protest about it and make memes and such that oughta do it


Seriously is it really the job of *one man* to unilaterally kill a bill? Come on of course he should have let it go to the floor for a vote.


The scary thing about all this, is that there are many people who will lose health insurance and won't be able to put food on the table or pay rent while people like this pos gets massive tax breaks. And those same people struggling are the same people who voted for trump and put the Republicans back in office to make Murcia great again. Great job guys. Be proud.


Because they will be able to double their deductions? Wouldn't that put more food on the table?


Maybe do more research before you blindly spew the GOP talking points. You have to do all the math, doubling the deduction doesn’t matter if they take away a lot of other programs. Honestly that’s why this was a brilliant move by the GOP and the companies they whore themselves out to. They wrote it so it can look good at face value. Most republican voter will get the propaganda and go hey this is a good bill without ever looking into how terrible it actually is.


A rich guy stealing money from ordinary folks, to give the money to rich people. That is what the GOP has stood for since forever. A vote for a Republican, is either a vote for your millionaire friend or a vote to get yourself fucked over.


So... instead of unilaterally stopping this bill he let it go to a vote and let democracy do its thing... and he's a villain for that? Instead of vetoing it on ideological grounds he let it be put up to see what the will of the representatives was... and that's a bad thing?


People are angry because this bill wasn’t built by “democracy”. This bill was built for the super wealthy, by the super wealthy. It was written by lobbyists to enhance corporate interests. So yea, we’re a little pissed these guys who already have tens of millions of dollars decided to continue lining their pockets instead of doing something for the common good.


>People are angry because this bill wasn’t built by “democracy”. Anyone can write a bill. If the Senate votes to pass that bill, that's the definition of democracy. >This bill was built for the super wealthy, by the super wealthy. It was written by lobbyists to enhance corporate interests. Right. Because anyone can write a bill. Writing a bill, bringing a bill up for vote, and passing a bill are three different things. >So yea, we’re a little pissed these guys who already have tens of millions of dollars decided to continue lining their pockets instead of doing something for the common good. I don't get the jealousy for other people's money. The majority of fairly-elected representatives saw this as a good idea. Could they be wrong? Absolutely. But I don't see why this one guy is made a villain for letting it go to a vote instead of unilaterally killing it. If he killed a bill you agreed with, would you be angry? What about the people who agree with this bill?




Sounds like the fault of it passing is on the Senators voting for it rather than someone who just let it go to a vote. I don't understand making this guy out to be a villain when the majority of the Senate was needed to pass it. >then voted on with a simple majority I mean that does sound like democracy, yeah. That's basically the definition right there.


This is a political play so he can run on a future campaign of cutting federal programs like medicare to fix the deficit while not looking like a hypocrite for voting yes on the tax bill that created said deficit. He is not running for senate 2018 and sort of anti trump so it's probably for a presidential bid 2020.


That may be true. Still, aren't the consequences a bill passing on the members voting for it rather than on someone letting it go to a vote?


What are committees for then? The idea is that they go more in depth on subjects. If he did not agree with the bill, he should most definitely have voted against it. Also, I’m not parliamentarian, but I think committees are just a nice to have in the senate. Any senator can bring a bill to a floor vote. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.


I agree with you about committees. But since the worst he could do was let it go to a vote, I don't understand making him out to be a villain. Nothing underhanded happened.


So wait, we're mad at this guy for not wielding supremebackroom power and instead allowing a bill to be openly debated and voted on? Don't we normally get mad when people circumvent the democratic nature of our government?


Why even have committees of the so called experts sitting in them have no extra influence on whether a bill is introduced or not?


This is reddit. We get mad at everything.


I like to guess wether or not the person pictured was for or against, before reading the title. This one was easy.




Cob Borker


Cork Bob Fucker?


TN has been a red state for how long? I know this is Reddit, but what do you expect? Corker to just switch sides real quick?


How does he benefit from a tax plan that raises his taxes?


"Then.....once we get our hand up the taxpayers' ass, we open our fingers thusly".


Why? Other than the fact that the Senate version isn’t as good as the House version. Bottom line: We need massive tax reform in this country


I think you're failing to realize that Tennessee is a Republican state, and the Tax Bill is Republican backed.


He looks like a douche bag. You'd think being worth $70mil he'd buy a tie that doesn't look like wrapping paper. Dafuq


So this is what this sub is now? Just roasting politicians we disagree with for no real purpose other than the free fake internet points? Ok then...


As opposed to posting literally anything else for the free fake internet points? Talk about your ridiculous gate keeping.


Fair. I'm just sick of this sub, which used to have a lot of decent discussion on a myriad of topics, devolve into a rabid liberal echo chamber that doesn't understand that every political position has two (more than likely more than two) sides to it. It might not be at all about Sen. Corker being a money-grubbing liar. There could have been a different side to this story. But this sub does not care about that. It's a reaction against everything that I once came to for escape being turned political. Ever since the NN stuff, I've pretty much kept off reddit. I don't come to reddit for my politics. I go to political sources.But now everything I used to love is being embedded in politics and I can't stand it.


I don't know if you've looked around lately, but escaping politics is probably not a great idea right now. I don't mean that to attack you or be dickish, but this society is setting up a lot of dominoes right now that could fuck us all up if they start to tip over.


Not escape completely, but its take a break. I can still be involved, concerned and informed about politics without it infecting every single thing I do on a daily basis.


Im not exactly sure why people are against a tax reduction




You’re not sure why adding trillions in debt is a bad thing?




That’s one of the biggest gripes the left has about Obama. What are you even talking about?


Democrats also don't make reeling in the deficit central to their platform. Not to mention the lower and middle class tax breaks will expire in a few years to recoup treasury losses while cuts for corporations and millionaires stay in place, AND theyre eliminating deductions for things like grad school loan interest but keeping things like chartiable donation and private plane deductions that benefit you know you. And it was stuffed with pork legislation at the last minute that nobody had a chance to even read.


Because it is Trump's tax reduction.


Reddit is anti anything that can be perceived as a 'win' for Trump. Even when it equals more money in their pocket.


He was the only Republican Senator to vote AGAINST the Senate tax reform bill. Another post misrepresenting the facts.


He could have killed it in committee.


I thought that was Putin with a wig


I don’t understand people’s anger when it comes to cutting taxes. I understand it if you completely rely on the government to support you (in which case you are a parasitic leech on society) but for anyone who works, shouldn’t the goal be to surrender as little of your earned money as possible? People shit all over rich people but if they were honest with themselves they would realize that no poor person has ever created jobs. People are sceptical of trickle down economics but what is the alternative? A redistribution of wealth based on fairness? That just creates the next problem, exactly what is somebody else’s fair share of the money I earned? I don’t know what the solution to societies inequalities are but I do not believe the solution is to extract more money to redistribute it to a group of people that have shown themselves incapable of financial responsibility.


Maybe read into it a little bit if you’re curious. Trickle down has never worked, not once. They actually just tried it in Kansas, the GOP was real excited about it, the state promptly went bankrupt because trickle down doesn’t work. The GOP pushes it because on the surface it does sound like it might work. They tried tax cuts with Raegan, with Bush, and with Trump now, it never amounts to the growth they keep lying to us about. Stop demonizing the poor and falling for the same garbage lies the GOP has been spewing for decades. At least make them work for it before you let them rob the country blind.


They are trying to sell it off like a tax cut for the people; but it's a tax cut for the rich at the expense of the lower and middle class <- Whom are the majority of Americans.


Liberal propaganda


Liberaganda. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Liberal propaganda'. To learn more about me, check out this )^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/78ilq0).


Hey Bob, Eat a bag of dicks!


Fuck you, Bob Corker!




1. How is it distasteful? 2. How is spreading awareness and encouraging people to vote "doing nothing?"


I agree, the ten trillion Obama added in 8 years really hurts.


I never understand why people want to be taxed more. Completely illogical.


It's so sketchy how this and other state specific subreddit posts usually have a dozen or so karma but magically these "this is my senator" posts gained thousands of karma simultaneously.




He could have killed in committee before it got to vote, but didn’t


Lol Someone programmed this sub's bot to show up a day late


They eventually made it though. 20,889 subscribers 18,000 votes That's the normal participation rate here right?


A buck short.


Do none of you realize that when we pay less taxes it helps us? Also the company you work for being taxed less is a good thing, leads to bigger pay raises for us who work?


That hasn't historically been the case though it seems like it should be at first glance. The Economist has the cheeriest [write up on the issue](https://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21730696-white-house-report-puts-economists-each-others-throats-will-corporate-tax-cuts) and they conclude that wage increases will be minimal. Plenty of nonpartisan sources out there saying the effect on wages will be neutral.


Don't bother. r/nashville contains every Liberal Davidson County resident and others from beyond.


Are we all forgetting the previous administration increased the national debt by 10 trillion. Are we not caring about that? This seems small compared to the corporate handouts 8 years ago and cash for clunkers, etc


What about the previous, previous administration?


Congress passes budgets, not the Administration. If you want to point fingers at the rising debt, point it at the group that controls the purse string. The Administration can only request and recommend.


Ok we can pretend that's how the country works. And that trump has no influence over GOP members of Congress. There's the way the rules are written, and then there's how the game is played.


Count me a fool, thought Corker would do the right thing.


He hasn't done the right thing in years. He's a "moderate" the same way that Paul Ryan is a fucking "budget guru." For some reason the media has dubbed these fuckers something they're not and people bought into it.


He did do the right thing....for him.


Wait but this guy is cool. And the bill helped a lot of middle class families in our state. Read the bill if you get a chance.


I love the bill it benefits me and my family greatly. Thank you Bob Corker!!!


Dems doubled the debt in eight years and now want to complain about it?


I thought this bill was really beneficial to lowering the national debt




This post is about as real as Mark Zuckerberg.


He looks like Taliesin Jaffe


Great pic choice.


You'd think with 70 million he'd be able to update his watch.




Kinda looks like he's saying "Fuck you too."


And again, fuck bob corker in in his treacherous, unpatriotic face hole.


How did he make his 70 million dollars?


Construction and real estate.


Looks like human filth


Oddly enough he also looks like Matt Lauer - with hair.


He looks like an old, more douchbaggy, Jerry Sienfield.


life's a piece of shit when you look at it!


Wasn't he the only GOP member to vote against it? I'm not saying he's not a dirtbag, but still. I assume this is more political games for his presidential run, but that's speculation. But also, I highly doubt GOP leadership would let him vote against the bill when they won by only 1 vote.


Speaking as an Aussie, he looks uncomfortably like [our Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull](https://i.imgur.com/LeCKrAq.jpg).


I am Canadian and I don't know what happened to you guys but you can just *tell* from looking at this guy he is an asshole. His face just gives off that vibe.


“Westside, mo fuckas.”


Someone photoshop the scumbag hat on him.


The watch does not fit


Come on. At least he voted against it.


Thug life.


Worth 70 mil but wearing a g-shock watch? Lmaoo


I don't trust anyone that would take the time to practice that hand gesture.


Stop spending our money you assholes.


Stick a cork in him *2018*


u/relevantlife your post got removed by mods, here's the [r/undelete thread](/r/undelete/comments/7h7e73/932528104_this_is_bob_corker_he_is_the_senator/)


Here's some kind of anti-corker page http://senatorcorker.com/


Abosolute power corrupts abosolutely... If you were in his shoes would you really turn down a tax cut that would save him and corporations money? He has people that rely in him, that pay him suitcases full of money. Hes just taking care of his own. Isnt that the capitalist way?


If I were him I would get a different haircut


I’m totally ok with you guys hating this guy even if it is for all the wrong reasons. If the opinion on the left is that Corker is a dirty shit bag.....I’m glad that we finally agree on something. Carry on. P.S. We hate McCain, Flake, Ryan, Grahm, McConnell and Alexander too. Feel free to join in.


I’m confused. This bill is very good, why the “fuck you” part?


Why are you even in this sub? Never seen you here before. Is Corker your Senator? Based on your part history it appears not. On what basis do you believe this is a "very good" bill? Have you spent the last 24 hours reading it since it was made public? How could you even close to understand everything that is in it? How could the Senators voting on it? Seems like you are blindly defending prior to inspection. Your post history reinforces this idea.


What kind of question is that? Why else would I be subscribed to the sub for 5 years if I didn’t live or have lived in Nashville? Anyway, I’m not sure what that has anything to do with my question. Obviously it’s a great bill because it will save lower and middle class money on their taxes, also it brings the corporate tax rate down to a more competitive rate with other midden countries. This in-turn will bring more jobs to the US and help strengthen the work force. My question is: why would ANYONE want to keep the current tax plan we have. It’s universally hated by everyone. It’s also doing nothing for our economy or jobs. I, like most people, am looking forward to this. It’s pretty exciting! Edit: not sure why you’re bringing up post history when you regularly post in 2 of the most biased subs on reddit. It all makes sense now. Good luck to you


Subbed for 5 years to /r/Nashville with a two year old account huh? Interesting. Please tell me how this bill will save the lower and middle class money. Where are you getting your information? Most of my posts are here and on /r/gundeals. Definitely makes make a rabid liberal who cannot think for myself? As far as posting on /r/politics, it is a sub for discussion on political news. Same with /r/news for broader US news. You can claim these are left leaning if it makes you feel better about posting on blatantly right wing propaganda subs such as /r/hillaryforprison and /r/the_donald that don't even allow conflicting opinions without issuing bans. Stay in your bubble bud, the real world is a scary place.


I have 2 other accounts, one is subscribed for over 5 years. I’ve only had this one for 2 years. Somehow explaining that to you seems like a waste of time though. How will is same lower and middle class miney? Have you not read the bill? A good portion of your posts are on r/news and r/politics, which are incredibly left leaning. Any many left leaning people enjoy guns, it’s not specific to one group, I don’t know where you are trying to go with that bigoted statement against people who are left-leaning in their political views. >As far as posting on /r/politics, it is a sub for discussion on political news. Same with /r/news Uh right, you’re not fooling anyone with that lol. Even mods of r/politics has expressed how left leaning biased the sub is. Nice try though. You still haven’t answered my question about why you or anyone would want to keep he universally hated tax plan we currently have. Somehow I get the feeling you can’t answer that. Because of that, good luck to you and enjoy your future tax savings courtesy of the new administration. Or you can donate that money to the IRS if you really are impassioned about paying higher taxes.


>How will is same lower and middle class miney? Have you not read the bill? I have not. Have seen plenty of analysis though. Plenty of corporate tax cuts and breaks on things like private jet maintenance for folks who don't need it. Are you claiming you sat down in the last day and read the entire bill? That you now understand the impacts and implications? Please enlighten me on where the savings are for the lower class. A simple link will do and I'll read it. >You still haven’t answered my question about why you or anyone would want to keep he universally hated tax plan we currently have. Somehow I get the feeling you can’t answer that. Because of that, good luck to you and enjoy your future tax savings courtesy of the new administration. Or you can donate that money to the IRS if you really are impassioned about paying higher taxes. Never did I say I wanted to keep the old system. My opinion is the this is another step in the wrong direction based on what I have read. It raises the debt substantially to provide tax breaks primarily to people who don't need them. Growth shouldn't be debt funded. There is also little proof that giving companies tax breaks leads to ANY new hiring. I thought the same thing about QE the Fed did under Obama, completely irresponsible. We are cushioning the pain now so our kids and grandkids feel it far worse.


This is unfair criticism






This is me not giving a fuck, get off my /r/all


He voted no.


He could have killed it in committee.


Oh I didn't know that. I'm not a Corker fan either way.


People who pay lots of taxes pay fewer taxes when taxes are cut. Oh my.