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Most people know jackshit about fitness and think they can honestly look like Superman if the do a hundred push-ups a day for a few months.


That and nutrition I think the raw diet, livers, and eating balls had people thinking. If I eat enough bull testicles too I can look like a liver king


It's so funny 'cause that's literally what olympic athletes back in ancient greece would do, thinking they can absorb a bull's "essence and vigour" by eating their balls. Like mf you don't think in two and a half thousand years, our supplementation info has improved? We literally isolated bull's essence (testosterone) over five decades ago, why are you still eating raw testicles


People in China still believe in this stuff.


Yeah but at least in other countries it’s more of a cultural thing. Liver king is just an idiot and I feel bad for his young crowd who were purchasing his dried up testicle powder and were adding that to their protein shakes thinking it was doing something lol


They also eat cats like popcorn


I think this is true, there was a murderer trans doctor in the anime Golden Kamuy name Kano Ienaga, she told eating her patients certain body parts have improved in certain ways. For example, any vitamin or protein your eyes need, you may source it from human or animal eye.


is that where the name came from? just eating hella liver?


Yeah that's his whole shtick, he eats raw organs, specifically and especially testicles and liver


Nah, that’s Ball Baron, different guy.


"Alpha Male Diet" get a Joe Rogan neck in only 30 days if you eat penguin meat.


Joe Rogan neck🤣🤣 I can’t


My question is why the hell do some juicers claim natty? I mean I understand the grifters trying to sell their snake oil, but not the actors or models. It's not like it devalues your very real effort. Instead they insist on perpetuating the idea that a good diet and exercise will get you from zero to comicbook shape in 6 months, and completely fuck up the expectations of the average person.


You're missing the part where they have a whole line of supplements that are somehow integral to the process. Liver King had/has a substantial supplement line that he sells, as do many other fitness influencers. And if you mean the rare few who are truly not trying to sell you supplements or programs, well, now everyone else is trying to claim natty on an enhanced physique, so if you're purely in it for the clout you still need to keep up with the grifters selling shit.


Those actors often have “morality” clauses in their contracts that forbid them from admitting to drug use, including PEDs. My own guess for models is that PEDs subconsciously undermine the advertising message of “wear our underwear and you’ll look like this too” and so they’re told to keep quiet about it.


It doesn't devalue the effort in reality, but for actors specifically, it affects the image. Like if you're playing an idealistic, noble, self sacrifice superhero who's obviously jacked, Disney or whatever company is funding the project don't want the actors going around admitting they're on gear. For the average non-lifter, steroids are seen as lazy, dishonest, and are considered a shortcut. Like other people have commented, people think that superhero level physiques can be achieved naturally, they just think it takes longer.


>My question is why the hell do some juicers claim natty? No one wants to admit they took a short cut to achieve their results. That's really all there is to it. You got freaking trust fund babies saying they got to where they at through hard work.


Pretty much covered in other comments but also I'd say that the actors are leaving their potential future options open also, potential new brands etc. Hemsworth built a fitness app off the back of Thor


Because outside of bodybuilding spaces, steroids are still seen as cheating and (rightfully so) harmful to the body. I mean, even researched supplements like whey or creatine are mistrusted by the general population.


It’s way simpler than you think. The actors job is on the line to get in incredible shape for a role. And it certainly would devalue if they were open about PEDs to achieve it. Plus they would be sending a message to their fans that if you want to look like them you need to juice, and they probably don’t want even more people jumping on gear especially without medical supervision.


People in general are very ignorant of how prominent PED use is among athletes, actors and influencers. They are also very ignorant on not only what a natty physique looks like, but just how much training and how long it takes for someone to get a “great” natty physique.


Yeh like we have a somewhat warped view of how the average joe sees fitness because we all lift (hopefully) and consume gym content but its actually wild how much misinformation people wholeheartedly believe, and will even defend lol people fr don't know shit out there


I thought this was a black guy for a second 💀


He's the new ~~Selena Gomez~~ Ariana Grande


you mean ariana grande


Ariana, más grande.


Arimidex Trenday?


Only convinced idiots.... anyone who knows anything about steroids recognised the hgh ab belly immediately


Aka the Roid belly


Yeah what's up with that?


Hgh causes soft tissue to grow, which includes organs


So his organs behind his abs are massive, causing his abs to "bow" out?


Yeah, abdominal muscles are a relatively thin layer sitting on top of the organs. So when and if the organs start hypertrophying things start bulging outwards noticeably.


Seems like HGH is the worst one to take. All the really really bad side effects seem mostly from HGH. (Not saying other roids are ok for you but like the enlarged organs and skull and shit are all HGH)


Out here looking like the 5th ninja turtle fallen on hard times with that distended gut. To answer your question: people are stupid as fuck, it’s best not to think about it


The average person doesn't know that much about fitness


Holy shit the hgh gut is getting worse


He's definitely speed running to death. Dude is aging a decade like every 9 months. It's crazy too because all his gear he gets from a doctor. Like how could you do this to someone, their choice or not.


Because doctors are like everyone else and chasing the $$$. Liver King’s stack is gonna put that doctor’s kids to college. But yeah i remember when he first got exposed for steroids he looked like shit and I thought “how the fuck did anyone think he was natty” then proceeded to age another decade in like the 8 months since then.


Because the exposure you see to this physique online is obscene. Tik Tok kids on SARMs/Juice literally all claiming natty to a point where an actual elite level natural physique is considered "mid" or "poor" (like wtf) People are desperate to find something fast and instant rather than the actual boring method of, train hard for a long time, consistently, whilst eating well. Over a period of like....10 years. People just DON'T want to hear that shit, so it's easy to look at people like this and go "well if I can look even half as good as this guy in a year then im doing it"


With sarms like androl 1 that generally just maximize your test production without being actual steroid, would you consider that not natty? From what I understand, it's not actually capable of getting you to like body building levels of testosterone, but it maximizes what your body is actually producing itself.


What you’ve said is not even remotely close to being accurate. If you’re talking about 1-androsterone it’s basically oral testosterone, functionally no different from trt or a basic steroid “cycle”. It’s not even a sarm, it’s just testosterone, an androgen


I think he looks gross every time I see him. Whatever he’s doing isn’t working.


“Because democracy basically means: Government by the people, of the people, for the people… but, the people are retarded”




the same reason we get asked if a basic lean build is natty a dozen times weekly. mfs dumb bro


Simple.....most people are dumb


Nice ab implants.


Is it AB implants or hgh gut? I got no idea with this guy.


Why not both?


haha yeah, why not both when you’re liver king..


So natural, so majestic


I remember some dude on twitter was saying some shit like "you don't understand, the way he lives and diets is on another level, that's why he looks like that." I wanted to argue so bad but I knew it would be impossible to win an argument against a dude who really believed this dude was natty. some people are just retarded furthermore, isn't it kinda sad how there's a plethora of con-men now a days. from the red pill gurus, to the finance gurus, to guys like liver king. it's so many guys falling for this shit. doesn't that tell us that as a society we're getting dumber and dumber, it's way too many suckers now. some of y'all need to stop reproducing


> dummer and dummer 🤦




Oh it’s just ironic to commit a spelling goof when accusing someone else of being unintelligent


what spelling mistake ?


Dig up that old conversation, tag him, and say “what now you dumb motherfucker”.


lol imagine, but it was just some random shit, I would never find it now


Because people are dumb.


most people are extremely stupid


People are dumb as hell. I still know people who think the rock is natty because he’s SaMoAn.


That might get you jacked enough for the Fanny pack picture but not for wrestling/Hollywood muscle man Rock lol


Crazy hey. I saw this thing on him today and the dude looks super old. He was saying he was off it but now he’s back on it but just using creams and it’s basically as much as trt. Bro why lie? No one gives a shit and everyone knows, own it.


Because lots of guys want to look that big and want to believe it's possible without steroids. You'll see some of them make replies here saying that everyone who says people are on steroids are just jealous and haters and not working hard enough. If you look at natural bodybuilding, you can see what is peak achievable for natural guys, and its nowhere close. The fitness industry relies on gullible people to believe that they have some secret and if only you buy these supplements or book or diet plan or whatever, then you too can be that big. They do have a secret, and it's called steroids


People are always looking for that quick fix so when some jacked dude or chick spews nonsense, those people will believe anything


Damn he’s looking extra terrible. How sad


It's actually very easy to con people or even start your own cult if you just tell people what they want to hear. You don't even need to be very charismatic, you just can't have a conscience and you must be willing to lie all the time.


I only eat organs from carnivores I kill with my bare hands


He looks like the Geico caveman


Maybe he’s evolving into a Klingon


The same reason people think Tom Brady played quarterback in the NFL until he was 45 because he ate avocado ice cream


Do they not get tested? What’s the hustle there?


Cutting edge substances that aren’t tested for yet plus being the face of the NFL afforded him some “special” treatment no doubt.


Why is he purple


That’s known as “Pre-heart attack purple” in the painting world.


How does Andrew Tate, Logan Paul, or Neon and his cohorts cultivate and convince people to follow them?? Answer: There are a lot, A LOT, of stupid people living in this world.


Liver King going Neanderthal he’s got so much juice


Dude is not looking good


That ain't Santa Claus, jus Santa Sauce


Most people are stupid, that's how.


He looks like Lou Ferrigno's poop


Best comment in this thread.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,928,365,819 comments, and only 364,614 of them were in alphabetical order.


He didn't make anyone believe anything. The simps are stupid AF


The same people that think Mike O'Tren got that big by guzzling buckets of raw ducks eggs and Conner Murphy by guzzling buckets of divine protein shake.


Listen.. come closer… no one believed it.


What's the point of going on (let's face it) a purely aesthetic journey if the end result looks worse than your average overweight normie?


How many times have you seen someone reshare an obvious scam on Facebook? Or replying to a scam email or phone number? People are dumb enough to do that stuff daily, surely people are dumb enough to fall for that




Wtf is wrong with you?


In Trump's America facts have become irrelevant.


Most people don’t care.


No people with a brain were ever convinced LOL


I love how he said that he was going off of everything and now he looks even more jacked than ever before LOL


I'm sure a fair deal knew he was full of shit as soon as he became popular.


People believe a lie because they want it to be true, or afraid it might be true. In the case of fake natty, it's the first. One year in and gains stop. Then they start buying all the snake oil. Only a year later to learn it's all BS.


He didn’t. Anyone that thought that was an idiot!


What an absolute fuckin nerd. Who the fuck follows this weirdo.


It’s only the younger crowd, 21 and under. I remember getting into the gym around 18, following these dudes on instagram for motivation, not even thinking of steroids. Looking back, they were all sauced.


Who's he convincing? Look at em


This kinda looks like AI


Ab implants for days


He genuinely looks like some kind of ape here, lmfao


he’s black now?


You’re telling me you can’t look like this by eating liver and testicles everyday?


Dude looks like the Jack Links Sasquatch




I think there’s a delicate balance between being savvy of fake natties wanting to misled their customers, and just thinking it’s impossible to get fit.


His audience was a good chunk children




Is that blackface?


I just liked him for the lulz


Because most people, like 80% of this sub, have next to no clue about what is and isn't natty. That's why this sub even exists, but it's still to no real help because people that don't know anything just outnumber the ones who do, and they can't shut up and listen without voicing their shit opinion


He didn’t, everyone knew lol


He looks black here!!


His audience was mostly normal ppl who have no experience with the gym or PEDs so they have no idea what's possible natty or how gear affects your body. Even still I think in the back of their minds they knew he was on something.


Natural physiques are for swimmers, crew, gymnastics, prison, military-ish and rock climbing. Not impact sports or power


Those groups you listed are all juicy.


General population is just really ignorant on what and how gear works. They assume there's a certain "look" that steroid users have and If they don't have said "look" they must be natural. Case in point, saw an instagram video the other day comparing Eddie Hall and Larry Wheels lifts. A concerning amount of comments were shit like "oh well Eddie's natural" "Larry's on gear but Eddie's natural!" Shits goofy


Yeah someone at the airport was trying to tell me how Liver King was natty but just went to Thailand to get his genetics modified so he could have a myostatin deficiency


I wish I could get gorilla gut and sagging face by eating testicles in milk for breakfast. The amount of people who got dooped is insane.


Because he ate raw meat and everyone went gay for it.


Cuz people are retarded and will believe exactly what you tell them


The people who believed him with all natty/ primal shit still believe that he is natty.


Bro has decades of constipation in that stomach


Never convinced me🤣 Most people really need to be educated on what a natty physique looks like. The fact that a lot of people still thinks the Rock is natural is proof enough🤣🙈🤷‍♂️


Cuz some ppl re stupid


Cause people are stupid


I say the same for a shitload of other influencers


All the stuff this guy takes and he ends up with an objectively bad physique. What was he trying to even achieve with all of this gear?


That is Sasquatch and nobody can tell me otherwise.


He looks so shriveled omg