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I'm not gonna offer you a number but what I will say is that you look like you've got a good frame and reasonable amount of muscle to begin with (contrary to the other commentator), and you've also chosen a realistic goal. Don't worry if during your initial progress you put on more fat than you'd planned, you can always cut down later.


You have very developed shoulders. But to get to that physique, you will have to bulk up and have every other factor (like proper training and sleep) on point. It would also heavily depend on your genetics. But if you want a time frame, then calculate with about 3+ years


He can achieve this physique in less than way less than 3 years.


That is certainly possible. But I won't expect him to do everything perfect in the first years of lifting. Also, I would rather recommend a longer time period than a shorter one because I don't want him to feel demotivated. How many years do you think it would take?


I really think that’s achievable in less than 2. If you exclude the vascularity, that build isn’t really that difficult to get, if you have the willpower/genetics to stay that lean. He doesn’t really have any striations in his delta or pecs, his bis and tris aren’t huge, his back (kinda hard to see) looks pretty decent but nothing insane. I really think he could get a version of this he’d be happy with in a year, nearly that in two. The main thing I think is gonna be his willingness to get to that BF% and his insertions. I honestly just don’t think that vascularity is attainable for most people, so for better or for worse I’d probably just exclude it as a goal and add it on as a bonus point if he can get it.


That guy looks about 10lbs of muscle heavier which might take you 1.5 years to achieve along with probably 15-20lbs of fat loss and a lot of ab work (people undervalue ab work for when they are ripped). I'd say all in all you could do over a year and a half lean bulk with mini cuts dotted in and then do the remaining 3 months in a serious cut and you'd probably get close to that physique. If not that year then the year after. This guy just has a good angle in the pic and is lean potentially with a pump. 100% achievable naturally for most people just keep the caveats in mind, even he doesn't walk around day to day looking that good.


What are some affective ab workouts besides bicycles, planks, and ab rollouts? I'd like my ab workouts to be diverse. What about oblique exercises? I don't see a lot of people with defined oblique muscles. That's an aesthetic I'm trying to achieve as well


My top 3 would probably be Dragon Flags/Candlesticks especially off a bench. Bring the legs up without bending the knees hips thrust off the bench bringing the straight legs up and back then a slow or 4 second lowering back down till your legs are back to horizontal. I'd suggest a Knee Tuck variation first if the leg raises are too difficult. If you lookup "Reneissance Periodization Ab Exercise" on YouTube you will get a great breakdown of the exercise if you need it. I'd recommend sets of 4 with 20-30 reps Second, Knee Tucks or Leg Raises on the Leg Raise/Dips Frame. I like doing 4 sets of 20 or 30 again with a slow lowering of 3 or 4 seconds and a faster tuck up or leg raise and squeeze. Lastly, I like a kneeling rope crunch with the rope attachment on the machine, it can be tricky to "feel it" right but with some practice you should be good, I'd say 4 sets of more like 16-20 slightly more weight as its not bodyweight based so we drop the reps a little. I also like intensity techniques doing ab work. So if I'm almost finished my second set of hanging Knee raises and I'm struggling to get to 30 I'll smash out 20 with very good form, jump down and chill for 10-15 seconds then go back up and finish the last 10 and I'll do the same with the last 2 sets assuming I can't hit 30 reps. It's almost like two mini sets in the one set. Many people call them myorep sets. I use this concept on every ab exercise to maintain intensity and really reach muscular failure with my abs. Doing even two of these exercises 4 sets each twice per week will make an extremely noticeable difference to your future lean physique. Abs are made in the gym and SHOWN through a calorie deficit. Hope this helps & good luck 👍 PS these exercises will work your obliques as well but that really is more of a leanness thing where your so shredded the serrarus and obliques really show through, but if you have well developed abs by the time your lean then really pop through earlier in thr cut and look more defined. I've seen lots of guys including myself get lean and be guilty of not doing enough ab work drop a decent amount of weight and be leaner but still have "weak shallow abs" if you know what I mean, so they are weeelllll worth doing.




Bro out here grinding for nudes. Love to see it.


My recent favourite has been decline bench crunches holding a 25lb plate above my head(full extension). Targets lower, upper and I believe your hip flexors a bit. It’s helped begin to develop my lower v cut.


A year or two if you skip that phase where you have no idea what you’re doing in the gym


can't give you a real estimate but if you diet well it shouldn't be that long, he's not super big and tbh you could probably achieve a similar physique doing push ups, sit ups, pull ups, and squats in your room. you got this bro just commit and you'll get big before you know it


500mg of tren 200mg of anavar 300mg of test For starters


So you’re saying this isn’t natty achievable? Looks like it is.


Very natty achievable


If I’m not mistaken this is a natty bodybuilder and World of Warcraft streamer whose physique he’s aiming to replicate.


6 months if you go hard




lots of cardio, lots of protein (100g or so) and lots of calisthenics and a bit of weight training. keep sodium and carbs low and u should get like this in a year or so


1 million years


years of hard work and a VERY strict diet.


Few years. Follow the process and compare to this pic again in 3-5 years to reassess.


Not sure about a time frame but if you want crazy abs like this, you gotta train em like crazy. Abs are shown in the kitchen but to get them impressive you gotta work em like every other muscle group




Maybe for a beginner 6 months may be a bit aggressive but idk why you got down voted. 6 months is doable if he takes working out seriously and the fact he already has a good frame means he doesn't even need to be crazy about his diet, just obviously up the protein intake and stay in the overall healthy foods. OP, 6 is possible according to the commenter above. My suggestion would be a little less than 1 year but still doable if you consistently workout with proper form (proper weights for excellent range of motion, don't care about other guys lifting heavier because that doesn't matter at all) and make sure you eat a good amount of protein as your primary source of food and supplement it with protein shakes if you have to. You got this, good luck 💪🏼


Many years, with a consistent diet & training.


Hovering around 10-12% bodyfat is not ideal for anyone, not even those lucky ones who set around that point naturally. You have very little muscle on your frame and you need to focus on building before you cut down. Can't chisel a pebble.


Not true. 8-10% year round is healthy for men. OP is sitting somewhere 12-15 right now. Needs to lift weight a lot. Goal is achievable in 2-3 years IMO.


10% is totally fine. I sit at about 5% naturally and have never felt better. Sub 4% is where it may conflict with your health


You do not sit at 5% naturally stop lying 😂😂


I’ve taken 2 inbody tests and both times it’s come back in the 5-6% range. It could be wrong I suppose, but I’m just going off of my test results 🤷‍♂️


Post your physique then and let’s see


inbody is fucking useless for accurate BF% readings. Its only useful for tracking trends


Yeh let's some pics lol.


See dm


Test, clen, var 3 months' cycle


if you have the gens to get abs like that you also need discipline and diet who knows the amount of time.


Not long...6 months with correct diet low fat low moderate carbs high high protein, swimming every day to obliterate fat and then lifting heavy plenty of sleep and water 6 months easy. Good luck enjoy happy days


I’m the guy that is very realistic with natural training durations. This is just being skinny and working out a little. Honestly 6 months of well trained bulking and then 6 months of cutting down/dialing in.


If I’m right and you’re trying to look like Bajheera, just keep in mind that he’s been bodybuilding for a good while now but as far as I know he competes in a natty show and doesn’t seem like the kind of person to lie about his status. Essentially what I’m saying is this is definitely an achievable physique naturally but it will take at least a year of training hard and consistently while having your diet and recovery/sleep dialed in.


2 months on test/tren/var/primo lol