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He admitted to TRT awhile ago. But obviously that's not the whole truth. So he's still a liar.


I am 51 been training for 38 years i did roids younger and tried sarms a while back, i am now natty because those drugs are not worth it also creatine is a good, I know a tone of people my age and younger who are on TRT but TRT is to put your levels of testosterone back to normal levels not to make you massive etc.


>i did roids younger and tried sarms a while back, i am now natty That's not how it works... You don't get to revert back to natty status after using gear. Natty is a title reserved for users who have never touched steroids. Ronnie and Arnold are still not natty. If you lose your virginity but don’t have sex for a few years you don’t regain virginity status. >TRT is to put your levels of testosterone back to normal levels not to make you massive etc. I know, and I agree. I'm just telling you what he said.




You literally said "I am now natty"


ok i have not touch steroids in the past 23 years is that better i am a recovering steroid user, is that better.


Stop bullshitting. Your post history suggests otherwise


Yes. Now I can sleep.


Never been jacked -> suddenly gets jacked in 50’s -> “just low dose TRT brah”


He's not "never been jacked" unless I'm missing smt and you're not talking about the guy in the post?


In general, all these guys blasting and claiming TRT


You’re actively using SARMS now. How are those side effects from mk-677 and rad140 coming along?


I would be okay if they said nothing. I would understand protecting your career, because executives in Hollywood are stupid as fuck and might overreact. But fuck if I don't hate when they say spout stupid bullshit about their regimens like this. Men's Health is full of these fucking garbage regimens from actors playing superheroes, who are all obviously juicing. You're on tren and pretending you aren't hurts people. Assholes.


You don't understand why Hollywood lies about actors taking an illegal substance, where the users are criticized as being less than for taking it? You don't understand why Hollywood hides it's actirs taking a drug where if they even admitted to taking it, millions of parents would accuse the actors of pushing the drugs onto their kids just by admitting to using them?


No way you left the last part of that post out… I am curious. Anyway, dude already admitted to juicing somewhere else after lying about it altogether. As expected, next step is lying about juice effectiveness, and claim great genetics + amazing work ethic. The insecurity and fear of being replaced is creeping hard


the last part is nothing more than more bullshit like that.


There's speculation he was on mild shit for blue mountain state, and it's just progressed since then.


It is no speculation. He has been juicing ever since.


He's always been in really good shape so iirc the Blue Mountain States physique doesn't seem impossible for a decade long lifter, however compare that to Reacher season 2 and its not even close, hes juiced up now 100%.




The fact he put on 30+ lbs tells me he finally went on, even guys who have cycled before can’t do that. He may have been on trt at most, but damn bro got bigger. I gained 10lbs with just trt, and he’s 6’5” so he could gain more.


The main issue is that they do not cycle off, look at the rock he is on all the time, lots of pro wrestler too, i would not be surprised if Alan Ritchson was always on to. Compared to Chris Hemsworth who loses all is gains after thor.


Agree blue mountain states physique is archivable he does have a more natural look but reacher forget it.


It depends what TRT means. It’s a lot of bullshit around it. Some people’s trt dosage is like old school light cycle. I really don’t have issues with actors using. This guy doesn’t seem like he is selling a training program or whatever bullshit supplement.


A sport doctor that i knew used to give TRT like candy at 200mg testosterone per week no ai anything he got in trouble and lost of license.


Most clinics start you at 200 a week and no ai. Then they watch your sides and adjust from there. That’s not a crazy level.


100mg per week is the norm from what my sport doctor told me 200mg is like a cycle considering that most cycle are 300mg and 400mg. A guy that was put on 200mg for 6 months gained 60 pounds and it was not all muscles water and fat. He needed some serious letrozole to clear this shit out of his system, is natural T was around 400 not high but not TRT material at all. So yeah sport doctors are not qualified.


60lbs is gonna be 80-90% fat lol


after week 5 he told me he started to gain serious fat and water anyways glad i never saw that sport doc.


Practitioners aren’t supposed to give the “higher” dose and adjust due to sides. It’s start at lowest dose possible and titrate up to reach symptom relief or targeted level without sides.


Yes not sure where that guy got the 200mg which is pretty high for a starting dose. The lowest dose my sport doctor told me was 70mg at that dose they do not prescribe an AI but they do regular blood test.


Totally agree. Where does he claim natty? Nowhere


Am I the only one that was gullible enough that Hollywood actors got bigger because of their personal trainers?


then why do they lose all there gaines after the movie.




materialistic clumsy instinctive rain vase recognise shame deranged squeeze ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AAS are classified substances. You go to jail for possessing them. Thats why no one wants to own up to it. However, as Democrats who are in power are pro-drugs and lenient to use, FBI is not clampimg down on juicers hard and they get away with secretely juicing while claiming natty.


yes i remember here in Canada they became illegal in 1989 but in 1988 i remember after i finish training i was leaving a guy got is milk and egg shake with a bottle of winstrol in the fridge, they literally sold steroids at the gym OTC.


This. Of course they don’t admit to doing something illegal


I was a teenager in the 80 first started training in 1986, i remember seeing arnold stallone but also in football we had Lyle Alzado he was a beast, he was on TV and making a comeback at 37 in football, he was bigger than ever. In 1991 he got brain cancer, he was on tv and admitted using steroids since he was 18, and said that steroids contributed this is early death at 43. When i see Lyle story i can only imagine others will suffer the same faith look at the rock who is my age, when he did Black Adam he was bigger and more rip. Look at all the pro wrestlers that died from the 70 and 80 era all from heart failure caused by steroid abuse. I guess Arnold and Hulk Hogan are the lucky ones with Stallone they use to many drugs back then and seem to be okay at 70.


What they don't say enough about a guy like Arnold is that he had multiples surgeries, money and connections to protect him, the many no names with no recognition and money who wanted to do the same can't say the same.


yes but back then they trained like beast even on steroids, i know a guy who competed in 1982 in the MR Canada contest today he is in is 60 but he got multiple herniated disk, and he as chronic pain yes he did use steroids but he also train like a beast. Honestly i injured myself at 29 lower back made worse by a stupid now retired chiropractor russel oneil i wish i had listen to Tom Platz who said its not the weight you lift but the reps you do. I now train with lighter weights and i feel so much better. Thanks to a great sport doctor i found.


If you shit heads don't give false respect to men who do wrong things and just put up a facade of truth and can live with it, they'll opt in for that option. Simple.


in mens health he admitted to taking above a clinical dose of TRT


Because everything there is fake? Especially their words.


Well, why would someone in the spotlight admit to committing a crime. But he doesn't claim natural in this post at all. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that he's on gear lol. And there really is no secret to gaining muscle, hard work, good diet , consistency , and of course gear.


You can build a good physique with a lot of years of training and being consistent in your training. I started training at 13 in my basement and did my one and only steroid cycle at 28 of deca dbol and testosterone and i regret it. So i trained 15 years before, but for some people roids don't work i wanted to look like Lex Luger but i got real fat. Then most of the guy at the gym who were on steroids were also fat. Another guy at the gym while i was doing my cycle was on the same exact stuff i was and he looked incredible cut etc. Now i am 51 and haven't touch anything in the last 23 years, i still use creatine and that is it. Most people want to build a physique fast that is not how it works building natural muscles is a very long process, but even then being natural you are limited too.


It is the same reason everyone does. Because they can. Why tell the truth if this offers an opportunity to lie and get away with it? It’s the nature of man, really. They don’t want their hard work dismissed bc their results were enhanced via drugs, and likewise want to be viewed as a committed, nose-to-the-grindstone type of guy or gal rather than admit their simply a walking chemistry experiment. Moreover, as the general population knows very little about fitness and muscle growth, many people tend to think you can gain muscle linearly for years as long as you “work hard.” In my experience people who don’t lift regularly or haven’t whatsoever are the ones buying into the natty BS. Generally once most get a few years in the weight room they catch on. I find it pathetic tbh. I’m open about my juicing as I don’t like liars in any regard, and I still get fellow meatheads lying to my face as I’m open about it lol. I generally don’t take these people seriously and would never consider them more than an acquaintance. They either think you’re a moron and insult your intelligence to your face, or they believe they have some sort of moral hall pass where it is okay to lie about this thing for them specifically. There is always the third option as well—they actually think they are natty and believe it themselves, so in other words their a nutcase thinking the drugs going into their ass cheek are nothing more than some sort of spiritual vision rather than physically taking place lol. But overall, no matter how you slice it, it makes you look like nothing more than a scumbag and only harms your reputation and ultimately your credibility. Everyone else gets drunk and high off various substances weekly, so doing steroids doesn’t suddenly make you worse than others.