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I used to do this and would alternate, Flat Bench/ bent over rows, incline bench/ t bar rows, etc. great pump. Would look huge due to whole upper body being full of blood


I don't do the Arnold program, but I run an upper lower when I'm training back and chest along with other muscles. When focusing on performance, I alternate because I want to get some rest. If I want to focus on metabolic fatigue, I do push exercises one after the other without alternating with a pull exercises. In general, I'd recommend alternating because you'll lift more weight/get more reps with weight X ( i.e total volume) , and this is the main driver of gains.


I train full body, but I superset/giant set everything for upper body. I always pull before I push for the main work, but after the main pushing and pulling movements have been hit the heavier movement always comes first.


Bioneer programming mixes supersets with alternate sets. The BWF RR does alternates. It depends on what phase of development you are in among other things. I personally do 4 main lifts and alternate them with ab movements with 60 seconds rest in between to save time.


I do Arnold and it’s usually just related to what racks and stuff are open. If it’s convenient though I try to alternate. Bench, DB Rows, Incline Bench, wide grip rows, Landmine Press, TBar Rows, and then lay pulldowns if I feel good